1,443 research outputs found

    Multiwavelength Variations of 3C 454.3 during the November 2010 to January 2011 Outburst

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    We present multiwavelength data of the blazar 3C 454.3 obtained during an extremely bright outburst from November 2010 through January 2011. These include flux density measurements with the Herschel Space Observatory at five submillimeter-wave and far-infrared bands, the Fermi Large Area Telescope at gamma-ray energies, Swift at X-ray, ultraviolet (UV), and optical frequencies, and the Submillimeter Array at 1.3 mm. From this dataset, we form a series of 52 spectral energy distributions (SEDs) spanning nearly two months that are unprecedented in time coverage and breadth of frequency. Discrete correlation anlaysis of the millimeter, far-infrared, and gamma-ray light curves show that the variations were essentially simultaneous, indicative of co-spatiality of the emission, at these wavebands. In contrast, differences in short-term fluctuations at various wavelengths imply the presence of inhomegeneities in physical conditions across the source. We locate the site of the outburst in the parsec-scale core, whose flux density as measured on 7 mm Very Long Baseline Array images increased by 70 percent during the first five weeks of the outburst. Based on these considerations and guided by the SEDs, we propose a model in which turbulent plasma crosses a conical standing shock in the parsec-scale region of the jet. Here, the high-energy emission in the model is produced by inverse Compton scattering of seed photons supplied by either nonthermal radiation from a Mach disk, thermal emission from hot dust, or (for X-rays) synchrotron radiation from plasma that crosses the standing shock. For the two dates on which we fitted the model SED to the data, the model corresponds very well to the observations at all bands except at X-ray energies, where the spectrum is flatter than observed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. 82 pages, 13 figure

    The magnetic field structure in CTA 102 from high-resolution mm-VLBI observations during the flaring state in 2016-2017

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    CONTEXT: Investigating the magnetic field structure in the innermost regions of relativistic jets is fundamental to understanding the crucial physical processes giving rise to jet formation, as well as to their extraordinary radiation output up to γ-ray energies. AIMS: We study the magnetic field structure of the quasar CTA 102 with 3 and 7 mm VLBI polarimetric observations, reaching an unprecedented resolution (∼50 μas). We also investigate the variability and physical processes occurring in the source during the observing period, which coincides with a very active state of the source over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. METHODS: We perform the Faraday rotation analysis using 3 and 7 mm data and we compare the obtained rotation measure (RM) map with the polarization evolution in 7 mm VLBA images. We study the kinematics and variability at 7 mm and infer the physical parameters associated with variability. From the analysis of γ-ray and X-ray data, we compute a minimum Doppler factor value required to explain the observed high-energy emission. RESULTS: Faraday rotation analysis shows a gradient in RM with a maximum value of ∼6 × 104⁴ rad m⁻² and intrinsic electric vector position angles (EVPAs) oriented around the centroid of the core, suggesting the presence of large-scale helical magnetic fields. Such a magnetic field structure is also visible in 7 mm images when a new superluminal component is crossing the core region. The 7 mm EVPA orientation is different when the component is exiting the core or crossing a stationary feature at ∼0.1 mas. The interaction between the superluminal component and a recollimation shock at ∼0.1 mas could have triggered the multi-wavelength flares. The variability Doppler factor associated with such an interaction is large enough to explain the high-energy emission and the remarkable optical flare occurred very close in time.Accepted manuscrip

    Spatially resolved origin of mm-wave linear polarization in the nuclear region of 3C 84

