9 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Regression Coefficient between the Activity of FoxP3 Gene on Regulatory T Cells and Glucose Level in Patients with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus In the City of Mosul

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    لا يزال العلاج بالأنسولين الخارجي بانواعه المتعددة يسبب مجموعة متنوعة من ردود الفعل المناعية من خلال سيطرته المتباينة على مستوى السكر لدى مرضى داء السكر النمط الاول. ومع ذلك، فإن المشاكل المناعية الرئيسية غير شائعة، والأحداث المرافقة لداء السكر الأقل خطورة لها تأثيرات طويلة الأمد على الاستجابات المناعية. هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى متابعة تأثير مستويات الكلوكوز على مستوى التعبير الجيني للجين FoxP3 احد اهم الجينات المسؤولة عن فعالية الخلايا المنظمة Regulatory T cells لدى مرضى داء السكر النمط الاول. تم جمع (26) نموذجاً من الدم لافراد مشخصين باصابتهم بداء السكر النمط الاول لمدة تزيد عن (5) سنوات، تراوحت اعمارهم من (15- 35) سنة، ومن كلا الجنسين من مركز الوفاء لمعالجة مرضى السكر والغدد الصم في مدينة الموصل ، تم تقسيم المرضى الى اربع مجاميع اعتمادأ على نوع حقن الانسولين المستخدمة للسيطرة على مستوى الكلوكوز في مصولهم تضمنت هذه المجاميع ( مجموعة مرضى الصافي Actrapid، مجموعة مرضى الخابط Insulatard، مجموعة مرضى الصافي والخابط Insulatard / Actrapid ، واخيرا مجموعة مرضى المزيج Mixtard)، كما تضمنت مجموعة السيطرة (7) عينات دم لاشخاص اصحاء كمتبرعين باعمار ترواحت من (15-30) سنة،(ذكور واناث)، غير مصابين بامراض انتقالية اوعدوى جرثومية اوامراض المناعة الذاتية. اظهرت النتائج اثر تركيز الكلوكوز في مستوى التعبير الجيني للجين FoxP3 بنسبة (26%) لدى مجموعة المرضى الذين يستخدمون الانسولين نوع المزيج، في حين اظهرت نتائج تحليل الاثر للكلوكوز على مستوى التعبير الجيني للجين FoxP3 نسبة (76%) لدى مجموعة المرضى الذين يستخدمون الانسولين نوع الخابط ، على العكس من ذلك لم تظهر علاقة اثر لتركيز الكلوكوز على مستوى التعبير الجيني للجين FoxP3 لدى المرضى المستخدمين للانسولين الصافي و الصافي والخابط عند (P≤0.05).Still, external insulin therapy with its various types causes a variety of immune reactions through its variable control of the glucose level in patients with type 1 diabetes. However, major immune problems are uncommon, and less serious diabetic events have long-term effects on immune responses. The current study aimed to follow up the effect of glucose levels on the level of gene expression of the FoxP3 gene, one of the most important genes responsible for the activity of Regulatory T cells in patients with type 1 diabetes. (26) blood samples were collected from individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for a period of more than (5) years, their ages ranged from (15-35) years, and from both sexes, from Al-Wafa Center for the treatment of diabetics and endocrine glands in the city of Mosul. The patients were divided into four groups, depending on the type of insulin injection , These groups included (Actrapid patients group, Insulatard patients group, Insulatard / Actrapid patients patients group, and finally Mixtard patients group). The control group also included (7) blood samples of healthy people as donors, ages ranging from (15-30) years, (males and females), without communicable diseases, bacterial infections, or autoimmune diseases. . The results showed an effect of glucose concentration on the expression level of the FoxP3 gene by (26%) in the group of patients who used insulin mixtard type, while the results of the effect analysis of glucose on the level of gene expression of the FoxP3 gene showed a rate of (76%) in the group of patients who used insulin type Insulatard, On the contrary, there was no effect of glucose concentration on the level of FoxP3 gene expression in patients using Actrapid and  Insulatard / Actrapid insulin at (P≤0.05)

    Alkene reactions with superoxide radical anions in flow electrochemistry

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    Alkenes were cleaved to ketones by using dioxygen in a flow electrochemical set-up. The pressurised system allowed efficient gas-liquid mixing with a stabilised flow. This mild and straightforward approach avoids the use of transition metals and harsh oxidants

    Non‐conventional methodologies for the synthesis of N ‐Nntrosamines

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    N‐Nitrosamines acting as contaminants in our environment is a topic of increasing concern. Detection methods are required, necessitating analytical standards. Herein, we discuss some conventional methodologies to prepare N‐nitrosamines and compare them with unconventional pathways towards their synthesis. These methods are often more environmentally benign and safer

    Flow electrochemistry for the N‐Nitrosation of secondary amines

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    A flow electrochemical method towards the synthesis of N‐nitroso compounds from secondary amines using cheap and readily available sodium nitrite has been developed. Sodium nitrite dissolved in aqueous acetonitrile made additional electrolytes unnecessary. This mild and straightforward approach made the use of acids or other harsh and toxic chemicals redundant. This procedure was applied to an assortment of cyclic and acyclic secondary amines (27 examples) resulting in yields of N‐nitrosamines as high as 99 %. To demonstrate the practicality of the process, scaled‐up reactions were performed. Finally, selected products could be purified by using an in‐line acidic extraction

    Electric field–assisted anion-π catalysis on carbon nanotubes in electrochemical microfluidic devices

