86 research outputs found

    Moderasi Islam dalam Dimensi Berbangsa, Bernegara Dan Beragama Perspektif Maqashid Asy-Syari’ah

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    (Wasaṭiyyah is attached to Islam since he was born and will continue to cling to the Day of Judgment. In its history, after the division in the body of Muslims which gave birth to many schools and schools, the nature of Wasaṭiyyah was attached to the Ahlus Sunnah wa al-jama'ah-leaning group, including the theology of Ash'ariyah and Maturidiyah. Maqashid shari'ah arises due to debate among fiqh experts about shari'ah, which has a certain ‘illat (causa) or not. The debate has led to various kinds of flow including the ulama 'ushul fiqh. Maqhasid al-ahkam is considered as the basis in establishing a law, and can be categorized as the main foundation in law. As information about al-kulliyyat al-khams and their limitations, ḥifzh ad-din (protection of religion), ḥifzh an-nafs (protection of life), ḥifzh al-'aql (intellectual protection), ḥifzh an-nasl (genetic protection), and ḥifzh al-māl (protection of property). (Wasaṭiyyah melekat pada islam semenjak ia lahir dan akan terus melekat sampai hari kiamat nanti. Dalam sejarahnya, pasca terjadinya perpecahan dalam tubuh umat islam yang melahirkan banyak madzhab dan aliran, sifat Wasaṭiyyah melekat pada golongan yang berhaluan Ahlus Sunnah wa al-jama’ah, termasuk didalamnya aliran teologi Asy’ariyah dan Maturidiyah. Maqashid syari’ah muncul akibat perdebatan di antara pakar fiqh mengenai syari’ah, yang memiliki ‘illat (kausa) tertentu ataukah tidak. Perdebatan tersebut menimbulkan berbagai macam aliran tak terkecuali di kalangan ulama’ ushul fiqh. Maqhasid al-ahkam dianggap sebagai dasar dalam penetapan suatu hukum, dan dapat dikategorikan sebagai landasan utama dalam hukum. Sebagaimana keterangan mengenai al-kulliyyat al-khams beserta batasannya, ḥifzh ad-din (perlindungan agama), ḥifzh an-nafs (perlindungan jiwa), ḥifzh al-'aql (perlindungan intelektual), ḥifzh an-nasl (perlindungan genetik), dan ḥifzh al-māl (perlindungan harta)

    Peran Amaliyah Tadris Dalam Menumbuh-Kembangkan Potensi Santri Menjadi Ustadz

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    Guru sebagai tenaga pendidik harus memahami hal-hal yang bersifat teknis terutama kegiatan mengelola dan melaksanakan interaksi belajar mengajar. Maka kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap calon guru salah satunya adalah kemampuan melaksanakan program pengajaran yang merupakan salah satu kriteria keberhasilan kependidikan prajabatan guru. Dan pada dasarnya santri/siswa Madrasah Aliyah “Wali Aminah” sedikit banyak telah mengetahui tentang pendidikan dan pengajaran serta pengalaman-pengalaman mengajar baik di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah. Amaliyah tadris yang ada di Madrasah Aliyah “Wali Aminah” ini sangat membantu bagi calon guru untuk lebih mendalami tentang strategi, metode dan langkah-langkah mengajar. Dengan praktek mengajar atau amaliyah tadris siswa/ santri dapat menyumbangkan dan mengembangkan ilmunya sesuai dengan profesi yang dimilikinya. Maka bagi calon guru yang melaksanakan praktek mengajar atau amaliyah tadris harus benar-benar dihayati secara baik dalam rangka menyumbangkan dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahua

    Acoustic echo cancellation using adaptive filtering algorithms for quranic accents (Qiraat) identification

