Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics
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    190 research outputs found

    Food Truck Customer’s Perception on Food Truck Service Provider’s Service Quality: Customer Confidence as Mediator

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    The food truck industry has gained a lot of prominence in Malaysia due to its effective mode of starting in terms of cost and risks involved. It has stood a chance to compete fairly with restaurants and other structures set to sell fast food and beverages. It is due to its emergency that a lot of studies have been conducted to determine its efficiency and quality of products sold by these food truck providers. This has led to some sort of neglect on the perception customers have on the quality of service offered by food truck provides. This study is thus an exploration of perception the customers have on quality of services provided by trucks and how this influences their repurchase intention and intention to recommend to food truck providers. Key concepts of this research have been divided into three variables and SOR model were used. The item for independent variable consist of assurance, tangibility, empathy, reliability and responsiveness, and customer recovery ; dependent variable consist of repurchase intention and intention to recommend, and the mediating variable of customer confidence were helps to develop the research hypotheses with the general aim being investigating what customers call quality services and how this boosts their confidence leading to repurchase intentions and intention to recommend to food truck providers. To achieve the results for this study, and effective results for that matter, this research employs a quantitative form of study. By interacting with a sample of willing 241 respondents this study is hoped to promote and provide data that can be relied upon and as well be used for establishing gaps existed in research on food truck service providers. It has been found from this research that assurance and customer recovery have direct and indirect effect on customer confidence and repurchase intention and intention to recommend. Meanwhile, tangibility, empathy and reliability and responsiveness have no direct and indirect effect. Furthermore, customer confidence plays a positive impact on both independent variable. These items used and results gained from this study is on service quality and food truck is new in the research field and these results could be the starting point of future researches. Research paper Keywords: Food Trucks; Revisit Intentions; Assurance; Tangibility; Empathy; Reliability and Responsiveness; Customer Confidence; Customer Recovery Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Kumar, K. M. (2023). Food Truck Customer’s Perception on Food Truck Service Provider’s Service Quality: Customer Confidence as Mediator. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 11(2), 201–244.       &nbsp

    Here to Last? Evaluating the Impact of Business Factors on Startup Constancy

    No full text purpose of this article is to analyze how entrepreneurial constancy is affected for private-sector firms of varying maturities. As the entrepreneurial ecosystem in a state affects firms differently based on their age, we construct an empirical model of constancy. This article compiles annual data by state from 2001-2020 on compensation, constancy, contribution, and creation by firm age (0-1 years, 2-3 years, 4-5 years, 6-10 years, 11+ years) as well as measures of economic freedom and annual average unemployment rates. We then use OLS estimation to model constancy of firms in the private sector by firm age. Regardless of the maturity of firms, whether startups or firms aged 11+ years, compensation produces a positive, statistically significant effect on constancy. We further observe that increases in economic freedom and unemployment rates lead to increases in constancy for startup firms in the private sector. This article adds to the business and entrepreneurship literature through both its disaggregated analysis by firm age and its regression analysis in modeling constancy. Research Paper Keywords: Constancy, Firm maturity, Economic freedom, Kauffman, State Business Environment, Startups Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Witham, A., & Pendleton, T. (2024). Here to Last? Evaluating the Impact of Business Factors on Startup Constancy. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 12(1), 66–87

    Navigating crisis: COVID 19’s impact on Entrepreneurship in Morocco

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    This article investigates the repercussions of the COVID 19 pandemic on entrepreneurship in Morocco, utilizing bibliographic research approach drawing from Google Scholar and IMIST database. It delves into governmental and non-governmental studies, elucidating the adverse impacts on various economic sectors while advocating for enhanced innovation and the production of high value goods. Furthermore, it examines Morocco’s proactive measures in response to the pandemic. Additionally, the study explores strategies outlined in the new development model to alleviate crisis and stimulate economic revival including fostering social and female entrepreneurship and extending social protection to auto-entrepreneurs. This research stand out for its focused analysis on Morocco’s context and the scrutiny of specific pandemic response measures. Its findings carry significant implications for informing policy decisions and actions at reinforcing entrepreneurship and economic resurgence not only in Morocco but also in similar contexts globally. Literature Review Keywords: COVID 19 Pandemic; Entrepreneurship; Morocco; Economic Effects; Crisis Responses Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Benchrifa, H., & Karima, L. (2023). Navigating crisis: COVID 19’s impact on Entrepreneurship in Morocco. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 11(2), 245–274

    Impacts of Information Quality and Quantity on Airbnb Users Intention to Adopt Information

