1,085 research outputs found

    The Reform of the CMO in Fruits and Vegetables: A Holistic Approach

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    The main characteristics of EU's market in fruits and vegetables are trend towards overproduction, price fluctuations, and relatively low protection and public support. The key instruments of the CMO are processing aids and support to Operational Funds. The current regulation has been more successful in encouraging improvements in quality and marketing than in stabilising prices and guaranteeing adequate income levels, mainly in fruits and in the great southern countries. The lack of common European action in the fields of import control and access to new foreign markets creates more pressure in the common market. The proposal of CMO's reform comes after the great CAP's change of 2003 -and its new paradigm- and the budget agricultural agreement until 2013. In practice, this reduces the real policy options for the new regulation. Main changes should occur in processing aids, where forces to decouple are strong; given that exports refunds are already phasing out and markets withdrawals are in decline. The main political defy is how to promote horizontal concentration through PO and to avoid the price crisis. To solve the issue of stability (or decline) of the human consumption, more can be done from the policy. The farmer's influence in political decision seems weak. The scope for radical changes in fund distribution will be possible at national level.Agricultural and Food Policy, Marketing,

    Formulación en comunicación con Maachon Wayùu

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    Las comunidades indígenas tienen su propio sistema de salud fundamentado en diferentes prácticas como lo es el uso de las plantas medicinales, animales o minerales, una comunidad que por sus tradiciones culturales no recurren a un sistema de salud, sino que tiene sus propios médicos naturales como lo son parteras, hierbas, chamanes, curanderos. Las mujeres indígenas Wayùu en su estado de embarazo acuden a la medicina tradicional para a asistir el parto; esta propuesta de intervención en salud pretende generar comunicación asertiva con estas comunidades para informar lo que implica una maternidad sana y un embarazo a término, las posibles complicaciones que pueden tener las gestantes y las consecuencias de no recibir una atención oportuna y adecuada. Esto nos permite incursionar en estrategias en la atención en salud, y por ende sensibilizar la necesidad tener un control monitorizado de la madre haciendo uso de la Telemedicina como una herramienta necesaria para el control el feto y la madreIndigenous communities have their own health system based on different practices such as the use of medicinal plants, animals or minerals, a community that due to its cultural traditions does not resort to a health system, but has its own natural doctors such as they are midwives, herbs, shamans, healers. The indigenous Wayùu women in their state of pregnancy turn to traditional medicine to assist in childbirth; This health intervention proposal aims to generate assertive communication with these communities to inform what a healthy motherhood and term pregnancy implies, the possible complications that pregnant women may have and the consequences of not receiving timely and adequate care. This allows us to venture into health care strategies, to raise awareness of the need to have a monitored control of the mother, making use of Telemedicine as a necessary tool to control the fetus and the mother

    Autophagy-inducing peptides from mammalian VSV and fish VHSV rhabdoviral G glycoproteins (G) as models for the development of new therapeutic molecules

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    It has not been elucidated whether or not autophagy is induced by rhabdoviral G glycoproteins (G) in vertebrate organisms for which rhabdovirus infection is lethal. Our work provides the first evidence that both mammalian (vesicular stomatitis virus, VSV) and fish (viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus, VHSV, and spring viremia carp virus, SVCV) rhabdoviral Gs induce an autophagic antiviral program in vertebrate cell lines. The transcriptomic profiles obtained from zebrafish genetically immunized with either Gsvcv or Gvhsv suggest that autophagy is induced shortly after immunization and therefore, it may be an important component of the strong antiviral immune responses elicited by these viral proteins. Pepscan mapping of autophagy-inducing linear determinants of Gvhsv and Gvsv showed that peptides located in their fusion domains induce autophagy. Altogether these results suggest that strategies aimed at modulating autophagy could be used for the prevention and treatment of rhabdoviral infections such as rabies, which causes thousands of human deaths every year

    The Differential Organization of F-Actin Alters the Distribution of Organelles in Cultured When Compared to Native Chromaffin Cells