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    Echoed parts of Quranic accent (Qiraat) signals are exposed to reverberation of signals especially if they are listened to in a conference room or the Quranic recordings found in different media such as the web. Quranic verse rules identification/Tajweed are prone to additive noise and may reduce classification results. This research work aims to present our work towards Quranic accents (Qiraat) identification, which emphasizes on acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) of all echoed Quranic signals during the preprocessing phase of the system development. In order to conduct the AEC, three adaptive algorithms known as affine projection (AP), least mean square (LMS), and recursive least squares (RLS) are used during the preprocessing phase. Once clean Quranic signals are produced, they undergo feature extraction and pattern classification phases. The Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients is the most widely used technique for feature extraction and is adopted in this research work, whereas probabilities principal component analysis (PPCA), K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and gaussian mixture model (GMM) are used for pattern classification. In order to verify our methodology, audio files have been collected for Surat Ad-Duhaa for five different Quranic accents (Qiraat), namely: (1) Ad-Duri, (2) Al-Kisaie, (3) Hafs an A’asem, (4) IbnWardan, and (5) Warsh. Based on our experimental results, the AP algorithm achieved 93.9 % accuracy rate against all pattern classification techniques including PPCA, KNN, and GMM. For LMS and RLS, the achieved accuracy rates are different for PPCA, KNN, and GMM, whereby LMS with PPCA and GMM achieved the same accuracy rate of 96.9 %; however, LMS with KNN achieved 84.8 %. In addition, RLS with PPCA and GMM achieved the same accuracy rate of 90.9 %; however, RLS with KNN achieved 78.8 %. Therefore, the AP adaptive algorithm is able to reduce the echo of Quranic accents (Qiraat) signals in a consistent manner against all pattern classification techniques

    Optical model potentials involving loosely bound p-shell nuclei around 10 MeV/A

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    We present the results of a search for optical model potentials for use in the description of elastic scattering and transfer reactions involving stable and radioactive p-shell nuclei. This was done in connection with our program to use transfer reactions to obtain data for nuclear astrophysics, in particular for the determination of the astrophysical S_17 factor for 7Be(p,\gamma)8B using two (7Be,8B) proton transfer reactions. Elastic scattering was measured using 7Li, 10B, 13C and 14N projectiles on 9Be and 13C targets at or about E/A=10 MeV/nucleon. Woods-Saxon type optical model potentials were extracted and are compared with potentials obtained from a microscopic double folding model. We use these results to find optical model potentials for unstable nuclei with emphasis on the reliability of the description they provide for peripheral proton transfer reactions. We discuss the uncertainty introduced by the procedure in the prediction of the DWBA cross sections for the (7Be,8B) reactions used in extracting the astrophysical factor S_17(0).Comment: 16 pages, LaTEX file, 9 figures (PostScript files

    Asymptotic normalization coefficient of ^{8}B from breakup reactions and the S_{17} astrophysical factor

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    We show that asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC) can be extracted from one nucleon breakup reactions of loosely bound nuclei at 30-300 MeV/u. In particular, the breakup of ^{8}B is described in terms of an extended Glauber model. The 8B ANC extracted for the ground state of this nucleus from breakup data at several energies and on different targets, C^2 = 0.450+/-0.039} fm^-1, leads to the astrophysical factor S_{17}(0)= 17.4+/-1.5 eVb for the key reaction for solar neutrino production 7Be(p,gamma)8B. The procedure described here is more general, providing an indirect method to determine reaction rates of astrophysical interest with beams of loosely bound radioactive nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 figures revised version to appear in Phys Rev Let