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    This study aims to investigate the impacts of information quantity and quality on Airbnb users’ intention to adopt information by considering trust, perceived usefulness, and attitude towards online reviews as endogenous factors. Data were collected from 202 individuals and were analysed using the partial least squares technique. The results showed that information quantity, information completeness, information relevance, information value-added, and information understandability have a positive effect on users’ trust. Furthermore, information relevance and information understandability were only factors that have a positive effect on users’ perceived usefulness. In addition, users’ trust, perceived usefulness, and attitude towards online reviews have a positive effect on information adoption. Understanding the key drivers of users’ intention to adopt information is crucial for managers of peer-to-peer accommodation service providers. Research paper Keywords: Information Quantity; Information Quality; Trust, Perceived Usefulness; Attitude towards Online Reviews; Airbnb; Information Adoption Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Kumar, K. M. (2023). Impacts of Information Quality and Quantity on Airbnb Users Intention to Adopt Information. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 11(2), 168–200

    Reuse Markets: Embedded in Capitalism

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    The paper addresses the growing popularity of markets for reuse and repair (RR) in a developed economy. The reasons behind the growth of these markets remain an open research question, which could be attributed to changing consumer preferences and/or as an effect of multiple exogenous shocks on societies. The paper contributes to the predominantly anthropological research on the topic by employing a market-oriented entrepreneurial perspective. The methodology involves participant observation by actively engaging as a trader in micro activities to exploit arbitrage opportunities. The findings suggest that the traditional economic model of rational actors is well-suited to analyze individual actions in these markets. It is observed that these markets do not necessarily require integration into complex social constructs. Effective trust-building arrangements with low transaction costs facilitate market transactions between strangers. The research implies the importance of markets at the micro level, especially in times when political actors at the macro level favor market interventions. Research Paper Keywords: second-hand markets; reuse and repair activities; economic approach to anthropology; informal market; consumption; ebay Kleinanzeigen Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Egbert, H. (2024). Reuse Markets: Embedded in Capitalism. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 12(1), 1–35

    Antecedents of Employee Work Engagement in Malaysia in Light of Job Demands-Resources Theory

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    The employee engagement rate was 80% in 2022, which has decreased to 67% in 2023 and the cost of disengaged employees was approximately RM 26.097 billion in 2020 in Malaysia. It indicates the unequal presence level of demands and resources among employees according to JD-R theory. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of demands and resources on work engagement among non-government full-time employees in Malaysia. Hypotheses were developed based on JD-R theory, with the attachment of workaholism as a personal demand to fill the gap of previous studies. A total of 400 data was collected online using a self-administered questionnaire cross-sectionally from the full-time employees who worked in non-government organizations in Klang Valley, Malaysia. PLS-SEM was used to analyse the collected data and test the hypotheses. The finding reveals that job demands (role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload, and mental health challenges) and personal demands (workaholism) have significant negative effects on work engagement. Job resources (autonomy, performance feedback, support of supervisor, social support, learning and development opportunity) and personal resources (self-efficacy, hope, optimism, resilience, employee religiosity) significantly and positively influence work engagement. Job resources decrease the effect of demands (job and personal) on work engagement by playing a moderating role. Similarly, personal resources decrease the impact of demands (job and personal) on work engagement by its moderating effect among full-time non-government employees in Malaysia. The interaction effect between resources (job and personal) and demands (job and personal) on employee work engagement in this study will assist managers and human resources practitioners in making insightful decisions for increasing employee work engagement, which will decrease the disengagement cost of the employees. Research Paper Keywords: JD-R theory, job demands, job resources, personal demands, personal resources, work engagement Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Hossan, D., Mansor Z.D., Jaharuddin N.S., & Rahman M.M. (2024). Antecedents of Employee Work Engagement in Malaysia in Light of Job Demands-Resources Theory. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 12(1), 36–65

    Exploring the Consumption Value for Halal Cosmetics Purchase Intention: A Proposed Conceptual Framework

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    Despite the negative sustainability consequences from conventional cosmetics, many Malaysian consumers continue using them. With unsustainable issues being widely reported and must be addressed by consumers’ adoption of Halal cosmetics with sustainable attributes. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework to investigate factor influencing consumers’ intention to purchase Halal cosmetics in Malaysia. Theory of consumption value (TCV) was employed as an underpinning theory, utilizing unique context-specific attributes of Halal cosmetics to aid in the development of the conceptual framework. A quantitative analysis with electronic questionnaire survey is proposed as data collection process. This paper makes significant theoretical contributions by integrating the unique context-specific attributes associated with the consumption values of Halal cosmetics, highlighting the novelty of this conceptual framework. The proposed conceptual framework also serves as a reference and guidance for Halal cosmetics manufacturers, marketers, and policymakers that seek to formulate marketing and policy strategies aimed at motivating consumers to actively purchase Halal cosmetics. This, in turn, can contribute to the pursuit of sustainable development and expansion of the Halal cosmetics market in Malaysia Conceptual paper Keywords: Halal cosmetics; Sustainability; Consumption value; Theory of consumption value; Purchase intention Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Liew, C. W.-S., & Karia, N. (2023). Exploring the Consumption Value for Halal Cosmetics Purchase Intention: A Proposed Conceptual Framework. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 11(2), 130–167

