1,122 research outputs found

    Co-creation and learning: an assessment of the pedagogical proposals in collaborative interactive non-fiction

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    Audiovisual co-creation has always had a pedagogical nature, which has been maintained in its adaptation to digital communication, although it is applied in different ways. This study analyses the pedagogical proposals in collaborative interactive non-fiction in the digital environment, and compares them with previous projects of participatory practices. As case studies we selected five interactive audiovisual projects that stand out for their educational intent and their preparation of teaching resources, and analyzed their pedagogical proposals. First, we looked at pedagogy in pre-digital or analogical collaborative creation, which was used to develop an original analytical table. We used this table to study the five collaborative projects through three identified categories. The results show that these categories continue in initiatives today, although the findings show a shift in the pedagogy about audiovisuals, particularly concerning the technical aspects, as well as a weakening of the connection between learning and participation in the collective production. Finally, we can highlight that combining educational practices with collaborative production on the Internet is important to increase citizen participation and give a social perspective to this audiovisual modality

    The Circular Economy in European Union Policy: Explaining an idea's success through policy learning

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThe circular economy (CE) was adopted in 2015 by the European Union (EU). Since its emergence, the CE has proved to be a remarkably powerful idea that has shifted the understanding of the economy, and consequently, it has shaped the EU's economic and environmental policies. The public policy literature theorises such shifts in collective understanding through the concept of policy learning, a process through which ideas are understood and adopted. Yet this literature lacks clarity on the factors that can explain policy learning within a policy community. We use the case of the EU's adoption of the CE to address this gap, exploring the factors that account for the EU's adoption of the CE from the policy-learning perspective. We show how actors in the policy community have constructed, championed, supported and pioneered the CE and argue that these four factors have mutually reinforced each other, leading to policy learning and the wide acceptance of this idea within EU policy-making. Revealing these factors helps advance policy learning theory and contributes to the CE literature and environmental policy and governance literature more generally by furthering our understanding of how and why certain policy ideas are adopted.European Union Horizon 202

    La Termogènesi als calorímetres per conducció: característiques dinàmiques i possibilitats deconvolutives

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    Es descriuen les característiques generals dels dispositius calorimètrics, les possibilitats de tractament mitjançant models i els mètodes per aproximar-se a la termogènesi o dissipació instantània al si de la cèl•lula laboratori. La descripció dinàmica es fa dins de l'espai freqüencial, que permet introduir de manera natural diferents límits de freqüència segons les característiques dels dispositius i del procés que vol estudiar-se. Per al tractament global dels calorímetres s'utilitza una escala relativa de temps i de freqüència. Això permet tractar sistemàticament les condicions imposades per les tècniques deconvolutives, l'aparellatge experimental i els propis fenòmens físics.General features of flow or conduction calorimeters are briefly described together with several methods to obtain the thermogenesis or instantaneous power dissipated inside the laboratory cell. The possibi l ities of solvable models are also discussed. The dynamic behaviour of the calorimeter is readily described in frequency space, thus allowing the intrcduction of several frequential limits depending on the characteristics both of the device and of the phenomenon under study. A systematic treatment of conduction calorimeters may be attained if relative scales, i n time (t/τ1) and frequency (θ τ1), are considered. Now, the efficiency of a given deconvolutive technique and the limits imposed by the experimental device itself or by the physical phenomena studied are easily evaluated

    La Termogènesi als calorímetres per conducció: les transformacions sòlid-sòlid i les barreges líquides

