196 research outputs found

    Cannibalizing the Wiindigo: The Wiindigog in Anishinaabeg and Oji-Cree Boreal Landscapes and Its Re-presentations in Popular Culture

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    This paper will discuss the Wiindigo, a cannibalistic character among some Indigenous peoples of North America. Illustrated through the Anishinaabeg and Oji-Cree, two Algonquin-speaking Indigenous groups, the Wiindigo serves as a personification of fear and hunger, and alludes to the cultural heritage elements of the boreal forest food system as well as the differing legal systems in Canada. In examining the Wiindigo from the Indigenous cultural and historical perspectives related to the author by several knowledge-holders, as well as from EuroCanadian popular culture representations, the paper illustrates the importance of the Wiindigo to Anishinaabe and Oji-Cree world views, customary governance, and contemporary lived experience

    The impact of comprehensive physical therapy performed on an outpatient basis on the quality of life of patients with low back pain

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    INTRODUCTION. Pain in the lower spine is an issue that should be considered on many levels - not only from the medical but also social and professional. Disease They limit the physical and consequently contribute to the deterioration of the quality of life. AIM OF THE TESTS. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the quality of life of patients with pain syndrome lumbar-sacral spine outpatient rehabilitation treatments before and after. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study involved 70 patients (34 women and 36 men) who were subjected for 10 days a series of outpatient physiotherapy. The average age of the study group was 58.26 years and a mean BMI was equal to 27.78 kg / m2. Studies performed by a survey tool, based on an original questionnaire containing socio-demographic data. In order to determine the intensity of pain was used analog - visual scale VAS pain, and to evaluate the quality of life questionnaire ODI (Oswestry Disability Index). The statistical analysis was made using Statistica. RESULTS. Examined the quality of life before treatment was 21.13 on a scale ODI, and after a series of treatments - 14.73. The average value expressed in pain VAS before treatment was 6.73 and 4.27 after surgery. In both cases there was a statistically significant difference before and after the level of p <0.01. Also showed a weak positive correlation between the quality of life expressed on a scale ODI and the level of pain p <0.01, r = 0.362). CONCLUSIONS. Comprehensive physical therapy performed on an outpatient basis in a statistically significant impact on the quality of life of patients

    Reprezentacja i partycypacja. Radni miejscy wobec idei i mechanizmów partycypacji obywatelskiej

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    Over recent decades, many European countries have witnessed a transformation of local representative democracy. This has resulted both from the reforms inspired by the concepts of New Public Management, local governance, structural and functional changes as well as the expanding mechanisms of citizen participation. The latter trend is especially visible in large Polish cities. The main objectives of this article are to present the attitude of city councilors towards the concept and mechanisms of citizen participation and to examine whether this ‘extended participation’ influences the status and role played by city councils in the governing process. The article is based on empirical research conducted in 18 Polish cities. The results indicate that elected representatives, in general, support the idea of ‘citizens’ involvement in the decision-making process. Most of them, however, recognize the current mechanisms of civic engagement as sufficient, promoting the need to streamline their operation.W wielu państwach europejskich w okresie ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat zauważyć można transformację lokalnej demokracji przedstawicielskiej. Jest to zarówno wynikiem wdrożenia reform inspirowanych koncepcjami Nowego Zarządzania Publicznego (New Public Management), lokalnego współrządzenia (local governance), zmian o charakterze strukturalno-funkcjonalnym, jak i poszerzających się mechanizmów uczestnictwa obywatelskiego. Ostatnia z tendencji w sposób szczególnie wyraźny uwidacznia się w Polsce, w samorządach dużych miast. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie stosunku radnych do idei i mechanizmów partycypacji obywatelskiej oraz określenie stopnia wpływu tychże na pozycję i rolę rad w procesie rządzenia. Artykuł opiera się na badaniach empirycznych przeprowadzonych w 18 miastach polskich. Wyniki badań wskazują, że radni miejscy generalnie popierają ideę szerszego angażowania mieszkańców w proces decyzyjny. Większość z nich uznaje jednak funkcjonujące w ich miastach formy uczestnictwa obywatelskiego za wystarczające, postulując jednocześnie usprawnienie ich działania

