23 research outputs found

    Target-Speaker Voice Activity Detection: a Novel Approach for Multi-Speaker Diarization in a Dinner Party Scenario

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    Speaker diarization for real-life scenarios is an extremely challenging problem. Widely used clustering-based diarization approaches perform rather poorly in such conditions, mainly due to the limited ability to handle overlapping speech. We propose a novel Target-Speaker Voice Activity Detection (TS-VAD) approach, which directly predicts an activity of each speaker on each time frame. TS-VAD model takes conventional speech features (e.g., MFCC) along with i-vectors for each speaker as inputs. A set of binary classification output layers produces activities of each speaker. I-vectors can be estimated iteratively, starting with a strong clustering-based diarization. We also extend the TS-VAD approach to the multi-microphone case using a simple attention mechanism on top of hidden representations extracted from the single-channel TS-VAD model. Moreover, post-processing strategies for the predicted speaker activity probabilities are investigated. Experiments on the CHiME-6 unsegmented data show that TS-VAD achieves state-of-the-art results outperforming the baseline x-vector-based system by more than 30% Diarization Error Rate (DER) abs.Comment: Accepted to Interspeech 202

    Analysis of 3800-year-old Yersinia pestis genomes suggests Bronze Age origin for bubonic plague

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    该论文通过对青铜器时代的两个鼠疫杆菌分离株进行测序,深入剖析了鼠疫杆菌的历史。德国、俄罗斯、中国和瑞士等多国研究员共同参与了研究。这篇论文的第一作者是德国马克斯-普朗克研究所的考古遗传学专家Maria Spyrou。她和同事从俄罗斯墓穴中埋葬的九名古代人的牙齿样本入手,发现有两人感染鼠疫杆菌。之后,他们从这些个体中分离出距今约3800年的病原菌。在这项新研究中,研究人员利用液相捕获和Illumina鸟枪法测序技术,对青铜器时代的一名男子(RT5)的鼠疫杆菌和人类宿主序列进行测序,其中鼠疫杆菌基因组的平均覆盖度达到32倍。同时,他们还对另一名感染个体(RT6)的分离株进行测序,平均覆盖度为1.9倍。系统发育分析表明,RT5和RT6分离株是共同谱系的一部分,这个谱系的祖先是史上三次瘟疫大流行的罪魁祸首。除了众所周知的中世纪欧洲瘟疫大流行,鼠疫杆菌还曾造成公元6世纪的查士丁尼瘟疫和19世纪的中国大规模鼠疫。 马克斯-普朗克人类历史科学研究所的古病理学专家Kirsten Bos表示,这些结果表明“具有传播潜力的瘟疫存在的时间比我们想象得更久。”Bos是这篇论文的通讯作者之一。【Abstract】The origin of Yersinia pestis and the early stages of its evolution are fundamental subjects of investigation given its high virulence and mortality that resulted from past pandemics. Although the earliest evidence of Y. pestis infections in humans has been identified in Late Neolithic/Bronze Age Eurasia (LNBA 5000–3500y BP), these strains lack key genetic components required for flea adaptation, thus making their mode of transmission and disease presentation in humans unclear. Here, we reconstruct ancient Y. pestis genomes from individuals associated with the Late Bronze Age period (~3800 BP) in the Samara region of modern-day Russia. We show clear distinctions between our new strains and the LNBA lineage, and suggest that the full ability for flea-mediated transmission causing bubonic plague evolved more than 1000 years earlier than previously suggested. Finally, we propose that several Y. pestis lineages were established during the Bronze Age, some of which persist to the present day.We thank Cosimo Posth, Marcel Keller, Michal Feldman and Wolfgang Haak for useful insights to the manuscript, as well as Alexander Immel and Stephen Clayton for computational support. In addition, we are thankful to Guido Brandt, Antje Wissgott and Cäcilia Freund for laboratory support. M.A.S., A.H., K.I.B. and J.K. were supported by the ERC starting grant APGREID, and by the Max Planck Society. C.C.W. was supported by the Max Planck Society and the Nanqiang Outstanding Young Talents Program of Xiamen University. D.K. was supported by a Marie Heim-Vögtlin grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation

    Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe

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    We generated genome-wide data from 69 Europeans who lived between 8,000-3,000 years ago by enriching ancient DNA libraries for a target set of almost four hundred thousand polymorphisms. Enrichment of these positions decreases the sequencing required for genome-wide ancient DNA analysis by a median of around 250-fold, allowing us to study an order of magnitude more individuals than previous studies and to obtain new insights about the past. We show that the populations of western and far eastern Europe followed opposite trajectories between 8,000-5,000 years ago. At the beginning of the Neolithic period in Europe, ~8,000-7,000 years ago, closely related groups of early farmers appeared in Germany, Hungary, and Spain, different from indigenous hunter-gatherers, whereas Russia was inhabited by a distinctive population of hunter-gatherers with high affinity to a ~24,000 year old Siberian6 . By ~6,000-5,000 years ago, a resurgence of hunter-gatherer ancestry had occurred throughout much of Europe, but in Russia, the Yamnaya steppe herders of this time were descended not only from the preceding eastern European hunter-gatherers, but from a population of Near Eastern ancestry. Western and Eastern Europe came into contact ~4,500 years ago, as the Late Neolithic Corded Ware people from Germany traced ~3/4 of their ancestry to the Yamnaya, documenting a massive migration into the heartland of Europe from its eastern periphery. This steppe ancestry persisted in all sampled central Europeans until at least ~3,000 years ago, and is ubiquitous in present-day Europeans. These results provide support for the theory of a steppe origin of at least some of the Indo-European languages of Europe

    Emergence and intensification of dairying in the Caucasus and Eurasian steppes

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    Archaeological and archaeogenetic evidence points to the Pontic-Caspian steppe zone between the Caucasus and the Black Sea as the crucible from which the earliest steppe pastoralist societies arose and spread, ultimately influencing populations from Europe to Inner Asia. However, little is known about their economic foundations and the factors that may have contributed to their extensive mobility. Here, we investigate dietary proteins within the dental calculus proteomes of 45 individuals spanning the Neolithic to Greco-Roman periods in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe and neighbouring South Caucasus, Oka-Volga-Don and East Urals regions. We find that sheep dairying accompanies the earliest forms of Eneolithic pastoralism in the North Caucasus. During the fourth millennium Bc, Maykop and early Yamnaya populations also focused dairying exclusively on sheep while reserving cattle for traction and other purposes. We observe a breakdown in livestock specialization and an economic diversification of dairy herds coinciding with aridification during the subsequent late Yamnaya and North Caucasus Culture phases, followed by severe climate deterioration during the Catacomb and Lola periods. The need for additional pastures to support these herds may have driven the heightened mobility of the Middle and Late Bronze Age periods. Following a hiatus of more than 500 years, the North Caucasian steppe was repopulated by Early Iron Age societies with a broad mobile dairy economy, including a new focus on horse milking.Peer reviewe

    Emergence and intensification of dairying in the Caucasus and Eurasian steppes

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    Archaeological and archaeogenetic evidence points to the Pontic-Caspian steppe zone between the Caucasus and the Black Sea as the crucible from which the earliest steppe pastoralist societies arose and spread, ultimately influencing populations from Europe to Inner Asia. However, little is known about their economic foundations and the factors that may have contributed to their extensive mobility. Here, we investigate dietary proteins within the dental calculus proteomes of 45 individuals spanning the Neolithic to Greco-Roman periods in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe and neighbouring South Caucasus, Oka-Volga-Don and East Urals regions. We find that sheep dairying accompanies the earliest forms of Eneolithic pastoralism in the North Caucasus. During the fourth millennium Bc, Maykop and early Yamnaya populations also focused dairying exclusively on sheep while reserving cattle for traction and other purposes. We observe a breakdown in livestock specialization and an economic diversification of dairy herds coinciding with aridification during the subsequent late Yamnaya and North Caucasus Culture phases, followed by severe climate deterioration during the Catacomb and Lola periods. The need for additional pastures to support these herds may have driven the heightened mobility of the Middle and Late Bronze Age periods. Following a hiatus of more than 500 years, the North Caucasian steppe was repopulated by Early Iron Age societies with a broad mobile dairy economy, including a new focus on horse milking.Peer reviewe

    Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers

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    : Modern humans have populated Europe for more than 45,000 years1,2. Our knowledge of the genetic relatedness and structure of ancient hunter-gatherers is however limited, owing to the scarceness and poor molecular preservation of human remains from that period3. Here we analyse 356 ancient hunter-gatherer genomes, including new genomic data for 116 individuals from 14 countries in western and central Eurasia, spanning between 35,000 and 5,000 years ago. We identify a genetic ancestry profile in individuals associated with Upper Palaeolithic Gravettian assemblages from western Europe that is distinct from contemporaneous groups related to this archaeological culture in central and southern Europe4, but resembles that of preceding individuals associated with the Aurignacian culture. This ancestry profile survived during the Last Glacial Maximum (25,000 to 19,000 years ago) in human populations from southwestern Europe associated with the Solutrean culture, and with the following Magdalenian culture that re-expanded northeastward after the Last Glacial Maximum. Conversely, we reveal a genetic turnover in southern Europe suggesting a local replacement of human groups around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum, accompanied by a north-to-south dispersal of populations associated with the Epigravettian culture. From at least 14,000 years ago, an ancestry related to this culture spread from the south across the rest of Europe, largely replacing the Magdalenian-associated gene pool. After a period of limited admixture that spanned the beginning of the Mesolithic, we find genetic interactions between western and eastern European hunter-gatherers, who were also characterized by marked differences in phenotypically relevant variants

