279 research outputs found

    Differentiation of Blastocystis and parasitic archamoebids encountered in untreated wastewater samples by amplicon-based next-generation sequencing.

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    BACKGROUND: Application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to genomic DNA extracted from sewage offers a unique and cost-effective opportunity to study the genetic diversity of intestinal parasites. In this study, we used amplicon-based NGS to reveal and differentiate several common luminal intestinal parasitic protists, specifically Entamoeba, Endolimax, Iodamoeba, and Blastocystis, in sewage samples from Swedish treatment plants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Influent sewage samples were subject to gradient centrifugation, DNA extraction and PCR-based amplification using three primer pairs designed for amplification of eukaryotic nuclear 18S ribosomal DNA. PCR products were sequenced using ILLUMINA® technology, and resulting sequences were annotated to species and subtype level using the in-house BION software, sequence clustering, and phylogenetic analysis. RESULTS: A total of 26 samples from eight treatment plants in central/southern Sweden were analysed. Blastocystis sp. and Entamoeba moshkovskii were detected in all samples, and most samples (n?=?20) were positive for Entamoeba coli. Moreover, we detected Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar, Entamoeba hartmanni, Endolimax nana, and Iodamoeba bütschlii in 1, 11, 4, 10, and 7 samples, respectively. The level of genetic divergence observed within E. nana and E. moshkovskii was 20.2% and 7.7%, respectively, across the ~400-bp region studied, and two clades of E. moshkovskii were found. As expected, Blastocystis sp. subtypes 1-4 were present in almost all samples; however, ST8 was present in 10 samples and was the only subtype not commonly found in humans that was present in multiple samples. CONCLUSIONS: Entamoeba and Blastocystis were identified as universal members of the "sewage microbiome". Blastocystis sp. ST8, which has been rarely reported in humans, was a very common finding, indicating that a hitherto unidentified but common host of ST8 contributed to the sewage influent. The study also provided substantial new insight into the intra-generic diversity of Entamoeba and Endolimax

    High throughput resistance profiling of Plasmodium falciparum infections based on custom dual indexing and Illumina next generation sequencing-technology

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    AbstractGenetic polymorphisms in P. falciparum can be used to indicate the parasite’s susceptibility to antimalarial drugs as well as its geographical origin. Both of these factors are key to monitoring development and spread of antimalarial drug resistance. In this study, we combine multiplex PCR, custom designed dual indexing and Miseq sequencing for high throughput SNP-profiling of 457 malaria infections from Guinea-Bissau, at the cost of 10 USD per sample. By amplifying and sequencing 15 genetic fragments, we cover 20 resistance-conferring SNPs occurring in pfcrt, pfmdr1, pfdhfr, pfdhps, as well as the entire length of pfK13, and the mitochondrial barcode for parasite origin. SNPs of interest were sequenced with an average depth of 2,043 reads, and bases were called for the various SNP-positions with a p-value below 0.05, for 89.8–100% of samples. The SNP data indicates that artemisinin resistance-conferring SNPs in pfK13 are absent from the studied area of Guinea-Bissau, while the pfmdr1 86 N allele is found at a high prevalence. The mitochondrial barcodes are unanimous and accommodate a West African origin of the parasites. With this method, very reliable high throughput surveillance of antimalarial drug resistance becomes more affordable than ever before.</jats:p

    Blastocystis Mitochondrial Genomes Appear to Show Multiple Independent Gains and Losses of Start and Stop Codons.

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    Complete mitochondrion-related organelle (MRO) genomes of several subtypes (STs) of the unicellular stramenopile Blastocystis are presented. Complete conservation of gene content and synteny in gene order is observed across all MRO genomes, comprising 27 protein coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and 16 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. Despite the synteny, differences in the degree of overlap between genes were observed between subtypes and also between isolates within the same subtype. Other notable features include unusual base-pairing mismatches in the predicted secondary structures of some tRNAs. Intriguingly, the rps4 gene in some MRO genomes is missing a start codon and, based on phylogenetic relationships among STs, this loss has happened twice independently. One unidentified open reading frame (orf160) is present in all MRO genomes. However, with the exception of ST4 where the feature has been lost secondarily, orf160 contains variously one or two in-frame stop codons. The overall evidence suggests that both the orf160 and rps4 genes are functional in all STs, but how they are expressed remains unclear

