E-Journal Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
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    4685 research outputs found

    The Impact of Cervical Cancer on the Sexuality of Muslim Female Patients with Husbands: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study

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    The treatment period for the cancer cervix and its treatment can also cause various change physical and physiological, which can cause various problems one of which is the disturbance of sex. Cancer cervix in a manner directly affects the sexual organs, almost 50% of women with cancer cervix report dysfunction sexual. Dysfunction sexual This can be felt only by women just or women with a partner. Study This aim to see the aspect of sexuality specifically for patients with cancer cervix, based on a change in physical and psychological consequences of the disease and its treatment. This study used a phenomenological hermeneutic method, data collection was carried out using semi-structured interviews which were then transcribed. Data analysis using content analysis or content analysis. Research results obtained three themes namely: problem physical problems psychologically, the efforts made to overcome the problem with sex, and hope patience. Deep conclusions study this patient’s cancer cervix experience problem sexual dysfunction and need maintenance holistically

    Klasifikasi Delay Jaringan Internet Di GKB 2 UNIMUS Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes

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    Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang adalah kampus yang mempunyai penggunaan jaringan internet yang banyak di setiap gedung. Salah satunya Gedung Fakultas Teknik yang memiliki 8 lantai dengan beberapa laboratorium komputer. Dengan adanya delay yang terjadi tentunya akan mengganggu kelancaran pada pekerjaan karyawan maupun pada aktivitas mahasiswa di kampus. Untuk itu agar delay dapat ditangani lebih awal maka dilakukan klasifikasi delay pada jaringan internet Gedung Fakultas Teknik menggunakan algoritma Naïve Bayes. Pengambilan data delay dilakukan pada laboratorium komputer Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang menggunakan winbox. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dibandingkan dengan standar yang ada dan dilakukan klasifikasi menggunakan software python. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa delay jaringan internet Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang dalam kategori sangat bagus dengan nilai minimal 0 ms dan nilai maksimal 608 ms. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata delay yaitu 101,49 ms untuk pagi hari, 124,57 ms untuk siang hari, dan 132,32 ms untuk sore hari

    Learners’ Fillers in English

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    This study aims to find out the type of fillers and factor influenced fillers in English Education Study Program. This research is a qualitative research with in-depth interview design. This data collection involved 7 learners from the 4th semester and 6th semester of English Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Luwuk. This research applied the theory from Rose (1998), Oomen and Postman (2021) in finding the data. The result of this research indicates the learners of English Education Study Program in 4th semester mostly use unlexicalized fillers and the 6th semester mostly use lexicalized fillers. There some factor influenced learners in using fillers are nervousness, divided Attention, infrequent. The dominant factor is nervousness. In this research, the input is suggested for learners, to the department of English Education Study Program and to further researchers to find out more about fillers and factor influenced fillers happened


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    Plastic waste is a problem for all humans and animals because plastic is difficult to decompose by the soil, it takes a long time for plastic to decompose. Indonesia has a large population and every year it will continue to increase and the use of plastic in Indonesia will also continue to increase, especially plastic bottle waste. Plastic chopping knife is an important component for the results of shredding plastic waste, there are many types of chopping knives according to the desired chopping results. Knives must be declared strong and tough to chop plastic into powder or small granules. In order to meet the needs in accordance with the planned workings of the plastic chopping machine, a plastic chopper knife design was made using SKD 11 material with a load of 50kg, 100kg and 150kg, so research was made. inventor 2017 . The results obtained from the manual calculation of the von misses stress load of 50kg, 100kg and 150kg are 45,143.3 Mpa, 86,096.8 Mpa, 129,128.4 Mpa. The displacement obtained is 0.243 mm, 0.487 mm, 0.731 mm. The resulting safety factor is 10.41 ul, 5.46 ul, 5.32 ul. While the results of the static simulation with the same load in the inventor, the value of von misses stress is 63,928 MPa, 127,813 MPa, and 191,712 MPa. The displacement obtained is 0.1133 mm, 0.2266 mm, 0.3399 mm. the results of the simulation of the safety factor 7.5 ul, 3.6 ul, 2.5 ul. From the stresses that occur, the skd 11 material is declared safe because the value is still smaller than the yield strength, which is 470 Mpa

