1,076 research outputs found

    Мінеральні речовини

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    Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) systems in current mode and new lead designs are recently available. To switch between DBS-systems remains complicated as clinicians may lose their reference for programming. Simulations can help increase the understanding. Objective: To quantitatively investigate the electric field (EF) around two lead designs simulated to operate in voltage and current mode under two time points following implantation. Methods: The finite element method was used to model Lead 3389 (Medtronic) and 6148 (St Jude) with homogenous surrounding grey matter and a peri-electrode space (PES) of 250 μm. The PES-impedance mimicked the acute (extracellular fluid) and chronic (fibrous tissue) time-point. Simulations at different amplitudes of voltage and current (n=236) were performed using two different contacts. Equivalent current amplitudes were extracted by matching the shape and maximum EF of the 0.2 V/mm isolevel. Results: The maximum EF extension at 0.2 V/mm varied between 2-5 mm with a small difference between the leads. In voltage mode EF increased about 1 mm at acute compared to the chronic PES. Current mode presented the opposite relationship. Equivalent EFs for lead 3389 at 3 V were found for 7 mA (acute) and 2.2 mA (chronic). Conclusions: Simulations showed a major impact on the electric field extension between postoperative time points. This may explain the clinical decisions to reprogram the amplitude weeks after implantation. Neither the EF extension nor intensity is considerably influenced by the lead design

    UV/Vis absorption spectroelectrochemistry of folic acid

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    UV/Vis absorption spectroelectrochemistry is a very promising analytical technique due to the complementary information that is simultaneously obtained from electrochemistry and spectroscopy. In this work, this technique is used in a parallel configuration to study the oxidation of folic acid in alkaline medium. Herein, UV/Vis absorption spectroelectrochemistry has been used to detect both the oxidation products and the folic acid consumed at the electrode/solution interface, allowing us to develop an analytical protocol to quantify vitamin B9 in pharmaceutical tablets. Linear ranges of three orders of magnitude have been achieved in basic medium (pH = 12.9), obtaining high repeatability and low detection limits. The spectroelectrochemical determination of folic acid in pharmaceutical tablets at alkaline pH values is particularly interesting because of the changes that occur in the optical signal during the electrochemical oxidation of FA, providing results with very good figures of merit and demonstrating the utility and versatility of this hyphenated technique, UV/Vis absorption spectroelectrochemistry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2017-83935-R-AEI/FEDERUE), Junta de Castilla y León (Grant BU297P18), and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Grant RED2018-102412-T). F.O. is grateful for the contract funded by Junta de Castilla y León, the European Social Fund, and the Youth Employment Initiative.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Normal or parallel configuration in spectroelectrochemistry? Bidimensional spectroelectroanalysis in presence of an antioxidant compound

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    This work demonstrates how the way a chemical system is sampled plays a key role in spectroelectroanalysis, illustrated by the quantification of an analyte in presence of an antioxidant compound. For this purpose, bidimensional spectroelectrochemistry experiments were performed using epinephrine as the model analyte and ascorbic acid as antioxidant and interfering compound, as a proof of concept. This is the first time that three calibration curves are obtained simultaneously on a single spectroelectrochemistry data set, one for the electrochemical signal and two for the optical responses in normal and parallel configurations. The differences between the two optical arrangements, that are related to the diffusion process which is an essential feature for the spectroelectrochemical detection of compounds, have been experimentally demonstrated. As can be observed, the spectral signal in parallel configuration allows us to obtain the best analytical results, since in this configuration only the first micrometers of the solution adjacent to the electrode surface are sampled, thus removing the interfering effect of the antioxidant compound. This fact does not occur with either the electrochemical signal or the spectral response in normal configuration. Furthermore, it has been shown that the parallel configuration provides better results than the normal configuration in terms of sensitivity. In summary, epinephrine is successfully detected in a simple and effective way, even in the presence of a direct antioxidant compound such as ascorbic acid at different concentrations levels, which makes spectroelectrochemistry a good choice for quantitative analysis.Authors acknowledge the financial support given by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033, PID2020-113154RB-C21) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Grant RED2018-102412-T). Fabiola Olmo is grateful for the contract funded by Junta de Castilla y León, the European Social Fund, and the Youth Employment Initiative

