270 research outputs found

    Helping a visually impaired student to improve her social interaction skills at Andrés Bello University, Viña del Mar, Chile : an action research

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    Tesis (Pedagogía en Inglés)During the last decade, inclusion that is “Something which cannot be done to people, it is something in which people are actively involved” (Norwich, 1999), has been used by different educational institutions to define or highlight their programs and as a matter of promoting a very comprehensive education. That is why an action research was conducted, whose aim is to study and improve the social interaction between a visually impaired student and her professors and peers within the English Pedagogy Program from a university in the city of Viña del Mar. In this thesis project, several people who are part of the daily life of the subject of the study contributed to this thesis project by providing relevant information. These people were professors, previous and current classmates and family members who decided to participate in a voluntarily and active form. In order to collect the information from a qualitative nature, focus groups, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and observations were used as instruments. Moreover, more support and guidance were delivered by professionals from the educational and medical fields, i.e a psychology and a psychopedagogue. These experts provided techniques in order to reach the objective of this research. In terms of results, these were unexpected because they changed the researchers’ perspectives and helped them to understand a reality that was present but, was not taken into account. After analyzing the results obtained from the strategies applied in the action plan, the researchers came into the conclusion that the subject improved her social interaction skills thanks to the different techniques that we applied with her. However, it was found out that the context played a key role in the interaction between the classmates and the subject because the dysfunctional characteristics of the peers made the student to react different to them as she interacted with the researchers.Durante la última década, inclusión que se refiere a “Una acción la cual no puede ser realizada por personas, es algo en que las personas están activamente envueltas” (Norwich, 1999) (Traducido por Ivette Aguirre, Camila Fernández, Bárbara Melo y Bastián Mendoza), ha sido utilizado por diferentes instituciones educacionales para definir o destacar sus programas como una manera de promover una educación completa. Por esta razón se llevó a cabo una investigación acción la cual pretende investigar y mejorar la interacción social entre un estudiante con dificultades visuales y sus profesores y compañeros en un programa de pregrado de una universidad en la región de Viña del Mar. Varias personas los cuales forman parte activa en el quehacer diario del sujeto de estudio contribuyeron con información relevante para esta investigación. Estos fueron profesores, compañeros, ex compañeros y familiares, quienes aceptaron participar de forma voluntaria y activa. Para recolectar la información de naturaleza cualitativa, se utilizó focos grupales, entrevistas semi-estructuradas, cuestionarios y observaciones como instrumentos. Además, más apoyo y guía fue entregada por parte de profesionales en el área de la educación y la salud como una psicóloga y psicopedagoga. Estas personas aportaron técnicas para el desarrollo del objetivo de nuestra investigación. En tema de resultados, fueron sorprendentes porque cambiaron mucho la perspectiva de los investigadores y ayudaron a entender una realidad que estaba presente pero no se había tomado en cuenta. Después de analizar los resultados obtenidos por las estrategias aplicadas en el plan de acción, los investigadores llegaron a la conclusión de que el sujeto mejoró en sus habilidades de interacción social gracias a las diferentes técnicas que se trabajaron con ella. Aunque, se encontró que el contexto juega un rol principal en la interacción entre los compañeros y la estudiante debido a que las características disfuncionales de los compañeros hicieron que la estudiante reaccionara diferente con ellos as que como interactuó con los investigadores

    Detection of specific antibodies against Leishmania infantum in canine serum and oral transudate using an in-house ELISA

