1,168 research outputs found

    Range additivity, shorted operator and the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula

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    We say that two operators A, B have the range additivity property if R(A + B) = R(A) + R(B). In this article we study the relationship between range additivity, shorted operator and certain Hilbert space decomposition known as compatibility. As an application, we extend to infinite dimensional Hilbert space operators a formula by Fill and Fishkind related to the well-known Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula

    On complementable operators in the sense of T. Ando

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    Consider an operator A :H→K between Hilbert spaces and closed subspaces S ⊂ H and T ⊂ K. If there exist projections E on H and F on K such that R(E) =S, R(F) =T and AE=F∗A then A is called (S, T)-complementable. The origin of this notion comes from the idea of T. Ando of defining Schur complements in terms of operators. In this paper we present some characterizations of these triples (A, S, T) and applications to bilateral Schur complements and generalized Wiener-Hopf operators.Fil: Arias, Maria Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; ArgentinaFil: Corach, Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Maestripieri, Alejandra Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; Argentin

    Structure preserving estimators to update socio-economic indicators in small areas

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    Official statistics are intended to support decision makers by providing reliable information on different population groups, identifying what their needs are and where they are located. This allows, for example, to better guide public policies and focus resources on the population most in need. Statistical information must have some characteristics to be useful for this purpose. This data must be reliable, up-to-date and also disaggregated at different domain levels, e.g., geographically or by sociodemographic groups (Eurostat, 2017). Statistical data producers (e.g., national statistical offices) face great challenges in delivering statistics with these three characteristics, mainly due to lack of resources. Population censuses collect data on demographic, economic and social aspects of all persons in a country which makes information at all domains of interest available. They quickly become outdated since they are carried out only every 10 years, especially in developing countries. Furthermore, administrative data sources in many countries have not enough quality to produce statistics that are reliable and comparable with other relevant sources. On the contrary, national surveys are conducted more frequently than censuses and offer the possibility of studying more complex topics. Due to their sample sizes, direct estimates are only published based on domains where the estimates reach a specific level of precision. These domains are called planned domains or large areas in this thesis, and the domains in which direct estimates cannot be produced due to lack of sample size or low precision will be called small areas or domains. Small area estimation (SAE) methods have been proposed as a solution to produce reliable estimates in small domains. These methods allow improving the precision of direct estimates, as well as providing reliable information in domains where the sample size is zero or where direct estimates cannot be obtained by combining data from censuses and surveys (Rao and Molina, 2015). Thereby, the variables obtained from both data sources are assumed to be highly correlated but the census actually may be outdated. In these cases, structure preservation estimation (SPREE) methods offer a solution when the target indicator is a categorical variable, with at least two categories (for example, the labor market status of an individual can be categorised as: ‘employed’, ‘unemployed’, and ‘out of labor force’). The population counts are arranged in contingency tables: by rows (domains of interest) and columns (the categories of the variable of interest) (Purcell and Kish, 1980). These types of estimators are studied in Part I of this work. In Chapter 1, SPREE methods are applied to produce postcensal population counts for the indicators that make up the ‘health’ dimension of the multidimensional poverty index (MPI) defined by Costa Rica. This case study is also used to illustrate the functionalities of the R spree package. It is a user-friendly tool designed to produce updated point and uncertainty estimates based on three different approaches: SPREE (Purcell and Kish, 1980), generalised SPREE (GSPREE) (Zhang and Chambers, 2004), and multivariate SPREE (MSPREE) (Luna-Hernández, 2016). SPREE-type estimators help to update population counts by preserving the census structure and relying on new and updated totals that are usually provided by recent survey data. However, two scenarios can jeopardise the use of standard SPREE methods: a) the indicator of interest is not available in the census data e.g., income or expenditure information to estimate monetary based poverty indicators, and b) the total margins are not reliable, for instance, when changes in the population distribution between areas are not captured correctly by the surveys or when some domains are not selected in the sample. Chapters 2 and 3 offer a solution for these cases, respectively. Chapter 2 presents a two-step procedure that allows obtaining reliable and updated estimates for small areas when the variable of interest is not available in the census. The first step is to obtain the population counts for the census year using a well-known small-area estimation approach: the empirical best prediction (EBP) (Molina and Rao, 2010) method. Then, the result of this procedure is used as input to proceed with the update for postcensal years by implementing the MSPREE (Luna-Hernández, 2016) method. This methodology is applied to the case of local areas in Costa Rica, where incidence of poverty (based on income) is estimated and updated for postcensal years (2012-2017). Chapter 3 deals with the second scenario where the population totals in local areas provided by the survey data are strengthened by including satellite imagery as an auxiliary source. These new margins are used as input in the SPREE procedure. In the case study in this paper, annual updates of the MPI for female-headed households in Senegal are produced. While the use of satellite imagery and other big data sources can improve the reliability of small-area estimates, access to survey data that can be matched with these novel sources is restricted for confidentiality reasons. Therefore, a data dissemination strategy for micro-level survey data is proposed in the paper presented in Part II. This strategy aims to help statistical data producers to improve the trade-off between privacy risk and utility of the data that they release for research purposes

