26 research outputs found


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    Revealing humanity issues through posters is a strategy to address conflicts. Therefore, campaign posters should attract the readers to concern about these issues. The unlimited multimodal texts provide chances to be semantically analyzed. This study focuses on social semiotics with a multimodal perspective in campaign posters that contain humanity issues. This study aims to identify the use of campaign posters in spreading principles of humanity and to reduce the prolonged humanitarian crisis in the world. The study applied reading images theory proposed by Kress & Leeuwen (2006), systemic functional linguistics proposed by Halliday (2004), the connotation of names and terms of address proposed by Keith Allan (2001), social semiotics proposed by Bezemer and Kress (2008), and observed the relation between verbal-visual texts through logico-semantic proposed by Martinec and Salway (2005). The study showed that the campaign posters can be considered as a part of efforts to improve the awareness of freedom, equality, and values comprehensively through multimodal


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    Upaya Pemerintah Kota Sukabumi dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Kota Sukabumi yaitu melalui Program KOTAKU (Kota tanpa Kumuh). Program KOTAKU dilaksanakan melalui pembangunan dan peningkatan kualitas fasilitas umum di lokasi yang telah ditentukan sesuai dengan SK Walikota No. 61 Tahun 2015 terkait kawasan kumuh Kota Sukabumi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi Program KOTAKU di Kelurahan Kebonjati Kota Sukabumi dan upaya yang dilakukan dalam implementasi program tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan berupa reduksi data, kondensasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Adapun informan pada penelitian berjumlah 5 orang yang terdiri dari 2 orang pihak Dinas PUPRPKPP Kota Sukabumi sebagai instansi ditingkat kota yang melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi, Kepala Kelurahan Kebonjati, dan Sekretaris BKM dan Ketua KSM Kelurahan Kebonjati. Adapun dalam menguji keabsahan (validasi) data penelitian menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Pelaksanaan Program KOTAKU sebagai upaya penanganan pemukiman kumuh dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Kelurahan Kebonjati sudah berjalan dengan baik sebesar 91.4% dan sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan dan pedoman pelaksanaan program KOTAKU yang berlaku. (2) Hambatan yang ditemui dalam implementasi Program KOTAKU di Kelurahan Kebonjati meliputi, kurangnya  partisipasi  masyarakat Kelurahan Kebonjati dalam implementasi Program KOTAKU, pencairan anggaran yang terhambat, terbatasnya jumlah pekerja akibat pandemi covid-19, kondisi cuaca yang tidak mendukung, serta lamanya pengiriman barang. Kata kunci : Implementasi Program; Pemukiman Kumuh,  KOTAK


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    Penggunaan beragam sumberdaya semiotik sebagai medium penyampaian pesan dalam masyarakat kontemporer telah menuntut pembaca untuk mampu memahami, menanggapi, dan merangkai makna melalui pengetahuan teks multimodal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji makna pragmatik multimodal yang disusun oleh produsen serta mencermati bagaimana pembaca memberikan respon terhadap poster kampanye pencegahan dan pengendalian Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis tiga dimensi Sara Dicerto (2018) yang terdiri atas atas representasi semantik moda individual (verbal dan visual), representasi semantik teks multimodal (hubungan antar moda), dan makna inferensial (makna pragmatik) serta menggunakan pendekatan thematic analysis. Sumber data primer yang digunakan adalah sepuluh poster kampanye yang dipilih secara purposive sedangkan sumber data sekunder berupa hasil kuesioner dari lima puluh responden dengan kriteria yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa representasi semantik teks individual didominasi oleh moda visual melalui bentuk objek berupa logo dan simbol, representasi semantik teks multimodal didominasi oleh relasi equivalence sub-jenis agent-object sehingga pembaca dituntut untuk mampu memahami moda verbal dan visual secara bersamaan, dan makna inferensi poster secara umum berfungsi sebagai medium dalam menyampaikan pesan kampanye, membangun citra produsen, dan penanda kredibilitas sebuah sumber informasi. Respon kognitif dan umpan balik positif yang mendominasi mengindikasikan bahwa pesan dalam poster kampanye telah diterima dengan baik oleh pembaca. Sebagai simpulan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa poster kampanye terdiri atas beragam sumberdaya semiotik yang dapat mempengaruhi pembaca. Kata-kata kunci: Pragmatik multimodal, poster kampanye, analisis tiga dimensi Dicerto (2018), dan thematic analysis The use of various semiotic resources as a medium of messaging in contemporary society has demanded that readers comprehend, respond to, and connect meaning through multimodal text knowledge. This research aims to examine the mode of multimodal text (in pragmatics) that producers compile and observe how readers react to posters of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) control and prevention campaigns in Indonesia. This study used Sara Dicerto's three-dimensional analysis (2018) consisting of semantic representations of individual modes (verbal and visual), representation of multimodal text (intermodal relationships), and inference meanings (pragmatic meanings) and also used a thematic analysis approach. The primary data source used was ten campaign posters selected purposively, while secondary data sources were the results of questionnaires from fifty respondents with predefined criteria. The study findings showed that semantic representations of individual text dominate visual mode through the shape of objects in logos and symbols. The semantic model of multimodal text dominated the agent-object sub-type equivalence relationship. So, the reader must be able to understand verbal and visual modes simultaneously. In addition to the meaning of poster inference, it also acts as a medium for delivering campaign messages, enhancing producers' image, and establishing the reliability of a source of information in general. The dominating cognitive response and positive feedback indicated that readers had well received the message in the campaign poster. To conclude, this research showed that the campaign posters consist of various semiotic resources that influence the readers. Keywords: Multimodal pragmatics, campaign posters, Dicerto's three-dimensional analysis (2018), and thematic analysi

