88 research outputs found

    Predictive model based on sentiment analysis for peruvian smes in the sustainable tourist sector

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    In the sustainable tourist sector today, there is a wide margin of loss in small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) because of a poor control in logistical expenses. In other words, acquired goods are note being sold, a scenario which is very common in tourism SMEs. These SMEs buy a number of travel packages to big companies and because of the lack of demand of said packages, they expire and they become an expense, not the investment it was meant to be. To solve this problem, we propose a Predictive model based on sentiment analysis of a social networks that will help the sales decision making. Once the data of the social network is analyzed, we also propose a prediction model of tourist destinations, using this information as data source it will be able to predict the tourist interest. In addition, a case study was applied to a real Peruvian tourist enterprise showing their data before and after using the proposed model in order to validate the feasibility of proposed model

    Vulneración del derecho al buen trato y el logro de aprendizaje en adolescentes procedentes de familias disfuncionales -CECAT "Marcial Acharán" - Trujillo 2018

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    La presente investigación se desarrolló con el propósito de determinar de qué manera se relaciona la vulneración del derecho al buen trato con el logro del aprendizaje en adolescentes procedentes de familias disfuncionales, CECAT “Marcial Acharán" - Trujillo 2018. El tipo de estudio fue no experimental, el diseño correlacional. La población estuvo constituida por 500 alumnos del CECAT “Marcial Acharán", la muestra fue 193 alumnos, como instrumento se utilizó, cuestionarios tipo escala Likert, los cuales se les realizo la prueba de confiabilidad con Alfa de Cronbach; para realizar el procesamiento de información se utilizó el software SPSS versión 23 y los resultados fueron representados en tablas y figuras. El resultado obtenido, fue con el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman de r=0,432, con un p=0.000; menor que el nivel de significancia estándar α=0,01, por lo tanto se acepta la hipótesis de investigación: La vulneración del derecho al buen trato tiene relación inversa y muy significativa con el logro de aprendizaje en adolescentes procedentes de familias disfuncionales -CECAT "Marcial Acharán" - Trujillo 2018, además se determinó que el nivel de vulneración del derecho al buen trato fue alto con 51.3%, seguido del nivel medio con 47.1% y el logro del aprendizaje fue de nivel medio con un 56.9%, seguido del nivel alto con 41.5%

    Business information architecture for successful project implementation based on sentiment analysis in the tourist sector

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    In the today's market, there is a wide range of failed IT projects in specialized small and medium-sized companies because of poor control in the gap between the business and its vision. In other words, acquired goods are not being sold, a scenario which is very common in tourism retail companies. These companies buy a number of travel packages from big companies and due to lack of demand for these packages, they expire, becoming an expense, rather than an investment. To solve this problem, we propose to detect the problems that limit a company by re-engineering the processes, enabling the implementation of a business architecture based on sentimental analysis, allowing small and medium-sized tourism enterprises (SMEs) to make better decisions and analyze the information that most possess, without knowing how to exploit it. In addition, a case study was applied using a real company, comparing data before and after using the proposed model in order to validate feasibility of the applied model.This work has been partially funded by the following projects of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities GROMA (MTM2015-63710-P), MODAS-IN (reference: RTI2018-094269-B-I00), PPI (RTC-2015-3580-7) and UNIKO (RTC-2015-3521-7), and the “methaodos.org” research group at URJC

    Estado del arte sobre los índices que determinan el nivel de eutrofización en lagunas altoandinas

