287 research outputs found

    Coordinación docente en enseñanzas adaptadas al EEES. Aplicación a un centro de Ingeniería

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    Para los nuevos grados en Ingeniería basados en el EEES se hace recomendable contar con un sistema que facilite la coordinación del conjunto de todas las actividades de enseñanza/aprendizaje. Para acometer estas tareas de forma eficiente se ha diseñado y desarrollado un modelo de coordinación con dos ejes en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Málaga. El eje horizontal pretende coordinar, una vez se recopile toda la información necesaria, la carga de trabajo del estudiante de las asignaturas de cada semestre, mientras que el eje vertical intenta verificar la secuenciación adecuada de contenidos y el cumplimiento de las correspondientes competencias asignadas a las materias que conforman el plan de estudios. Además, el sistema implementado facilita la difusión de competencias, contenidos y sistemas de evaluación recogidos en la Memoria de Verificación del Título permitiendo detectar desviaciones y estableciendo las medidas correctoras adecuadas. Este procedimiento se apoya en una base de datos que recoge el plan de estudios y que permite generar formularios para recoger la información necesaria, permitiendo aligerar la carga de todo el proceso y facilitar la toma de decisiones a los participantes y órganos implicados

    A Polyextreme Hydrothermal System Controlled by Iron: The Case of Dallol at the Afar Triangle

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    One of the latest volcanic features of the Erta Ale range at the Afar Triangle (NE Ethiopia) has created a polyextreme hydrothermal system located at the Danakil depression on top of a protovolcano known as the dome of Dallol. The interaction of the underlying basaltic magma with the evaporitic salts of the Danakil depression has generated a unique, high-temperature (108 °C), hypersaline (NaCl supersaturated), hyperacidic (pH values from 0.1 to −1.7), oxygen-free hydrothermal site containing up to 150 g/L of iron. We find that the colorful brine pools and mineral patterns of Dallol derive from the slow oxygen diffusion and progressive oxidation of the dissolved ferrous iron, the iron-chlorine/-sulfate complexation, and the evaporation. These inorganic processes induce the precipitation of nanoscale jarosite-group minerals and iron(III)- oxyhydroxides over a vast deposition of halite displaying complex architectures. Our results suggest that life, if present under such conditions, does not play a dominant role in the geochemical cycling and mineral precipitation at Dallol as opposed to other hydrothermal sites. Dallol, a hydrothermal system controlled by iron, is a present-day laboratory for studying the precipitation and progressive oxidation of iron minerals, relevant for geochemical processes occurring at early Earth and Martian environmentsThis work received funding from the European Research Council under the Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement 340863 (Prometheus) and from MINECO, ref CGL2016-78971-P, AEI/FEDER, UE”

    Impact of a lecture abour empirical bases of hypnosis on beliefs and attitudes toward hypnosis among Cuban health professionals.

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    The aim of this study is to examine whether a lecture on hypnosis can modify attitudes and misconceptions about hypnosis. The sample consisted of 97 health professionals from institutions of Havana City. Group 1 consisted of 46 participants who received a lecture on hypnosis. Group 2 consisted of 51 participants who received a lecture about Urology. The Valencia Scale of Attitudes and Beliefs toward HypnosisTherapist was applied before and after the lecture. Results indicated that there were significant differences between the groups in which Group 1 showed more positive attitudes toward hypnosis. However, both groups showed similar misconceptions about hypnosis and memory, which changed significantly in Group 1 after receiving the lecture about hypnosis, but not in Group 2. Therefore, the lecture about hypnosis had a significant impact in correcting participants" misconceptions about memory and hypnosis

    MONDO : Scalable modelling and model management on the Cloud

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    Achieving scalability in modelling and MDE involves being able to construct large models and domain-specific languages in a systematic manner, enabling teams of modellers to construct and refine large models in collaboration, advancing the state of the art in model querying and transformations tools so that they can cope with large models (of the scale of millions of model elements), and providing an infrastructure for efficient storage, indexing and retrieval of large models. This paper outlines how MONDO, a collaborative EC-funded project, has contributed to tackling some of these scalability-related challenges

    A modular RNA delivery system comprising spherical nucleic acids built on endosome-escaping polymeric nanoparticles