    La construcción de la memoria de los combatientes de Malvinas en torno al 30° aniversario de la guerra

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    La presente investigación procura abordar la construcción de la memoria y la identidad de los combatientes de Malvinas en torno al 30° aniversario de la guerra. A tal fin, se abordan dos objetivos específicos. En primer lugar, describir el marco social en el que se desarrolla el trabajo de la memoria de los combatientes de Malvinas. Para esto se realizó una sintética investigación documental de los artículos relacionados a la cuestión Malvinas que salieron publicados en La Voz del Interior el 2 de abril de 2012. El segundo objetivo específico consiste en identificar los hechos más relevantes que enuncian los combatientes en torno de los cuales construyen sus memorias individuales. Para ello se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a los combatientes que también fueron interpretadas con análisis de contenido cualitativo, con una interacción entre categorías referenciales teóricas, y principalmente, aquéllas que emergían del campo. Entre las primeras, concretamente los hitos podían ser: personas o personajes, acontecimientos o fechas y lugares. Particularmente, se expondrán los ejes metodológicos que posibilitan aproximarse al tema de la memoria en general, y de este caso en particula

    Justicia transicional y garantía de derechos de las víctimas: lecciones desde los tribunales penales internacionales a la transición colombiana

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    Artículo de investigaciónEn el trabajo se hará un reconocimiento a las víctimas y la reparación a las mismas en procesos de transición para el caso Colombiano, comparando dicho régimen con la experiencia de la Corte Penal Internacional y demás Tribunales. Se indagará la normatividad que soporta la institución transicional sobre reparación y no repetición a las víctimas, así mismo las enseñanzas o errores que se pudiera observar en los casos en cuestión para determinar que ilustraciones han quedado desde los intentos de consecución de paz en Colombia y los relacionados con los Tribunales penales Internacionales frente a la actual coyuntura Colombiana.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. APROXIMACIONES EN TORNO A LA JUSTICIA TRANSICIONAL EN EL MARCO DE LA ACTIVIDAD DE LOS TRIBUNALES PENALES INTERNACIONALES. 2. APORTES A LAS TRANSICIONES DE DIFERENTES TRIBUNALES PENALES. 3. APRECIACIONES FINALES ACERCA DEL PAPEL DE LAS VÍCTIMAS EN LA ACTUAL COYUNTURA COLOMBIANA. MESA DE CONVERSACIONES DE LA HABANA Y DIÁLOGOS EXPLORATORIOS CON EL ELN 4. CONCLUCIONES 5. BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoAbogad

    Direct use of urine as fertilizer : potential risks of loading pharmaceuticals and hormones to field crops

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    Ecological sanitation or Ecosan is an alternative approach to avoid the disadvantages of conventional water-based sanitation systems. This approach, based on ecosystem functioning and the closure of material flow cycles, includes different sustainable and environmental friendly technologies to provide appropriate sanitation solutions to specific local situations. Perhaps the most relevant aspect of ecological sanitation is that it recognizes human excreta and household water as resources (not as a waste), giving the opportunity for its re-use. This study focused on re-use of human urine as fertilizer and the identification and mitigation of risks of spreading pharmaceutical and hormone residues into the agricultural fields. For that purpose, a case study was performed in Bogotá, Colombia to understand the actual sanitation scenario as well as to identify the limitations and strengths of implemented Ecosan strategies in peri-urban and rural areas of Bogotá. Furthermore, a group of pharmaceuticals frequently used was identified for a small population group. In the search for an analytical tool that was cost effective, and also required low investment in facilities and equipment when compared to other analytical methods, it was decided to test the yeast estrogen screen assay (YES) for analysis of estrogenic compounds in soil and plant material as well as in human urine. The YES assay was a reliable analytical technique for finding estrogenic activity in soil, wheat grains and human urine. However, difficulties were encountered while analyzing estrogenic compounds in some plant tissues. The current research assessed the degradation potential of estrogenic compounds and discovered that estrogens contained in human urine can degrade under both light and dark conditions where exposure to light presented a slightly higher degradation rate. Degradation of 17β-estradiol (βE2) also occurred in the nutrient solution of a hydroponic system. The findings suggest that there is little risk of βE2 accumulation in agricultural fields since it is easily degraded via different pathways (e.g. photodegradation and biodegradation). Consequently, more attention should be paid to persistent compounds such as carbamazepine (CBZ) which was found in the plant leaves and stems. However, concentrations in the edible parts (wheat grains and sunflower seeds) were rather low, and according to the results did not reach concentrations for therapeutic use. Also, Verapamil (VER) which has not been frequently studied as an emergent micropollutant and very little is known about its environmental risk, was found in soils as well as in plants, and - most importantly it occurred in edible parts. Although the concentrations found were very low, there is the need to further investigate the effect and degradation potential of this compound in different environmental systems (e.g. soils and natural water bodies)

    On partial orders of operators

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    Characterizations of the star, minus and diamond orders of operators are given in various contexts and the relationship between these orders is made more transparent. Moreover, we introduce a new partial order of operators which provides a unified scenario for studying the other three orders.Fil: Arias, Maria Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Maestripieri, Alejandra Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; Argentin