    Pengaruh Keterampilan Wirausaha terhadap Keberhasilan (Studi Kasus pada Distro Anggota Kreative Independent Clothing Kommunity USAha di Kota Bandung)

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    Laba dan produktivitas USAha yang dilakukan pengusaha distro anggota Kreative IndependentClothing Kommunity mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2010-2013. Permasalahan yang lainadalah semakin tingginya persaingan dalam industri fashion do Kota Bandung selain bersaingdengan sesama distro (Distribution Store) ada Factory Outlet (FO) dan Butik. Serta lemahnyaCitra Perusahaan dilihat dari merk. Para konsumen lebih percaya pada distro yang sudah lamaberdiri dibandingkan distro yang baru berdiri.Penelitian ini disusun untuk memperoleh temuan mengenai 1) bagaimana keterampilanwirausaha pengusaha distro anggota komunitas Kreative Independent Clothing Community(KICK), 2) bagaimana gambaran keberhasilan USAha distro anggota komunitas KreativeIndependent Clothing Community (KICK), 3) bagaimana pengaruh keterampilan wirausahaterhadap keberhasilan USAha. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah distro anggota komunitasKreative Independent Clothing Community (KICK)) di Kota Bandung. Variabel bebas dalampenelitian ini adalah keterampilan wirausaha (X) dan variabel terikat adalah keberhasilanusaha (Y). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskripitif dan verifikatif, metode yangdigunakan adalah explanatory survey dengan tekhnik sampel jenuh dan jumlah respondensebanyak 32 orang. Tekhnik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear sederhana,dengan alat bantu software computer SPSS 21.0 for windows. Hasil yang diperoleh dalampenelitian menyatakan bahwa keterampilan wirausaha memiliki pengaruh sebesar 74,2%terhadap keberhasilan USAha. Dari hasil penelitian terhadap pengujian hipotesis dapatdiketahui bahwa keterampilan wirausaha memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap keberhasilanusaha.Penulis merekomendasikan upaya yang harus dilakukan distro anggota komunitas KreativeIndependent Clothing Community (KICK) di Kota Bandung untuk mencapai keberhasilanusaha dengan memperhatikan keterampilan wirausaha yang dimiliki oleh distro danmemaksimalkannya agar berhasil dalam menjalankan USAhanya


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    ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Herbafarm dan mencari konsentrasi terbaik untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil kale pada tanah gambut. Penelitian ini berlangsung dari tanggal 22 april  2020 – 22 mei 2020. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Jalan Reformasi Gang Struktur Untan Pontianak. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari lima perlakuan dan lima ulangan, setiap ulangan terdiri dari empat sampel tanaman. Perlakuan yang dimaksud yaitu pupuk organik cair 1 ml/l  (p1), 1,5 ml/l (p2), 2 ml/l (p3), 2,5 ml (p4) dan 3 ml/l (p5). Variabel pengamatan meliputi : jumlah daun, kadar klorofil, volume akar, luas daun, berat kering tanaman, dan berat segar tanaman. Hasil analisis keragaman pemberian berbagai konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair Herbafarm memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap komponen pertumbuhan tanaman kale pada tanah gambut yaitu variabel jumlah daun, kadar klorofil, volume akar, luas daun, berat kering tanaman, dan berat segar tanaman. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair Herbafarm yang terbaik untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil kale pada tanah gambut yaitu konsentrasi 2 ml/l. Kata Kunci :  pupuk organik cair herbafarm, kale, gambu

    Perception of Students as a Beginner Voter on General Election in Cianjur District

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    In this simultaneous election, legislative elections for the regions, provinces, and the center as well as the election of presidential pairs. There is an assumption that with the simultaneous implementation of legislative and executive elections (Candidates for President-Vice President), there appears to be an imbalance between the election of the Candidates for President-Vice President and the legislature so that the presidential election contest gets more attention than the legislative election. The public is quite enthusiastic about welcoming this election with a public participation rate of 81%, which is quite high when compared to previous elections. This study examines students' perceptions of the survey results regarding perceptions of the implementation system and socialization of the 2019 simultaneous elections on April 17, 2019. This study uses quantitative methods using a questionnaire to students. For beginner voters who in this study were represented to Universitas Suryakancana students with a sample of level 1 and level 2 students of the Teaching and Education Faculty, Universitas Suryakancana, with random sampling in the Cianjur district and sufficiently representative. The conclusions of this article are: 1) The campaign as a media of socialization and political education is seen as influencing the choice of candidates for both the executive and legislative elections; 2) Social media, which is seen as the most dominant in influencing voters' preferences for both the executive and legislative elections; 3) Beginner voters saw a necessity and felt enthusiastic about voting and were very decisive on the vote acquisition; 4) The response of first-time voters to choices for executive and legislative elections is based more on the character and authority of the prospective leaders; 5) The reaction of first-time voters to political parties in a democratic government system requires multiple parties