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    We report results from a deep polarization imaging of the nearby radio galaxy 3C 84 (NGC 1275). The source was observed with the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA) at 86 GHz at an ultra-high angular resolution of 50μas (corresponding to 250R). We also add complementary multi-wavelength data from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA; 15 & 43 GHz) and from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA; 97.5, 233.0, and 343.5 GHz). At 86 GHz, we measure a fractional linear polarization of ~ 2% in the VLBI core region. The polarization morphology suggests that the emission is associated with an underlying limb-brightened jet. The fractional linear polarization is lower at 43 and 15 GHz (~ 0.3-0.7% and < 0.1%, respectively). This suggests an increasing linear polarization degree towards shorter wavelengths on VLBI scales. We also obtain a large rotation measure (RM) of ~ 10⁵⁻⁶ rad/m² in the core at ≳43 GHz. Moreover, the VLBA 43 GHz observations show a variable RM in the VLBI core region during a small flare in 2015. Faraday depolarization and Faraday conversion in an inhomogeneous and mildly relativistic plasma could explain the observed linear polarization characteristics and the previously measured frequency dependence of the circular polarization. Our Faraday depolarization modeling suggests that the RM most likely originates from an external screen with a highly uniform RM distribution. To explain the large RM value, the uniform RM distribution, and the RM variability, we suggest that the Faraday rotation is caused by a boundary layer in a transversely stratified jet. Based on the RM and the synchrotron spectrum of the core, we provide an estimate for the magnetic field strength and the electron density of the jet plasma.Accepted manuscrip

    Resonant Kelvin-Helmholtz modes in sheared relativistic flows

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    Qualitatively new aspects of the (linear and non-linear) stability of sheared relativistic (slab) jets are analyzed. The linear problem has been solved for a wide range of jet models well inside the ultrarelativistic domain (flow Lorentz factors up to 20; specific internal energies 60c2\approx 60c^2). As a distinct feature of our work, we have combined the analytical linear approach with high-resolution relativistic hydrodynamical simulations, which has allowed us i) to identify, in the linear regime, resonant modes specific to the relativistic shear layer ii) to confirm the result of the linear analysis with numerical simulations and, iii) more interestingly, to follow the instability development through the non-linear regime. We find that very high-order reflection modes with dominant growth rates can modify the global, long-term stability of the relativistic flow. We discuss the dependence of these resonant modes on the jet flow Lorentz factor and specific internal energy, and on the shear layer thickness. The results could have potential applications in the field of extragalactic relativistic jets.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review E. For better quality images, please check http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/mperucho/Research.htm

    Optical and Radio Variability of BL Lacertae

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    We observed the prototype blazar, BL Lacertae, extensively in optical and radio bands during an active phase in the period 2010--2013 when the source showed several prominent outbursts. We searched for possible correlations and time lags between the optical and radio band flux variations using multifrequency data to learn about the mechanisms producing variability. During an active phase of BL Lacertae, we searched for possible correlations and time lags between multifrequency light curves of several optical and radio bands. We tried to estimate any possible variability timescales and inter-band lags in these bands. We performed optical observations in B, V, R and I bands from seven telescopes in Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece and India and obtained radio data at 36.8, 22.2, 14.5, 8 and 4.8 GHz frequencies from three telescopes in Ukraine, Finland and USA. Significant cross-correlations between optical and radio bands are found in our observations with a delay of cm-fluxes with respect to optical ones of ~250 days. The optical and radio light curves do not show any significant timescales of variability. BL Lacertae showed many optical 'mini-flares' on short time-scales. Variations on longer term timescales are mildly chromatic with superposition of many strong optical outbursts. In radio bands, the amplitude of variability is frequency dependent. Flux variations at higher radio frequencies lead the lower frequencies by days or weeks. The optical variations are consistent with being dominated by a geometric scenario where a region of emitting plasma moves along a helical path in a relativistic jet. The frequency dependence of the variability amplitude supports an origin of the observed variations intrinsic to the source.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Nosocomial transmission of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Spain.

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    Before 1990, outbreaks of multidrug-resistanttuberculosis (MDRTB) were uncommon (1); sincethen, more than 10 outbreaks have been reported,all in hospitals and prisons in the eastern UnitedStates (2-7). Persons traditionally considered atrisk for MDRTB (foreign-born TB patients andthose inadequately treated for TB) have not beenassociated with these outbreaks. Instead, the pres-ence of patients with active TB near immunocom-promised patients in HIV-dedicated wards has ledto MDRTB-infected HIV patients whose TB casesoften go unrecognized. The patients receive inade-quate treatment in facilities without effective pro-cedures for isolating acid-fast bacilli; thesecircumstances favor nosocomial transmission.Health officials in other geographic areas whereHIV and TB are major public health threats havebeen alerted to this emerging problem, and sur-veillance systems have been designed (8).Drs. Herrera, Peiró, Castell, and Godoy have received ascholarship from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria delInstituto de Salud Carlos III during their 2-year epidemiologictraining period in the Field Epidemiology Training Program(Programa de Epidemiología Aplicada de Campo)