    El rol de la tasa de cambio real en el crecimiento económico: un análisis teórico y empírico

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    La identificación de los determinantes del crecimiento económico resulta ser de suma importancia para el normal desarrollo de las actividades de un territorio en el mundo globalizado. El crecimiento económico depende de factores que cambian de país en país, incluso de región en región para el caso colombiano, en donde cada uno de los departamentos tiene su propia dinámica de crecimiento.49 p.Contenido parcial: Consumo y crecimiento – Producción -- Variables principales -- Variables de control -- Modelo econométrico -- Implicaciones de política económica

    Evaluación de los impactos ambientales del plan de adaptación a la guía ambiental en el proyecto de vivienda de interés prioritario tulipanes en el municipio de Guática, Risaralda

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    El siguiente trabajo referente a la evaluación de los impactos ambientales del Plan de Adaptación a la Guía Ambiental – P.A.G.A en el proyecto de vivienda de interés prioritario Tulipanes, ubicado en el municipio de Guática, Risaralda. Se ha procedido a realizar un reconocimiento ambiental general de la zona de estudio, enfrentando el proyecto y el ambiente, obteniendo como resultado la inherente necesidad de realizar un estudio de impactos ambientales en el proyecto de V.I.P. Este estudio busca dar soporte al proyecto incorporando la viabilidad ambiental, técnica, social, legal y financiera en el plan de vivienda, identificando las características generales del ambiente y de la obra, siendo un insumo fundamental para lograr que el proyecto sea compactible con el P.A.G.A. Con lo anterior, el P.A.G.A en relación la evaluación de impactos ambientales – EIA, propone las acciones requeridas para su atención y manejo y suministra la información requerida por la autoridad ambiental para otorgar la licencia ambiental al proyecto de urbanización presente en el municipio de Guática. El proceso metodológico que se utilizó para esta investigación ha sido basada en la asignatura Evaluación de Impactos Ambientales, recolectando información para la caracterización del proyecto, caracterización del ambiente, identificación de impactos ambientales y la formulación de medidas de manejo pertinente al proyecto. En pocas palabras, esta propuesta de trabajo apunta a dar solución a las posibles alteraciones ambientales producto de la ejecución del proyecto de vivienda, evaluando sus impactos más significativos a los cuales se busca atender con medidas de manejo que mejoren la condición ambiental de la zona estudio posterior a la ejecución de la obra

    Comparative evaluation of udder and body conformation traits of first lactation ¾ Holstein x ¼ Jersey versus Holstein cows = Comparación de las características de conformación de la ubre y el cuerpo de vacas de primera lactancia ¾ Holstein x ¼ Jersey versus Holstein

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    To facilitate the process of decision-making in selecting specific breeds for crossbreeding, this study aimed to determine the conformation traits of ¾ Holstein (HO) x ¼ Jersey (JE) crossbreds, relative to their pure HO contemporaries during the first lactation. All measurements were objectively recorded on first-calf heifers between 40 and 100 days in milk. Crossbreds had smaller stature (-9.62 cm; P = 0.0001), narrower rump width (-1.55 cm; P = 0.005), shallower body depth (-6.45 cm; P = 0.04), smaller heart girth (-10.43 cm; P = 0.0001), narrower chest width (-2.18 cm; P = 0.006), and lower foot angle (-4.61°; P = 0.02) than HO first-calf heifers. Among udder traits, HO x JE crossbreds had deeper (+3.80 cm; P = 0.006) and narrower (-2.32 cm; P = 0.001) udders with longer front teats (+0.54 cm; P = 0.04) compared with HO. It is suggested that certain aspects of the mammary conformation of ¾ HO x ¼ JE crossbreds, as identified in this study, may be animal-associated risk factors of concern for cow culling, mainly in high input production systems.Con el objetivo de facilitar la selección de razas para cruzamiento se realizó una evaluación comparativa de las características de conformación de vacas cruza ¾ Holstein (HO) x ¼ Jersey (JE) versus vacas HO. Todas las mediciones fueron registradas en vaquillonas de primer parto de 40 a 100 días en lactancia. En relación con la raza HO, para la cruza se registró una menor estatura (-9,62 cm; P = 0,0001), ancho de grupa (-1,55 cm; P = 0,005) y ancho de pecho (-2,18 cm; P = 0,006), más estrechos, profundidad corporal (-6,45 cm; P = 0,04) y perímetro torácico (-10,43 cm; P = 0,0001) menores y menor ángulo de pezuña (-4,61°; P = 0,02). Entre las características de la glándula mamaria, la cruza presentó ubres más profundas (+3,80 cm; P = 0,006) y estrechas (-2,32 cm; P = 0,001), con pezones anteriores más largos (+0,54 cm; P = 0,04) que la raza HO. Se sugiere que ciertos aspectos de la conformación de la glándula mamaria de la cruza ¾ HO x ¼ JE podrían ser factores de riesgo asociados al animal de importancia en el descarte de vacas, principalmente en sistemas lecheros intensificados.EEA RafaelaFil: Bretschneider, Gustavo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Arias, Dario Raul. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Cuatrin, Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; Argentin