    Sample Size Determination for Survey Research and Non-Probability Sampling Techniques: A Review and Set of Recommendations

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    If the researchers cannot collect data from a sufficient number of respondents using an appropriate sampling technique, it will be challenging for them to meet the study's primary objective. So, it is crucial for researchers to collect data from a large enough sample size and choose a suitable sampling method. Because there are so many different sampling strategies, and they come in such a wide range of forms, researchers need to have a solid understanding of how these techniques differ to select the method that will work best for their particular study. In this paper, the researcher addresses those crucial issues by setting two essential questions: a. what are the various non-probability sampling techniques? b. what the minimum possible number of participants required for survey research is? Non-probability sampling techniques have been discussed with the necessary example so that the readers can easily understand which method will be more appropriate for their study. In addition, some guidelines concerning the determination of appropriate sample size (sample size calculation using G* power, the sample size for categorical and continuous variables, sample to items, sample to variables, the sample size of CB-SEM, PLS-SEM) for survey research have been discussed in this study. This study will help researchers choose the non-probability sampling method(s) and minimum sample size to conduct their studies efficiently and fruitfully. Research paper Keywords: Sampling, non-probability sampling, sample size, survey research Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Rahman, M. M. (2023). Sample Size Determination for Survey Research and Non-Probability Sampling Techniques: A Review and Set of Recommendations. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 11(1), 42–62

    A Diagnostic Study of Entrepreneurial Education Readiness in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Palestine

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    The humanities majors are plummeting worldwide. Experts believe that the main reason for the down drop in demand in majors like History, Archaeology, tourism, social sciences, and even foreign languages can be partially attributed to the fact that the designed curriculum no longer lives up to students’ expectations or satisfies the market’s evolving needs. In Palestine, these disciplines are confronted with the crisis of low enrolment. This diagnostic study aims to assess entrepreneurial readiness in the colleges of humanities in Palestine in order to assist education leaders in making informed decisions about the struggle of low demand and high unemployment rates. To that end, the study espoused a mixed-method approach to assess the scale and the scope of introducing Entrepreneurship Education within the Colleges of Humanities in Palestine. The researchers collected study data through focus group interviews with the deans and administrators and through surveying a random sample of the humanities teachers. The results show there is a sufficient number of teachers who use efficient teaching approaches like competency-based education or problem-based learning. Nonetheless, humanities curricula does not involve students directly in the entrepreneurial process. Current practices display lack of emphasis on training 'For' building entrepreneurial competencies or 'Through' experiential, process-based approaches that link education to the outside business environment.  Incubation services and work spaces are available on campus, but they are rarely utilized by the teachers or students from the humanities disciplines. The in-class induction strategies and the assessment methods remain very orthodox. Finally, this study provides ample evidence to support deans, administrators, and faculty members who want to systematically bring entrepreneurship into their discipline, and to deepen staff expertise in entrepreneurship education. Research paper Keywords: Entrepreneurship Curriculum, Humanities, Social sciences, Higher education, Palestine Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Daragmeh, A., & Halabi, A. (2023). A Diagnostic Study of Entrepreneurial Education Readiness in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Palestine. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 11(1), 63–101

    Internationalisation Factors - Competency, Commitment and Coordination: A Study on Women-Owned SMEs

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of competency on internationalisation orientation through the mediation of commitment to learning and coordination. This study also examines the moderation effect of length of business in international new ventures (INVs) on the model. This research focused on INVs belongs to women SMEs in Malaysia. Length of business since inception is hypothesised to interact with commitment and coordination, and thus leads to stronger effect on internationalisation orientation. Quantitative research employing a cross-sectional survey is the method chosen for the research design. These hypothesised relationships are tested using mediation effect test whereas, moderation effect test performed using product indicator approach employing Partial Least Squares-SEM technique. Survey data collected from 154 owned by women entrepreneurs. The samples selected based on directories of exporters in Malaysia employing purposive sampling. The research found commitment to learning and coordination are significant mediators transmitting the effect of competency towards internationalization orientation. The moderation effect of length of a business, also found to be significantly strengthens the effect from coordination towards internationalisation orientation, and strengthen the effect of commitment towards internationalization orientation. Research paper Keywords: Women, Internationalisation, Competency, Commitment, Coordination, Small medium-sized enterprise, Women Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Nordin, N., Siti-Nabiha, A. K., & Mohd Noordin, N. F. (2022). Internationalisation Factors - Competency, Commitment and Coordination: A Study on Women-Owned SMEs. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 10(2S1), 216–255.    &nbsp


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