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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik variasi bahasa gaul netizen dalam kolom komentar akun instagram artis (publik figur) yang kontroversial dan mendeskripsikan pengembangan bahan ajar pembelajaran teks iklan. Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu perkembangan dan penggunaan bahasa gaul atau slang di tengah-tengah kebebasan dalam berkomunikasi di media sosial menjadi perhatian pengamat bahasa. Kehawatiran tersebut muncul karena yang memakai bahasa gaul atau slang sangat bervariasi seperti dalam berkomentar di instagram. Pengguna bahasa gaul dalam masyarakat luas di Indonesia dapat salah penafsiran jika tidak paham mengenai makna atau maksud dari bahasa gaul tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penlitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan kata dan kalimat di kolom komentar instagram artis (publik figur) yang kontroversial. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik studi pustaka, teknik simak, teknik catat, teknik dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan, yakni pengumpulan data, reduksi data, dan penyimpulan data. Hasil penelitian penulis menunjukkan bahwa variasi bahasa gaul dari 45 komentar netizen pada 3 akun instagram artis (publik figur) yang kontroversial yaitu akun instagram @arie_kriting, @lestykejora, @pinkan_mambo ditemukan proses pembentukan bahasa gaul dari bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris karakteristik berupa akronim, perubahan suplesi, perubahan bunyi secara keseluruhan, perubahan vokal dan konsonan. Peneliti juga menemukan 1 karakteristik bahasa gaul baru dari 3 data yaitu berupa penambahan konsonan dan variasi bahasa gaul dapat diterapkan pada pengembangan pembelajaran bahan ajar teks iklan dengan menggunakan model bahan ajar handout


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bentuk ketidaklangsungan ekspresi yang meliputi penggantian arti, penyimpangan arti, serta penciptaan arti dalam puisi yang berjudul “Tebesaya, Gadis Berputih-Kebaya” karya Aslan Abidin. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun objek data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah salah satu puisi yang berjudul “Tebesaya, Gadis Berputih-Kebaya”. Subjek yang digunakan peneliti adalah teori semiotika Michael Riffaterre. Teknik yang digunakan berupa pustaka, simak, dan catat. Setelah dianalisis, dapat diketahui bahwa dalam puisi karya Aslan Abidin ini memiliki bentuk ketidaklangsungan ekspresi. Dalam penggantian arti dalam puisi ini, peneliti menemukan adanya tiga bentuk kiasan yang digunakan penulis puisi, yaitu personifikasi, metafora, dan antitesis. Jika dilihat dari penyimpangan arti, dari ketiga penyebab adanya penyimpangan arti tersebut, peneliti hanya menemukan dua di antaranya, yaitu ambiguitas dan kontradiksi saja. Dalam puisi ini juga terdapat penciptaan arti, yaitu terdapat rima,  enjambemen, dan tipografi. Kata Kunci: Puisi, Semiotika, Riffaterre  ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to find out the form of non-continuity of expression which includes replacement of meaning, deviation of meaning, and creation of meaning in the poem entitled "Tebesaya, Gadis Berputih-Kebaya" by Aslan Abidin. In conducting this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The data object used in this research is one of the poems entitled "Tebesaya, Gadis Berputih-Kebaya". The subject used by researchers is Michael Riffaterre's semiotic theory. The techniques used are library, listening, and recording. After analyzing, it can be seen that this poem by Aslan Abidin has a form of non-continuity of expression. In the replacement of meaning in this poem, researchers found three forms of figures of speech used by the author of the poem, namely personification, metaphor, and antithesis. When viewed from the deviation of meaning, of the three causes of deviation of meaning, the researcher only found two of them, namely ambiguity and contradiction. In this poem there is also a creation of meaning, namely rhyme, enjambment, and typography. Keywords: Poetry, Semiotics, Riffaterr

    ANALISIS KELAYAKAN AGROINDUSTRI TAHU KUNING (Studi Kasus di Desa Kawasen Kecamatan Banjarsari Kabupaten Ciamis)

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    Tahu kuning merupakan salah satu makanan olahan yang bahan bakunya menggunakan kacang kedelai, pada umumnya kedelai yang digunakan untuk membuat tahu kuning adalah kacang kedelai kuning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Besarnya biaya, penerimaan, dan pendapatan agroindustri tahu kuning di Desa Kawasen Kecamatan Banjarsari Kabupaten Ciamis. (2) Kelayakan agroindustri tahu kuning di Desa Kawasen Kecamatan Banjarsari Kabupaten Ciamis. (3) Produktivitas tenaga kerja dan produktivitas modal agroindustri tahu kuning di Desa Kawasen Kecamatan Banjarsari Kabupaten Ciamis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan : (1) Besarnya biaya total produksi yang dikeluarkan dalam satu kali proses produksi agroindustri tahu sebesar Rp 929.174,45, besarnya penerimaan yang diperoleh adalah sebesar Rp 1.027.000, dan besarnya pendapatan yang diperoleh adalah sebesar Rp 97.825,55. (2) Nilai R/C sebesar 1,10 sehingga agroindustri tahu kuning menguntungkan dan layak untuk diusahakan. (3) Produktivitas tenaga kerja dalam satu kali produksi sebesar 264, artinya setiap 1 tenaga kerja bisa menghasilkan 264 biji / potong tahu kuning, dan besarnya produktivitas modal dalam satu kali produksi sebesar 905 artinya setiap modal yang dikeluarkan dalam membuat 1 potong tahu kuning sebesar Rp 905 dalam satu kali proses produksi


