Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics
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    578 research outputs found

    Language-sensitive teaching as an emergent response to increasing linguistic diversity in Irish post-primary schools: Challenges, opportunities and implications for teacher education

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    The 21st century has been characterised by an unprecedented growth in transnational migration with education systems in many countries challenged to address the implications of this ongoing global phenomenon. This paper reports on a recent study that was undertaken amongst teachers and school managers in post-primary state schools in Ireland to explore the current position regarding language-sensitive teaching as an emergent response to the growing reality of linguistic diversity in schools. Bottom-up research of this kind is vital as it can shed light on the perceptions and experiences of the key stakeholders involved in order to determine their related professional needs and shape future directions in teacher education in this area. The key findings show that language-sensitive teaching remains in its infancy in the Irish post-primary educational context with an urgent need for teacher awareness-raising and upskilling in relation to this approach and its implementation in different subject classrooms. The research has also indicated that language support teachers can play a central role in developing language-sensitive teaching at the whole school level but this potential remains largely under-exploited in the Irish post-primary educational context

    Joanna Targońska. Die Entwicklung der Kollokationskompetenz im DaF-Unterricht am Beispiel des Erwerbs von Substantiv-Verb-Kollokationen. Berlin u.a.: Peter Lang. 2021. S. 512

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    Joanna Targońska. Die Entwicklung der Kollokationskompetenz im DaF-Unterricht am Beispiel des Erwerbs von Substantiv-Verb-Kollokationen. Berlin u.a.: Peter Lang. 2021. S. 51

    Cybernetyczne aspekty procesów glottodydaktycznych (wybrane zagadnienia)

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    A significant contribution to broadening and deepening the field of glottodidactics is made, inter alia, by the results of codematic and cybernetic research. Within the glottodidactic system, the following processes can be identified: 1) the encoding of information by the primary sender (the instructor), 2) the sending of information and its linguistic and extralinguistic monitoring to the primary receivers (learners), 3) the reception and decoding of information by the primary receivers, and the construction of matrices of new lexical and grammatical structures, 4) the encoding of information by the secondary sender (the learner), 5) the sending of information to the secondary receiver (the instructor) within a feedback system, 6) the reception of information by the secondary receiver, its checking and correction, the regulation and syntactic ordering and renewal of the glottodidactic process.A significant contribution to broadening and deepening the field of glottodidactics is made, inter alia, by the results of codematic and cybernetic research. Within the glottodidactic system, the following processes can be identified: 1) the encoding of information by the primary sender (the instructor), 2) the sending of information and its linguistic and extralinguistic monitoring to the primary receivers (learners), 3) the reception and decoding of information by the primary receivers, and the construction of matrices of new lexical and grammatical structures, 4) the encoding of information by the secondary sender (the learner), 5) the sending of information to the secondary receiver (the instructor) within a feedback system, 6) the reception of information by the second- ary receiver, its checking and correction, the regulation and syntactic ordering and renewal of the glottodidactic process.Istotny wkład w poszerzenie i pogłębienie dziedziny glottodydaktyki wnoszą wy- niki badań kodematycznych i cybernetycznych. W obrębie systemu glottodydaktycznego można wyróżnić następujące procesy: 1) kodowanie informacji przez głównego nadawcę (instruktora); 2) wysyłanie informacji oraz jej językowe i pozajęzykowe monitorowanie do głównych odbiorców (uczniów); 3) odbiór i dekodowanie informacji przez głównych odbiorców oraz konstruowanie matryc nowych struktur leksykalnych i gramatycznych; 4) kodowanie informacji przez nadawcę wtórnego (uczącego się); 5) wysyłanie informacji do odbiorcy wtórnego (instruktora) w ramach systemu sprzężenia zwrotnego; 6) odbiór informacji przez odbiorcę wtórnego, jej sprawdzanie i korekta, regulacja i porządkowanie składniowe oraz odnowienie procesu glottodydaktycznego. &nbsp

    Nauczanie języka galicyjskiego jako drugiego za pomocą śpiewników ludowych na przykładzie dopełnienia bliższego [+ osoba] w złożeniu z przyimkiem a

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    Explaining the grammatical structures that characterize the Galician language system to university students of L2 Galician involves certain difficulties, both in terms of contact with Spanish and due to its nature as an L2 language. It must be noted that such learners’ L1 is mostly Spanish, French, English or Italian. We propose in this paper an activity in which students engage in a process of practical reflection on real examples of the language. The activity will focus in par-ticular on the absence of the preposition a with the direct object (DO), i.e., Nós saudamos o teu amigo (“We greet your friend”), using for this purpose a corpus of traditional Galician popular songs, and following the recommendations of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) model. Within this theoretical and practical approach students will also acquire knowledge of Galician culture and history, through information found in the anonymous poetry of the songbook itself.Explaining the grammatical structures that characterize the Galician language system to university students of L2 Galician involves certain difficulties, both in terms of contact with Spanish and due to its nature as an L2 language. It must be noted that such learners’ L1 is mostly Spanish, French, English or Italian. We propose in this paper an activity in which students engage in a process of practical reflection on real examples of the language. The activity will focus in par-ticular on the absence of the preposition a with the direct object (DO), i.e., Nós saudamos o teu amigo (“We greet your friend”), using for this purpose a corpus of traditional Galician popular songs, and following the recommendations of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) model. Within this theoretical and practical approach students will also acquire knowledge of Galician culture and history, through information found in the anonymous poetry of the songbook itself.Explaining the grammatical structures that characterize the Galician language system to university students of L2 Galician involves certain difficulties, both in terms of contact with Spanish and due to its nature as an L2 language. It must be noted that such learners’ L1 is mostly Spanish, French, English or Italian. We propose in this paper an activity in which students engage in a process of practical reflection on real examples of the language. The activity will focus in par-ticular on the absence of the preposition a with the direct object (DO), i.e., Nós saudamos o teu amigo (“We greet your friend”), using for this purpose a corpus of traditional Galician popular songs, and following the recommendations of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) model. Within this theoretical and practical approach students will also acquire knowledge of Galician culture and history, through information found in the anonymous poetry of the songbook itself.Wyjaśnienie struktur gramatycznych charakteryzujących system języka galicyjskiego osobom uczących się tego języka jako drugiego (J2) wiąże się z pewnymi trudnościami, zarówno w zakresie kontaktu z językiem hiszpańskim, jak i ze względu na jego charakter jako J2. Musimy wziąć pod uwagę, że większość uczniów galicyjskiego to osoby, dla których język pierwszy to z reguły hiszpański, francuski, angielski lub włoski. W tej publikacji proponujemy ćwiczenie, w którym uczniowie angażują się w proces praktycznej refleksji nad prawdziwymi przykładami użycia języka. Ćwiczenie koncentruje się w szczególności na braku przyimka a z dopełnieniem bliższym, na przykład Nós saudamos o teu amigo (“Pozdrawiamy Twojego przyjaciela”), wykorzystując w tym celu korpus tradycyjnych popularnych pieśni galicyjskich i kierując się zaleceniami modelu zintegrowanego nauczania treściowo-językowego (CLIL). W ramach tego teoretycznego i praktycznego podejścia studenci poznają także kulturę i historię Galicji dzięki informacjom zawartym w anonimowej poezji zebranej w śpiewniku