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    La eutrofización es la excesiva acumulación de nutrientes en cuerpos de agua, la cual es un peligro para los recursos hídricos. Las lagunas altoandinas también se ven involucradas con este problema debido al crecimiento poblacional, que trae consigo diversas actividades antropogénicas como agricultura, ganadería, piscicultura, entre otras. La importancia de contar con un índice de estado trófico adecuado radica en que este determina el estado eutrófico en el que se encuentra un cuerpo de agua, utilizando indicadores selectos los resultados obtenidos serán adecuados en cada índice; que tienen rangos específicos para clasificar el estado trófico en el que se encuentra el cuerpo de agua. El objetivo fue identificar los índices que determinan el estado eutrófico en cuerpos de agua lénticos (lagunas) en zonas altoandinas, mediante la comparación de diversas investigaciones. La metodología utilizada fue la revisión bibliográfica de investigaciones realizadas en zonas altoandinas que son consideradas a partir de los 2300 msnm de altitud, que se caracterizan por tener climas templados y fríos. Diversos investigadores que buscaron determinar el estado trófico en lagunas altoandinas se basaron en el índice de OCDE – 1982, mayormente por su facilidad de uso, y el índice de TSI, aunque existe una gran cantidad de modificaciones; observándose el uso del índice de OCDE – 1982 porque es el más usado y adaptable a zonas con mayor altitud según diversos estudios. Por lo tanto, se concluye que no se puede determinar con certeza el índice más adecuado para determinar el estado de eutrofización en una laguna altoandina.Trabajo de investigaciónJULIACAEscuela Profesional de Ingeniería AmbientalBiodiversidad y calidad ambienta

    Microdiffraction et microtomographie in situ des transformations hétérogènes du C sous haute pression et haute température

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    Le diagramme des phases du C60 continue d'être un sujet de discussion et de controverse, malgré la grande quantité de travaux expérimentaux et théoriques fait au fil des ans. Ceci est principalement dû au manque d'études in situ, a l'existence d états désordonnés présentant des pics de diffraction très mal résolus et à la coexistence de plusieurs polytypes de faible densité. Ce manuscrit présente une étude systématique in situ des transformations hétérogènes du C60 sous haute pression et haute température dans la gamme 1-10 GPa et 300-1200 K. Afin de discriminer les poly(a)morphes de densité similaire dans des échantillons hétérogènes, nous avons utilisé une combinaison de micro-diffraction et micro-tomographie. Les échantillons ont été synthétisés dans une cellule Paris-Edimbourg et caractérisés à l'aide de diffraction des rayons X in situ en dispersion angulaire. Des images tridimensionnels à haute résolution ont été obtenus sur des échantillons trempés par la méthode de micro-tomographie de diffraction/diffusion. Cette méthode permet l'analyse 3D de l'intensité de diffusion reconstruite à partir de séries de projections 2D. Une telle analyse est non destructive et offre une grande sensibilité (0,1% en volume), une haute résolution spatiale ( m3) et peut être multimodale, fournissant des données quantitatives sur la morphologie, la densité, la composition élémentaire ou la structure des matériaux. En outre, nous décrivons le développement d un système de micro-tomographie in situ sous haute pression et haute température en utilisant une nouvelle cellule rotative Paris-Edimbourg (RoToPEC), combinée avec le rayonnement synchrotron. La capacité à tourner complètement la chambre de l'échantillon sous charge, surmonte la contrainte d'ouverture angulaire limitée des cellules ordinaires et permet l'acquisition de projections tomographiques pour l'imagerie de plein champ ainsi que pour l'imagerie par micro-diffraction. Cette méthode innovante permet l étude des matériaux sous conditions extrêmes de pression, température ou stress, et pourra être appliquée dans des domaines variés tels que la physique, la chimie, la science des matériaux ou la géologie. Le potentiel de cette nouvelle technique expérimentale est démontré par l'étude de la polymérisation de C60 sous haute-pression et haute température. Mots-clés: C60, diagramme de phase, diffraction, micro-tomographie, haute pression et haute températureThe C60 reaction diagram continues to be a subject of discussion and controversy, despite the vast amount of experimental and theoretical work done over the years. This is mainly due the lack of in situ studies, the highly disordered-states showing poorly resolved diffraction peaks and the coexistence of several low-density polytypes. This manuscript presents a systematic in situ study of high-pressure high-temperature forms C60 in the range of 1-10 GPa and 300-1200 K. In order to discriminate poly(a)morphs with similar densities in heterogeneous samples, we used a combination of microdiffraction and microtromography. The samples were synthesized in a Paris-Edinburgh cell and characterized using in situ angular dispersive X-ray diffraction. Three-dimensional submicron images were obtained on quenched samples using diffraction/scattering microtomography. This method provides 3D analysis of the scattering intensity reconstructed from sets of 2D microdiffraction projections. Such analysis is non-destructive and provides high sensitivity (0.1% volume), high spatial resolution ( m3) and can be multi-modal providing quantitative information on the morphology, density, elemental composition or structure of materials. Additionally, we describe the development of in situ high-pressure high-temperature microtomography using a new rotating Paris-Edinburgh cell (RoToPEC) combined with synchrotron radiation. The ability to fully rotate the sample chamber under load, overcomes the limited angular aperture of ordinary high-pressure cells for acquiring tomographic projections in both, full-field imaging or microdiffraction modes. This innovative method enables dynamic studies of materials under extreme pressure-temperature-stress conditions, impacting areas such as physics, chemistry, materials science or geology. The potential of this new experimental technique is demonstrated on the in situ investigation of of high-pressure high-temperature polymerization of C60 . Keywords: C60, phase diagram, diffraction, microtomography, high-pressure high-temperatureSAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Nuevas fronteras del perfil profesional del diseño de indumentaria apoyado en tecnologías interactivas y la ergonomía

