1,725 research outputs found

    CHANG, K.-S., Developmental Liberalism in South Korea: Formation, Degeneration and Transnationalization, International Political Economy Series, Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 221pp.

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    The preface of the book premieres Chang’s methodological choice to prioritize the linkages between the state, society, economy and culture in studying what he labels as “compressed modernity” in the South Korean context. He further explains that the complex realities of the South Korean experience of development have been largely politically framed and reduced to a certain number of dimensions, especially in the media

    Mobiles de l’Intention Entrepreneuriale : Cas des Etudiant(e)s Universitaires de la RĂ©gion Rabat -SalĂ©-Kenitra du Maroc

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    Entrepreneurial research has evolved along with growth in entrepreneurial interest and the search for success factors. This explains why some individuals can make it through the process of creating and starting their own companies while others cannot. For a long time, research has assumed that the personal characteristics of the founder were the main origin of these differences (D’Amboise, 1989). Following the first pieces of research in entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial phenomenon is mainly explained by the character of the “founder”. The advent of procedural approaches in the field of entrepreneurship has endorsed the study of the following questions of "why" and "how" (Fayolle, 2002). This paper focuses on the upstream of the entrepreneurial process, in order to better capture the mobile aspects at the origin of the entrepreneurial intention. An exploratory study was conducted in the field through a questionnaire developed from the literature review on entrepreneurial intention. In addition, a sample of 150 students was used from the third cycle (Bac + 3 and Bac + 5). This refers to those who are considered to be the most likely to move towards the foundation of a company at the end of their training. Also, we based ourselves on the theory of planned behaviour of Ajzen (1991), which considers the desirability of the entrepreneurial exercise as the main determinant that influences the implementation of entrepreneurial activity.La recherche en entrepreneuriat a connu une Ă©volution qui s’est accompagnĂ©e par une croissance de l’intĂ©rĂȘt accordĂ© Ă  l’entrepreneur et Ă  la recherche des facteurs de rĂ©ussite, qui expliquent pourquoi certains individus parviennent Ă  franchir le cap de crĂ©ation d’entreprise tandis que d’autres n’y arrivent pas. Les recherches ont pendant longtemps supposĂ© que les caractĂ©ristiques personnelles de l’individu-crĂ©ateur Ă©taient Ă  l’origine de ces diffĂ©rences (D’Amboise, 1989). Suite aux premiĂšres recherches en entrepreneuriat, le phĂ©nomĂšne entrepreneurial est expliquĂ© principalement par le caractĂšre du crĂ©ateur. L’avĂšnement des approches processuelles dans le champ de l’entrepreneuriat a favorisĂ© les Ă©tudes qui se posent la question du « pourquoi » et du « comment » (Fayolle, 2002). Dans cette perspective, nous allons nous intĂ©resser Ă  l’amont du processus entrepreneurial, afin de mieux apprĂ©hender les mobiles Ă  l’origine de l’intention entrepreneuriale. Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, nous allons mener sur le terrain une Ă©tude exploratoire Ă  travers un questionnaire Ă©laborĂ© Ă  partir de la revue de la littĂ©rature sur l’intention entrepreneuriale. Nous nous sommes appuyĂ©s sur un Ă©chantillon composĂ© de 150 Ă©tudiant(e)s du troisiĂšme cycle (Bac+3 et Bac+5), qui sont considĂ©rĂ©s le plus susceptibles Ă  s’orienter vers la crĂ©ation d’entreprise Ă  la fin de leurs formations. Aussi, nous nous sommes basĂ©s sur la thĂ©orie du comportement planifiĂ© de Ajzen (1991), qui considĂšre la dĂ©sirabilitĂ© de l’exercice entrepreneurial comme principal dĂ©terminant qui influence la concrĂ©tisation de l’activitĂ© entrepreneuriale

    Executive Coaching In Morocco: Simple Trend Or A Really Impactful Process?

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    Nowadays, organizations present an environment leading people to greater competitiveness and individual performance in the workplace. In order to better serve its interests and objectives, business community use different forms of support of their managers, namely the executive coaching, object of our study. This approach is applied as a managers’ performance development strategy (Grant & Greene, 2004; MoĂ«n & Federici, 2012; MoĂ«n & Skaalvik, 2009). Since the last 90’s, executive coaching is gaining progressive popularity in Morocco, thanks to the emergence of different coaching programs and institutions. The aim of the present study is to highlight the main reasons explaining the resort to this strategy, and to bring valuable insights about its success factors and its impacts on managers’ performance. Is executive coaching in Morocco just an observable trend or a real difference making process? Through semi-structured interviews, conducted with Moroccan coaches, coachees and a HR Manager, we will analysis this research question.Nowadays, organizations present an environment leading people to greater competitiveness and individual performance in the workplace. In order to better serve its interests and objectives, business community use different forms of support of their managers, namely the executive coaching, object of our study. This approach is applied as a managers’ performance development strategy (Grant & Greene, 2004; MoĂ«n & Federici, 2012; MoĂ«n & Skaalvik, 2009). Since the last 90’s, executive coaching is gaining progressive popularity in Morocco, thanks to the emergence of different coaching programs and institutions. The aim of the present study is to highlight the main reasons explaining the resort to this strategy, and to bring valuable insights about its success factors and its impacts on managers’ performance. Is executive coaching in Morocco just an observable trend or a real difference making process? Through semi-structured interviews, conducted with Moroccan coaches, coachees and a HR Manager, we will analysis this research question

