922 research outputs found

    Productivity, wages, and the returns to firm-provided training: fair shared capitalism?

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    In this study, we develop an alternative modelling that examines a) the determinants of firm productivity and wages and b) the internal rate of return (IRR) to firm training for both firms and workers. Using a six-year linked employer-employee dataset, our estimates indicate that an additional hour of training per worker results in an increase of 0.12% in productivity and 0.04% in wages, or an increase of 0.16% and 0.08%, respectively, if one uses firm training as a stock variable. We then find that 82% of the gains in productivity are captured by firms and 18% by workers. Given the training costs, we finally obtain an IRR of 13% for firms and 33% for workers at sample means. Firms are heterogeneous, and we do find that dispersion in the rates of return across firms is high.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The competitiveness of the China and India in the European Union

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    Master in International Economics and European StudiesThis paper aims to examine the Competitiveness of China and India in the European Union based on the international trade values, during the time period 2001- 2009. It firstly reflects about the ambiguous definition of Competitiveness as well as the diversity of methods that exist to measure this concept. Subsequently, the following work seeks to analyse the exports growth of China and India in particular to the European market. Therefore, some methodologies were used in this paper: the Revealed Comparative Advantage analysis, which seeks to capture the products where China and India present Comparative advantage at world’s level; the Constant Market Share analysis, which pretends to verify if the Competitiveness explain the export growth to the European market; and the analysis based on the combination of the Trade Complementarity Index with the Geographical Orientation Index, which permits to identity the products where there is room, for China and India, to expand their exports to the European Union, under certain circumstances. The empirical analysis suggests that China’s and India’s exports are competitive in products identified by the three methodologies, having in many of them capacity to increase their exports to the European market. However, there still persist high levels of trade protection applied by the European Union, which can explain why China’s and India’s exports have not yet take advantage of their full potential

    Productivity, wages, and the returns to firm-provided training: who is grabbing the biggest share?

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    In spite of the importance of workplace training in human capital accumulation, relatively little is known on its returns for workers and firms. Our investigation tries to fill this gap by developing an alternative modelling that examines the determinants of firm productivity and wages, on the one hand, and the internal rate of return to firm training investments, on the other. Our estimates, obtained using a firm-level dataset in which we have detailed information on firm-provided training, indicate that an additional hour of training per worker implies some 0.1 percent increase in productivity. We also found that 2/3 of the gains in productivity are captured by firms and 1/3 by workers. In turn, the internal rate of return for an average firm in our sample is equal to 11 percent while for workers it is considerably higher at 24 percent. As expected, the dispersion across firms is very high, with 66 percent of firms having a positive internal rate of return for an annual depreciation rate of 35 percent

    Corporate Governance and Fraud: Evolution and Considerations

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    There are many definitions of Corporate Governance, as a structure, as process, as policies, as mechanisms, but despite their differences of focus, they mainly addressed the sustainable economic growth and protection of shareholders and other stakeholder’s rights. The purpose here is to present the evolution of the main principles and frameworks as corporate and financial environment changes and set new challenges. Some important scandals that revealed the weaknesses of corporate governance frameworks are described to complement the comprehension of the object of it. It is detached the aspects simulated or ignored and the subsequent enforcement and monitoring response. Discussion about the new challenges, what corporate governance is supposed to provide and what it can promote, closes this chapter