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    The vision to control the charges migrating during reactions with external electric fields is attractive because of the promise of general catalysis, emergent properties, and programmable devices. Here, we explore this idea with anion-π catalysis, that is the stabilization of anionic transition states on aromatic surfaces. Catalyst activation by polarization of the aromatic system is most effective. This polarization is induced by electric fields. The use of electrochemical microfluidic reactors to polarize multiwalled carbon nanotubes as anion-π catalysts emerges as essential. These reactors provide access to high fields at low enough voltage to prevent electron transfer, afford meaningful effective catalyst/substrate ratios, and avoid interference from additional electrolytes. Under these conditions, the rate of pyrene-interfaced epoxide-opening ether cyclizations is linearly voltage-dependent at positive voltages and negligible at negative voltages. While electromicrofluidics have been conceived for redox chemistry, our results indicate that their use for supramolecular organocatalysis has the potential to noncovalently electrify organic synthesis in the broadest sense

    Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Commensal Escherichia coli Isolates Recovered from Cloacal Samples of Japanase Quails and Chickens in Turkey

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    Antibiotic resistance has been rapidly increasing all over the world. Presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in food producing animals is considered an important transmission source for both direct and indirect transfer of those bacteria to human. For this reason, 45 cloacal samples comprising from 23 Japanase quails and 22 chickens were analyzed by conventional and molecular methods for E. coli isolation in this study. Subsequently, antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of E. coli isolates (n=71) were determined against thirteen agents; amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftazidime, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, cefpodoxime, aztreonam, ciprofloxacin, amikacin, ertapenem, imipenem, meropenem, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by disk diffusion method. Double-disk synergy test (DDST) was also performed for detection of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL)-producing organisms. As a result, majority of poultry isolates was susceptible to most of the tested antibiotics and highest resistance rates were detected for ciprofloxacin (2.8%) followed by ertapenem, imipenem, meropenem with equal resistance rates of 1.4% with CLSI interpretative criteria. However, analyzing of the same data according to EUCAST interpretative criteria resulted in higher number of resistant isolates (n=16). In this case, isolates showed resistance to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (7%), cefpodoxime (5.6%), ciprofloxacin (5.6%), ertapenem (2.8%) and aztreonam (1.4%). No ESBL-producing organism was detected among isolates. This is the first report on ertapenem resistant bacteria from various poultry sources in Turkey. Therefore, it is important to perform surveillance on the antibiotic resistant bacteria in healthy livestock animals for predicting their risk status to society

    Electric-field-induced anion-π catalysis on carbon nanotubes in electrochemical microfluidic devices: Original Data

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    Original data underlying the publication entitled "Electric-field-induced anion-π catalysis on carbon nanotubes in electrochemical microfluidic devices" 1 Synthesis: synthetic procedures (notebook pages) and data (NMR, IR, MS) of compounds 6–8, 15, 17, 19, 21–26 2 Catalysis in suspension: procedure (notebook pages) and HPLC chromatograms (for compounds 6 and 8) or NMR spectra (for compound 9) 3 Catalysis using electromicrofluidics: procedure (notebook pages) and HPLC chromatogram

    Covid-19 blant innvandrere i Norge, vurdering av tiltak og erfaringer fra felt, delrapport 1

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    Pandemien har vært preget av stadige endringer i smittetrykk, kunnskapsnivå og tiltaksbyrde. Dette kapittelet forsøker å peke på noen overordnede læringspunkter fra analysene som er presentert senere i rapporten. Punktene må sees i lys av den til enhver tid gjeldende situasjonen. Det gjelder for eksempel forholdet mellom andelen vaksinerte, andelen med alvorlig forløp i form av innleggelser og død, andelen av testede som tester positivt, andelen bekreftet smittet, smittesituasjonen globalt og egenskaper ved og spredningen av eventuelle nye virusvarianter. I skrivende stund ansees utbrudd i den skala som kan gi kollaps av helsetjenesten i Norge som lite sannsynlig. Likevel kan det fortsatt komme nye bølger med nye virusvarianter. Vaksineutrullingen er i god gang, men leveranser kan bli forsinket. De fleste av vurderingene nedenfor er rettet mot eventuelle fremtidige hendelser i form av utbrudd i mer begrenset omfang eller en eventuelt en ny pandemi. Enkelte av læringspunktene kan også være overførbare til utrullingen av koronavaksinasjonsprogrammet eller helsefremmende arbeid overfor innvandrerbefolkningene i bredere forstand

    Solid state fermentation in food processing: advances in reactor design and novel applications

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    Solid state fermentation (SSF) represents a biotechnological alternative for obtaining fermented foods of different origins. In this work an overview of SSF is carried out, addressing different aspects of fermentation, types of bioreactors, and special attention is given to the use of lactic bacteria and bifidobacteria in SSF for food processing. In recent years the fermentation process on solid substrates (SSF) has received a renewed and growing attention from researchers around the world. As a result, many studies have been conducted on its feasibility for production of enzymes, flavors and aromas, dyes, organic acids, and other substances of interest to the food industry. Those studies have increased the number of recent publications. It is worth noting that the greatest attention toward this type of fermentation is focused on the use of fungi and yeasts, and there are few works in which SSF is described using bacteria. In this work, a general review of SSF is carried out, different aspects of the process including types of bioreactors are described with special attention given to the use of lactic bacteria and bifidobacteria in SSF processes.Fil: Garro, Marisa Selva. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Rivas, Franco Paolo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones En Procesos Tecnologicos Avanzados. - Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral. Instituto de Investigaciones En Procesos Tecnologicos Avanzados.; ArgentinaFil: Garro, Oscar Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones En Procesos Tecnologicos Avanzados. - Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral. Instituto de Investigaciones En Procesos Tecnologicos Avanzados.; Argentin