    Genome-wide patterns of selection in 230 ancient Eurasians

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    Ancient DNA makes it possible to directly witness natural selection by analyzing samples from populations before, during and after adaptation events. Here we report the first scan for selection using ancient DNA, capitalizing on the largest genome-wide dataset yet assembled: 230 West Eurasians dating to between 6500 and 1000 BCE, including 163 with newly reported data. The new samples include the first genome-wide data from the Anatolian Neolithic culture whose genetic material we extracted from the DNA-rich petrous bone and who we show were members of the population that was the source of Europe’s first farmers. We also report a complete transect of the steppe region in Samara between 5500 and 1200 BCE that allows us to recognize admixture from at least two external sources into steppe populations during this period. We detect selection at loci associated with diet, pigmentation and immunity, and two independent episodes of selection on height

    Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been infecting humans for millennia and remains a global health problem, but its past diversity and dispersal routes are largely unknown. We generated HBV genomic data from 137 Eurasians and Native Americans dated between ~10,500 and ~400 years ago. We date the most recent common ancestor of all HBV lineages to between ~20,000 and 12,000 years ago, with the virus present in European and South American hunter-gatherers during the early Holocene. After the European Neolithic transition, Mesolithic HBV strains were replaced by a lineage likely disseminated by early farmers that prevailed throughout western Eurasia for ~4000 years, declining around the end of the 2nd millennium BCE. The only remnant of this prehistoric HBV diversity is the rare genotype G, which appears to have reemerged during the HIV pandemic

    Low-lying excited states of natural carotenoids viewed by ab initio methods

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    Low-lying excited states of carotenoids (the optically dark 2Ag- and bright 1Bu+) are deeply involved in energy transfer processes in photosynthetic antennas such as light-harvesting and non-photochemical quenching. Though any ab initio modeling of these phenomena has to rely on precise energies of the carotenoid electronic states, their accurate evaluation remains a challenging problem due to a different nature of the states of interest. The paper aims to study how accurate are the excitation energies of the low-lying excited states of certain open- and closed-chain carotenoids obtained by a state-of-the-art multireference approach for electronic structure calculation. Here, DMRGSCF and a perturbative approach based on DSRG-MRPT2 were used for treatment of static and dynamic correlation, respectively. Nuclear geometries of the electronic states were optimized with DFT-based approaches. It was demonstrated that spin-flip TD-DFT can replace multiconfigurational methods for the geometry optimization of the 2Ag- state, but not for the calculation of the excitation energy. Adiabatic excitation energies to the 1Bu+ state were shown to be within a margin of 1000 cm-1 with an appropriate flow-parameter value. Adiabatic excitation energies to the 2Ag- state for the open-chain carotenoids lie within a range of experimental values (taking into account the broad range of experimental estimates); for the closed-chain ones the error does not exceed 2000 cm-1. Ab initio stationary (1Ag- → 1Bu+) and transient (2Ag- → 1Bu+) absorption spectra were modeled for violaxanthin and lycopene, and they show a good agreement with the experimental ones both in terms of vibronic structure and transition energies

    Research of fatigue wear of shape memory materials

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    The main aim of the study is to consider the surface fracture on fatigue wear mechanism of conventional metals and NiTi, to introduce comparative experimental results which show that NiTi wear resistance is much higher than traditional anti-friction metal; to disclose the nature of increased wear resistance of NiTi. Methods and materials: The authors have studied TiNi alloys of three compositions: Ti[50]Ni[47,5]Fe[2,5] (ТН-1К), Ti[49,4]Ni[50,6], Ti[49,9]Ni[50,1]. on the friction machine SMT-1. The study was carried out on the surface layers on a microscope of the "GSEM instruments" nanohardness gage and on the 3D profilograph-profilometer "Still". The results: The authors determined the fatigue wear as the main form of wear by introducing a number of conditions not disturbing the performance of real friction units. The paper considers wear particle formation due to formation of subsurface cracks. The increased durability of NiTi in comparison with conventional materials was proved experimentally