    Peningkatan perkembangan motorik halus pada anak usia prasekolah melalui penerapan terapi bermain papercraft

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    Motorik halus adalah gerakan otot-otot kecil yang membutuhkan koordinasi mata dengan gerakan tangan serta jari-jemari. Peningkatan perkembangan motorik halus salah satunya menggunakan terapi bermain. Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan terapi bermain papercraft untuk meningkatkan perkembangan motorik halus pada anak usia prasekolah. Studi kasus ini dilakukan di TK Dharma Wanita Boloh III Kecamatan Toroh Kabupaten Grobogan dengan desain descriptive study melalui pendekatan proses keperawatan dengan penerapan terapi bermain papercraft terhadap 3 subyek studi yang dipilih sesuai kriteria inklusi yaitu anak dengan usia 4-6 tahun, anak dalam kondisi sehat, anak kooperatif, anak yang mengalami keterlambatan motorik halus dan orang tua mengizinkan anak menjadi subyek studi. Data perkembangan motorik halus didapatkan dari pengkajian perkembangan menggunakan lembar KPSP. Hasil studi kasus pada ketiga subyek studi dengan risiko gangguan perkembangan setelah dilakukan penerapan terapi bermain papercraft selama 1 bulan. Pertemuan dilakukan sebanyak 9 kali dengan jumlah pertemuan 2 kali dalam seminggu dimana masing-masing pertemuan berdurasi 15 menit. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan status perkembangan pada anak dengan hasil meragukan sebelum diberikan intervensi dan setelah diberikan intervensi perkembangan motorik halus anak normal. Penerapan terapi bermain papercraft dapat meningkatkan perkembangan motorik halus pada anak usia prasekolah

    Mineral and Insilico Study of Sapat Siam Fish (Trichopodus pectoralis, Regan 1910) on Appetite Regulation

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    Backgrounds: Production of Sapat siam fish is ranked second after Papuyu. Giving fish in cases of wasting can overcome mineral deficiencies in wasting sufferers, because fish contains minerals. Wasting sufferers experience Fe, Ca and Zn deficiencies. There is a relationship between cases of wasting and the incidence of anemia. Anemia sufferers experience a decrease in appetite. Until now, there is no known effect of giving the minerals Fe, Ca and Zn on appetite regulation. Objectives: This research aims to determine the mineral content of Sapat siam fish specifically Fe, Ca and Zn and the influence of that minerals on appetite regulation in silico.Methods: Analysis of mineral content in Sapat siam fish meat using the AAS method and analysis of the influence of Fe, Ca and Zn minerals using the in-silico method.Results: Sapat siam fish meat contains Fe, Ca and Zn with concentrations of 34.5 ± 0.8485, 1,670 ± 183.8478 and 22.8 ± 0.1414, respectively. The presence of Fe, Ca and Zn in Sapat siam fish meat prediction can binding with ligand Ghrelin, leptin, NPY (Neuropeptide Y), ARC, IL-1β, AgRP Conclusion: Sapat siam fish prediction can stimulate appetit

    Sistem pakar diagnosis penyakit tanaman padi menggunakan metode forward chaining berbasis web (Studi kasus: Penyakit padi di Desa Kenduren Kecamatan Wedung Kabupaten Demak)

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    Tanaman padi (Oryza sativa) merupakan salah satu komoditas utama yang ada di Indonesia. Salah satu penghambat produksi panen padi adalah hama dan penyakit. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas padi diperlukan upaya dengan cara pembukaan lahan baru, perbaikan infrastruktur, peningkatan kualitas benih serta pengendalian hama dan penyakit yang bisa menyerang tanaman padi di desa kenduren kecamatan wedung kabupaten demak. Proses diagnosis penyakit tanaman padi memerlukan keahlian, pengetahuan seorang pakar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem pakar yang dapat mendiagnosis 5 jenis penyakit tanaman padi dari 13 gejala berdasarkan pengetahuan pakar. Metode yang digunakan adalah forward chaining, dimana dalam metode forward chaining merupakan suatu penalaran yang dimulai dari fakta-fakta untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan, solusi pencegahan atau penanganan. Hasil pengujian whitebox dan black box menyatakan bahwa sistem pakar telah memiliki kesesuaian 100% dari segi fungsionalitasnya. Sistem pakar diagnosis penyakit pada tanaman padi berbasis web yang dibuat telah berhasil membantu petani dalam mendiagnosis penyakit pada padi dan memberikan tindakan solusi pengendalian penyakit