    Identification and functional analysis of nematode resistance genes

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    Pine wilt disease (PWD), caused by the pinewood nematode (PWN; Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), damages and kills pine trees and is causing serious economic damage worldwide. Although the ecological mechanism of infestation is well described, the plant’s molecular response to the pathogen is not well known. This is due mainly to the lack of genomic information and the complexity of the disease. High throughput sequencing is now an efficient approach for detecting the expression of genes in non-model organisms, thus providing valuable information in spite of the lack of the genome sequence. In an attempt to unravel genes potentially involved in the pine defense against hereby report the high throughput comparative sequence analysis of infested and non-infested stems of Pinus pinaster (very susceptible to PWN) and Pinus pinea (less susceptible to PWN). High throughput sequencing allowed the identification of several candidate genes that may be involved in the response to the PWN. With regards to the gene function most commonly identified, the majority of the sequence functions were associated with protein metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism. However, a significant fraction of sequences associated with RNA metabolism were also highly represented. The sequences that were more commonly found in Pinus pinaster were transcription repressors and a translation machinery component: aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. The cellulose synthase is also important in the disease response, as this gene was up-regulated in infested Pinus pinaster. KEGG analysis revealed that the pathway more commonly found in this study were the pentose pathway, the pathway for glucuronate interconversion, the pathway for phenylanine metabolism, amino acid, sugar and nucleotide metabolism, phenylppropanoid biosynthesis, methane metabolism, and citrate cycle (TCA cycle).A doença da madeira do pinheiro provocada pelo nemátodo do pinheiro (PWN; Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), provoca danos irreversíveis matando pinheiros e causando graves prejuízos económicos. Embora o mecanismo de infecção seja bem descrito, a resposta molecular da planta para o patogénico não é bem conhecida. Isto deve-se principalmente à falta de informação genómica e à complexidade da doença. A sequenciação de alta capacidade é atualmente uma rota eficiente para a detecção de genes de expressão em organismos não modelos, fornecendo assim informação valiosa. Na tentativa de descobrir genes potencialmente envolvidos na defesa do pinheiro ao agente patogénico, foi realizada a análise de transcriptómica total das sequências de amostras infetadas e não infetadas do caule de Pinus pinaster (muito susceptível ao nemátodo do pinheiro) e Pinus pinea (menos susceptíveis ao nemátodo do pinheiro), e comparado o seu perfil ao nível da transcrição. A pirosequenciação permitiu a identificação de diversos genes candidatos que poderão estar associados à resposta ao NMP. No que respeita à função do gene mais predominantemente identificado foi a função associada com o metabolismo de proteínas e metabolismo de hidratos de carbono. No entanto, uma fracção significativa de sequências associadas com o metabolismo de RNA foram, também altamente representadas. As sequências que foram mais comumente encontradas em Pinus pinaster foram repressores de transcrição e um componente de tradução: aminoacil-tRNA sintetase. A celulose sintetase é também importante na resposta da doença, uma vez que, este gene foi sobre regulado em infestado Pinus pinaster. A análise de KEGG revela que as vias metabólicas mais comumente representadas neste estudo estão relacionadas com a via das pentoses, com as interconversões do glucoronato, as vias do metabolismo da fenilalanina, do metabolismo dos aminoácidos e dos açúcares, biossíntese dos fenilpropanóides, metabolismo do metano e o ciclo do citrato (ácido cítrico)

    The concept of hybridization and its contribution to urban ethnobiology

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    Both ethnozoological and ethnobotanical studies carried out in cities mention the complexity of these cases and the need for shortcuts to aid understanding of the different social, cultural, economic and ecological processes which interact. In this work we propose and discuss a possible shortcut that could be useful in studies related to urban ethnobiology, the use of the concept of process of hybridization. Particularly, we show in the case of the study of medicinal plant use in cities that the hybridization process can be detected and described in a more complete way if we take into account some sub processes such as: fusion or juxtaposition, re-localization, recombination, restructuring, special segregation, new developments in production, circulation and consumption and simultaneous coexistence of different symbolic universes. We propose that these seven processes could be used as a quali-quantitative check list in future urban ethnobiological studies in order to visualize, contextualize and characterize hybridization more profoundly.Fil: Ladio, Ana Haydee. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación En Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Albuquerque, Ulysses Paulino. Universidade Federal Rural Pernambuco. Departamento de Biologia. Laboratorio de Etnobotanica Aplicada; Brasi

    a panel validation by qualitative Delphi technique

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    Funding Information: The present publication was funded by Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, IP national support through CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020). Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Background In laboratory medicine, quality and performance indicators (QPIs) are essential tools to ensure the quality of healthcare services and patient safety. QPIs allow comparison of outcomes, favouring accountability and transparency. Internationally, there are some QPI evaluation models, but the fact that they are paid limits their dissemination in smaller/poorer laboratories. In Portugal, each laboratory defines its own QPIs, with no uniformity between institutions. The development of a free QPI panel suitable for anatomical pathology laboratories (APLs) would allow for quality assessment and improvement. Objective To develop a consensual and validated QPI panel suitable for Portuguese APLs. Methods The study was developed in two stages. First, a bibliographic review was carried out, selecting the adequate QPIs. Afterwards, these QPIs were evaluated by experts through the Delphi method, where they could also suggest other pertinent QPIs. Results By the end of the Delphi method, there was a consensus on 64 QPIs (31 for 'structure', 30 for 'process' and 3 for 'result'). The consensual QPIs covered all phases of the total test cycle. The lack of specific anatomical pathology QPIs in the bibliography was noticeable. There was greater consensus on 'process' and 'result' QPIs than on 'structure'. This was supported by the bibliography, where the first ones were more valued. Nevertheless, it is important to monitor all the main laboratory processes, prioritising the evaluation of QPIs with greater impact on healthcare quality and patient safety. These results should allow APLs to identify the causes behind poor performance and improve their services. Conclusions This panel is a valuable tool for APLs, contributing to quality awareness. It can be the first step towards the development of a free benchmarking quality programme in Portugal, encouraging competitiveness and cost-efficiency.publishersversionpublishe

    Projecto industrial de uma unidade de enchimento de água mineral

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    A partir do trabalho realizado no âmbito da disciplina de Seminário de Projecto da Licenciatura em Engenharia das Indústrias Agro-Alimentares, apresenta-se um pequeno resumo do projecto de uma unidade industrial para enchimento de água mineral, com uma capacidade de produção de 50 milhões de litros anuais. Para a realização deste trabalho efectuaram-se diversos estudos, que incluíram uma breve análise económica, a partir da qual se verifica a viabilidade deste projecto

    A história da matemática na área de projecto no 8º ano de escolaridade

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