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    Canine leishmaniosis caused by the protozoan Leishmania infantum is a complex infection due to its variable clinical signs and laboratory findings. Therefore, a broad range of techniques is available for diagnosis. Testing for specific antibodies in serum is the most commonly used technique, although the testing of other body fluids, such as oral transudate (OT), can be an alternative as its collection is non-invasive and testing can be performed by untrained personnel. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the detection of L. infantum -specific antibodies in paired samples of serum and OT collected from apparently healthy dogs and dogs with clinical leishmaniosis using an in-house enyzme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Serum and OT were collected from 407 dogs, which varied in breed, sex, age, lifestyle and clinical status, by many practicing veterinarians in Spain. The main geographical areas of sampling included Barcelona (n = 110), Mallorca (n = 94), Cadiz (n = 54) and Asturias (n = 47). The majority of infected dogs were apparently healthy (89.9%) while 41 presented clinical signs and/or clinicopathological abnormalities compatible with L. infantum infection and subsequently diagnosed with leishmaniosis (10.1%). An in-house ELISA was performed to quantify the anti- Leishmania antibodies in serum and OT. The L. infantum infection rate determined by the in-house ELISA was 37.1% in serum samples and 32.7% in OT samples. Serum and OT ELISA results showed a positive correlation (Spearman's correlation coefficient r = 0.6687, P < 0.0001). The percent agreement between the serum and OT ELISA results was 84%, while agreement according to Cohen's kappa statistic (κ) was substantial (0.66) when all samples were analyzed. The highest percent agreement (92.1%) between both tests was found in dogs from low endemicity regions and from sick dogs, with both groups presenting almost perfect agreement according to Cohen's κ agreement test (0.84). Few seronegative dogs (n = 23) tested positive by the OT ELISA. The agreement between serum and OT went from almost perfect to moderate when the geographical distribution and clinical status were analyzed. The results of this study demonstrated an almost perfect to moderate agreement between OT and serum samples tested using the in-house ELISA. These results are particularly promising in sick dogs with high antibody levels while the results seem less optimal in apparently healthy dogs with low antibody levels

    An Update on Phytochemicals and Pharmacological Activities of the Genus Persicaria and Polygonum

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    The discovery of new pharmaceutical identities, particularly anti-infective agents, represents an urgent need due to the increase in immunocompromised patients and the ineffectiveness/toxicity of the drugs currently used. The scientific community has recognized in the last decades the importance of the plant kingdom as a huge source of novel molecules which could act against different type of infections or illness. However, the great diversity of plant species makes it difficult to select them with probabilities of success, adding to the fact that existing information is difficult to find, it is atomized or disordered. Persicaria and Polygonum constitute two of the main representatives of the Polygonaceae family, which have been extensively used in traditional medicine worldwide. Important and structurally diverse bioactive compounds have been isolated from these genera of wild plants; among them, sesquiterpenes and flavonoids should be remarked. In this article, we firstly mention all the species reported with pharmacological use and their geographical distribution. Moreover, a number of tables which summarize an update detailing the type of natural product (extract or isolated compound), applied doses, displayed bioassays and the results obtained for the main bioactivities of these genera cited in the literature during the past 40 years. Antimicrobial, antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, anticancer, antiviral, antiparasitic, anti-diabetic, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, diuretic, gastroprotective and neuropharmacological activities were explored and reviewed in this work, concluding that both genera could be the source for upcoming molecules to treat different human diseases.Fil: Seimandi, Gisela. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias del Litoral (ICiAgro Litoral). CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Álvarez, Norma. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias del Litoral (ICiAgro Litoral). CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Stegmayer, María Inés. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias del Litoral (ICiAgro Litoral). CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Fernández, Laura. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias del Litoral (ICiAgro Litoral). CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Ruiz, Verónica. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias del Litoral (ICiAgro Litoral). CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Favaro, María Alejandra. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias del Litoral (ICiAgro Litoral). CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Derita, Marcos G. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias del Litoral (ICiAgro Litoral). CONICET; Argentina.Fil: Derita, Marcos G. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Farmacognosia; Argentina

    Abordaje de la comunicación desde la lógica de los campos

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    Desde que Pierre Bourdieu abordó el estudio de la sociedad y la cultura desde su teoría de los campos, esta perspectiva ha sido tomada por el resto de las ciencias y disciplinas sociales para la investigación de fenómenos socioculturales. En los estudios de comunicación, muchos de sus investigadores también adoptaron esta perspectiva y comenzaron a considerar a la comunicación como campo. Pero construir conocimiento desde esta lógica trae aparejado implicancias teóricas-metodológicas en la construcción de los objetos de estudio y en la propia práctica del investigador. En este artículo, nos proponemos desarrollar algunas consideraciones (a modo de aproximación) sobre cómo investigar en comunicación desde la perspectiva de la lógica de los campos, es decir, cómo estudiar objetos, fenómenos y procesos comunicacionales considerando a la comunicación como campo.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Humoral Responses and Ex Vivo IFN-γ Production after Canine Whole Blood Stimulation with Leishmania infantum Antigen or KMP11 Recombinant Protein