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    Nucleic acid therapeutics require delivery systems to reach their targets. Key challenges to be overcome include avoidance of accumulation in cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system and escape from the endosomal pathway. Spherical nucleic acids (SNAs), in which a gold nanoparticle supports a corona of oligonucleotides, are promising carriers for nucleic acids with valuable properties including nuclease resistance, sequence-specific loading and control of receptor-mediated endocytosis. However, SNAs accumulate in the endosomal pathway and are thus vulnerable to lysosomal degradation or recycling exocytosis. Here, an alternative SNA core based on diblock copolymer PMPC25–PDPA72 is investigated. This pH-sensitive polymer self-assembles into vesicles with an intrinsic ability to escape endosomes via osmotic shock triggered by acidification-induced disassembly. DNA oligos conjugated to PMPC25–PDPA72 molecules form vesicles, or polymersomes, with DNA coronae on luminal and external surfaces. Nucleic acid cargoes or nucleic acid-tagged targeting moieties can be attached by hybridization to the coronal DNA. These polymeric SNAs are used to deliver siRNA duplexes against C9orf72, a genetic target with therapeutic potential for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, to motor neuron-like cells. By attaching a neuron-specific targeting peptide to the PSNA corona, effective knock-down is achieved at doses of 2 particles per cell

    Factorial Equivalence of the Social Skills Scale in the Lambayeque University Context According to Sex

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    This study aimed to show whether the theoretical model of the social skills construct, proposed by Gismero (2000), is invariant in male and female samples of Peruvian university students from Lambayeque. In order to meet the proposed objective, a non-experimental, cross-sectional, comparative psychometric design by hierarchical confirmatory procedures was chosen. Two samples of university students were used, one of 1,084 female students and the other of 1,043 male students. Both groups were applied the self-report of social skills (EHS). With the data obtained, a confirmatory factor analysis of the first-order factor structure of the social skills construct was performed in each group, based on the polychoric correlation matrix. The invariance of the scale according to sex was evaluated on the basis of the second-order factor structure, by means of multigroup confirmatory factor analysis of nested models. No significant differences in the fit to the data were found between the two-factor second-order factor structure and the alternative one-factor model. Consecutive tests of configurational invariance, disturbance, and first- and second-order metrics gave evidence, respectively, that the model structure, second-order factor errors, and first- and second-order loadings are equivalent in the two study samples. With the data from the study, it is concluded that the structure of the EHS scale is invariant to the sex variable in the Lambayeque context

    Identificación de errores conceptuales comunes en estudiantes de Termodinámica Básica

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    Se investigan los preconceptos sobre calor y temperatura que tienen los alumnos de ingeniería antes de recibir formación en Termodinámica. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante un cuestionario, pasado a principios de curso. En esta comunicación se resumen los resultados de una prueba realizada con 206 estudiantes. Se cuantifica la frecuencia de diferentes tipos de error conceptual.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Cimentação adesiva – Revisão de literatura

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    Através de uma revisão de literatura procurou-se descrever sobre a cimentação adesiva de restaurações indiretas estéticas e livres de metal, em comparação com os demais agentes cimentantes. Com base nas informações obtidas chegou-se à conclusão que a cimentação adesiva é de fundamental importância quando se trata de restaurações metal free.This literature review related about adhesive strengthens metal free restorations in comparison with the most strengthen agents. With basis on informations obtained, we conclude that the adhesive strengthen is very important in metal free restorations

