696 research outputs found

    Long-term behavior at foraging sites of adult female loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from three Florida rookeries

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    We used satellite telemetry to study behavior at foraging sites of 40 adult female loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from three Florida (USA) rookeries. Foraging sites were located in four countries (USA, Mexico, the Bahamas, and Cuba). We were able to determine home range for 32 of the loggerheads. One turtle moved through several temporary residence areas, but the rest had a primary residence area in which they spent all or most of their time (usually >11 months per year). Twenty-four had a primary residence area that was <500 km(2) (mean = 191). Seven had a primary residence area that was ≥500 km(2) (range = 573–1,907). Primary residence areas were mostly restricted to depths <100 m. Loggerheads appeared to favor areas with larger-grained sediment (gravel and rock) over areas with smaller-grained sediment (mud). Short-term departures from primary residence areas were either looping excursions, typically involving 1–2 weeks of continuous travel, or movement to a secondary residence area where turtles spent 25–45 days before returning to their primary residence area. Ten turtles had a secondary residence area, and six used it as an overwintering site. For those six turtles, the primary residence area was in shallow water (<17 m) in the northern half of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), and overwintering sites were farther offshore or farther south. We documented long winter dive times (>4 h) for the first time in the GOM. Characterizing behaviors at foraging sites helps inform and assess loggerhead recovery efforts

    Characteristics of a Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Assemblage in Northwestern Florida Determined During a Hypothermic Stunning Event

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    A hypothermic stunning event (i.e., cold-stunning event) during late Dec. 2000 and early Jan. 2001 involving an unprecedented number of sea turtles provided an opportunity to characterize the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) assemblage in St. Joseph Bay (Gulf County, Florida). In addition to 388 green turtles, the 401 cold-stunned turtles comprised 10 Kemp\u27s ridleys (Lepidochelys kempii) and three loggerheads (Caretta caretta). Most (337/401) of the turtles survived and were eventually released. To place this event in perspective, we categorize sea turtle cold-stunning events in the eastern United States as either acute or chronic. Acute cold-stunning events, like the one in St. Joseph Bay, occur only during unusually cold winters in shallow-water areas (\u3c 2m), where sea turtles are year-round residents. These are short-lived (\u3c 2 wk) events with low mortality rates (\u3c 30%) that affect principally green turtles. Chronic cold-stunning events occur every winter in areas where sea turtles are seasonal residents. These are long-lived (1-3 mo) events with high mortality rates (\u3e 60%) that affect primarily Kemp\u27s ridleys. All of the green turtles from St. Joseph Bay were neritic-phase juveniles, and the mean straight-line carapace length of this group was 36.6 cm (range = 25.0-75.3 cm, SD = 8.9). This assemblage of juvenile green turtles is the first documented along the northern Gulf of Mexico. Sequencing of mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) from tissue samples taken from 255 of the green turtles revealed that about 81% were from the nesting populations in the United States (Florida) and Mexico (Yucatan). This assemblage is unusual in the United States because it does not have a substantial representation from the nesting population in Costa Rica (Tortuguero), the Atlantic\u27s largest green turtle nesting population. Based on necropsies of 51 of the green turtles, the sex ratio of this assemblage was female-biased (3.25 females: 1 male), which may be a result of warm incubation temperatures on the nesting beaches in Florida. The majority of the material found in the gastrointestinal tracts of the green turtles that died was turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum). This was the first time turtle grass has been identified as the primary diet of juvenile green turtles anywhere in the continental United States. Green turtles in St. Joseph Bay appear to have few direct threats, but the seagrass upon which these turtles primarily forage has suffered extensive damage from boat propellers

    Dust Formation and He II 4686 emission in the Dense Shell of the Peculiar Type Ib Supernova 2006jc

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    We present evidence for the formation of dust grains in an unusual Type Ib SN based on late-time spectra of SN 2006jc. The progenitor suffered an LBV-like outburst just 2 yr earlier, and we propose that the dust formation is a consequence of the SN blast wave overtaking that LBV-like shell. The key evidence for dust formation is (a) the appearance of a red/near-IR continuum source fit by 1600 K graphite grains, and (b) fading of the redshifted sides of He I emission lines, yielding progressively more asymmetric blueshifted lines as dust obscures receding material. This provides the strongest case yet for dust formation in any SN Ib/c. Both developments occurred between 51 and 75 d after peak, while other SNe observed to form dust did so after a few hundred days. Geometric considerations indicate that dust formed in the dense swept-up shell between the forward and reverse shocks, and not in the freely expanding SN ejecta. Rapid cooling leading to dust formation may have been aided by extremely high shell densities, as indicated by He I line ratios. The brief epoch of dust formation is accompanied by He II 4686 emission and enhanced X-ray emission. These clues suggest that the unusual dust formation in this object was not due to properties of the SN itself, but instead -- like most peculiarities of SN 2006jc -- was a consequence of the dense environment created by an LBV-like eruption 2 yr before the SN.Comment: ApJ, accepted. added some discussion and 2 figures, better title, conclusions same as previous version. 12 pages, 4 color fig