    Sub-milliarcsecond imaging of a bright flare and ejection event in the extragalactic jet 3C 111

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    Flares in radio-loud AGN are thought to be associated with the injection of fresh plasma into the compact jet base. Such flares are usually strongest and appear earlier at shorter radio wavelengths. Hence, VLBI at mm-wavelengths is best suited to study the earliest structural changes of compact jets associated with emission flares. We study the morphological changes of the parsec-scale jet in the nearby (z=0.049) gamma-ray bright radio galaxy 3C111 following a flare that developed into a major radio outburst in 2007. We analyse three successive observations of 3C111 at 86 GHz with the Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) between 2007 and 2008 which yield a very high angular resolution of ~45muas. In addition, we make use of single-dish radio flux density measurements from the F-GAMMA and POLAMI programmes, archival single-dish and VLBI data. We resolve the flare into multiple plasma components with a distinct morphology resembling a bend in an otherwise remarkably straight jet. The flare-associated features move with apparent velocities of ~4.0c to ~4.5c and can be traced also at lower frequencies in later epochs. Near the base of the jet, we find two bright features with high brightness temperatures up to ~10^11K, which we associate with the core and a stationary feature in the jet. The flare led to multiple new jet components indicative of a dynamic modulation during the ejection. We interpret the bend-like feature as a direct result of the outburst which makes it possible to trace the transverse structure of the jet. In this scenario, the components follow different paths in the jet stream consistent with expectations for a spine-sheath structure, which is not seen during intermediate levels of activity. The possibility of coordinated multiwavelength observations during a future bright radio flare in 3C111 makes this source an excellent target for probing the radio-gamma-ray connection.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The structure and emission model of the relativistic jet in the quasar 3C 279 inferred from radio to high-energy gamma-ray observations in 2008-2010

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    We present time-resolved broad-band observations of the quasar 3C 279 obtained from multi-wavelength campaigns conducted during the first two years of the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope mission. While investigating the previously reported gamma-ray/optical flare accompanied by a change in optical polarization, we found that the optical emission appears delayed with respect to the gamma-ray emission by about 10 days. X-ray observations reveal a pair of `isolated' flares separated by ~90 days, with only weak gamma-ray/optical counterparts. The spectral structure measured by Spitzer reveals a synchrotron component peaking in the mid-infrared band with a sharp break at the far-infrared band during the gamma-ray flare, while the peak appears in the mm/sub-mm band in the low state. Selected spectral energy distributions are fitted with leptonic models including Comptonization of external radiation produced in a dusty torus or the broad-line region. Adopting the interpretation of the polarization swing involving propagation of the emitting region along a curved trajectory, we can explain the evolution of the broad-band spectra during the gamma-ray flaring event by a shift of its location from ~ 1 pc to ~ 4 pc from the central black hole. On the other hand, if the gamma-ray flare is generated instead at sub-pc distance from the central black hole, the far-infrared break can be explained by synchrotron self-absorption. We also model the low spectral state, dominated by the mm/sub-mm peaking synchrotron component, and suggest that the corresponding inverse-Compton component explains the steady X-ray emission.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures 5 tables, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Broadband polarimetry with the square kilometre array: A unique astrophysical probe

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    Faraday rotation of polarised background sources is a unique probe of astrophysical magnetic fields in a diverse range of foreground objects. However, to understand the properties of the polarised sources themselves and of depolarising phenomena along the line of sight, we need to complement Faraday rotation data with polarisation observations over very broad bandwidths. Just as it is impossible to properly image a complex source with limited u-v coverage, we can only meaningfully understand the magneto-ionic properties of polarised sources if we have excellent coverage in l2-space. We here propose a set of broadband polarisation surveys with both SKA1 and SKA2, which will provide a singular set of scientific insights on the ways in which galaxies and their environments have evolved over cosmic time