    Spectroelectrochemical Determination of Isoprenaline in a Pharmaceutical Sample

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    UV/Vis absorption spectroelectrochemistry (SEC) is a multi-response technique that has been commonly used for the characterization of materials and the study of reaction mechanisms. However, it has been scarcely used for quantitative purposes. SEC allows us to obtain two analytical signals simultaneously, yielding a dual sensor in just one experiment. In the last years, our group has developed new devices useful for analysis. In this work, a SEC device in parallel configuration, based on optical fibers fixed on screen-printed electrodes, was used to determine isoprenaline in a commercial drug, using both, the electrochemical and the spectroscopic signals. In this commercial drug, isoprenaline is accompanied in solution by other compounds. Among them is sodium metabisulfite, an antioxidant that strongly interferes in the isoprenaline determination. A simple pretreatment of the drug sample by bubbling wet-air allows us to avoid the interference of metabisulfite. Here, we demonstrate again the capabilities of UV/Vis absorption SEC as double sensor for analysis and we propose a simple pretreatment to remove interfering compounds.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grant CTQ2017-83935-R-AEI/FEDERUE), Junta de Castilla y León (Grant BU297P18), and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Grant RED2018-102412-T). F.O. is grateful for the contract funded by Junta de Castilla y León, the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative. J.G.R. thanks Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for his postdoctoral contract (Grant CTQ2017-83935-R AEI/FEDER, UE)

    A amizade na sala de aula e a educação inclusiva: reflexões filosóficas

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    This article has the purpose to discuss the importance of friendship since teacher formation, in order to contribute to deal with challenges that emerge in the classroom. Of theoretical-philosophical character, the reflections here dealt have the objective of discussing the teachers’ necessity that keeps away from what is considered normal in dealing with conducts and the way of being of the students. So the theme of friendship, as the Philosophy approaches, can help not only the understanding of teachers’ conceptions and attitudes about disabled students, but their changing too. According to Aristotle, the friendship is the ability and the disposition that we have to live together with the other, wanting for us what is believed to be good, and done for the other. It can ensure a good performance of the teacher in the construction and the practice of an innovative Inclusive Education.Este artigo tem o objetivo de discutir a importância da amizade desde a formação docente, de maneira a contribuir para o enfrentamento dos desafios que emergem na sala de aula. De caráter teórico-filosófico, as reflexões aqui tratadas visam debater acerca da necessidade que os professores demonstram, ao lidar com condutas e maneira de ser dos alunos, que, a princípio, se distanciam daquilo que é considerado normal. Para tanto, o tema da amizade, como aborda a Filosofia, pode ajudar não apenas na compreensão, mas na mudança das concepções e das atitudes que os professores têm a respeito dos alunos deficientes. Segundo Aristóteles, a amizade é a capacidade e a disposição que temos de viver junto com o outro, querendo para nós aquilo que se crê que seja bom, e feita por causa desse outro, o que pode garantir um bom desempenho do professor na construção e na prática de uma Educação Inclusiva inovadora