    Retinal involvement in an acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    We report a case of a patient who presents for ophthalmic complaints revealing systemic acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The eye fundus examination shows bilateral papilledema, retinal hemorrhages and diffuse white retinal infiltration. After chemotherapy, there was noticeable improvement of visual acuity and important regression of papilledema. Ocular involvement in leukemia is considered as a central nervous system lesion. It requires, therefore, a proper treatment including corticosteroids, chemotherapy and radiation treatment of the central nervous system

    Une cataracte inhabituelle: régressive à noyau pétaloïde

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    Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 38 ans, sans antĂ©cĂ©dents mĂ©dico-chirurgicaux, victime d'un traumatisme contusif de l'Ɠil droit par coup de pierre il y a 20 ans, avec baisse de l'acuitĂ© visuelle progressive depuis 10 ans. L'examen ophtalmologique note au niveau de l'Ɠil droit une acuitĂ© visuelle Ă  mouvement des doigts, et un tonus oculaire Ă  11mmHg. L'examen du segment antĂ©rieur aprĂšs dilatation objective une cataracte rĂ©gressive, dont le noyau prĂ©sumĂ© est de forme pĂ©taloĂŻde, les bords et les sutures des pĂ©tales sont denses. Une Ă©chographie oculaire est rĂ©alisĂ©e vu l'inaccessibilitĂ© du fond d'Ɠil, ainsi que l'examen de l'Ɠil gauche n'objective aucune anomalie

    New Complex Chromosomal Translocation in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia: t(9;18;22)(q34;p11;q11)

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    A Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) case with a new complex t(9;18;22)(q34;p11;q11) of a 29-year-old man is being reported. For the first time, this translocation has been characterized by karyotype complemented with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In CML, the complex and standard translocations have the same prognosis. The patient was treated with standard initial therapy based on hydroxyurea before he died due to heart failure four months later. Our finding indicates the importance of combined cytogenetic analysis for diagnosis and guidance of treatment in clinical diagnosis of CML

    Electro-Fenton degradation of Methylene Blue using Graphite/Magnetite cathode

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    Methylene blue in aqueous solution was effectively discolored using an electro-Fenton (EF) system with a magnetite fixed on graphite by resin epoxy as cathode and graphite as anode. Experimental study was done to analyze the effect of pH, current density (J), supporting electrolyte concentration (electC), inner electrode spacing (IES), catalyst concentration (CatC), and BM concentration (CBM) on dye removal rate. The optimal conditions are pH= 3, J= 10mA/cm2, electC= 0.05M, CBM= 10ppm, IES= 3cm, and CatC= 0.2g/l, as shown in the results. After 30 and 100 minutes of reaction, respectively, the removing rate for 10 ppm and 50 ppm is 99.8 % and 99.5 %. Furthermore, with a 30-minute purification in a 1M HCl solution in between cycles, those cathodes may be used at least three more times without experiencing performance loss. In order to remove dyes from wastewater processes and applications, Magnetite fixed on Graphite can work well as an electro-Fenton system's cathode

    MĂ©ningiome en plaque sphĂ©no-orbitaire: Ă  propos d’un cas avec revue de la littĂ©rature

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    Le méningiome intra osseux est une variété des méningiomes ectopiques dans lequel les cellules méningothéliales envahissent la paroi osseuse et entraßnent une hyperostose. Le méningiome en plaque, variante macroscopique des méningiomes intra osseux, est une tumeur rare et survient fréquemment au niveau de la région sphéno-orbitaire ce qui le confond avec les tumeurs osseuses primitives. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 50 ans qui présente une exophtalmie avec cécité unilatérale gauche d'installation progressive depuis un an. L'examen trouve une exophtalmie axile, indolore et non réductible ainsi qu'une limitation de la motilité oculaire dans tous les sens du regard. La palpation montre une masse temporale gauche dure et adhérente à l'os. L'examen du fond d'oeil trouve un oedÚme papillaire gauche. Le scanner montre une lésion ostéocondensante temporo-sphéno-orbitaire gauche avec envahissement locorégional. Le diagnostic préopératoire fut une tumeur osseuse essentiellement maligne primitive ou secondaire. L'étude histologique a révélée un méningiome meningothélial de type en plaque. La patiente a bénéficié d'une exérÚse avec reconstruction chirurgicale. Aucune récidive n'a été notée aprÚs 1 an de recul

    Outlook for Electricity and Renewable Energy in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries. MEDPRO Technical Report No. 16/October 2012

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    The aim of this report is to elaborate the MEDPRO Energy Reference Scenario for electricity demand and power generation (by energy source) in the southern and eastern part of the Mediterranean (MED- 11 countries) up to 2030. The report assesses the prospects for the implementation of renewable energy in the MED-11 countries over the next decades. The development of renewable energy is a cornerstone of the MED-11 countries’ efforts to improve security of supply and reduce CO2 emissions; the prospects for regional renewable-energy plans (the Mediterranean Solar Plan, DESERTEC and Medgrid); and the development of electricity interconnections in MED-11 countries and the possible integration of Mediterranean electricity and renewable markets (both south–south and south–north)
