52 research outputs found

    Modelo de gestión del desempeño como base de los programas de gestión humana

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    La evaluación del desempeño se ha convertido en un factor crítico para el éxito de las organizaciones, ya que realizarla de forma consciente y adecuada permite tomar decisiones y acciones que llevan a la obtención de mejores resultados. El presente trabajo muestra el impacto que tiene la evaluación del desempeño en los demás procesos de Gestión Humana: Incorporación, Desarrollo Humano (Formación y Capacitación, Plan Carrera y Bienestar) y Compensación. Se realizó una encuesta a los colaboradores de una empresa de servicio de tercerización de procesos de negocio (o BPO por sus siglas en inglés) de la ciudad de Medellín para conocer la percepción que tienen acerca de la importancia y utilidad de la evaluación de desempeño dentro de la organización, realizando una comparación con la teoría y encontrando que existen algunos procesos que las personas sienten que no son tan impactados por la evaluación del desempeño, por ejemplo, selección. Se plantea un modelo capaz de demostrar la forma como afecta la evaluación del desempeño los demás procesos de Gestión Humana y los resultados de la organización desde el momento en que la persona se incorpora a la misma, siendo fundamental el rol de los líderes, el análisis de las competencias de las personas y la alineación con la estrategia organizacional.Performance assessment has become a critical factor for organizations' success, because if it is made in a conscious and proper way, it will allow to make decisions and take actions that will bring better results. This document shows the impact performance assessment has on the other Human Resources processes: Incorporation, Human Development (training, career and welfare programs) and Compensation. A survey was applied to some employees from a service business process outsourcing company in Medellin to know their perception about the performance assessment importance and utility within the organization, making a comparison between the survey results and the theory, and finding there are some processes that, people think, are not affected by performance assessment, for example selection. This paper suggests a model that demonstrates the way performance assessment affects the other Human Resources process and the organization results since the person is incorporated; pointing out the importance of the leaders role, the people competence analysis and the lining up with the organizational strategy

    Escalamiento del proceso de producción de un insecticida biológico a escala piloto para la empresa Productos Naturales de la Sabana S.A., Alquería

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    Debido a los problemas de salud, calidad y productividad que presentaban los hatos lecheros causados por la infestación de moscas, el departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo en Biotecnología de Alquería S.A. desarrolló un insecticida biológico a base de Saccharomyces cerevisiae y Lactobacillus casei capaz de combatir el problema de las moscas en los establos, salas de ordeño, corrales y potreros. Luego de verificar la efectividad del producto para la erradicación de las moscas, específicamente la mosca de establo Stomoxys calcitrans, se planteó la necesidad de escalar y diseñar conceptualmente un proceso de producción del bioinsecticida a nivel piloto.131 p.Contenido parcial: Mosca de establo, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) -- Control biológico -- Bioinsecticidas -- Escalamiento de procesos biológicos -- Los microorganismos -- Activación de la cepa -- Determinación de la velocidad específica de crecimiento

    Percepción del paciente postquirúrgico mediato sobre la comunicación no verbal del profesional de enfermería: servicio de cirugía, en un hospital nacional, 2017

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    Determinar la percepción del paciente postquirúrgico mediato, sobre la comunicación no verbal de la enfermera, en el servicio de cirugía del Hospital Nacional 2 de Mayo. Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, nivel aplicativo, método descriptivo. La muestra estuvo conformado por 35 pacientes posquirúrgicos mediatos. La técnica fue la encuesta y el instrumento una escala tipo Likert modificada. Resultados. Del 100% (35); 43%(15) tiene una percepción medianamente favorable. En la dimensión sistema quinésico, 43%(15) es medianamente favorable a favorable. En la dimensión paralenguaje, 63%(22) es medianamente favorable y la dimensión sistema proxémico, 51%(18) es medianamente favorable a favorable. La percepción de la mayoría de los pacientes postquirúrgicos mediatos sobre la comunicación no verbal de la enfermera, en el servicio de cirugía del HNDM es “medianamente favorable”, así mismo en la dimensión sistema quinésico, paralenguaje y sistema proxémico.Tesi