    Mitigation of Odor, NH3, H2S, GHG, and VOC Emissions With Current Products for Use in Deep-Pit Swine Manure Storage Structures

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    Odorous gas emissions from swine production have been a concern for neighbors and communities near livestock farms. Manure storage is one of the main sources of gaseous emissions. Manure additive products are marketed as a simple solution to this environmental challenge. Manure additives are user-friendly for producers and can be applied (e.g., periodically poured into manure) without changing the current manure storage structure. Little scientific data exist on how these products perform in mitigating gaseous emissions from swine manure. The research objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of 12 marketed manure additives on mitigating odor, ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), greenhouse gases (GHG), and odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from stored swine manure. A controlled pilot-scale setup was used to conduct 8-week long trials using manufacturer-prescribed dosages of additives into swine manures. Manure was outsourced from three swine farms to represent a variety of manure storage types and other factors affecting the properties. Measured gaseous emissions were compared between the treated and untreated manure. None of the tested products showed a significant reduction in gaseous emissions when all (n = 3) manures were treated as replicates. Selected products showed a wide range of statistically-significant reduction and generation of gaseous emissions when emissions were compared in pairs of manure types from one farm. The latter observation highlighted the lack of consistent mitigation of gaseous emissions by manure additives. The results of this study do not warrant full-scale trials with the tested products

    Nesting properties and anisotropy of the Fermi surface of LuNi2_{2}B2_{2}C

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    The rare earth nickel borocarbides, with the generic formula RRNi2_{2}B2_{2}C, have recently been shown to display a rich variety of phenomena. Most striking has been the competition between, and even coexistence of, antiferromagnetism and superconductivity. We have measured the Fermi surface (FS) of LuNi2_{2}B2_{2}C, and shown that it possesses nesting features capable of explaining some of the phenomena experimentally observed. In particular, it had previously been conjectured that a particular sheet of FS is responsible for the modulated magnetic structures manifest in some of the series. We report the first direct experimental observation of this sheet.Comment: 4 pages, 4 PS figure

    MiCroKit 3.0: an integrated database of midbody, centrosome and kinetochore

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    During cell division/mitosis, a specific subset of proteins is spatially and temporally assembled into protein super complexes in three distinct regions, i.e. centrosome/spindle pole, kinetochore/centromere and midbody/cleavage furrow/phragmoplast/bud neck, and modulates cell division process faithfully. Although many experimental efforts have been carried out to investigate the characteristics of these proteins, no integrated database was available. Here, we present the MiCroKit database (http://microkit.biocuckoo.org) of proteins that localize in midbody, centrosome and/or kinetochore. We collected into the MiCroKit database experimentally verified microkit proteins from the scientific literature that have unambiguous supportive evidence for subcellular localization under fluorescent microscope. The current version of MiCroKit 3.0 provides detailed information for 1489 microkit proteins from seven model organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizasaccharomyces pombe, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Xenopus laevis, Mus musculus and Homo sapiens. Moreover, the orthologous information was provided for these microkit proteins, and could be a useful resource for further experimental identification. The online service of MiCroKit database was implemented in PHP + MySQL + JavaScript, while the local packages were developed in JAVA 1.5 (J2SE 5.0)

    A consensus review on the development of palliative care for patients with chronic and progressive neurological disease

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The European Association of Palliative Care Taskforce, in collaboration with the Scientific Panel on Palliative Care in Neurology of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (now the European Academy of Neurology), aimed to undertake a review of the literature to establish an evidence-based consensus for palliative and end of life care for patients with progressive neurological disease, and their families. METHODS: A search of the literature yielded 942 articles on this area. These were reviewed by two investigators to determine the main areas and the subsections. A draft list of papers supporting the evidence for each area was circulated to the other authors in an iterative process leading to the agreed recommendations. RESULTS: Overall there is limited evidence to support the recommendations but there is increasing evidence that palliative care and a multidisciplinary approach to care do lead to improved symptoms (Level B) and quality of life of patients and their families (Level C). The main areas in which consensus was found and recommendations could be made are in the early integration of palliative care (Level C), involvement of the wider multidisciplinary team (Level B), communication with patients and families including advance care planning (Level C), symptom management (Level B), end of life care (Level C), carer support and training (Level C), and education for all professionals involved in the care of these patients and families (Good Practice Point). CONCLUSIONS: The care of patients with progressive neurological disease and their families continues to improve and develop. There is a pressing need for increased collaboration between neurology and palliative care

