7,314 research outputs found

    Analyzing policy capturing data using structural equation modeling for within-subject experiments (SEMWISE)

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    We present the SEMWISE (structural equation modeling for within-subject experiments) approach for analyzing policy capturing data. Policy capturing entails estimating the weights (or utilities) of experimentally manipulated attributes in predicting a response variable of interest (e.g., the effect of experimentally manipulated market-technology combination characteristics on perceived entrepreneurial opportunity). In the SEMWISE approach, a factor model is specified in which latent weight factors capture individually varying effects of experimentally manipulated attributes on the response variable. We describe the core SEMWISE model and propose several extensions (how to incorporate nonbinary attributes and interactions, model multiple indicators of the response variable, relate the latent weight factors to antecedents and/or consequences, and simultaneously investigate several populations of respondents). The primary advantage of the SEMWISE approach is that it facilitates the integration of individually varying policy capturing weights into a broader nomological network while accounting for measurement error. We illustrate the approach with two empirical examples, compare and contrast the SEMWISE approach with multilevel modeling (MLM), discuss how researchers can choose between SEMWISE and MLM, and provide implementation guidelines

    Alliance or acquisition? A mechanisms‐based, policy‐capturing analysis

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    Research summary: While alliance researchers view prior partner‐specific alliance experience as influencing firms' subsequent alliance or acquisition decisions, empirical evidence on the alliance versus acquisition decision is surprisingly mixed. We offer a reconciliation by proposing and testing an analytical framework that recognizes prior partner‐specific experiences as heterogeneous along three fundamental dimensions: partner‐specific trust, routines, and value certainty. This allows us to use a policy‐capturing methodology to rigorously operationalize and test our mechanism‐level predictions. We find that all three mechanisms can increase the likelihood of a subsequent alliance or acquisition, and in terms of the comparative choice between alliances versus acquisitions, partner‐specific trust pulls towards alliances, and value certainty pulls towards acquisitions. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and empirical implications of our approach and method. Managerial summary: This study focuses on an important corporate decision: When a firm has had an alliance with another firm, how would that experience affect the likelihood of a future alliance or acquisition with that same firm? We first suggest that it will depend on three factors: the level of trust that existed in that prior alliance, the extent to which specific work routines were developed, and the degree to which the firm was able to confidently assess the value of the partner firm's resources. We then find that trust is a particularly strong predictor of future alliances, while confidence regarding value more strongly predicts future acquisitions. In this way, we demonstrate more precisely how past corporate choices can affect (consciously or unconsciously) future ones

    Evaluation of brand equity in software companies: Case Study of Chargon

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    IT industry especially the software industry is of the growing industries in the world which has grown considerably in recent years. In such circumstances, there will be some companies which want to differentiate themselves from competitors and create a unique and favorable position in the minds of their own enterprise customers; one way to create a sustainable competitive advantage in these mar-kets that already has been less discussed is the creation of brand equity. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate brand equity in software companies that Chargon Company was selected. The statistical population included managers of Chargon’s subsidiary companies and their users that given the un-limited society, Cochrane formula has been used in unlimited population to determine sample size. Due to the minimal amount of sample that is 386 questionnaires, 500 questionnaires were distributed in the population. Structural equation modeling approach and SmartPLS.2 were used to analyzing collected data. The results show that emotional variables affect value on brand equity is 0.64. Also functional variables affect value on brand equity is 0.89.market behavior variable plays a positive mediating role between emotional variables and brand equity. On the other hand market behavior plays a negative mediating role between emotional variables and brand equity. Considering t-values higher than 1.96, the significance of relationships obtained is confirmed in 95% confidence level. Research paper Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Hosseini, A, Otarkhani, A., Shokouhyar, S. (2016). “Evaluation of brand equity in software companies: Case Study of Chargon”, Journal of En-trepreneurship, Business and Economics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 182–200

    El rĂ­o de la Memoria

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    Artistas participantes: JosĂ© Cala Fontquernie, Frank-Joachim Grossmann, Karen Pullich, Alexander Pawlik, Andreina Scanu, Aiman HH, Ángeles de la Torre, Anna Jonnson, Arnaud Velten, David Toral, CĂ©sar Ripoll, Catherine Weber, Dieter Zurnieden, Elena Toral, Eva Guil, JosĂ© Luzardo, FĂ©lix Hochreither, Fernando Navarro, Hecharry & Errera, Alias Lilo, Inmaculada Cunill, IvĂĄn Tovar, Jaime Gil ArĂ©valo, Janette Fu, Jaime RodrĂ­guez, Joe Quixote, JosĂ© MarĂ­a Baena, Jeff Kunkle, Carmen Aparcero, Lourdes Murillo, MarĂ­a Cañas, Macarena Nieves CĂĄceres, MarĂ­a Rosa Hidalgo, Bruna Tovani, Paulina Munugarren, Emilio Sola, Paka AntĂșnez, Miguel JimĂ©nez, Quique MacĂ­a, Reyes Muñoz, Kurt Keller, RocĂ­o Arregui, Rinat Etshak, TomĂĄs Cordero, Ùna Clancy, Eva MarĂ­a Espejo, Virginia LĂłpez y JesĂșs Algov

    Diskursus Khilafah dalam Media Televisi Indonesia (Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis Program Acara Aiman episode “Mendadak Khilafah” di KompasTV)

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    In Indonesian case, media used to be a tool of government to dominate the universe of discourse, so the discourse that considered as an opposition and threaten the existence of political sturcture, will not have any space. In this reformation era, the media freely rise again with many kinds of importance. Includes KompasTV media, when which appoint khilafah theme that shown on the television program called Aiman, in Monday, 12th of June 2017. Aiman talked about khilafah theme, which is hot topic in society life. In critisism paradigm, the using of language in media it is not a natural and not neutral, but it is intentionally done with some purpose behind it. By looking in this case, the writer interests to know khilafah discourse that will be constructed in KompasTV by the mentioned television program. This analytical unit in form of spoken text and the written text in Aiman, which entittled “Mendadak Khilafah.” The writer uses discourse theory by Michel Foucault to uncover how is the dominance practical doing. By using critical discourse analysis technique, by Norman Fairclough which has result that KompasTV constructs khilafah discourse considered as negative ideology, dangerous, and positioned as forbiden idea which can be threatening the unity of nation. This discourse also shows that KompasTV is the part of media member to prepatuate dominant ideolgy that embraced by this nation. KompasTV practicing discrimination and excision to khilafah ideology, because the struggle of enforcement of khilafah in Indonesia assumed as confrontanting and threatening the structure of nation authority which exist