    Posición subjetiva y acto delictivo en condenados por homicidio y delito sexual

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    The research aimed at relating the subjective position and the act’s clinical categories in persons who committed criminal acts and are deprived of their liberty. Subjective interviews were conducted with six subjects convicted of homicide or sexual offense with minors under 14. Each interview was a text to be deciphered, the signifiers that insist and that, when connected, reveal something about the singular position of the subject in facing the criminal act needed to be traced during enunciation. For the results, a case of homicide that exemplifies the research’s analysis categories is chosen. The sequence crime-guilt-responsibility-meaning of the sentence is found, which is a logical chain that allows to think of a singular position of the subject linked to the Other’s discourse as law. It is concluded that the singular subjective logic links five interconnected points: signifier, jouissance, body, phantom, and act’s clinical categories.La investigación tuvo como objetivo relacionar la posición subjetiva y las categorías clínicas del acto en personas que cometieron actos delictivos y se encuentran privadas de la libertad. Se realizaron entrevistas de localización subjetiva a seis condenados por homicidio o por delito sexual con menores de 14 años. Cada entrevista es un texto por descifrar, localizando en el campo de la enunciación los significantes que insisten y que, al conectarse, desvelan algo de la singular posición del sujeto frente al acto delictivo. Para los resultados se elige un caso de homicidio que ejemplifica las categorías de análisis de la investigación, encontrándose la secuencia crimen-culpa-responsabilidad-significación de la pena, cadena lógica que permite pensar en una posición singular del sujeto ligada al discurso del Otro como ley. Se concluye que la lógica subjetiva (singular) vincula cinco puntos interconectados: el significante, el goce, el cuerpo, el fantasma y las categorías clínicas del acto

    O ofício de cuidar de outro: 'quando meu corpo está aqui, mas minha mente em outro lado'"

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    Introducción: se busca comprender el significado que tiene ser cuidador informal de un paciente en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe de Medellín, durante un periodo de hospitalización, entre los años 2012 a 2015. Desarrollo: se parte de un enfoque cualitativo, y se desarrolla el método conocido como Teoría Fundamentada propuesto por Strauss y Corbin. Se entrevistaron 20 cuidadores. Las entrevistas fueron transcritas para luego ser analizadas por medio de codificación abierta y axial, de ahí se definieron, finalmente, tres categorías analíticas. Conclusiones: Cumplir con las tareas que exige ser el cuidador informal de un enfermo implica dividirse en dos ámbitos distintos: mantener el cuerpo al lado del enfermo hospitalizado, mientras que la mente sigue afuera, ocupándose de las otras esferas de la vida; y es que ser cuidador implica tiempo completo y estar hospitalizado con el paciente. El cuidador asume una sobrecarga de responsabilidades que tiene graves implicaciones en su estado de salud, lo que puede compensarse por el compromiso, el apoyo familiar y de la institución de salud. Urge ocuparse de las necesidades del cuidador desde la oferta y el acompañamiento de los sistemas de salud.Introduction: To understand the meaning of being a patient's informal caregiver at Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital in Medellin during a hospitalization period from 2012 to 2015. Development: This was a qualitative study that used the methodology known as grounded theory, which was proposed by Strauss and Corbin. A total of 20 caretakers were interviewed. The interviews were first transcribed and then analyzed via open axial coding. This ultimately led to the definition of three analytical categories. Conclusions: Fulfilling the tasks demanded by the role of the informal caregiver of a sick person implies separating own self into two distinct contexts: On the one hand, the caretaker's body should be next to the hospitalized patient, but, on the other hand, his/her mind is still outside, still taking care of some unrelated business. In fact, being a caregiver is a full-time job as it implies being hospitalized together with the patient. Caregivers have an excessive amount of responsibilities and this has a strong negative impact on their health. This can be compensated with their own commitment and the support of their relatives and the healthcare providing institution. It is urgent to address the needs of caregivers via the offers and support of healthcare systems.Introdução: busca-se compreender o significado que tem ser o cuidador informal de um paciente no Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe de Medellín, durante um período de hospitalização, entre os anos 2012 a 2015. Desenvolvimento: parte-se de um enfoque qualitativo, desenvolvendo o método conhecido como Teoria Fundamentada proposto por Strauss e Corbin. Entrevistaram-se 20 cuidadores. As entrevistas foram transcritas para posteriormente ser analisadas através de codificação aberta e axial, definindo finalmente três categorias analíticas. Conclusões: cumprir com as tarefas que exige ser o cuidador informal de um doente, implica dividir-se em dois âmbitos distintos: manter o corpo ao lado do doente hospitalizado, enquanto que a mente segue fora ocupando-se das outras esferas da vida; ser cuidador implica tempo completo e estar hospitalizado com o paciente. O cuidador assume uma sobrecarga de responsabilidades que tem graves implicações em seu estado de saúde, o que pode compensar-se pelo compromisso, o apoio familiar e da instituição de saúde. Urge ocupar-se das necessidades do cuidador desde a oferta e o acompanhamento dos sistemas de saúde