    "Ordinary, the same as anywhere else": notes on the management of spoiled identity in 'marginal' middle class neighbourhoods

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    Urban sociologists are becoming increasingly interested in neighbourhood as a source of middle-class identity. Particular emphasis is currently being given to two types of middle-class neighbourhood; gentrified urban neighbourhoods of ‘distinction’ and inconspicuous ‘suburban landscapes of privilege’. However, there has been a dearth of work on ‘marginal’ middle-class neighbourhoods that are similarly ‘inconspicuous’ rather than distinctive, but less exclusive, thus containing sources of ‘spoiled identity’. This article draws on data gathered from two ‘marginal’ middleclass neighbourhoods that contained a particular source of ‘spoiled identity’: social renters. Urban sociological analyses of neighbour responses to these situations highlight a process of dis-identification with the maligned object, which exacerbates neighbour differences. Our analysis of data from the ‘marginal’ middle-class neighbourhoods suggests something entirely different and Goffmanesque. This entailed the management of spoiled identity, which emphasized similarities rather than differences between neighbours.</p

    A Spectroscopic Study of Type Ibc Supernova Host Galaxies from Untargeted Surveys

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    We present the largest spectroscopic study of the host environments of Type Ibc supernovae (SN Ibc) discovered exclusively by untargeted SN searches. Past studies of SN Ibc host environments have been biased towards high-mass, high-metallicity galaxies by focusing on SNe discovered in galaxy-targeted SN searches. Our new observations more than double the total number of spectroscopic stellar population age and metallicity measurements published for untargeted SN Ibc host environments, and extend to a median redshift about twice as large as previous statistical studies (z = 0.04). For the 12 SNe Ib and 21 SNe Ic in our metallicity sample, we find median metallicities of log(O/H)+12 = 8.48 and 8.61, respectively, but determine that the discrepancy in the full distribution of metallicities is not statistically significant. This median difference would correspond to only a small difference in the mass loss via metal-line driven winds (<30%), suggesting this does not play the dominant role in distinguishing SN Ib and Ic progenitors. However, the median metallicity of the 7 broad-lined SN Ic (SN Ic-BL) in our sample is significantly lower, log(O/H)+12 = 8.34. The age of the young stellar population of SN Ic-BL host environments also seems to be lower than for SN Ib and Ic, but our age sample is small. A synthesis of SN Ibc host environment spectroscopy to date does not reveal a significant difference in SN Ib and Ic metallicities, but reinforces the significance of the lower metallicities for SN Ic-BL. This combined sample demonstrates that galaxy-targeted SN searches introduce a significant bias for studies seeking to infer the metallicity distribution of SN progenitors, and we identify and discuss other systematic effects that play smaller roles. We discuss the path forward for making progress on SN Ibc progenitor studies in the LSST era.Comment: 27 pages, 12 Figures, V2 as accepted by ApJ, more information at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~nsanders/papers/Ibchosts/summary.htm

    Thermodynamics of Na_8 and Na_{20} clusters studied with ab-initio electronic structure methods

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    We study the thermodynamics of Na_8 and Na_{20} clusters using multiple-histogram methods and an ab initio treatment of the valence electrons within density functional theory. We consider the influence of various electron kinetic-energy functionals and pseudopotentials on the canonical ionic specific heats. The results for all models we consider show qualitative similarities, but also significant temperature shifts from model to model of peaks and other features in the specific-heat curves. The use of phenomenological pseudopotentials shifts the melting peak substantially (~ 50--100 K) when compared to ab-initio results. It is argued that the choice of a good pseudopotential and use of better electronic kinetic-energy functionals has the potential for performing large time scale and large sized thermodynamical simulations on clusters.Comment: LaTeX file and EPS figures. 24 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Early-type galaxies with core collapse supernovae

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    It is widely accepted that the progenitors of core collapse SNe are young massive stars and therefore their host galaxies are mostly spiral or irregular galaxies dominated by a young stellar population. Surprisingly, among morphologically classified hosts of core collapse SNe, we find 22 cases where the host has been classified as an Elliptical or S0 galaxy. To clarify this apparent contradiction, we carry out a detailed morphological study and an extensive literature search for additional information on the sample objects. Our results are as follows: 1. Of 22 "early type" objects, 17 are in fact misclassified spiral galaxies, one is a misclassified irregular, and one is a misclassified ring galaxy. 2. Of the 3 objects maintaining the early type classification, one (NGC2768) is a suspected merger remnant, another (NGC4589) is definitely a merger, and the third (NGC2274) is in close interaction. The presence of some amount of young stellar population in these galaxies is therefore not unexpected. These results confirm the presence of a limited, but significant, number of core collapse SNe in galaxies generally classified of early type. In all cases, anyway, there are independent indicators of the presence in host galaxies of recent star formation due to merging or gravitational interaction.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    The Redshift Evolution of the Mean Temperature, Pressure, and Entropy Profiles in 80 SPT-Selected Galaxy Clusters

