112 research outputs found

    Historiographies et Fédéralisme au Canada

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    Aquest article analitza les representacions històriques de dues de les principals comunitats nacionals del Canadà, és a dir, la comunitat canadencoanglesa i la comunitat quebequesa. En la historiografia canadencoanglesa es constata la presència d’un projecte nacional ambiciós. La construcció nacional canadenca suggereix l’existència d’un model de govern neutre malgrat que, si s’analitza amb atenció, es pot percebre que hi preval la dinàmica inversa. Els historiadors anglòfons del país han acostumat a presentar la concepció unitària del federalisme com la forma més perfecta del projecte integrador canadenc. Aquest federalisme integrador, i no emancipador, s’origina a partir de la visió centralitzadora de John A. Macdonald, un dels pares de la federació canadenca. Aquest enfocament s’ha mantingut durant més de 140 anys d’història en comú i continua sent, encara en l’actualitat, un dels principals esculls que han de superar les nacions minoritàries del Canadà. Per validar la seva tesi, els autors recorren a una extensa anàlisi que explora tres de les grans estratègies que utilitza el Govern central per mantenir la seva autoritat sobre els estats membres de la federació canadenca a llarg termini: l’ús del poder judicial, la centralització dels poders i la globalització. Les estratègies emprades han variat segons la conjuntura econòmica, els líders polítics i les relacions de força política respecte dels vincles entre la federació i les províncies.This article studies the historical representation of the two main national communities in Canada; that is, the English-Canadian and the French-Canadian. Throughout the history of the English Canadian community, one can see an ambitious national project. The national construction of Canada suggests the existence of a neutral model of government but, when looking at this carefully, it is possible to see something quite different. English-speaking historians from Canada have normally introduced the concept of a unitary federalism as the most perfect form of the Canadian integration project. This integrating federalism, that does not lead to emancipation, stems from the centralist views of John Macdonald, one of the fathers of Canadian federalism. This approach has been kept for over 140 years of common history and, to this date, continues to be one of the main obstacles for minority nations within Canada. To strengthen their thesis, the authors base their work on an extensive analysis exploring the three big strategies used by the central government to assert its authority on the member States of the Canadian Federation in the long term: using the judicial power, centralizing powers and globalization. The strategies used have varied depending on the economic scenario, political leaders and the political power relations regarding the links between the Federation and the provinces.Este artículo analiza las representaciones históricas de dos de las principales comunidades nacionales del Canadá, es decir, la comunidad canadienseinglesa y la comunidad quebequense. En la historiografía canadiense-inglesa se constata la presencia de un proyecto nacional ambicioso. La construcción nacional canadiense sugiere la existencia de un modelo de gobierno neutro aunque, si se analiza con atención, puede percibirse la prevalencia de la dinámica inversa. Los historiadores anglófonos del país suelen presentar la concepción unitaria del federalismo como la forma más perfecta del proyecto integrador canadiense. Este federalismo integrador, y no emancipador, se origina a partir de la visión centralizadora de John A. Macdonald, uno de los padres de la Federación canadiense. Este enfoque se ha mantenido durante más de 140 años de historia en común y sigue siendo, todavía en la actualidad, uno de los principales obstáculos que deben superar las naciones minoritarias del Canadá. Para validar su tesis, los autores recurren a un extenso análisis que explora tres de las grandes estrategias que utiliza el Gobierno central para mantener su autoridad sobre los Estados miembros de la Federación canadiense a largo plazo: el uso del poder judicial, la centralización de los poderes y la globalización. Las estrategias empleadas han variado según la coyuntura económica, los líderes políticos y las relaciones de fuerza política en lo que respecta a los vínculos entre la Federación y las provincias