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    Descrivim alguns mètodes d'obtenció de funcions de transferència associades a fenòmens reals i donem exemples de les termogènesis obtingudes en aquests casos. Els calorimètres amb molt bones característiques dinàmiques (θn∼3Hz) són molt adequats per a l'estudi de fenòmens transitoris. En aquest treball presenten en primer lloc resultats relatius a la transformació β → γ' de l'aliatge Cu- Zn-Al. La transformació presenta un caràcter molt discontinu, una dissipació energètica important, i una excel•lent correlació amb l'emissió acústica generada durant el procés de transformació que permet donar una valoració qualitativa de les possibilitats calorimètriques de l'anàlisi entàlpica diferencial. En segon lloc presentem una anàlisi de les entalpies d'excés en les barreges líquides. Aquest estudi és molt interessant a baixes concentracions. L'ús de sistemes d'injecció permet assolir fraccions molars de solut xs\gtrsim 0.01. L'obtenció d'una funció de transferència correcta del sistema calorimètric i l'ús d'algorismes deconvolutius eficaços permet reduir la fracció molar a xs\gtrsim 0.001.This paper presents several methods to obtain transfer functions associated with power dissipations in actual phenomena and a few examples of the approximate thermogenesis obtained. On the one hand, calorimeters with extremely good dynamic characteristics (θn∼3Hz) allow the study of structural transformations in solids. We present results concerning the martensitic transformation β → γ' of a Cu-Zn-Al alloy. They show the jerky character of the transformation very well correlated with acoustic emission patterns and an important energy 1iberation. This analysis gives an estimate of the posibilities of calorimetry within the field of Differential Enthalpic Analysis. On the other hand, an analysis of the properties of liquid mixtures at low concentrations is very interesting when carried out their excess enthalpies. Steady injection systems allow to reach solute molar fractions xs\gtrsim 0.01. We describe here the obtention of a correct transfer function. Now, the application of proper deconvolutive algorithms make it possible to work at so low concentrations as xs\gtrsim 0.001

    Spatial characterization of the seawater upconing process in a coastal Mediterranean aquifer (Plana de Castellon, Spain): Evolution and controls

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    In this contribution, we describe the formation and evolution of the upconing process in a Mediterranean coastal aquifer. The study area has experienced severe salinization over the last 40 years because of intensive exploitation of groundwater. We used historical and current records of piezometric levels and chloride concentrations to trace the development of the salinization of the aquifer. We defined the 3D shape of the saline wedge from the spatial distribution of chloride concentrations and vertical well logs of electrical conductivity using monitoring network data. Upconing first appeared in the early 90s and has continued until the present day. In this study, we examined the intensity of the upconing process. Dry periods and the associated increases in pumping caused the advance of seawater intrusion. The sharp reduction in groundwater withdrawals over the last 10 years has caused the saline wedge to move backwards, although the ongoing pumping and the climate conditions mean that this retreat is quite slow

    Spatial characterization of the seawater upconing process in a coastal Mediterranean aquifer (Plana de Castellón, Spain): evolution and controls

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    In this contribution, we describe the formation and evolution of the upconing process in a Mediterranean coastal aquifer. The study area has experienced severe salinization over the last 40 years because of intensive exploitation of groundwater. We used historical and current records of piezometric levels and chloride concentrations to trace the development of the salinization of the aquifer. We defined the 3D shape of the saline wedge from the spatial distribution of chloride concentrations and vertical well logs of electrical conductivity using monitoring network data. Upconing first appeared in the early 90s and has continued until the present day. In this study, we examined the intensity of the upconing process. Dry periods and the associated increases in pumping caused the advance of seawater intrusion. The sharp reduction in groundwater withdrawals over the last 10 years has caused the saline wedge to move backwards, although the ongoing pumping and the climate conditions mean that this retreat is quite slow

    Numerical Study of Aging in the Generalized Random Energy Model

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    Magnetizations are introduced to the Generalized Random Energy Model (GREM) and numerical simulations on ac susceptibility is made for direct comparison with experiments in glassy materials. Prominent dynamical natures of spin glasses, {\it i.e.}, {\em memory} effect and {\em reinitialization}, are reproduced well in the GREM. The existence of many layers causing continuous transitions is very important for the two natures. Results of experiments in other glassy materials such as polymers, supercooled glycerol and orientational glasses, which are contrast to those in spin glasses, are interpreted well by the Single-layer Random Energy Model.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, to be submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Data harmonisation for information fusion in digital healthcare: A state-of-the-art systematic review, meta-analysis and future research directions

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    Removing the bias and variance of multicentre data has always been a challenge in large scale digital healthcare studies, which requires the ability to integrate clinical features extracted from data acquired by different scanners and protocols to improve stability and robustness. Previous studies have described various computational approaches to fuse single modality multicentre datasets. However, these surveys rarely focused on evaluation metrics and lacked a checklist for computational data harmonisation studies. In this systematic review, we summarise the computational data harmonisation approaches for multi-modality data in the digital healthcare field, including harmonisation strategies and evaluation metrics based on different theories. In addition, a comprehensive checklist that summarises common practices for data harmonisation studies is proposed to guide researchers to report their research findings more effectively. Last but not least, flowcharts presenting possible ways for methodology and metric selection are proposed and the limitations of different methods have been surveyed for future research
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