62 research outputs found

    Fermions in a warped resolved conifold

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    AbstractWe investigated the localization of the spinorial field in a braneworld built as a warped product between a 3-brane and a 2-cycle of the resolved conifold. This scenario provides a geometric flow that controls the singularity at the origin and changes the properties of the fermion in this background. Furthermore, due the cylindrical symmetry according to the 3-brane and a smoothed warp factor, this geometry can be regarded as a near brane correction of the string-like branes. This geometry allows a normalizable and well-defined massless mode whose decay and value on the brane depend on the resolution parameter. For the Kaluza–Klein modes, resolution parameter also controls the height of the barrier of the volcano potential

    Pauli's Term and Fractional Spin

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    In this work we consider an Abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs model coupled non-minimally to matter fields. This coupling is implemented by means of a Pauli-type coupling. We show that the Pauli term is sufficient to gives rise to fractional spin.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. To appear in Physics Letters

    One-dimensional Dirac oscillator in a thermal bath

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    We analyze the one-dimensional Dirac oscillator in a thermal bath. We found that the heat capacity is two times greater than the heat capacity of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator for higher temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Physics Letters

    Topologically massive nonabelian BF models in arbitrary space-time dimensions

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    This work extends to the D-dimensional space-time the topological mass generation mechanism of the nonabelian BF model in four dimensions. In order to construct the gauge invariant nonabelian kinetic terms for a (D-2)-form B and a 1-form A, we introduce an auxiliary (D-3)-form V. Furthermore, we obtain a complete set of BRST and anti-BRST transformation rules of the fields using the so called horizontality condition, and construct a BRST/anti-BRST invariant quantum action for the model in D-dimensional space-time.Comment: 7 page

    Consistent deformations method applied to a topological coupling of antisymmetric gauge fields in D=3

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    In this work we use the method of consistent deformations of the master equation by Barnich and Henneaux in order to prove that an abelian topological coupling between a zero and a two form fields in D=3 has no nonabelian generalization. We conclude that a topologically massive model involving the Kalb-Ramond two-form field does not admit a nonabelian generalization. The introduction of a connection-type one form field keeps the previous result.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in Physics Letters

    Generating mass and topological terms to the antisymmetric tensor matter field by Higgs mechanism

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    The interaction between the complex antisymmetric tensor matter field and a scalar field is constructed. We analyze the Higgs mechanism and show the generation of mass and topological terms by spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Tensor gauge field localization on a string-like defect

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    This work is devoted to the study of tensor gauge fields on a string-like defect in six dimensions. This model is very successful in localizing fields of various spins only by gravitational interaction. Due to problems of field localization in membrane models we are motivated to investigate if a string-like defect localizes the Kalb-Ramond field. In contrast to what happens in Randall-Sundrum and thick brane scenarios we find a localized zero mode without the addition of other fields in the bulk. Considering the local string defect we obtain analytical solutions for the massive modes. Also, we take the equations of motion in a supersymmetric quantum mechanics scenario in order to analyze the massive modes. The influence of the mass as well as the angular quantum number in the solutions is described. An additional analysis on the massive modes is performed by the Kaluza-Klein decomposition, which provides new details about the KK masses.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Physics Letters

    Gauge hierarchy from a topological viewpoint?

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    In this work we explore an alternative to the central point of the Randall-Sundrum brane world scenario, namely, the particular nonfactorizable metric, in order to solve the hierarchy problem. From a topological viewpoint, we show that the exponential factor, crucial in the Randall-Sundrum model, appears in our approach, only due to the brane existence instead of a special metric background. Our results are based in a topological gravity theory via a non-standard interaction between scalar and non-abelian degrees of freedom and in calculations about localized modes of matter fields on the brane. We point out that we obtain the same results of the Randall-Sundrum model using only one 3-brane, since a specific choice of a background metric is no longer required.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in Physics Letters

    Exact solvability of potentials with spatially dependent effective masses

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    We discuss the relationship between exact solvability of the Schroedinger equation, due to a spatially dependent mass, and the ordering ambiguity. Some examples show that, even in this case, one can find exact solutions. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that operators with linear dependence on the momentum are nonambiguous.Comment: 12 page