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    Packaging is the spearhead of marketing because it directly deals with consumers. Technological advances in the world of modern manufacturing and trading industries are competing to innovate to create the highest quality packaging. Paraffin wax coating, which is waterproof can provide resistance to packaging and the strength of a product so that protection is guaranteed against light, gas, harmful bacteria. The wax coating process without the use of large amounts of human labor requires a laminating system with a PLC program. Planning of this control system is supported by the selection of components based on the voltage on the PLC and ladder diagram simulation assistance with CX-Designer software. The simulation results of ladder diagram control system runs well and the application of ON OFF control using no NC instructions, temperature control thermostat, solenoid valve to open the valve in the chamber, and the calculation of the number of cartons that have been laminated with counter instructions and as an OFF signal on the motor


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    AbstrakRoda gigi pada sistem transmisi hanya mendapatkan momen puntir, terdapat kontak gigi antara pinion dan gear. Kontak antar gigi yang kasar dapat menyebabkan ketidakseragaman gaya kontak antar gigi dengan gigi yang lainnya, disebabkan karena ketika melakukan perancangan tidak teliti. Perancangan roda gigi miring meliputi menghitung dimensi, faktor keamanan, dan tegangan yang terjadi pada elemen mesin tersebut. Hal tersebut yang harus diperhatikan dalam melakukan perancangan roda gigi miring agar dapat dipakai dengan baik. Hasil perancangan pasangan roda gigi miring diperoleh modul 1,5mm, diameter kepala pinion 27,2mm sedangkan gear 75,4mm, torsi yang terjadi sebesar 0,84 kgf, dan tegangan yang terjadi rodagigi pinion sebesar 8,33 kgf/mm2 lalu roda gigi gear 21,08 kgf/mm2. Kata Kunci : Roda Gigi MiringAbstractThe gears in the transmission system only get a twisting moment, there is teeth contact between the pinion and gear. Contact between rough teeth can causing non-uniform contact forces between teeth and other teeth, caused when planning is not thorough. The design of the helical gear includes calculating the dimensions, safety factor, and stresses that occur on the machine elements. This must be considered in designing helical gears so that they can be used properly. The results of the design of the helical gear pair use a 1.5mm module, a pinion head diameter of 27.2 mm while the gear is 75.4mm, the torque that occurs is 0.84 kgf, and the stress that occurs on the pinion gear is 8.33 kgf/mm2 then the gear 21,08 kgf/mm2. Keyword : Helical Gea

    The Relationship between Lifestyle and The Incidence of Disrupted Fasting Blood Sugar

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    Background: This hybrid education forces us to become sedentary, but there is a difference between the time before and during the pandemic. This sedentary life event raises the possibility of an increase in fasting blood sugar even at a young age, so that it can lead to insulin resistance earlier. Lifestyle patterns are one of the risk factors often abused by the community for impaired fasting blood sugar, which also has the potential to become diabetes mellitus. Every year the prevalence of impaired fasting blood sugar incidence increases worldwide, and it is estimated that there will be 470 million people diagnosed with impaired fasting blood sugar by 2030Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between lifestyle and the incidence of impaired fasting blood sugar in students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya.Method: The study was conducted using an observational analytical method with a cross-sectional study type. A minimum sample of 79 respondents with simple random sampling. Instrument to assess lifestyle using Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II questionnaire, for fasting blood sugar using glucometer.Results: The results showed a lifestyle relationship to impaired fasting blood sugar incidence with a significance value of 0.000 and a correlation value of 0.621. This value interprets a strong positive relationship where lifestyle has a unidirectional relationship with fasting blood sugar values.Conclusion: Based on these data, it is concluded that there is a significant unidirectional relationship between lifestyle and the incidence of impaired fasting blood sugar


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