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    The effect of Leishmania infantum soluble antigen (LSA) and recombinant Kinetoplastid Membrane Protein 11 (rKMP11) on the induction of ex vivo specific IFN-γ (n = 69) and antibody responses (n = 108) was determined in dogs. All dogs were tested for serological response to both antigens and divided into Group 1: healthy (Asturias, Spain, n = 26), Group 2: sick (n = 46), Group 3: healthy Ibizan hounds (Mallorca, Spain, n = 22) and Group 4: healthy (Bari, Italy, n = 14). Antibody levels were higher for LSA when compared to rKMP11 (p = 0.001). Ibizan hounds were all seronegative to rKMP11 and 18% were low seropositive to LSA. Sick dogs presented higher antibody response to both antigens compared to the rest of the groups (p < 0.0001). All groups showed higher IFN-γ levels after LSA compared to rKMP11 responses (p < 0.05). The highest response to LSA was found in Ibizan hounds (p < 0.05). IFN-γ to LSA and rKMP11 stimulation was observed in 34% and in 2.8% of the sick dogs, respectively. Here, we demonstrated that anti-rKMP11 antibodies are mainly present in dogs with moderate to severe disease. Furthermore, cellular immune response measured by specific ex vivo IFN-γ production was more intense to LSA than stimulated to rKMP11

    Eficacia de un entrenamiento en Funciones Ejecutivas sobre las Habilidades Matemáticas Básicas y la Conciencia Fonológica en niños de Educación Infantil

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    El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue llevar a cabo un entrenamiento en Funciones Ejecutivas (FE) para comprobar sus efectos sobre las Habilidades Matemáticas Básicas (HMB) y la Conciencia Fonológica (CF) en niños de Educación Infantil (EI). La investigación se realizó a lo largo de tres fases: una de evaluación previa a la intervención, una segunda fase en la que implementó un entrenamiento en FE, y finalmente una fase de evaluación al finalizar el entrenamiento. Este entrenamiento se aplicó por separado a dos grupos de 6 niños de 6º curso de EI (un grupo TIC y un grupo en lápiz y papel) que recibieron igual tratamiento. Los resultados mostraron mejoras tanto en HMB como en CF en ambos grupos

    Native Trichoderma Isolates from Soil and Rootstock to Fusarium spp. Control and Growth Promotion of Humulus lupulus L. Plantlets

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    [EN] Fusarium genus is a wide host phytopathogen causing significant losses in multiple crops, including hops. There is limited information on the sustainable management of Fusarium spp. in hop fields. Trichoderma is an endophytic fungus used in agriculture as a biological control agent (BCA) and as a plant growth promoter. It has been used to antagonize Fusarium spp. in other crops. The objective of the current study was to identify indigenous hop field Trichoderma isolates with biocontrol and hop growth promotion capabilities. Three isolates of Fusarium and eleven autochthonous Trichoderma isolates collected from sustainable hop fields were evaluated in this work. Direct confrontation tests (the physical interaction between the pathogen and BCA and their competition for space and nutrient resources) and membrane tests (the capacity of the BCA to produce metabolites or enzymes through a cellophane film and inhibit the development of the pathogen) assessed the antagonism of these Trichoderma isolates against Fusarium culmorum, F. sambucinum, and F. oxysporum. A bioassay with hop plantlets inoculated with a spore suspension of Trichoderma was performed to assess its hop growth enhancement. T. hamatum (T311 and T324), T. virens T312, and T. gamsii T327 showed high growth inhibition of Fusarium spp. phytopathogens and high plant growth promotion. Native Trichoderma isolates from sustainable hop-producing soils have great potential as BCAs and hop growth promotersSIThis research was funded by the Ministerio de Universidades (Spain), grant number FPU19/03650 to A.J.P.-Á., and the Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (Spain), Quality Hops Operational Group, Innovations in the cultivation of hops in Spain to improve the sustainability of farms (2019/00179/001