    Remerciements aux évaluateurs et évaluatrices

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    진퇴양난에 빠진 카나다와 퀘벡

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    미치 호수 협정 Meech Lake Accord 체결의 실패 이후 퀘벡 정부는 더 이상 카나다 연방 내로의 명예로운 통합을 기대할 수 없게 됐다. 퀘벡주 정치-헌법 미래 위원회(일명 벨랑제-캉포 위원회:Belanger-Campeau Commission)는 퀘벡과 카나다의 관계 및 카나다 국내외에서의 퀘벡의 위치에 대한 새로운 정의를 시도한 바 있는데 이는 카나다 역사 속에서 특이한 위치를 차지한다. 지난 10년동안 카나다는 헌법제정과 권리자유헌장을 헌법에 삽입하기로한 연방정부의 결정을 시발로 중대한 변화를 겪었으며, 이른바 헌법논쟁이라고 불릴 수 있는, 연방정부와 각주정부, 특히 퀘벡주정부간에 헌법개정을 둘러싼 치열한 공방전이 있었다. 이 글은 이러한 헌법논쟁을 퀘벡주를 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 1980년대부터 퀘벡을 둘러싼 정치역학은 근본적인 변화를 거듭하여 왔는데, 이 글은 조용한 혁명을 필두로 퀘벡과 다른 주 혹은 연방정부 간에 이루어진 그동안의 협상을 살펴보고; 퀘벡 내에서 앞으로 이러날 예상 사태를 정치-경제적 목표에 비추어 고찰하며; 퀘벡이 목표로 하는 헌법개정의 성사여부를 국내외적 요인의 점검을 통해 살펴보고자 한다

    5.2 Cataluña: Federalismo y Derecho a decidir

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    Catalunya: federalisme i dret a decidirUna valoración y análisis de la dinámica social actual en Cataluña; revisión de las condiciones para el desarrollo Federalista y las condiciones del Derecho a decidi

    Socioeconomic fertility differentials in a late transition setting: A micro-level analysis of the Saguenay region in Quebec

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    Background: Historically, the French Canadian population of Quebec, Canada, is known for its high fertility, which lasted well into the 20th century, and for its late fertility transition. Within Quebec, regions such as Saguenay are known for having experienced an even more delayed fertility transition. Objective: In Quebec, as elsewhere, various factors modulated the transition, and differential behaviors and timing can be observed across socioeconomic groups. These factors are studied here in the context of the Saguenay region, where particularly rich data are available. The region was mostly rural at first, but industrialization and urbanization occurring since the beginning of the 20th century allow us to study socioeconomic reproductive differentials before and during the transition. Methods: To do so, we rely on the BALSAC database, which contains all church and civil records from the onset of colonization around 1840 up to 1971. In addition to the usual descriptive statistics, we use Cox models to analyze the probability of having a first birth and higher order births among four socioeconomic groups defined with HISCLASS coding. Results: The results demonstrate the late timing of the transition and a clear progression from the non-manual and skilled workers, who show the first signs of declining fertility during the 1930s, to the farmers, who do the same only at the end of the 1950s. As a result, socioeconomic fertility differentials widened during the transition period. Conclusions: Even in a context where the transition was significantly delayed compared to most other regions studied in this issue, some socioeconomic differentials were observed prior to the transition, and they widened during the transition due to the differential progression of contraceptive practices among couples

    Heat transfer in a swirling fluidized bed with Geldart type-D particles

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    A relatively new variant in fluidized bed technology, designated as the swirling fluidized bed (SFB), was investigated for its heat transfer characteristics when operating with Geldart type D particles. Unlike conventional fluidized beds, the SFB imparts secondary swirling motion to the bed to enhance lateral mixing. Despite its excellent hydrodynamics, its heat transfer characteristics have not been reported in the published literature. Hence, two different sizes of spherical PVC particles (2.61mm and 3.65mm) with the presence of a center body in the bed have been studied at different velocities of the fluidizing gas. The wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficients were measured by affixing a thin constant foil heater on the bed wall. Thermocouples located at different heights on the foil show a decrease in the wall heat transfer coefficient with bed height. It was seen that only a discrete particle model which accounts for the conduction between the particle and the heat transfer surface and the gas-convective augmentation can adequately represent the mechanism of heat transfer in the swirling fluidized bed

    Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research

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