32 research outputs found

    Mindfulness and Leadership

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    In recent years, the construct of mindfulness has gained growing attention in psychological research. However, little is known about the effects of mindfulness on interpersonal interactions and social relationships at work. Addressing this gap, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mindfulness in leader–follower relationships. Building on prior research, we hypothesize that leaders’ mindfulness is reflected in a specific communication style (“mindfulness in communication”), which is positively related to followers’ satisfaction with their leaders. We used nested survey data from 34 leaders and 98 followers from various organizations and tested mediation hypotheses using hierarchical linear modeling. Our hypotheses were confirmed by our data in that leaders’ self-reported mindfulness showed a positive relationship with several aspects of followers’ satisfaction. This relationship was fully mediated by leaders’ mindfulness in communication as perceived by their followers. Our findings emphasize the potential value of mindfulness in workplace settings. They provide empirical evidence for a positive link between leaders’ dispositional mindfulness and the wellbeing of their followers, indicating that mindfulness is not solely an individual resource but also fosters interpersonal skills. By examining leaders’ mindfulness in communication as an explanatory process, we created additional clarification about how leaders’ mindfulness relates to followers’ perceptions, offering a promising starting point for measuring behavioral correlates of leader mindfulness

    Being on the same page about social rules and norms: Effects of shared relational models on cooperation in work teams

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    In working teams, each member has an individual understanding of the social rules and norms that underlie social relationships in the team, as well as about what behavior is appropriate and what behavior can be expected from others. What happens if the members of a team are not “on the same page” with respect to these social rules and norms? Drawing on relational models theory, which posits four elemental relational models that people use to coordinate their social interactions, we examined the effects of a common understanding of relational models in teams (i.e., “shared relational models”) on various aspects of cooperative and uncooperative behaviors. We hypothesized that a shared understanding of relational models in a team is positively related to justice perception and negatively related to relationship conflict, which are in turn related to helping behavior and knowledge hiding. We conducted a field study, collecting data from 46 work teams (N = 189 total participants) in various organizations, and found support for all proposed hypotheses. Our findings emphasize the importance of a shared understanding of relational models for (un)cooperative behavior in teams, thereby opening a new door for research on relational models in organizations

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    What Makes Retirees Happier: A Gradual or 'Cold Turkey' Retirement?

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    This study explores the factors that affect an individual’s happiness while transitioning into retirement. Recent studies highlight gradual retirement as an attractive option to older workers as they approach full retirement. However, it is not clear whether phasing or cold turkey makes for a happier retirement. Using longitudinal data from the Health and Retirement Study, this study explores what shapes the change in happiness between the last wave of full employment and the first wave of full retirement. Results suggest that what really matters is not the type of transition (gradual retirement or cold turkey), but whether people perceive the transition as chosen or forced

    Conflicting relational models as a predictor of (in)justice perceptions and (un)cooperative behavior at work

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    Humans are naturally social, and according to relational models theory (RMT), they use cognitively represented and motivationally operative models (i.e., relational models) to structure and understand their social interactions. RMT proposes that the fit between the expected and perceived relational model (i.e., RM fit) in a given social interactive situation is related to perceptions of justice, while an RM misfit is related to injustice perceptions. The experience of RM fit/misfit is motivationally operative for generating behavior intended to either strengthen a just relationship or transform an unjust relationship. Building on these theoretical considerations, it is argued that RM fit (misfit) is positively (negatively) related to perceived justice which in turn is positively related to willingness to help and negatively related to willingness to hide one's knowledge from an interaction partner. Willingness to help and sharing information are of particular practical importance in the context of teamwork and for cooperative relationships in organizations more generally. Three experimental studies (n1 = 441, n2 = 618, n3 = 455) were conducted in which RM fit/misfit was manipulated as an independent variable in three different work scenarios (vignettes). We assessed participants' justice perceptions and willingness to exhibit (un)cooperative behavior (i.e., more or less helping and knowledge hiding) toward their interaction partners. All three experiments confirmed the hypothesized relationships. The results are discussed with respect to the theoretical relevance of RMT for explaining mechanisms underlying justice perceptions, helping behavior, and knowledge hiding at work in teams and organizations

    Effects of Shared Relational Models on Cooperation in Work Teams

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    Better to be mindful, optimistic, or both?

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    This paper investigates the relationships between optimism, mindfulness, and task engagement. Specifically, we hypothesized that optimism, mindfulness, and their interaction would facilitate individuals’ task engagement. We tested our research model in four studies: two surveys among gig workers and two experiments. The results of the two surveys among gig workers indicated that optimism predicted higher task engagement, but trait mindfulness did not, and that a multiplicative interaction existed between high optimism and high mindfulness in stimulating task engagement. Our two experiments confirmed a significant interaction between optimism and induced state mindfulness and showed that the most engaging situation is being high in both mindfulness and optimism. Although optimism predicted task engagement, the experiments indicated that the effect of the state mindfulness manipulation was above and beyond that of optimism. Finally, we discuss the nuances of the interaction between optimism and mindfulness in predicting task engagement