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    This article aims to describe the students’ motivation in learning online narrative text on students’ reading comprehension through Google Classroom of 24 students tenth-grade students at SMK Muhammadiyah Kradenan. This study used pre experimental design one group pre-test post-test and conducted at May 2020. The data was obtained through pretest, posttest and questionnaire. The data of this current study were analyzed by using SPSS consisted reliability, validity, T- test and percentage (questionnaire). The result from this article showed the students’ motivation in learning online narrative text using Google Classroom also got positive responses and they learned with high motivation. It can be concluded that there was a different result before the treatment and after the treatment. Therefore, there was students’ motivation in learning online narrative text on students’ reading comprehension through Google Classroom

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Interaksi Sosial Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Bermain Peran Di Kelompok B KB Tunas Melati Purworejo Kedawung Sragen Tahun Pelajaran 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan interaksi sosial melalui metode bermain peran pada anak Kelompok B Kelompok Bermain Tunas Melati Purworejo, Kedawung, Sragen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Subyek penelitian ini anak kelompok B berjumlah 11 anak. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data diperiksa dengan triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh sekor kemampuan ineraksi sosial rata-rata yaitu, prasiklus 1,6; siklus I 2,1; siklus II 2,7; dan siklus III 2,9. Data dianalisis dengan teknik analisis interaktif dengan langkahlangkah : pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan prosentase skor ketuntasan kemampuan interaksi sosial anak, yakni sebelum tindakan 18% atau sebanyak 3 anak, siklus I 45% atau sebanyak 5 anak, siklus II 64% atau sebanyak 7 anak, dan siklus III 82% atau sebanyak 9 anak. Hasil penelitian di atas dari satu tahab ke tahab berikutnya selalu menunjukkan peningkatan. Dengan demikian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dengan metode bermain peran dapat meningkatkan kemampuan interaksi sosial anak Tunas Melati Purworejo Kedawung Sragen Tahun Pelajaran 2013


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    Along with the rapid progress on industrial sector also the expansion of oil palm plantation area, thus it will require a lot of human resource. In order to move and influence the employee, they need a leader to reach company’s goals. Purposes of this research are to identify the leadership style and work enthusiasm also to analyse the influence of estate Manager’s leadership style toward employees’ work enthusiasm in PT. Niagamas Gemilang. The method that used in this research is multiregression analysis with SPSS 22.0 and questioner. Respondent is divided in three classes which are all Field Assistant, all Foreman and 15% of Permanent Daily Employees in one Estate. The result showed that the Manager tend to apply task oriented leadership style. Furthermore, there was a significant influence from task oriented and employee oriented leadership style towards employee’s work enthusiasm both simultaneously and partially towards Field Asistant’s work enthusiasm. Meanwhile for Foreman and Permanent Daily Employee, there was no significant influence of the Manager’s leadership style on their work enthusiasm.This was caused by the form of organization structure, the direct supervisor of Foremans and Employees are not the Manager, therefore it would make sense if the leadership style that applied by the Manager has more and even greater influence toward Field Assistant whose direct supervisor is the Manager

    Sistem Informasi Persediaan Barang Menggunakan Framework Bootstrap dan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP MYSQL

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    Online shop companies that are currently running only use Microsoft excel in recording, selling, purchasing for inventory. In making invoices and purchases still use only notes. With this system running, there are many errors that often occur, such as the loss of sales invoices, the loss of travel documents and which result in no evidence of transactions that have occurred. Therefore we need a computerized system that can help to make sales purchases more easily and can check stock items very easily and accurately. The design of this system starts from the warehouse first to record incoming goods then make a purchase invoice and here the warehouse confirms to the shop owner, if approved, the owner will ask the admin to make stock adjustments, after the stock is reduced, the admin will confirm to the Warehouse and the Warehouse will make a travel document to be continued to the consumer.Online shop companies that are currently running only use Microsoft excel in recording, selling, purchasing for inventory. In making invoices and purchases still use only notes. With this system running, there are many errors that often occur, such as the loss of sales invoices, the loss of travel documents and which result in no evidence of transactions that have occurred. Therefore we need a computerized system that can help to make sales purchases more easily and can check stock items very easily and accurately. The design of this system starts from the warehouse first to record incoming goods then make a purchase invoice and here the warehouse confirms to the shop owner, if approved, the owner will ask the admin to make stock adjustments, after the stock is reduced, the admin will confirm to the Warehouse and the Warehouse will make a travel document to be continued to the consumer