    Wie soll mein Tandempartner meine Fehler korrigieren? – Über eines der wichtigen Dilemmata im eTandem am Beispiel deutscher und polnischer Studierender

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    Im Beitrag wird am Beispiel deutscher und polnischer Studierender versucht, die Frage zu beantworten, wie die schriftliche Fehlerkorrektur im Internet-Tandem gestaltet werden kann/soll.Using the example of German and Polish students, the article makes an attempt to find an answer to a question how written error correction should/could look like in Internet tandems.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Program wzmocnienia władzy w kręgach stronnictwa prokrólewskiego w czasie rokoszu sandomierskiego 1605–1609

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    This article strives to present reforms prepared by king’s Sigismund III Vasa supporters as faced with Sandomierz Rebellion (rokosz sandomierski). The king’s opposition focused mostly on critique and accusations of the monarch, rather than constructing one compact program of political reforms. The royalists’ camp appeared far more proactive with their ideas of constitutional reforms. The first idea, whose goal was to reform the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and to strengthen king’s role in the government, was presented to the nobles before the Parliament session in 1606. It involved a long-term project of introducing fixed taxes, which were supposed to finance the maintenance of a professional army. It also dealt with the issue of regaining the Swedish throne. The king demanded that the Parliament should debate on the royal propositions only, fearing that including the nobility’s demands would result in breaking up the session, but his postulate was refused. The commentary to king’s instructions was embodied in a paper entitled Votum szlachcica polskiego pisane na sejmiki i sejm roku pa ń skiego 1606 , which undoubtedly originated in the camp of royal supporters. A thorough analysis shows that the document proposed even bolder projects of reforming the army and the Parliament than those proposed by the king. One of the most interesting, and at the same time radical concepts of strengthening the monarchy can be found in the Consilium na tryumfi e krakowskim przy wroceniu si ę KJM z Janowca jemu dane napisane . It was written aft er the agreement that the king and the rebellious nobles had come to in 1606 in Janowiec. The document postulates two major reforms, that were considered by the author to be vital in reviving the country. The first one was supposed to build financial power of the Commonwealth by introducing fixed taxes for nobility and payments for the titles given by the king. The other issue, crucial for strengthening the country and empowering the king, was the necessity to dismiss the Chamber of Deputies as it was only causing chaos and paralyzing the proceedings. The author considered the Chamber of Deputies to be nothing more but an unnecessary novelty in the political system. As for the senators, he proposed that their number should be gradually decreased. Those actions were supposed to set the stage for a new organ, a “chamber council”, which would include only the most trusted of king’s men. In the beginning of the 17th century the privileged noble class was not willing to allow for systemic changes that would empower the monarchy in the Commonwealth. The phrase absolutum dominium alone, was a loathed synonym of tyranny and violation of laws and freedom. That is the reason why the radical project of reforms described in Consilium… did not stand a chance of success in the Commonwealth. Propositions that were presented to the Parliament in 1606 on the other hand, should be considered as a realistic and balanced step to empower the monarchy. Had they been presented in other circumstances than the emotional and rebellious atmosphere before the parliament session in 1606, they might have been adopted, at least partially