    Storybird – ein Tool für Aktivierung der Fremdsprachenlernenden

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    Boredom, monotony and inactivity are some causes of passive learner behaviours during foreign language classes. A teacher who is aware of the importance of the learning process has to be consciously responsible for activating learners. New technologies offer numerous opportunities. The tool presented in this article: Storybird, allows learners to create and publish their own illustrated stories. Differences between traditional writing tasks versus using Storybird are discussed here. Analysis of a survey allows us to see the potentil of this tool from the learner perspective

    The cognitive function of specialized languages: educational implications

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    The current article explores the problem of conceptualizing specialized languages in the general body of language, and, as such, will refer extensively to the concepts described by S. Grucza (2013) based on the anthropocentric theory of language per se. By focusing on the cognitive function of specialized languages and evoking the principles of ecological linguistics, the necessity of integrating specialized knowledge with specialized language will be highlighted. Consequently, pedagogical implications for ESP syllabi and teacher education will be drawn

    From family to university: Best practices for inclusive tertiary education

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    This article investigates practices and integration strategies implemented by a European network of universities with regard to refugees and international students, in particular, integration practices at two levels: governance and policies, regarding the institutional initiatives used and their relative success; second, the experience of such policies by international students. Our study revealed that in relation to refugee integration there is an overall lack of organisation, with too little, scattered information with respect to a bottom-up policy. In contrast, with regard to international students the system works fairly well, due to the top-down policy promoted by the EU. We propose that the EU put in place a specific program for refugee integration, such as ERASMUS+, focused on strengthening links with refugee families and schools with a high proportion of refugees

    More than linguistic needs and more than one perspective: Reconstructing perspectives of pupils with linguistically and spatially discontinuous school biographies and drawing implications for all school stakeholders

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    In the article we argue for a reconstructive and subject-oriented approach to data collection and analysis in order to reconstruct perspectives of pupils with linguistically and spatially discontinuous school biographies as a basis for needs analysis. The paper takes an in-depth look at a narrative interview with such a pupil using the Documentary Method. Based on the analysed interview passage and with recourse to the praxeologically extended sociocultural theories of SLA, we derive initial implications for schools with pupils with migratory experiences. One crucial assumption is that, in order to create better educational opportunities for children with migratory experiences, school staff need to systematically develop contingency competence. By contingency competence we mean the sensitivity and awareness of the principal openness of human life forms and their diverse possibilities for linguistic, material, and practical expression. Conclusions are drawn on what the required competencies contain and how an inclusive school can be created

    The reception and representation of English as an academic language among foreign students in Poland and its influence on (re)shaping individual identities

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    The article discusses selected problems of learning and using English as an academic language from the perspective of foreign students in Poland. The theoretical part of the paper concentrates on the issues related to the concept of identity and the status of English as an academic lingua franca, especially in the light of the growing role of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in university education. Such theoretical background is intended to serve as a kind of introduction to the discussion which centres around the influence of this specific social variation of the English language on the process of shaping or reshaping identities among students who have decided to continue their education outside their native language environment in the multilingual context of a university language department. Seen from such a perspective, university courses in EAP may be treated as a form of practical implementation of multilingual pedagogy and, more specifically, the idea of inclusive “classrooms” with a particular goal-oriented curriculum. The empirical part of the article presents the research project which aimed to examine the above-mentioned phenomena as experienced by a group of language students of different ethnic and national background who have been studying (and living) in Poland for at least a year. The main research technique used in this qualitative study was the semi-structured interview, selected with a view to obtaining an in-depth picture and highly personalised account of the process of (re)constructing individual identities in a specific social context and educational setting

    Conference report: International conference “Language, Culture and Law – Semiotic Perspectives on Forestry & Hunting «Cultural Value of Hunting». 18th Conference on Translation, Interpreting, LSPs and Cultural Studies”. Obrzycko, 15th–17th June 2023

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    Conference report: International conference “Language, Culture and Law – Semiotic Perspectives on Forestry & Hunting «Cultural Value of Hunting». 18th Conference on Translation, Interpreting, LSPs and Cultural Studies”. Obrzycko, 15th–17th June 202


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