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenario de violencia. Departamento de Atlántico, Nariño y Sucre.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenario de violencia. Departamento de Atlántico, Nariño y Sucre.En Colombia el conflicto armado ha marcado y cambiado la vida de muchas personas y familias sufriendo la violencia, donde la inestabilidad del estado el surgimiento de grupos, la lucha de territorio por narcotráfico ha dejado grandes afectaciones socioeconómicas, emocionales impactantes para esta humanidad, con la existencias de leyes, nuestra constitución política colombiana, los derechos humanos, derecho internacional humanitario, llevar procesos jurídicos no ha sido suficiente para el restablecimientos y recuperación de esta poblaciones víctimas. La necesidad de realizar procesos psicosociales es cada vez urgente para las comunidades y el país, donde se establece la importancia de la atención a las víctimas del conflicto armado con estrategias de forma integral, citando este párrafo, La visión en perspectiva de los Campos de Intervención Psicosocial actuales, parecen mostrar una visión optimista de la Intervención como estrategia de cambio hacia una mejor sociedad. El profesor Amalio Blanco (2007). Dentro de la estrategia para la atención a las víctimas y llevar procesos reparadores, este diplomado resalta un enfoque narrativo, desde la memoria, la identidad y la dignidad de las personas afectadas, también reflexionado hacia la justicia y la verdad, Se resalta la narrativa y la herramienta foto voz, las cuales facilitaran el abordaje y la intervención psicosocial a las víctimas, teniendo presente el rol de los psicólogos en este trabajo a presentar. En el presente documento encontraremos la apropiación de los conceptos de las unidades propuestas para el Diplomado de profundización Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, temas que serán aplicados y argumentados con una postura clara y coherente desde la técnica del análisis del relato en un escenario a partir de los casos planteados, para este trabajo se escogió el caso de Gloria, una familia víctima de grupo armado, a la cual realizamos un análisis con soportes teóricos y la formulación de preguntas circulares, reflexivas y estrategias teniendo en cuenta la narración de la historia, el abordaje psicosocial para el caso de Panduri, informe analítico y reflexivo de la experiencia de foto voz, el blog realizado en la actividad 3, finalizamos el trabajo con la conclusión y referencias bibliográficas como soporte del documento.In Colombia the armed conflict has marked and changed the lives of many people and families, suffering violence, where the instability of the state, the emergence of groups, the struggle of territory for drug trafficking has left great socio-economic impact, emotional impact for this humanity, With the existence of laws, our Colombian political constitution, human rights, international humanitarian law, carrying out legal processes has not been sufficient for the recovery and recovery of these victim populations. The need to carry out psychosocial processes is increasingly urgent for the communities and the country, where the importance of caring for the victims of the armed conflict with integral strategies is established, citing this paragraph. The perspective view of the current Psychosocial Intervention Fields, seem to show an optimistic view of the Intervention as a strategy of change towards a better society. Professor Amalio Blanco (2007). Within the strategy to care for victims and carry out reparatory processes, this diplomat emphasizes a narrative approach, from the memory, identity and dignity of the people affected, also reflecting on justice and truth. The narrative and the photo voice tool are highlighted, which will facilitate the approach and the psychosocial intervention to the victims, keeping in mind the role of the psychologists in this work to present. In this document we will find the appropriation of the concepts of the units proposed for the Diplomat of deepening Psychosocial Accompaniment in Violence Scenarios, topics that will be applied and argued with a clear and coherent position from the technique of the analysis of the story in a scenario from of the cases raised, for this work the case of Gloria was chosen, a family victim of an armed group, to which we carried out an analysis with theoretical supports and the formulation of circular, reflexive questions and strategies taking into account the narration of the story, the psychosocial approach for the case of Panduri, analytical and reflective report of the photo voice experience, the blog made in activity 3, we finalized the work with the conclusion and bibliographical references as support for the document

    Nontuberculous mycobacteria in milk from positive cows in the intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin test: implications for human tuberculosis infections

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    Although the tuberculin test represents the main in vivo diagnostic method used in the control and eradication of bovine tuberculosis, few studies have focused on the identification of mycobacteria in the milk from cows positive to the tuberculin test. The aim of this study was to identify Mycobacterium species in milk samples from cows positive to the comparative intradermal test. Milk samples from 142 cows positive to the comparative intradermal test carried out in 4,766 animals were aseptically collected, cultivated on Lowenstein-Jensen and Stonebrink media and incubated for up to 90 days. Colonies compatible with mycobacteria were stained by Ziehl-Neelsen to detect acid-fast bacilli, while to confirm the Mycobacterium genus, conventional PCR was performed. Fourteen mycobacterial strains were isolated from 12 cows (8.4%). The hsp65 gene sequencing identified M. engbaekii (n=5), M. arupense (n=4), M. nonchromogenicum (n=3), and M. heraklionense (n=2) species belong to the Mycobacterium terrae complex. Despite the absence of M. tuberculosis complex species in the milk samples, identification of these mycobacteria highlights the risk of pathogen transmission from bovines to humans throughout milk or dairy products, since many of mycobacterial species described here have been reported in pulmonary and extrapulmonary diseases both in immunocompetent and immunocompromised people