    Fascitis necrosante por Apophysomyces elegans, moho de la familia Mucoraceae, en paciente inmunocompetente.

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    A case study is presented of a 7-year-old boy, seriously injured in a car accident, who developed a fatal infection due to Aphophysomyces elegans--a mold of the Mucoracea family. Fungal invasion was initially manifested by a spotted wound in the left lumbar region which developed into a necrotizing fasciitis. Later this progressed to the right lumbar area, including the gluteus and the corresponding flank. Antimycotic treatment proved ineffective, and the child died 8 weeks after the accident. Other cases due to this fungus are reviewed.Se presenta la historia de un niño de 7 años de edad, politraumatizado por accidente automovilístico, que falleció a consecuencia de infección por Apophysomyces elegans, un hongo de la familia Mucoracea. La invasión fue progresiva, inicialmente se observó una lesión puntiforme en la región lumbar izquierda que progresó a fascitis necrosante y, posteriormente, afectó la zona lumbar, los glúteos y el flanco derecho. El tratamiento antimicótico resultó inefectivo y el paciente falleció 8 semanas después de su accidente. Se presenta, además, una revisión de los casos atribuidos a este hongo

    Polygenic contribution to the relationship of loneliness and social isolation with schizophrenia

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    Previous research suggests an association of loneliness and social isolation (LNL-ISO) with schizophrenia. Here, we demonstrate a LNL-ISO polygenic score contribution to schizophrenia risk in an independent case-control sample (N = 3,488). We then subset schizophrenia predisposing variation based on its effect on LNL-ISO. We find that genetic variation with concordant effects in both phenotypes shows significant SNP-based heritability enrichment, higher polygenic contribution in females, and positive covariance with mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, alcohol dependence, and autism. Conversely, genetic variation with discordant effects only contributes to schizophrenia risk in males and is negatively correlated with those disorders. Mendelian randomization analyses demonstrate a plausible bi-directional causal relationship between LNL-ISO and schizophrenia, with a greater effect of LNL-ISO liability on schizophrenia than vice versa. These results illustrate the genetic footprint of LNL-ISO on schizophrenia

    How does neighbourhood socio-economic status affect the interrelationships between functioning dimensions in first episode of psychosis? A network analysis approach

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    The links between psychosis and socio-economic disadvantage have been widely studied. No previous study has analysed the interrelationships and mutual influences between functioning dimensions in first episode of psychosis (FEP) according to their neighbourhood household income, using a multidimensional and transdiagnostic perspective. 170 patients and 129 controls, participants in an observational study (AGES-CM), comprised the study sample. The WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) was used to assess functioning, whereas participants' postcodes were used to obtain the average household income for each neighbourhood, collected by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE). Network analyses were conducted with the aim of defining the interrelationships between the different dimensions of functioning according to the neighbourhood household income. Our results show that lower neighbourhood socioeconomic level is associated with lower functioning in patients with FEP. Moreover, our findings suggest that “household responsibilities” plays a central role in the disability of patients who live in low-income neighbourhoods, whereas “dealing with strangers” is the most important node in the network of patients who live in high-income neighbourhoods. These results could help to personalize treatments, by allowing the identification of potential functioning areas to be prioritized in the treatment of FEP according to the patient's neighbourhood characteristic

    The interplay between functioning problems and symptoms in first episode of psychosis: an approach from network analysis