    A amizade na sala de aula e a educação inclusiva: reflexões filosóficas

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    This article has the purpose to discuss the importance of friendship since teacher formation, in order to contribute to deal with challenges that emerge in the classroom. Of theoretical-philosophical character, the reflections here dealt have the objective of discussing the teachers’ necessity that keeps away from what is considered normal in dealing with conducts and the way of being of the students. So the theme of friendship, as the Philosophy approaches, can help not only the understanding of teachers’ conceptions and attitudes about disabled students, but their changing too. According to Aristotle, the friendship is the ability and the disposition that we have to live together with the other, wanting for us what is believed to be good, and done for the other. It can ensure a good performance of the teacher in the construction and the practice of an innovative Inclusive Education.Este artigo tem o objetivo de discutir a importância da amizade desde a formação docente, de maneira a contribuir para o enfrentamento dos desafios que emergem na sala de aula. De caráter teórico-filosófico, as reflexões aqui tratadas visam debater acerca da necessidade que os professores demonstram, ao lidar com condutas e maneira de ser dos alunos, que, a princípio, se distanciam daquilo que é considerado normal. Para tanto, o tema da amizade, como aborda a Filosofia, pode ajudar não apenas na compreensão, mas na mudança das concepções e das atitudes que os professores têm a respeito dos alunos deficientes. Segundo Aristóteles, a amizade é a capacidade e a disposição que temos de viver junto com o outro, querendo para nós aquilo que se crê que seja bom, e feita por causa desse outro, o que pode garantir um bom desempenho do professor na construção e na prática de uma Educação Inclusiva inovadora

    Comparison study between colorimetric method and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry in serum zinc status

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    Introduction: Zinc is an essential trace element for human life and its deficiency affects human growth and development. Serum zinc concentration (SZnC) provides useful information in the clinical categorization of deficiency and toxicity states. Objectives: This paper presents a comparison study of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FASS) and the Colorimetric method in the analysis of SZnC and hypozincemia. Methods: The serum concentrations of zinc of 93 patients (1 to 31 years old) with chronic diseases were used for analysis. Statistical analytical: for SZnC, Pearson correlation coefficient, simple linear regression analysis, Bland & Altman method (B&A), and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) were valued; and for hypozincemia, the differences were studied and Cohen’s Kappa index was used. Results: The main results indicate the means of the SZnC by both methods presented neither significant difference (p=0.328) nor linear relation (R=0.18, p=0.077). Furthermore, the percentage of cases of hypozincemia by the Colorimetric method was almost double (13%) than by the FASS (8%). There was only one coincident case in both methods at <70 μg/dl. Discussion: The Colorimetric method in hypozincemia ranges predicted lower values with the FASS. This concordance poor between both methods was corroborated with a concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) lowly of 0.17. Moreover, the Cohen’s Kappa index (-0.013) shown a concordance poor between both methods, too. In other studies, the variability of SZnC by Colorimetric method is more than FASS. Conclusion: In summary, despite that, the mean of serum concentrations of zinc by both methods is similar; the diagnosis of cass with hypozincemia is not. The degree of agreement between methods is poor, with a poor strength of concordance to diagnosis hypozincemia. Therefore, we recommended the use of FASS to evaluated zinc status and diagnosis of hypozincemia, instead of the Colorimetric method

    Medición, evaluación y propuesta de control del ruido ocupacional presente en el área operativa de la empresa Dona Servicios y Transportes E.I.R.L. Arequipa – 2018

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    La presente tesis describe la investigación realizada en la empresa Dona servicios y transportes E.I.R.L. a los trabajadores que se encontraban expuestos a altos niveles de ruido; el objetivo fue determinar si los altos niveles de ruido presentes en el área de trabajo generaban daño auditivo. En primer lugar, se identificó cuáles eran las áreas con mayor presencia de ruido, una vez determinado este parámetro se procedió a verificar la salud auditiva de los trabajadores; esto pudo ser posible, ya que, la empresa cuenta con un médico ocupacional el cual realiza un seguimiento constante de la salud auditiva de los colaboradores. Posteriormente era importante conocer el nivel de ruido presente en las áreas de trabajo para lo cual, realizamos mediciones de ruido siguiendo los lineamientos establecidos en la Guía N° 1 del DS 024 -2016 EM Reglamento de Seguridad y salud Ocupacional en Minería. Establecimos 4 puntos de medición donde evidenciamos que los niveles de ruido presentes en el área de trabajo superaban los LMP establecidos en la RM 375 – 2008 – TR. Una vez determinado los niveles de ruido, se realizó el análisis de las fichas audiológicas donde pudimos evidenciar que 3 (30%) trabajadores había disminuido su nivel auditivo presentando un diagnóstico de trauma acústico bilateral, mientras que en su ficha de ingreso registraron un diagnostico auditivo de normoacusia bilateral. Descartamos que dicho tema pueda ser determinado por los hábitos de ruido que tiene cada colaborador realizando un análisis de la encuesta aplicada en la ficha audiológica; concluyendo que el ruido presente en el área de trabajo estaba afectando la salud auditiva de los trabajadores, por ello se propuso atenuar este riesgo físico con medidas de control de tipo administrativas y de ingeniería, sugiriendo una serie de opciones que van de la mano con la realidad de la empresa, con la finalidad de preservar la salud auditiva de los trabajadores.TesisCampus Arequip