    Construir libros : visiones y versiones

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    Las obras, no sólo las artísticas sino todas las obras, son el resultado de una primera intención, de un premeditado estudio, un proceso de elaboración y la consecución de un objetivo, todo ello bañado por las circunstancias que acompañan ese proceso. Pero no son escasas las situaciones en que las circunstancias concurrentes al proceso toman una relevancia tal, que acaban por superponerse a esa intención primera, dominan su elaboración y terminan siendo determinantes en la consecución de la obra.Fac. de Bellas Artespu

    Epidemiología y pronóstico de los pacientes con VIH ingresados en la UCI en la era de tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad actual

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    Observational study[Abstract] Purpose: To describe the epidemiology of critical disease in HIV-infected patients during the current highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) era and to identify hospital mortality predictors. Methods: A longitudinal, retrospective observational study was made of HIV-infected adults admitted to the ICU in two Spanish hospitals between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2014. Demographic and HIV-related variables were analyzed, together with comorbidities, severity scores, reasons for admission and need for organ support. The chi-squared test was used to compare categorical variables, while continuous variables were contrasted with the Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test or Kruskal-Wallis test, assuming an alpha level=0.05. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to calculate odds ratios for assessing correlations to mortality during hospital stay. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to study mortality trends over time. Results: A total of 283 episodes were included for analyses. Hospital mortality was 32.9% (95%CI: 21.2-38.5). Only admission from a site other than the Emergency Care Department (OR 3.64, 95%CI: 1.30-10.20; p=0.01), moderate-severe liver disease (OR 5.65, 95%CI: 1.11-28.87; p=0.04) and the APACHE II score (OR 1.14, 95%CI: 1.04-1.26; p<0.01) and SOFA score at 72h (OR 1.19, 95%CI: 1.02-1.40; p=0.03) maintained a statistically significant relationship with hospital mortality. Conclusions: Delayed ICU admission, comorbidities and the severity of critical illness determine the prognosis of HIV-infected patients admitted to the ICU. Based on these data, HIV-infected patients should receive the same level of care as non-HIV-infected patients, regardless of their immunological or nutritional condition.[Resumen] Objetivos. Describir la epidemiología de la patología crítica en el paciente infectado por VIH durante la era de tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad actual y encontrar predictores de mortalidad hospitalaria. Métodos. Estudio observacional, retrospectivo y longitudinal que incluye pacientes infectados por VIH adultos ingresados en las UCI de hospitales de Galicia, entre el 1 de enero de 2000 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014. Analizamos variables demográficas y relacionadas con la infección por el VIH, comorbilidades, puntuaciones de gravedad, motivo de ingreso y necesidad de soporte de órganos. Empleamos la prueba de la Chi-cuadrado para comparar las variables categóricas y las pruebas de la T-Student, U de Mann-Whitney o H de Kruskal-Wallis para las variables continuas, asumiendo un error α = 0,05. Utilizamos la regresión logística multivariante para calcular la OR de la asociación con la mortalidad hospitalaria. Aplicamos análisis de regresión de joinpoint para estudiar la tendencia temporal de mortalidad. Resultados. Incluimos 283 episodios. La mortalidad hospitalaria fue del 32,9% (IC 95% = 21,2-38,5%). El ingreso no procedente de Urgencias (OR 3,64; IC 95% = 1,30-10,20; p = 0,01), la enfermedad hepática moderada-grave (OR 5,65; IC 95% = 1,11-28,87; p = 0,04), el APACHE II (OR 1,14; IC 95% = 1,04-1,26; p < 0,01) y el SOFA a las 72 h (OR 1,19; IC 95% = 1,02-1,40; p = 0,03) se relacionan con la mortalidad hospitalaria en el análisis multivariante. Conclusiones. El retraso en el ingreso en UCI, las comorbilidades y la gravedad del episodio determinan el pronóstico del paciente infectado por VIH ingresado en UCI. Los pacientes con VIH deberían recibir el mismo nivel de cuidados que los pacientes no infectados por VIH, independientemente de su estado inmunológico o nutricional