101 research outputs found

    The effects of sequence application of pesticides on degradation kinetics for tomatoes and pepper fruits

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    Tarımsal üretimde önemli bir yere sahip kimyasal mücadelenin olumsuz yönlerinden birisi de kullanılan pestisitlerden kaynaklanan kalıntı sorunudur. Kalıntının en önemli sebeplerinden birisinin ardışık ilaçlama olduğu tahmin edilmekte ve bu konuda da veri eksikliği çok fazladır. Bu tez ile domates ve biberde ardışık pestisit uygulamasının bekleme süresini nasıl etkilediği ve bu sonuçların modellenmesi ile benzer yapıdaki ilaçların davranışları tahmin edilecektir. Pestisit uygulamaları 10 gün ara ile ikişer defa yapılmış olup, domateste Acetamiprid, Chlorantraniliprole, Deltamethrin, Lambda-Cyhalothrin aktif maddeli pestisitler, biberde Acetamiprid, İndoxacarb, Deltamethrin, Lambda-Cyhalothrin ve Spinosad aktif maddeli pestisitler önerilen dozda kullanılmıştır. Uygulama sonrasında meyve örnekleri belirlenen günlerde toplanmış ve Pestisit ekstraksiyon işlemlerinden sonra pestisit kalıntı analizleri GC-MS (Gaz Kromatografisi-Kütle Spektrometresi) ve LC/MS/MS (Sıvı Kromatografisi/Kütle/Kütle Spektrometresi) cihazlarında yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda elde edilen veriler yardımıyla “Dinamik Bitki Alınım Modeli” kullanılmış ve değerler karşılaştırılmıştır. Tavsiye edilen dozlarda ardışık iki uygulama sonucunda biber ve domatesde kullanılan pesitisitler için biberde kullanılan Lambda Cyhalothrin haricinde bozunma sürecinde artışın olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Biberde yapılan modellerin bulunan değerlerle % 90 üzerinde uyum sağlandığı fakat domateste ise modele uyumun daha az olduğu tespit edilmiştir.One of the negative aspects of chemical struggle which has an important place in agricultural production is the residual problem because of pesticides. Consecutive agricultural spraying is under consideration about the most important problem, and the datas about this subject is less. In thesis, we aimed both to determine effect of waiting period after the consecutive agricultural spraying on tomatoes and peppers and estimate behavior of similar kinds of pesticides with modeling the results. Pesticides are sprayed two times with 10 days interval and Acetamiprid, Chlorantraniliprole, Deltamethrin, Lambda-Cyhalothrin are used for tomatoes, Acetamiprid, Indoxacarb, Deltamethrin, Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Spinosad are used for pepper at recommended dosage. Samples are picked up at specified days after spraying and residual analyses are carried out with DC-MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy) and LC/MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography/Mass/Mass Spectroscopy) after pesticide extraction processes. Dynamic Plant Uptake Model is used to explain results.. The pepper and tomatoes results show that degradation period of pesticides except for Lambda Cyhalothrin, which were applied as two consecutive times at recommended levels, is extended. Analyses model is assorted with pepper up to 90% rate. However, the studies point out that analyses model is less compatible for tomatoes results

    Biogas from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME): recovery to electrical energy in Sawira Biogas Plant, Muadzam Shah, Pahang / Mohammad Zulfikri Ahat

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    The era of palm oil mill effluent (POME) along with the production of crude palm oil has formed environmental issue for the palm oil mill industry in Malaysia due to its polluting qualities. POME with its secondary natural substance is a basis for incredible possibility for bio gas production. However, POME is ordinarily treated utilizing open ponding framework only to go along with legislature regulation without catching bio gas discharged that harmful to environment at the time it been release from mill. Biogas created from anaerobic digestion of POME can be used in gas engine to generate electric. These case study was carried out at Sawira Biogas Power Plant, Muadzam Shah, Pahang. The case study were focus on an amount of bio gas utilization, total energy production and percentage of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal. The data was collected in four weeks observation. Total amount of bio gas utilization for four weeks is 208212 m3, total energy production is 491380 kWh and percentage COD removal is 90%