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    Along with the advance in technology, it is possible to approach from design thinking aspects that were not thinkable within the professional profileCon el avance tecnológico es posible abordar desde el pensamiento de diseño aspectos que no eran pensables dentro del perfil profesionalJunto com o avanço da tecnologia, é possível abordar a partir do design thinking aspectos que não eram impensáveis dentro do perfil profissiona

    Efeito de adubos foliares líquidos orgânicos na qualidade de mudas de cedro vermelho (cedrela odorata L.), na fase de viveiro

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    The purpose of the research work was to evaluate the predominance of 2 types of organic liquid foliar fertilizer and 3 doses, in the quality of Cedrela odorata L seedlings. An Entirely Random Design was applied with a 2x3 factorial arrangement and 5 repetitions; the components under analysis were: element A: AFLF and AFLH, and component B: 50, 100 and 150 mL/20 L of water, generating 6 treatments plus a control; 525 seedlings were installed and evaluated over 5 months, after which the highest seedling elevation (19.70 cm) occurred with T5 (150 mL AFLF/20 L water) and the lowest elevation (18, 76 cm) with T1 (50 mL AFLF/20 L water), with high quality seedlings; the largest diameter (8.32 mm) was obtained with T4 (100 mL of AFLH/20 L water) and the smallest (7.41 mm) in T0, with high quality seedlings; show high quality of height/diameter interaction or solidity index; the seedlings of the treatments T0, T1, T3, T4 and T6, present high quality of the stem/root interaction and those of the treatments T2 and T5 average quality, the Dickson Quality Index indicates the average quality of the total number of seedlings treated.El trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad evaluar la predominación de 2 tipos de abono foliar líquido orgánico y 3 dosis, en la calidad de plantones de Cedrela odorata L. Se aplicó un Diseño Enteramente al Azar con arreglo factorial 2x3 y 5 repeticiones; los componentes en análisis fueron: elemento A: AFLF y AFLH, y componente B: 50, 100 y 150 mL/20 L de agua, generando 6 tratamientos más un testigo; se instaló y evaluó 525 plantones a lo largo de 5 meses, después del cual la más grande elevación de plantones (19,70 cm) se produjo con el T5 (150 mL de AFLF/20 L agua) y la menor elevación (18,76 cm) con el T1 (50 mL de AFLF/20 L agua), con plantones de calidad alta; el más grande diámetro (8,32 mm) se obtuvo con el T4 (100 mL de AFLH/20 L agua) y el menor (7,41 mm) en el T0, con plantones de calidad alta; muestran calidad alta de la interacción altura/diámetro o índice de solidez; los plantones de los tratamientos T0, T1, T3, T4 y T6, presentan calidad alta de la interacción tallo/raíz y los de los tratamientos T2 y T5 calidad media, el Índice de Calidad de Dickson indica la calidad media del total de plantones tratados. Palabras clave: Abono; plantones; calidad; morfológicos