    Distribution of Archaeal Communities along the Coast of the Gulf of Finland and Their Response to Oil Contamination

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    The Baltic Sea is vulnerable to environmental changes. With the increasing shipping activities, the risk of oil spills remains high. Archaea are widely distributed in many environments. However, the distribution and the response of archaeal communities to oil contamination have rarely been investigated in brackish habitats. Hence, we conducted a survey to investigate the distribution, diversity, composition, and species interactions of indigenous archaeal communities at oil-contaminated sites along the coast of the Gulf of Finland (GoF) using high-throughput sequencing. Surface water and littoral sediment samples were collected at presumably oil-contaminated (oil distribution facilities) and clean sites along the coastline of the GoF in the winter 2015 and the summer 2016. Another three samples of open sea surface water were taken as offshore references. Of Archaea, Euryarchaeota dominated in the surface water and the littoral sediment of the coast of the GoF, followed by Crenarchaeota (including Thaumarchaeota, Thermoprotei, and Korarchaeota based on the Greengenes database used). The unclassified sequences accounted for 5.62% of the total archaeal sequences. Our study revealed a strong dependence of the archaeal community composition on environmental variables (e.g., salinity, pH, oil concentration, TOM, electrical conductivity, and total DNA concentration) in both littoral sediment and coastal water in the GoF. The composition of archaeal communities was season and ecosystem dependent. Archaea was highly diverse in the three ecosystems (littoral sediment, coastal water, and open sea water). Littoral sediment harbored the highest diversity of archaea. Oil was often detected in the littoral sediment but rarely detected in water at those presumably contaminated sites. Although the composition of archaeal community in the littoral sediment was sensitive to low-input oil contamination, the unchanged putative functional profiles and increased interconnectivity of the archaeal core species network plausibly revealed resilience and the potential for oil degradation. Halobacteriaceae and putative cytochrome P450 pathways were significantly enriched in the oil-contaminated littoral sediment.The archaeal taxa formed highly interconnected and interactive networks, in which Halobacteriaceae, Thermococcus, and methanogens were the main components, implying a potential relevant trophic connection between hydrocarbon degradation, methanogenesis, sulfate reduction, and/or fermentative growth.Peer reviewe

    Locally harvested foods support serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D sufficiency in an indigenous population of Western Alaska

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    Background: Low serum vitamin D is associated with higher latitude, age, body fat percentage and low intake of fatty fish. Little documentation of vitamin D concentrations is available for Alaska Native populations. Objective: This study was undertaken to investigate serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations of the Yup'ik people of southwestern Alaska in relation to demographic and lifestyle variables, particularly with the use of locally harvested (local) foods. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: We estimated 25(OH)D, dietary vitamin D and calcium, percent of energy from local foods and demographic variables in 497 Yup'ik people (43% males) aged 14–92 residing in southwestern Alaska. Sampling was approximately equally divided between synthesizing and non-synthesizing seasons, although the preponderance of samples were drawn during months of increasing daylight. Results: Mean vitamin D intake was 15.1±20.2 µg/d, while local foods accounted for 22.9±17.1% of energy intake. The leading sources of vitamin D were local fish (90.1%) followed by market foods. Mean 25(OH)D concentration was 95.6±40.7 nmol/L. Participants in the upper 50th percentile of 25(OH)D concentration tended to be older, male, of lower body mass index, sampled during the synthesizing season, and among the upper 50th percentile of local food use. Conclusions: A shift away from locally harvested foods will likely increase the risk for serum 25(OH)D insufficiency in this population