    Korelasi Kadar HbA1c Dengan Kadar Kreatinin Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Kronis

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    Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus will lead to various chronic complications, both microvascular and macrovascular complications. HbA1c examination is effective for long-term monitoring of blood glucose for people with diabetes mellitus. A high HbA1c value is used as a measure of the development of complications of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic nephropathy is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus which can end in kidney failure resulting in damage to the glomeruli. Indications to determine kidney function impairment is creatinine examination. This study aims to determine the correlation between HbA1c levels and creatinine levels in patients with chronic diabetes mellitus at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the Bajawa Regional General Hospital. Analytical observational research with an approach cros- sectional using techniques purposive sampling 35 chronic DM patients. Test results who squares shows that the value of p = (0.687) > α (0.05), thus it can be concluded that there is no relationship between HbA1c levels and Creatinine levels in patients with chronic diabetes mellitus.   Keywords: HbA1c, Creatinine,  Diabetes Mellitus

    Islamisasi Suku Anak Dalam di Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi (2005-2013)

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    Bukit Duabelas berada di bagian tengah Propinsi Jambi antara jalur-jalur perhubungan darat, yaitu antara lintas tengah dan timur Sumatera, serta lintas tengah Jambi. Posisi Bukit Duabelas juga berada diantara empat sungai yang cukup besar, yaitu; Sungai Batang Hari berada di bagian Utara, Sungai Tabir berada di bagian Barat, Sungai Tembesi berada di bagian Timur dan Sungai Merangin berada di bagian Selatan.Kebudayaan yang dimiliki oleh suku, etnis dan agama turut mempengaruhi gaya komunikasi, sehingga budaya dapat menjadi sebuah rintangan dalam berintegrasi satu sama lain, rintangan budaya dalam berintegrasi ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan norma-norma dan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh pihak yang terlibat dalam berkomunikasi.Suku Anak Dalam adalah salah satu Komunitas Adat Terpencil yang mendiami pedalaman Propinsi Jambi,seperti yang terdapat di Kabupaten Merangin dan Sarolangun.Semenjak 8 tahun terakhir Komunitas Adat Terpencil atau lebih dikenal dengan Suku Anak Dalam, sudah mulai mengalami perubahan sosial cara berpakaian, pendidikan dan agama. Suku Anak Dalam juga sudah mulai beradaptasi dengan masyarakat luar (OrangDesa).Akhir-akhir ini Suku Anak Dalam sudah banyak yang berangsur meninggalkan keyakinan leluhurnya dan memeluk agama Islam

    Multi-period inventory models with price protection

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In an environment with declining sales prices, retailers (or any reseller) often face the risk of buying high and selling low. In order to limit their channel partners’ exposure to such risks and increase the availability of their products in the marketplace, suppliers often offer price protection. With price protection, a retailer is reimbursed with a percentage of the procurement cost declines, for the inventory that the retailer ordered within a given price protection age limit. We study the optimal inventory policy of the retailer under such price protection terms in a multi–period finite horizon setting with stochastic demand. We propose three different models for the treatment of unsatisfied demand. For the case of full backlogging, we show that the order–up–to type policies are optimal. In a numerical study, we study the behavior of the retailer and investigate the impact of price protection terms on the operational performance of the retailer and the supplier under a variety of settings.Ahat, NurdanM.S

    Big Five Personality terhadap Perilaku Impulsive Buying Produk Fashion pada Mahasiswa Aktif Fakultas Psikologi UKSW