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    Cultured bovine chromaffin cells have been used extensively as a neuroendocrine model to study regulated secretion. In order to extend such experimental findings to the physiological situation, it is necessary to study mayor cellular structures affecting secretion in cultured cells with their counterparts present in the adrenomedullary tissue. F-actin concentrates in a peripheral ring in cultured cells, as witnessed by phalloidin?rodhamine labeling, while extends throughout the cytoplasm in native cells. This result is also confirmed when studying the localization of ?-fodrin, a F-actin-associated protein. Furthermore, as a consequence of this redistribution of F-actin, we observed that chromaffin granules and mitochondria located into two different cortical and internal populations in cultured cells, whereas they are homogeneously distributed throughout the cytoplasm in the adrenomedullary tissue. Nevertheless, secretion from isolated cells and adrenal gland pieces is remarkably similar when measured by amperometry. Finally, we generate mathematical models to consider how the distribution of organelles affects the secretory kinetics of intact and cultured cells. Our results imply that we have to consider F-actin structural changes to interpret functional data obtained in cultured neuroendocrine cells.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2011-25095 and BFU2015- 63684-P, MINECO, FEDER, UE) to LMG

    Organizacion social del trabajo en la posmodernidad

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    trabajo conjunto derivado del cuerpo academico de la facultad de ciencias politicas. salud mental y vida cotidianadesde la posmodernidad se analiza y contribuye a la explicacion del fenomeno desde el trabajo precario, la violencia laboral, las universidades y la perspectiva de genero. La discusion invade el mundo del trabajo, el estress, mobing y , terrorismo laboral que se expande desde un cotidiano que puede estar en el hogar con el trabajo domestico hasta realidades del mundo empresarial y academico. Se observan sintomas y cuadro de organizaciones toxicas que contaminan el cotidiano y la salud social

    RET Fusion Testing in Patients With NSCLC: The RETING Study

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    Introduction: RET inhibitors with impressive overall response rates are now available for patients with NSCLC, yet the identi fication of RET fusions remains a dif ficult challenge. Most guidelines encourage the upfront use of next -generation sequencing (NGS), or alternatively, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) when NGS is not possible or available. Taken together, the suboptimal performance of single-analyte assays to detect RET fusions, although consistent with the notion of encouraging universal NGS, is currently widening some of the clinical practice gaps in the implementation of predictive biomarkers in patients with advanced NSCLC. Methods: This situation prompted us to evaluate several RET assays in a large multicenter cohort of RET fusion -positive NSCLC (n 1 / 4 38) to obtain real -world data. In addition to RNA -based NGS (the criterion standard method), all positive specimens underwent break -apart RET FISH with two different assays and were also tested by an RT-PCR assay. Results: The most common RET partners were KIF5B (78.9%), followed by CCDC6 (15.8%). The two RET NGSpositive but FISH -negative samples contained a KIF5B(15)RET(12) fusion. The three RET fusions not identi fied with RT-PCR were AKAP13(35)-RET(12) , KIF5B(24)-RET(9) and KIF5B(24)-RET(11) . All three false -negative RT-PCR cases were FISH -positive, exhibited a typical break -apart pattern, and contained a very high number of positive tumor cells with both FISH assays. Signet ring cells, psammoma bodies, and pleomorphic features were frequently observed (in 34.2%, 39.5%, and 39.5% of tumors, respectively). Conclusions: In-depth knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of the different RET testing methodologies could help clinical and molecular tumor boards implement and maintain sensible algorithms for the rapid and effective detection of RET fusions in patients with NSCLC. The likelihood of RET false -negative results with both FISH and RT-PCR reinforces the need for upfront NGS in patients with NSCLC. (c) 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Genetic and Chemical Modifiers of a CUG Toxicity Model in Drosophila