    Mikołaj Zebrzydowski (1553–1620) jako epistolograf

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    The aim of article is to present Mikołaj Zebrzydowski as an epistolographer. For this purpose there have been analyzed both his unpublished letters (housed in national libraries and archives) and the published ones. The examined correspondence comes from the years 1581–1615. The article discusses the themes covered explicitly and implicitly (deep meaning layer) in the letters, the relations with the addressees, the language and the style. The subjects of correspondence conducted by Mikołaj Zebrzydowski are strictly related to his public activity. So far, no letters of the voivode that were addressed to the members of the immediate family or were exclusively private in nature have been found. Most of the letters written by Zebrzydowski are concise, catious and focused on specifics, which seems to correspond to the secretive and pragmatic nature of the sender. There are already in the correspondence some traces of contesting the actions of Sigismund III before the Sandomierz sedition, which, of course, increase in the years 1606–1609. Letters addressed to a collective addressee deserve special attention. Unlike the ones intended for individual recipients, in the correspondence addressed to the wider public, the voivode expresses his feelings, often refers to authorities, tries to play with the emotions of readers, stylises his behavior and manipulates facts. To strengthen the power of expression he willingly uses amplification, one of the basic rhetorical devices. It should be considered that this type of correspondence was one of the most important propaganda tools used by the voivode.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie postaci Mikołaja Zebrzydowskiego jako epistolografa. Analizie poddano listy Zebrzydowskiego zarówno niepublikowane, znajdujące się w krajowych bibliotekach i archiwach, jak również wydane drukiem. Przebadana korespondencja pochodzi z lat 1581–1615. Omówiono problematykę poruszaną w listach (zarówno informacje przekazywane bezpośrednio, jak i te ukryte w „warstwie głębokiej” tekstu), relacje z adresatami listów, język oraz styl epistoł. Tematyka korespondencji prowadzonej przez Mikołaja Zebrzydowskiego jest ściśle powiązana z jego publiczną działalnością. Jak dotąd nie udało odnaleźć się listów wojewody, które były kierowane do członków najbliższej rodziny bądź miały wyłącznie prywatny charakter. Większość listów napisanych przez Zebrzydowskiego cechuje oględność, skupienie się na konkrecie i brak rozwlekłości, co zdaje się korespondować ze skrytą i pragmatyczną naturą nadawcy. Już w korespondencji przedrokoszowej odnaleźć można ślady kontestacji poczynań Zygmunta III, które - rzecz jasna - przybrały na sile w latach 1606–1609. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują listy kierowane do zbiorowego adresata. W odróżnieniu od epistoł przeznaczonych do pojedynczych odbiorców, w korespondencji zwróconej do szerszej publiki wojewoda wspomina o swoich uczuciach, często odwołuje się do autorytetów, stara się poruszyć emocje czytelników, stylizuje swoje zachowanie, manipuluje faktami. By wzmocnić siłę wypowiedzi, chętnie korzysta z amplifikacji, jednego z podstawowych narzędzi w retoryce. Uznać należy, że ten typ korespondencji był jednym z ważniejszych narzędzi propagandowych stosowanych przez wojewodę

    Sprawa compositio inter status w czasie rokoszu sandomierskiego (1606–1609)

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    The article focuses on the issue of the composition between the estates during the Sandomierz Rebellion (Rokosz) (1606–09). The postulate to resolve the most critical points of contention between the Roman Catholic clergy and the nobility, raised many times before the conflict, was in the years 1606–09 one of the elements of the program both of Sigismund III’s opponents and of the King’s supporters. The article analyses the efforts made by all interested parties to implement the compositio during the civil war and on this basis, determines why it was not adopted.Przedmiotem badań w niniejszym artykule jest problematyka kompozycji między stanami w czasie rokoszu sandomierskiego (1606–1609). Postulat rozstrzygnięcia najważniejszych punktów spornych między duchowieństwem a świeckimi, podnoszony wielokrotnie przed rokoszem, był w latach 1606–1609 jednym z elementów programu zarówno przeciwników króla, jak i stronników Zygmunta III. W artykule zanalizowano zabiegi podejmowane o realizację kompozycji w czasie wojny domowej przez wszystkie zainteresowane strony i na tej podstawie ustalono, dlaczego nie doszło do jej uchwalenia

    Intercultural jokes in a foreign language lesson: A difficult topic to avoid, or an interesting opportunity to reflect on national stereotypes?

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    The main focus of the article is intercultural jokes as carriers of stereotypes. After discussing the meaning of humour in a foreign language lesson, the concepts of joke and intercultural joke will be explained. Then, an attempt will be made to answer the following questions: Are intercultural jokes in a foreign language lesson a difficult topic that should be avoided, or do they open up an interesting opportunity to consider ethnic and national stereotypes? How can they be incorporated into the teaching and learning process of foreign languages?The main focus of the article is intercultural jokes as carriers of stereotypes. After discussing the meaning of humour in a foreign language lesson, the concepts of joke and intercultural joke will be explained. Then, an attempt will be made to answer the following questions: Are intercultural jokes in a foreign language lesson a difficult topic that should be avoided, or do they open up an interesting opportunity to consider ethnic and national stereotypes? How can they be incorporated into the teaching and learning process of foreign languages