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh Big five Personality terhadap perilaku impulsive buying produk fashion pada mahasiswa aktif Fakultas Psikologi UKSW. Mahasiswa merupakan individu yang berada pada masa transisi dari remaja menuju dewasa akan berupaya untuk mengeksplorasi diri salah satunya dengan mencoba berbagai produk fashion. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu impulsive buying dan Big Five Personality. Skala impulsive buying dikembangkan oleh Verplanken dan Herabadi (2001) dan skala Big Five Inventory dikembangkan oleh Oliver P. John dkk (1991). Penentuan sampel pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Hasil yang didapat dari uji regresi linear sederhana yang dilakukan diperoleh bahwa nilai sig trait extraversion (0,00), nilai sig trait agreeableness (0,126), nilai sig trait conscientiousness (0,003), nilai sig trait neuroticism (0,000), nilai sig trait openness to experience (0,028). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah trait extraversion, trait conscientiousness, trait neuroticism, dan trait openness to experience memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perilaku impulsive buying produk fashion, sedangkan trait agreeableness memiliki pengaruh yang negatif terhadap perilaku impulsive buying produk fashion. Mahasiswa hendaknya membuat perencanaan dan mempertimbangkan terlebih dahulu seperti urgensi mengenai barang yang akan dibeli. Hal ini untuk menghindari terjadinya pembelian tanpa perencanaan (impulsive buying).This study was conducted to determine the effect of the Big Five Personality on the impulsive buying behavior of fashion products among active students of the SWCU Psychology Faculty. Students who are in a transition period from teenagers to adults will try to explore themselves, one of which is by trying various fashion products. The variables used in this research are impulsive buying and Big Five Personality. The impulsive buying scale was developed by Verplanken and Herabadi (2001) and the Big Five Inventory scale was developed by Oliver P. John et al (1991). Determination of the sample in this study using accidental sampling. The results from simple linear regression test that were carried out showed that the sig trait extraversion value (0,00), the sig trait agreeableness value (0,126), the sig trait conscientiousness value (0,003), the sig trait neuroticism value (0,000), the sig trait openness to experience value. (0,028). The conclusion obtained is that trait extraversion, trait conscientiousness, trait neuroticism, and trait openness to experience have a significant influence on impulsive buying behavior in fashion products, while the agreeableness trait has a negative influence on impulsive buying behavior in fashion products. Students should make plans and consider in advance such as the urgency of the goods to be purchased. This is to avoid the occurrence of purchases without planning (impulsive buying)


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    Kolonial Belanda masuk ke daerah Kesultanan Jambi pada tahun 1615 M pada masa kekuasaan Sultan Abdul Kahar. Tindakan bangsa Belanda yang datang ke Jambi untuk melaksanakan sistem monopoli perdagangan serta adanya usaha hendak menanamkan kekuasaan mendapat perlawanan rakyat yang digerakkan oleh Sultan dan pejuang rakyat Jambi. Perbedaan agama dengan bangsa Belanda yang ingin memerintah dan mengatur kehidupan mereka telah menimbulkan kebencian seluruh rakyat, karena hal ini bertentangan dengan prinsip agama Islam yang telah mereka anut selama ini. Sejak kehadiran Belanda di daerah Jambi dan campur tangan dalam urusan politik pemerintahan kesultanan, daerah Jambi secara pelan tapi pasti mengarah kepada situasi perlawanan rakyat

    Systemic treatment of hormone receptor positive, human epidermal growth factor 2 negative metastatic breast cancer: retrospective analysis from Leeds Cancer Centre

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    Background Study aimed to characterise treatment and outcomes for patients with hormone receptor positive (HR+), human epidermal growth factor 2 negative (HER2-) metastatic breast cancer (MBC) within a large regional cancer centre, as a benchmark for evaluating real-world impact of novel therapies. Methods Retrospective longitudinal cohort, using electronic patient records of adult females with a first diagnosis of HR+/HER2- MBC January 2012–March 2018. Results One hundred ninety-six women were identified with HR+/HER2- MBC. Median age was 67 years, 85.2% were post-menopausal and median time between primary diagnosis and metastasis was 5.4 years. Most (75.1%) patients received endocrine therapy as first line systemic treatment (1st LoT); use of 1st LoT chemotherapy halved between 2012 and 2017. Patients receiving 1st LoT chemotherapy were younger and more likely to have visceral metastasis (p < 0.01). Median OS was 29.5 months and significantly greater for patients with exclusively non-visceral metastasis (p < 0.01). The adjusted hazard ratio for death of patients with visceral (or CNS) metastasis was 1.91 relative to those with exclusively non-visceral metastasis. Conclusions Diverse endocrine therapies predominate as 1st LoT for patients with HR+/HER2- MBC, chemotherapy being associated with more aggressive disease in younger patients, emphasising the importance of using effective and tolerable therapies early