    Geochemical composition of dust from Qatar peninsula

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    Atmospheric dust samples have been collected from different areas in Qatar and analyzed for major and trace element composition. This region of the Arabian Gulf represents an area largely affected by dust from natural and anthropogenic sources. Twenty one samples were collected during 2014 and 2015 from Al-Khor, Katara, Sealine, Al-Waab, and Qatar University by passive and active sampling techniques. Some bulk samples were collected during the massive megastorm that occurred in April 2015. Back trajectories were determined for each sample set using the NOAA HYSPLIT model over a 50 hour time interval. Samples were equally divided between northerly (n=12; northern Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Iraq) and southerly (n=8; SE Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Oman) sources. One sample is expected to originate from westward, in Saudi Arabia. There is more variability noticed in source locations throughout the winter months (October to March), with more of them coming from the south (9 times) compared to summer months (April to September) for twice only. Dust samples were microwave-assisted, total acid digested (HF+HCl+HNO3) and oxidized with H2O2 before analyses were conducted by ICP-OES. Only 12 out of 23 elements (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, Zn, P) of the Qatari dust samples were enriched relative to Upper Continental Crust (UCC). Calcium was especially enriched to a level of 400% relative to UCC. About 33% of the total sample mass was CaCO3, reflecting the composition of surface rocks in the source areas. Of the elements typically associated with anthropogenic activity, Ag, Ni, and Zn were the most enriched relative to UCC, with enrichment factors of 182%, 233%, and 209%, respectively. Other metals like Pb and V were not significantly enriched, with enrichment factors not exceeding 25% and 3%, respectively. Major elements (Al, Mn and Fe) were depleted relative to UCC due to the strong enrichment of CaCO3, with enrichment factors of -58%, -35% and -5%, respectively. Samples with northern and southern origins were separated to investigate if the elemental composition could be used to identify source/origin. Only three elements were observed to have a statistical difference. Pb and Na were higher in the samples collected from the south while Cr was higher in those from the north. This study aims to investigate present-day geochemistry of dust particles and its effect on the marine environment of the Arabian Gulf. The geochemical composition of dust is essential component for correcting lithogenic input to water column suspended matter samples.qscienc

    DIA1R Is an X-Linked Gene Related to Deleted In Autism-1

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are frequently occurring disorders diagnosed by deficits in three core functional areas: social skills, communication, and behaviours and/or interests. Mental retardation frequently accompanies the most severe forms of ASDs, while overall ASDs are more commonly diagnosed in males. Most ASDs have a genetic origin and one gene recently implicated in the etiology of autism is the Deleted-In-Autism-1 (DIA1) gene. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using a bioinformatics-based approach, we have identified a human gene closely related to DIA1, we term DIA1R (DIA1-Related). While DIA1 is autosomal (chromosome 3, position 3q24), DIA1R localizes to the X chromosome at position Xp11.3 and is known to escape X-inactivation. The gene products are of similar size, with DIA1 encoding 430, and DIA1R 433, residues. At the amino acid level, DIA1 and DIA1R are 62 % similar overall (28 % identical), and both encode signal peptides for targeting to the secretory pathway. Both genes are ubiquitously expressed, including in fetal and adult brain tissue. Conclusions/Significance: Examination of published literature revealed point mutations in DIA1R are associated with X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) and DIA1R deletion is associated with syndromes with ASD-like traits and/or XLMR. Together, these results support a model where the DIA1 and DIA1R gene products regulate molecular traffic through the cellular secretory pathway or affect the function of secreted factors, and functional deficits cause disorders with ASD-lik

    Is diet partly responsible for differences in COVID-19 death rates between and within countries?

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    Correction: Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Article Number: 44 DOI: 10.1186/s13601-020-00351-w Published: OCT 26 2020Reported COVID-19 deaths in Germany are relatively low as compared to many European countries. Among the several explanations proposed, an early and large testing of the population was put forward. Most current debates on COVID-19 focus on the differences among countries, but little attention has been given to regional differences and diet. The low-death rate European countries (e.g. Austria, Baltic States, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Poland, Slovakia) have used different quarantine and/or confinement times and methods and none have performed as many early tests as Germany. Among other factors that may be significant are the dietary habits. It seems that some foods largely used in these countries may reduce angiotensin-converting enzyme activity or are anti-oxidants. Among the many possible areas of research, it might be important to understand diet and angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) levels in populations with different COVID-19 death rates since dietary interventions may be of great benefit.Peer reviewe