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    This research was conducted on organic rice farmers in Krasak Village, which is an organic rice production center in Indramayu that has been certified by INOFICE. The hope of improving the welfare of organic rice farmers is often not fully achieved due to various factors, including cultivation methods that depend on chemicals and challenges in expanding farmers' knowledge and insight. The aim of this research is to evaluate the welfare of organic rice farmer households in Krasak Village, with a focus on aspects of basic needs, psychology, family development and self-actualization. This research used quantitative methods with a survey approach, conducted in Krasak Village, Jatibarang District, Indramayu Regency, West Java. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis with a Likert scale, which involves the use of a criteria scale to determine scores based on a score level formula. It was found that organic rice farmers had quite positive perceptions regarding fulfilling basic family needs, psychological needs, family development and self-actualization. They have adequate access to food sources, clothing, decent housing conditions, and health services. However, there are challenges in maintaining good health and earning a stable income. Perceptions about family development and self-actualization show that there is room for improvement, especially in the aspects of social contribution and participation in society.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada petani padi organik yang ada di Desa Krasak yang merupakan pusat produksi padi organik yang berada di Indramayu yang sudah tersertifikasi INOFICE. Harapan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani padi organik sering kali tidak sepenuhnya tercapai karena berbagai faktor, termasuk metode budidaya yang bergantung pada bahan kimia dan tantangan dalam memperluas pengetahuan dan wawasan petani. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kesejahteraan rumah tangga petani padi organik di yang ada di Desa Krasak, dengan fokus pada aspek kebutuhan dasar, psikologis, pengembangan keluarga, dan aktualisasi diri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei, dilakukan di Desa Krasak, Kecamatan Jatibarang, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan skala Likert, yang melibatkan penggunaan skala kriteria untuk menentukan skor berdasarkan rumus tingkat skor. Ditemukan bahwa petani padi organik memiliki persepsi yang cukup positif terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar keluarga, kebutuhan psikologis, pengembangan keluarga, dan aktualisasi diri. Mereka memiliki akses memadai ke sumber pangan, pakaian, kondisi perumahan yang layak, serta layanan kesehatan. Namun, terdapat tantangan dalam mempertahankan kesehatan yang baik dan mendapatkan penghasilan stabil. Persepsi tentang pengembangan keluarga dan aktualisasi diri menunjukkan bahwa ada ruang untuk peningkatan, terutama dalam aspek kontribusi sosial dan partisipasi dalam masyarakat.Kata kunci: Kesejahteraan, Rumah Tangga, Padi Organi

    Pola Abnormal Return Saham Sektor Pertanian Dalam Indeks IDNONCYC Pada Peristiwa Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak 3 September 2022

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    Kenaikan harga BBM yang diumumkan pada 3 September 2022 berpotensi menghasilkan dampak pada perekonomian berupa inflasi, kenaikan harga faktor produksi, dan income effect sehingga berdampak pada return yang akan diterima oleh investor. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengatahui pengaruh kenaikan harga BBM tanggal 3 September 2022 pada pergerakan harga saham indeks sektoral industri primer (IDXNONCYC) dan mengetahui pola return pada sektor industri primer (IDXNONCYC). Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambil secara purposive yang berasal dari sub-industri yang sesuai dengan bagian-bagian dalam subsistem agribisnis sehingga didapat 25 sampel dari sub-industri Ritel & Distribusi Makanan, Supermarket, Susu Olahan, Makanan Olahan, Perdagingan, Perkebunan, dan Tembakau yang kemudian dianalisis selama periode pengamatan yang berlangsung selama 21 hari. Proses analisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif menunjukkan sebaran actual return dengan persentase positif sebesar 36%, negatif sebesar 41%, dan actual return nol sebesar 23%. Selain itu, ditemukan pola abnormal return positif sebesar 40% dengan total 209 kali dan negatif sebesar 60% dengan total 316 kali kejadian, serta ditemukan pola abnormal return negatif beruntun selama 17 hari dan pola abnormal return positif yang bervariasi.The increase in fuel prices announced on September 3, 2022, has the potential to create impacts on the economy, such as inflation, rising production factor costs, and income effects, which, in turn, affect the returns that investors will receive. This research was conducted with the aim of understanding the influence of the fuel price increase on September 3, 2022, on the movement of stock prices in the primary industry sector index (IDXNONCYC) and to determine the return patterns in the primary industry sector (IDXNONCYC). The sample used in this study was purposively selected from sub-industries relevant to the components of the agribusiness subsystem, resulting in 25 samples from the Retail & Food Distribution, Supermarket, Processed Milk, Processed Food, Meat Processing, Plantation, and Tobacco sub-industries, and was analyzed over a 21-day observation period. The analysis process using descriptive statistics shows the distribution of actual returns with 36% positive, 41% negative, and 23% zero actual returns. Additionally, a positive abnormal return pattern was found, accounting for 40% with a total of 209 occurrences, and a negative abnormal return pattern accounted for 60% with a total of 316 occurrences. Furthermore, a consecutive negative abnormal return pattern was identified for 17 days, and a varied positive abnormal return pattern was also observed

