21 research outputs found

    Person-centred Leadership: a relational approach to leadership derived through action research

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    Aims & Objectives: How does person-centred leadership manifest in clinical nursing. Background: Person-centred practice fosters healthful relationships and is gaining increasing attention in nursing and healthcare, but nothing is known about the influence of a person centred approach to leadership practice. Most leadership models used in nursing were originally developed outside of nursing. Design: A three year participatory action research study where participant leaders planned, researched and learned from their practice development. Methods: After an orientation phase, four action spirals focused on: critical and creative reflective inquiries into leadership practice change; leading the implementation and evaluation of a new nursing system; facilitating storytelling sessions with staff and annually reflecting on personal leadership change. Multiple data gathering methods offered insight into leadership development from several perspectives. Results: Critical and creative thematic data analysis revealed a set of attributes, relational processes and contextual factors that influenced the being and becoming of a person-centred leader. Comparing the findings with nursing leadership literature supports a conceptual framework for person-centred leadership. Conclusions: Person-centred leadership is a complex, dynamic, relational and contextualised practice that aims to enable associates and leaders achieve self-actualisation, empowerment and wellbeing.sch_nurpub5316pu

    Promoting Early Detection of Breast Cancer and Care Strategies for Nigeria

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women particularly in developing countries like Nigeria, with high mortality, and economic costs. Worldwide, it is predicted that more than one million women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 400,000 will die from the disease every year. A comparative integrative review of the literature from Nigeria and Canada showed that in Canada, there is positive association between wide spread education, early detection, the disease stage at diagnosis, and survival rates. In Nigeria, presentation with the advanced stage of the disease makes survival very low. The primary factors responsible for the late presentations are lack of awareness, misconceptions about breast cancer causes, and treatment outcomes. It is recommended that guidelines and policies about breast cancer early detection, care strategies, and ongoing management pathways be produced, disseminated, and adopted. The guidelines will assist practitioners and patients in making informed decisions and choices about the most appropriate health care for their specific clinical situations. The implementation of evidence-based guidelines will most likely help to improve care processes, the quality of clinical decisions and patient treatment outcome. Keywords: Breast cancer, awareness, early detection of cancer, cancer care, Nigeria, CanadaLe cancer du sein est le cancer le plus commun chez les femmes, surtout dans les pays en développement comme le Nigeria, avec une mortalité élevée et des coûts économiques. Dans le monde entier, on prévoit que plus d'un million de femmes sont diagnostiquées avec un cancer du sein et plus de 400 000 mourront de la maladie chaque année. Un examen comparatif des documents venant du Nigéria et du Canada ont montré qu'au Canada, il existe une association positive entre l'éducation largement répandue, le dépistage précoce, le stade de la maladie au moment du diagnostic et les taux de survie. Au Nigéria, la présentation au stade avancé de la maladie rend la survie très faible. Les principaux facteurs responsables des présentations tardives sont le manque de sensibilisation, les idées fausses sur les causes du cancer du sein et les résultats du traitement. Il est recommandé de produire, de diffuser et d‘adopter des lignes directrices et des politiques sur la détection précoce du cancer du sein, les stratégies de soins et les parcours de gestion en cours. Les lignes directrices aideront les praticiens et les patients à prendre des décisions et des choix éclairés sur les soins de santé les plus appropriés pour leurs situations cliniques spécifiques. La mise en œuvre de lignes directrices fondées sur des données probantes contribuera vraisemblablement à améliorer les processus de soins, la qualité des décisions cliniques et les résultats du traitement de la patiente. Mots clés: Cancer du sein, sensibilisation, dépistage précoce du cancer, soins contre le cancer, Nigeria, Canada

    Promoting early detection of breast cancer and care strategies for Nigeria

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women particularly in developing countries like Nigeria, with high mortality, and economic costs. Worldwide, it is predicted that more than one million women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 400,000 will die from the disease every year. A comparative integrative review of the literature from Nigeria and Canada showed that in Canada, there is positive association between wide spread education, early detection, the disease stage at diagnosis, and survival rates. In Nigeria, presentation with the advanced stage of the disease makes survival very low. The primary factors responsible for the late presentations are lack of awareness, misconceptions about breast cancer causes, and treatment outcomes. It is recommended that guidelines and policies about breast cancer early detection, care strategies, and ongoing management pathways be produced, disseminated, and adopted. The guidelines will assist practitioners and patients in making informed decisions and choices about the most appropriate health care for their specific clinical situations. The implementation of evidence-based guidelines will most likely help to improve care processes, the quality of clinical decisions and patient treatment outcome.Keywords: Breast cancer, awareness, early detection of cancer, cancer care, Nigeria, Canad

    An integrative review of the Literature on the determinants of health outcomes of women living with breast cancer in Canada and Nigeria from 1990 to 2014: A comparative study

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    The research conducted compromises an analysis of pollen samples taken at the 25 Carate site, an alluvial plain of the Lower San Jorge river, located in San Marcos, Sucre, an archaeological survey carried out in the area and C14 analysis. These data allowed us the identification of climatic cycles (alternation of humid and dry periods, but also, levels of flood ing), as well as their fluviomorphological (changes in the rate of sedimentation) and ecological consequences (dominance of forest versus savanna vegetation, and swamp or flooding conditions. In connection with such evolution process, changes in resource exploitation systems were traced out. The pollen profile covers a period of time of at least 800 years, since 1010 A. D. to the present. The pollen analysis indicated that the dominance of savanna vegetation is associated with periods of drought, thus indicating that management of the artificial channels was successful. The research also provides a glimpse at land scape changes occurred from the prehispanic occupation period of the region until nowadays, in which savanna conditions prevail in most of the area previously covered by the forest vegetation.A partir del análisis de muestras palinológicas de Carate 25, planicie aluvial del bajo río San Jorge ubicada en el municipio de San Marcos (Sucre, Colombia), de las investigacion es arqueológicas realizadas en dicha región y de los datos cronológicos obtenidos por C14, fue posible establecer los ciclos climáticos (alternancia de períodos secos y húmedos, y de niveles de inundación bajos y altos con duración variable) y sus consecuencias fluviomorfológicas (cambios en las tasas de sedimentación) y ecológicas (predominancia relativa de vegetación de bosque vs. vegetación de sabana y de condiciones de pantano o inundación). Asociados con esta dinámica, se determinaron cambios históricos en los sistemas de aprovechamiento de los recursos. El perfil de polen cubre un rango temporal de por lo menos 800 años: desde el 1010 d.C. hasta el presente, y él se encuentra una relación entre el predominio de vegetación abierta o Sabana asociada con épocas de sequía, pudiéndose advertir que el manejo de sistemas de canales era exitoso. Así mismo, es importante ver las alteraciones que se han dado en el paisaje desde la época de ocupación por parte de grupos prehispánicos, cuando la región se encontraba cubierta de numerosos parches boscosos, hasta hoy, cuando se hallan enormes zonas cubiertas de Sabana con muy escasas zonas de vegetación arbustiva y la desaparición casi total de la vegetación de bosque. 