128 research outputs found

    Keep minding the gap – gender-related differences in leadership expectations and preferences of The generation Y

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    This study aims at refocusing attention to the current situation of the gender gap and female aspirations to acquire leadership positions in the Generation Y. Through an online survey, expectations and preferences towards leadership of recently graduated Millennials were investigated. Results revealed, despite no evident differences in qualification and background between gender in the examined cohort, the gender gap in terms of leadership still persists. While men and women feel equally prepared to take on a leadership position after graduation, they prefer different leadership styles and plan on leading differently. Both genders intend to take on leading positions. Yet, women aim lower than men and feel less supported by their companies. Therefore, companies need to start creating gender-neutral corporate cultures with a support system that empowers high potential female Millennials to thrive for a seat in the board room

    Wyznaczanie korytarzy przewietrzających przy uĆŒyciu metody morfometrycznej dla wybranego fragmentu miasta Ɓodzi

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    The aim of the paper was an indication of potential ventilation paths which affect proper functioning of the cities aerial system. The research was conducted using the most popular method – morphometric for the sake of low cost data gathering and high precision of final results. Due to the wind’s dominant direction, an analysis covered a windward part of Lodz. The first part of the research included an analysis of the basic roughness parameters such as: roughness length (zo), zero plane displacement height (zd) and porosity of the urban canopy layer (P). Based on the obtained results and taking into account ventilation paths criteria eight areas were designated which provide a free flow of air to the city.W pracy podjęto prĂłbę wyznaczenia terenĂłw stanowiących potencjalne korytarze przewietrzające warunkujące prawidƂowe funkcjonowanie systemu aeracyjnego miasta. Badanie zostaƂo przeprowadzone przy uĆŒyciu jednej z najpopularniejszych metod – morfometrycznej, ze względu na niski koszt pozyskania danych oraz wysoką precyzję otrzymywanych wynikĂłw. Z uwagi na dominujący kierunek napƂywu wiatru, analizami objęto dowietrzny fragment miasta Ɓodzi. Pierwszy etap opracowania objąƂ analizę podstawowych parametrĂłw szorstkoƛci terenu, tj. chropowatoƛci podƂoĆŒa (zo), przemieszczenia pƂaszczyzny zerowej (zd) oraz porowatoƛci w obrębie warstwy dachowej (P). Na podstawie uzyskanych wynikĂłw oraz przyjętych kryteriĂłw prawidƂowego funkcjonowania korytarzy przewietrzających wyznaczono osiem obszarĂłw swobodnego napƂywu powietrza do miasta

    Assessment of effectiveness of selected adaptation actions to climate change. The example of the New Centre of Lodz.

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    The increasing average annual temperature value is observed in many cities around the world. More and more often, not only the Southern Europe inhabitants, but also those from the Central and Northern Europe are exposed to thermal stress. Nature Based Solutions (NBS) play a key role in mitigation, i.e. the process of alleviating the negative effects of climate change in highly urbanized areas. The main objective of this study is to answer the question whether the planned spatial activities involving the use of NBS solutions in the New Centre of Lodz contribute to the improvement of the urban spaces’ microclimate and the thermal comfort of people in the external environment. The subject of the work is the microclimate of urban spaces, understood as a climatic conditions set, in particular thermal conditions, in a given, small area. The spatial scope of the work covers a 30-hectare part of the New Centre of Lodz limited by the following streets: KiliƄskiego, Narutowicza, Piotrkowska, Tuwima, which is currently undergoing a large-area revitalization process. In order to determine the microclimate conditions and thermal comfort, numerical simulations conducted in the ENVI-met program were used

    Five-Dimensional Charged Rotating Black Holes

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    We consider charged rotating black holes in 5-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory. These black holes are asymptotically flat, they possess a regular horizon of spherical topology and two independent angular momenta associated with two distinct planes of rotation. We discuss their global and horizon properties, and derive a generalized Smarr formula. We construct these black holes numerically, focussing on black holes with a single angular momentum, and with two equal-magnitude angular momenta.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Understanding transnational knowledge

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    Duscha A, Klein-Zimmer K, Klemm M, Spiegel A. Understanding transnational knowledge. Transnational Social Review. 2018;8(1):2-6

    A Hitchhiker's guide through the bio-image analysis software universe

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    Modern research in the life sciences is unthinkable without computational methods for extracting, quantifying and visualising information derived from microscopy imaging data of biological samples. In the past decade, we observed a dramatic increase in available software packages for these purposes. As it is increasingly difficult to keep track of the number of available image analysis platforms, tool collections, components and emerging technologies, we provide a conservative overview of software that we use in daily routine and give insights into emerging new tools. We give guidance on which aspects to consider when choosing the platform that best suits the user's needs, including aspects such as image data type, skills of the team, infrastructure and community at the institute and availability of time and budget.Peer reviewe

    Development of Polythiourethane/ZnO-Based Anti-Fouling Materials and Evaluation of the Adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus and Candida glabrata Using Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy

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    The attachment of bacteria and other microbes to natural and artificial surfaces leads to the development of biofilms, which can further cause nosocomial infections. Thus, an important field of research is the development of new materials capable of preventing the initial adhesion of pathogenic microorganisms. In this work, novel polymer/particle composite materials, based on a polythiourethane (PTU) matrix and either spherical (s-ZnO) or tetrapodal (t-ZnO) shaped ZnO fillers, were developed and characterized with respect to their mechanical, chemical and surface properties. To then evaluate their potential as anti-fouling surfaces, the adhesion of two different pathogenic microorganism species, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida glabrata, was studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our results show that the adhesion of both S. aureus and C. glabrata to PTU and PTU/ZnO is decreased compared to a model surface polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). It was furthermore found that the amount of both s-ZnO and t-ZnO filler had a direct influence on the adhesion of S. aureus, as increasing amounts of ZnO particles resulted in reduced adhesion of the cells. For both microorganisms, material composites with 5 wt.% of t-ZnO particles showed the greatest potential for anti-fouling with significantly decreased adhesion of cells. Altogether, both pathogens exhibit a reduced capacity to adhere to the newly developed nanomaterials used in this study, thus showing their potential for bio-medical applications

    Ihr Weg zum klimaneutralen GebÀude

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    IHR WEG ZUM KLIMANEUTRALEN GEBÄUDE Ihr Weg zum klimaneutralen GebĂ€ude / Braune, Anna (Rights reserved) ( -

    Clustering in random line graphs

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    We investigate the degree distribution P(k)P(k) and the clustering coefficient CC of the line graphs constructed on the Erd\"os-R\'enyi networks, the exponential and the scale-free growing networks. We show that the character of the degree distribution in these graphs remains Poissonian, exponential and power law, respectively, i.e. the same as in the original networks. When the mean degree increases, the obtained clustering coefficient CC tends to 0.50 for the transformed Erd\"os-R\'enyi networks, to 0.53 for the transformed exponential networks and to 0.61 for the transformed scale-free networks. These results are close to theoretical values, obtained with the model assumption that the degree-degree correlations in the initial networks are negligible.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