    Persepsi Penyuluh Pertanian Terhadap Internet di Kecamatan Sengah Temila dan Kecamatan Mandor

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    The agricultural sector has an important role in economic development, and the lives of people in Indonesia. Along with the rapid development of technology and science, it plays an important role in agricultural development. This study aims to describe the perception of agricultural extension workers towards the internet and the perception of extension workers towards the internet based on the characteristics of respondents. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. The sampling technique used saturated sampling or census. The sample of this study amounted to 37 agricultural extension workers in Sengah Temila District and Mandor District. This study shows that the perception of agricultural extension workers on the internet provides up to date information, is easy to reach, a means of obtaining complete information, a place to distribute information, and is easy to use and the perception of agricultural extension workers on the internet is high based on characteristics occurring in extension workers in Mandor District and Sengah Temila District aged 50-59 years, dominated by men, high school education level and work experience above 10 years

    Kahoot Application As A Formative Evaluation Media In Students’ Comprehension Of The Aspect Of Writing Narrative Text In Online Class (Qualitative Case Study At One Of Senior High School)

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    This article figures out the ways of applying Kahoot as a formative evaluation media in students' comprehension of the aspect of writing narrative text in an online class; and investigates the perceptions of the teacher of using Kahoot as a formative evaluation media in students' comprehension of the aspect of writing narrative text in an online class. The study applied a qualitative research design, employing the case study characteristics. The data were attained from some sources, including classroom observation and interviews. Classroom observation was conducted to 11 MIPA and the interview was administered to an English teacher. The findings revealed that implementing Kahoot in the process of evaluation can increase the student's achievement; so that student's comprehension of the narrative text can be improved. The teacher perceives that Kahoot helped carrying out the formative evaluation process in the online classroom because the teacher can easily see the level of students' understanding of aspects of writing narrative text. However, the evaluation process is hampered by unstable internet connections. The finding of this research recommended English teachers to apply technology, in particular, Kahoot, that can make the learning and evaluation process in online classes easier and more fun. Also, Kahoot helps students practicing and increasing their understanding towards the delivered materials

    Deskripsi Pola Konsumsi Minuman Sehat Pada Mahasiswa Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    The covid-19 pandemic has caused a shift in consumption towards healthier options, including healthy beverages. Healthy beverages are processed products made from agricultural raw materials that can provide health benefits. The purpose of this research is to describe the pattern of healthy beverage consumption among students during the covid-19 pandemic. This research used a quantitative design with a survey method. The results show that the majority of respondents were female, 22 years old, lived in boarding houses before the pandemic but returned home during the pandemic, and the majority of their allowance was between 1-3 million rupiah. The consumption patterns of students have changed during the covid-19 pandemic. The frequency of consuming sugar-free drinks 2-4 times per week increased by 4%. Students who consumed sweetened drinks 2-4 times per week decreased by 12%. Students also changed their consumption goals to improve their immunity during the covid-19 pandemic

    Analisis Keputusan Konsumen Membeli Ikan Segar Di Kota Waingapu Kabupaten Sumba Timur

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    This study aims to analyze consumer decisions in buying fresh fish in Waingapu City, East Sumba Regency. The choice of Waingapu City as the research location was based on the consideration that the city is an economic center for the people of East Sumba Regency. In addition, Waingapu City was chosen because it has a large population of fresh fish sellers and consumers. Respondents used in this study amounted to 96 people who are fish buyers who are willing to be interviewed. The sampling technique in this study used a simple random sampling technique. To analyze the factors that influence consumer decisions in buying fish in Waingapu City, multiple linear regression analysis was carried out. The results of this study explain that location and price factors have a significant effect on consumers' decisions to buy fresh fish, while consumer tastes, product quality and consumer income have a significant influence on consumers' decisions to buy fresh fish. Simultaneously, location, price, consumer tastes, product quality, and consumer income have a significant effect on fresh fish purchasing decisions in Waingapu City

    Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Produk Serbuk Kedelai Mandala 525

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    Seeing from the high demand in Indonesia, soybeans became one of the food crops that entered the food market in Indonesia along with other foods in the government program called Upsus (Special Efforts). Due to the high potential of soybeams in Indonesia. Therefore, this research aims to find out the desires that consumers have so that CV. Ints Natural Garlic can develop their products in the direction desired by their own consumers. The data analysis used in this study uses the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis methods. (IPA). The results of the research show that the level of consumer satisfaction with mandala 525 soy powder products is still unsatisfied and attributes that need to be improved in order to make consumers feel satisfied with the product are features, durability, reliability, aesthetics, perceived quality, conformance to specification and serviceability


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