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    Non-coding CUG repeat expansions interfere with the activity of human Muscleblind-like (MBNL) proteins contributing to myotonic dystrophy 1 (DM1). To understand this toxic RNA gain-of-function mechanism we developed a Drosophila model expressing 60 pure and 480 interrupted CUG repeats in the context of a non-translatable RNA. These flies reproduced aspects of the DM1 pathology, most notably nuclear accumulation of CUG transcripts, muscle degeneration, splicing misregulation, and diminished Muscleblind function in vivo. Reduced Muscleblind activity was evident from the sensitivity of CUG-induced phenotypes to a decrease in muscleblind genetic dosage and rescue by MBNL1 expression, and further supported by the co-localization of Muscleblind and CUG repeat RNA in ribonuclear foci. Targeted expression of CUG repeats to the developing eye and brain mushroom bodies was toxic leading to rough eyes and semilethality, respectively. These phenotypes were utilized to identify genetic and chemical modifiers of the CUG-induced toxicity. 15 genetic modifiers of the rough eye phenotype were isolated. These genes identify putative cellular processes unknown to be altered by CUG repeat RNA, and they include mRNA export factor Aly, apoptosis inhibitor Thread, chromatin remodelling factor Nurf-38, and extracellular matrix structural component Viking. Ten chemical compounds suppressed the semilethal phenotype. These compounds significantly improved viability of CUG expressing flies and included non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (ketoprofen), muscarinic, cholinergic and histamine receptor inhibitors (orphenadrine), and drugs that can affect sodium and calcium metabolism such as clenbuterol and spironolactone. These findings provide new insights into the DM1 phenotype, and suggest novel candidates for DM1 treatments

    A polymorphism at the 3'-UTR region of the aromatase gene defines a subgroup of postmenopausal breast cancer patients with poor response to neoadjuvant letrozole

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aromatase (<it>CYP19A1</it>) regulates estrogen biosynthesis. Polymorphisms in <it>CYP19A1 </it>have been related to the pathogenesis of breast cancer (BC). Inhibition of aromatase with letrozole constitutes the best option for treating estrogen-dependent BC in postmenopausal women. We evaluate a series of polymorphisms of <it>CYP19A1 </it>and their effect on response to neoadjuvant letrozole in early BC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed 95 consecutive postmenopausal women with stage II-III ER/PgR [+] BC treated with neoadjuvant letrozole. Response to treatment was measured by radiology at 4<sup>th </sup>month by World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Three polymorphisms of <it>CYP19A1</it>, one in exon 7 (rs700519) and two in the 3'-UTR region (rs10046 and rs4646) were evaluated on DNA obtained from peripheral blood.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty-five women (36.8%) achieved a radiological response to letrozole. The histopathological and immunohistochemical parameters, including hormonal receptor status, were not associated with the response to letrozole. Only the genetic variants (AC/AA) of the rs4646 polymorphism were associated with poor response to letrozole (p = 0.03). Eighteen patients (18.9%) reported a progression of the disease. Those patients carrying the genetic variants (AC/AA) of rs4646 presented a lower progression-free survival than the patients homozygous for the reference variant (p = 0.0686). This effect was especially significant in the group of elderly patients not operated after letrozole induction (p = 0.009).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study reveals that the rs4646 polymorphism identifies a subgroup of stage II-III ER/PgR [+] BC patients with poor response to neoadjuvant letrozole and poor prognosis. Testing for the rs4646 polymorphism could be a useful tool in order to orientate the treatment in elderly BC patients.</p

    Model de relació entre l’atenció primària i comunitària i l’atenció hospitalària ambulatòria

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    Atenció primària; Atenció hospitalària; PacientAtención primaria; Atención hospitalaria; PacientePrimary care; Hospital care; PatientL’objectiu del present document és definir un model de relació entre l’atenció primària i comunitària i l’atenció hospitalària ambulatòria que doni una resposta resolutiva, equitativa i de qualitat durant tot el procés assistencial. A tal fi es defineix el diagrama del procés assistencial pel qual els metgesa especialistes de medicina de família i comunitària (MFiC) sol·liciten l’atenció, mitjançant l’ordre clínica, dels seus homòlegs d’atenció hospitalària ambulatòria (MAH). A més, s’estableixen un seguit de recomanacions relatives a la relació que s’estableix entre l’MFiC i el MAH a l’hora de contribuir a la millora de la salut de la persona atesa