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    The relationship between psychotic symptoms and global measures of functioning has been widely studied. No previous study has assessed so far the interplay between specific clinical symptoms and particular areas of functioning in first-episode psychosis (FEP) using network analysis methods. A total of 191 patients with FEP (age 24.45 ± 6.28 years, 64.9% male) participating in an observational and longitudinal study (AGES-CM) comprised the study sample. Functioning problems were assessed with the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS), whereas the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used to assess symptom severity. Network analysis were conducted with the aim of analysing the patterns of relationships between the different dimensions of functioning and PANSS symptoms and factors at baseline. According to our results, the most important nodes were “conceptual disorganization”, “emotional withdrawal”, “lack of spontaneity and flow of conversation”, “delusions”, “unusual thought content”, “dealing with strangers” and “poor rapport”. Our findings suggest that these symptoms and functioning dimensions should be prioritized in the clinical assessment and management of patients with FEP. These areas may also become targets of future early intervention strategies, so as to improve quality of life in this populationThis work was supported by the Madrid Regional Government (R&D activities in Biomedicine (grant number S2017/BMD-3740 - AGES-CM 2-CM)) and Structural Funds of the European Union. Ana Izquierdo’s work is supported by the PFIS predoctoral program (FI17/00138) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) and co-funded by the European Union (ERDF/ESF, "A way to make Europe”/ “Investing in your future”) and The Biomedical Research Foundation of La Princesa University Hospital. Angela Ib´a˜nez thanks the support of CIBERSAM and of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16/00834 and PI19/01295) co-financed by ERDF Funds from the European Commission. Covadonga M. Díaz-Caneja holds a Juan Rod´es Grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (JR19/00024). Celso Arango was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (SAM16PE07CP1, PI16/02012, PI19/ 024), co-financed by ERDF Funds from the European Commission, “A way of making Europe”, CIBERSAM. Madrid Regional Government (B2017/BMD-3740 AGES-CM-2), European Union Structural Funds. European Union Seventh Framework Program under grant agreements FP7-4-HEALTH-2009-2.2.1-2-241909 (Project EU-GEI), FP7- HEALTH- 2013-2.2.1-2-603196 (Project PSYSCAN) and FP7- HEALTH-2013- 2.2.1-2-602478 (Project METSY); and European Union H2020 Program under the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (grant agreement No 115916, Project PRISM, and grant agreement No 777394, Project AIMS-2-TRIALS), Fundaci´on Familia Alonso, Fundaci´on Alicia Koplowitz and Fundaci´on Mutua Madrile˜n

    Cognitive vulnerability in mental disorders

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Modes of cognitive vulnerability were evaluated in outpatients of psychological services centers with diagnoses of mental disorders. Objective: To establish components of cognitive vulnerability in different mental disorders. Method: The participants were 490 users of psychological services centers from twelve universities in Colombia. To identify the presence or absence of mental disorders, they completed the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview.The Young Schemes Questionnaire, the Core Beliefs Questionnaire for Personality Disorders, the Inventory of Automatic Thoughts, and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire were also applied. To establish distinctive characteristics among actual major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety, and non-alcoholic substance abuse, a logistic regression analysis was conducted. Results: The results showed cognitive distinctive vulnerability profiles, according to the disorder. Conclusion: The hypothesis of cognitive specificity for the different mental disorders is confirmed.RESUMEN: Introducción: Se evaluaron los modos de vulnerabilidad cognitiva en usuarios de consulta externa en psicología, diagnosticados con trastornos mentales. Objetivo: Establecer componentes de vulnerabilidad cognitiva en diferentes trastornos mentales. Método: Participaron 490 usuarios de servicios psicológicos de doce universidades de Colombia. Se aplicó la Entrevista Neuropsiquiátrica Internacional para identificar la presencia o no de trastornos mentales; igualmente, se aplicaron el Cuestionario de Esquemas de Young, el Cuestionario de Creencias Centrales de Trastornos de la Personalidad, el Inventario de Pensamientos Automáticos y el Cuestionario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento. Se realizaron análisis de regresión logística para establecer características distintivas en los trastornos de depresión mayor actual, ansiedad generalizada, angustia, ansiedad social y abuso de sustancias no alcohólicas. Resultados: Se reportaron perfiles cognitivos de vulnerabilidad diferenciados de acuerdo con el trastorno. Conclusión: Se confirma la hipótesis de especificidad cognitiva para los diferentes trastornos mentales