    Plan Estratégico para la mejora del Servicio de Atención de Carga Sólida a Granel (Granos) del Terminal Portuario de Matarani - Tisur, Arequipa 2016

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    El trabajo de Tesis presentado lleva por título: “Plan Estratégico para la mejora del Servicio de Atención de Carga Solida a Granel (Granos) del Terminal Portuario de Matarani – TISUR – AREQUIPA 2016” y tiene como objetivo general el proponer un plan estratégico para la mejora del servicio de atención de Carga Solida a Granel (Granos) en la empresa TISUR, con el fin de diseñar estrategias que permitan mejorar la satisfacción del cliente y fortalecer su fidelidad con la misma. A lo largo de los últimos 3 meses el trabajo fue realizándose primeramente en su aspecto metodológico, cumpliéndose con los planteamientos exigidos por la investigación de tipo descriptivaexplicativa. Se plantearon objetivos específicos de manera que nos permitan identificar los factores externos e internos que influyen en el desarrollo de las actividades de la empresa, diseñar estrategias y analizar las mismas para elegir las más fundamentales. Así, la hipótesis planteada fue: Dado que en la actualidad la empresa TISUR viene realizando acciones de fortalecimiento de la gestión interna, es probable que con la propuesta de un plan estratégico, se pueda alcanzar la mejora del servicio de atención de Carga Solida a Granel (Granos) del Terminal Portuario de Matarani. La Tesis presenta un marco conceptual donde se abordan temas generales y específicos referentes a: La Situación Mundial y Nacional, Transporte Marítimo Internacional y el Sector Portuario en el Perú. posteriormente se describe brevemente la empresa, sus Antecedentes, Valores, Misión Visión y Código de Ética además de los servicios brindados. Mediante el análisis externo e interno, se han identificado las oportunidades y amenazas del sector, resaltando como la principal oportunidad el “Aumento de las exportaciones e importaciones de granos, debido a la mayor producción de otros países” y como amenaza el “Ingreso de nuevos competidores”. Asimismo se identificaron las fortalezas y debilidades con las que viene operando la empresa, destacando como principal fortaleza el “Conocimiento del mercado comercial y financiero” y como principal debilidad los “Proyectos nuevos aun no instalados con índice de desarrollo y mejora del puerto y su capacidad de almacenamiento”. Se diseñaron varias estrategias que fueron filtrándose a través de las matrices desarrolladas, hasta obtener aquellas que permitirán alcanzar el objetivo general, siendo algunas de las principales, “Efectuar inversiones privadas en las operaciones del Terminal Portuario”, “La mejora de la capacidad productiva del Terminal de Almacenamiento”, “Establecer un plan comercial para el fortalecimiento y captación de clientes” y “El desarrollo de procedimientos específicos para la mejora de atención del cliente”. Habiéndose planteado los objetivos de largo y corto plazo y analizándose las perspectivas de la empresa se concluye que las perspectivas de control de procesos, clientes y financiera deben mantenerse relacionadas ya que para lograr un buen desempeño financiero y lograr el desarrollo de la empresa dentro del sector portuario es fundamental fortalecer la relación comercial con los clientes, para lo cual será importante que el área operativa de TISUR analice sus procesos internos en términos de costos, tiempos, recursos y calidad.a fin de mejorar el servicio de atención. Considerando los grandes volúmenes de carga solida a granel (granos) que se proyecta arribaran en los próximos años es importante que la empresa se prepare al respecto tomando en consideración las estrategias propuestas en este Plan Estratégico