    Characterization of heterogeneity and spatial distribution of phases in complex solid dispersions by thermal analysis by structural characterization and X-ray micro computed tomography

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    Purpose: This study investigated the effect of drug-excipient miscibility on the heterogeneity and spatial distribution of phase separation in pharmaceutical solid dispersions at a micron-scale using two novel and complementary characterization techniques, thermal analysis by structural characterization (TASC) and X-ray micro-computed tomography (XCT) in conjunction with conventional characterization methods. Method: Complex dispersions containing felodipine, TPGS, PEG and PEO were prepared using hot melt extrusion-injection moulding. The phase separation behavior of the samples was characterized using TASC and XCT in conjunction with conventional thermal, microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The in vitro drug release study was performed to demonstrate the impact of phase separation on dissolution of the dispersions. Results: The conventional characterization results indicated the phase separating nature of the carrier materials in the patches and the presence of crystalline drug in the patches with the highest drug loading (30% w/w). TASC and XCT where used to provide insight into the spatial configuration of the separate phases. TASC enabled assessment of the increased heterogeneity of the dispersions with increasing the drug loading. XCT allowed the visualization of the accumulation of phase separated (crystalline) drug clusters at the interface of air pockets in the patches with highest drug loading which led to poor dissolution performance. Semi-quantitative assessment of the phase separated drug clusters in the patches were attempted using XCT. Conclusion: TASC and XμCT can provide unique information regarding the phase separation behavior of solid dispersions which can be closely associated with important product quality indicators such as heterogeneity and microstructure

    Rotating tomography Paris-Edinburgh cell:a novel portable press for micro-tomographic 4-D imaging at extreme pressure/temperature/stress conditions

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    International audienceThis paper presents details of instrumental development to extend synchrotron X-ray microtomography techniques to in situ studies under static compression (high pressure), shear stress or the both conditions at simultaneous high temperatures. To achieve this, a new rotating tomography Paris–Edinburgh cell has been developed. This ultra-compact portable device easily and successfully adapted to various multi-modal synchrotron experimental set-up at ESRF, SOLEIL and DIAMOND is explained in detail. An in-depth description of proof of concept first experiments performed on a high resolution imaging beamline is then given, which illustrate the efficiency of the set-up and the data quality that can be obtained

    The role of polyphenols in modern nutrition

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    Polyphenols are found in plant-based foods and beverages, notably apples, berries, citrus fruit, plums, broccoli, cocoa, tea and coffee, and many others. There is substantial epidemiological evidence that a diet high in polyphenol-rich fruit, vegetables, cocoa and beverages protects against developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The absorption and metabolism of these compounds has been well described and, for many, the gut microbiota play a critical role in absorption; taking into consideration the parent compound and the metabolites from colon bacteria catabolism, more than 80% of a dose can be absorbed and ultimately excreted in the urine. Common polyphenols in the diet are flavanols (cocoa, tea, apples, broad beans), flavanones (hesperidin in citrus fruit), hydroxycinnamates (coffee, many fruits), flavonols (quercetin in onions, apples and tea) and anthocyanins (berries). Many intervention studies, mechanistic in vitro data and epidemiological studies support a role for polyphenols against the development of chronic diseases. For example, flavanols decrease endothelial dysfunction, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and modulate energy metabolism. Coffee and tea both reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, through action of their constituent polyphenols. Despite extensive research, the exact mechanisms of action of polyphenols in the human body have not been decisively proven, but there is strong evidence that some targets such as nitric oxide metabolism, carbohydrate digestion, and oxidative enzymes are important for health benefits. Consumption of polyphenols as healthy dietary components is consistent with the advice to eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day, but it is currently difficult to recommend what ‘doses’ of specific polyphenols should be consumed to derive maximum benefit