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    (Abridged) We present the results of an X-ray analysis of 80 galaxy clusters selected in the 2500 deg^2 South Pole Telescope survey and observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We divide the full sample into subsamples of ~20 clusters based on redshift and central density, performing an X-ray fit to all clusters in a subsample simultaneously, assuming self-similarity of the temperature profile. This approach allows us to constrain the shape of the temperature profile over 0<r<1.5R500, which would be impossible on a per-cluster basis, since the observations of individual clusters have, on average, 2000 X-ray counts. The results presented here represent the first constraints on the evolution of the average temperature profile from z=0 to z=1.2. We find that high-z (0.6<z<1.2) clusters are slightly (~40%) cooler both in the inner (rR500) regions than their low-z (0.3<z<0.6) counterparts. Combining the average temperature profile with measured gas density profiles from our earlier work, we infer the average pressure and entropy profiles for each subsample. Overall, our observed pressure profiles agree well with earlier lower-redshift measurements, suggesting minimal redshift evolution in the pressure profile outside of the core. We find no measurable redshift evolution in the entropy profile at rR500 in our high-z subsample. This flattening is consistent with a temperature bias due to the enhanced (~3x) rate at which group-mass (~2 keV) halos, which would go undetected at our survey depth, are accreting onto the cluster at z~1. This work demonstrates a powerful method for inferring spatially-resolved cluster properties in the case where individual cluster signal-to-noise is low, but the number of observed clusters is high.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, submitted to ApJ. Updated following referee repor

    Dust and the type II-Plateau supernova 2004dj

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    We present mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy of a Type II-plateau supernova, SN 2004dj, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, spanning 106--1393 d after explosion. MIR photometry plus optical/near-IR observations are also reported. An early-time MIR excess is attributed to emission from non-silicate dust formed within a cool dense shell (CDS). Most of the CDS dust condensed between 50 d and 165 d, reaching a mass of 0.3 x 10^{-5} Msun. Throughout the observations much of the longer wavelength (>10 microns) part of the continuum is explained as an IR echo from interstellar dust. The MIR excess strengthened at later times. We show that this was due to thermal emission from warm, non-silicate dust formed in the ejecta. Using optical/near-IR line-profiles and the MIR continua, we show that the dust was distributed as a disk whose radius appeared to be slowly shrinking. The disk radius may correspond to a grain destruction zone caused by a reverse shock which also heated the dust. The dust-disk lay nearly face-on, had high opacities in the optical/near-IR regions, but remained optically thin in the MIR over much of the period studied. Assuming a uniform dust density, the ejecta dust mass by 996 d was 0.5 +/- 0.1) x 10^{-4} Msun, and exceeded 10^{-4}Msun by 1393 d. For a dust density rising toward the center the limit is higher. Nevertheless, this study suggests that the amount of freshly-synthesized dust in the SN 2004dj ejecta is consistent with that found from previous studies, and adds further weight to the claim that such events could not have been major contributors to the cosmic dust budget.Comment: ApJ in press; minor changes c.f. v

    Association between serotonin transporter genotype, brain structure and adolescent onset major depressive disorder: a longitudinal prospective study

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    The extent to which brain structural abnormalities might serve as neurobiological endophenotypes that mediate the link between the variation in the promoter of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) and depression is currently unknown. We therefore investigated whether variation in hippocampus, amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and anterior cingulate cortex volumes at age 12 years mediated a putative association between 5-HTTLPR genotype and first onset of major depressive disorder (MDD) between age 13&ndash;19 years, in a longitudinal study of 174 adolescents (48% males). Increasing copies of S-alleles were found to predict smaller left hippocampal volume, which in turn was associated with increased risk of experiencing a first onset of MDD. Increasing copies of S-alleles also predicted both smaller left and right medial OFC volumes, although neither left nor right medial OFC volumes were prospectively associated with a first episode of MDD during adolescence. The findings therefore suggest that structural abnormalities in the left hippocampus may be present prior to the onset of depression during adolescence and may be partly responsible for an indirect association between 5-HTTLPR genotype and depressive illness. 5-HTTLPR genotype may also impact upon other regions of the brain, such as the OFC, but structural differences in these regions in early adolescence may not necessarily alter the risk for onset of depression during later adolescence