45 research outputs found


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    In recent time, tourism industry has not only been one of the rapidly growing fields of the world economy, but also has brought about economy development for diverse states and regions. Food is one of the principal factors are items that have been neglected in the most of the studies. To survive, in the first place, every tourist as an organism need to eat and drink and the uniqueness of culinary make it more interest them. We choose Aceh because it is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has a long cultural history, including the potential culinary.This study was designed to find local culinary deserve to be featured as an identifier of Aceh as a culinary destination. The approach used in this study is a descriptive exploratory study, because this study is a description of the data in tabular form and narrative facts corresponding field. The primary data obtained from interviews, observations and focus groups involving all tourism stakeholders.The results obtained showed that Aceh has a varied culinary potential and very full featured, yet necessary efforts to familiarization some of food Aceh in the international community. Another thing is that most typical culinary Aceh is presented for ceremonial purposes that have not been commercialized. The people of Aceh Aceh saw three meals that can be used as icon is Kuwah Belanggong, Ayam Tangkap, and Mie Aceh. The promotions and strategies to educate travelers about the culinary profile seem to be done to make the maximum of the featured foods familiar to tourists


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    In the context of art, the perspective of ordinary people sees the work of Children With Special Needs (ABK) only based on compassion. Thus it is felt necessary to plan and design an art appreciation building to appreciate the work of ABK in Balikpapan. The design of this building aims to provide facilities for ABK as a means of artistic expression as well as a place to appreciate artistic talent that is in accordance with the character of ABK. The Experience concept and the Behavioral Architecture method were chosen as a solution to the problem of presenting sensory experiences of space users, especially ABK, whose application includes behavioral consideration.Dalam konteks kesenian, perspektif masyarakat awam melihat hasil karya Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) hanya didasari rasa kasihan. Dengan demikian dirasa perlu untuk merencanakan dan merancang gedung apresiasi seni untuk mengapresiasi karya ABK di Balikpapan. Perancangan gedung ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan fasilitas bagi ABK sebagai sarana ekspresi seni serta menjadi wadah untuk mengapresiasi bakat seni yang sesuai dengan karakter ABK. Konsep Experience dan metode Arsitektur Perilaku dipilih sebagai solusi dari permasalahan untuk menghadirkan pengalaman indera pengguna ruang khususnya ABK, penerapannya menyertakan pertimbangan-pertimbangan perilaku

    Sistem Klasifikasi Kualitas Batu Boulder Berdasarkan Tekstur Berbasis Pengolahan Citra Digital

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    Dalam pertambangan batu boulder (batu gajah) terdapat tiga macam batu yaitu batu burik, batu baik dan batu pecelan. Batu burik yang berlubang dapat memperburuk kualitas batu. Penentuan kualitas batu boulder (batu gajah) dapat dilakukan secara manual dengan pengamatan visual. Sistem manual membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan menghasilkan produk yang tidak konsisten karena keterbatasan visual, kelelahan dan perbedaan persepsi masing-masing pengamat. Pada skripsi ini dirancang sebuah sistem klasifikasi untuk mengetahui kualitas batu boulder (batu gajah) dengan menggunakan analisis tekstur berbasis pengolahan citra digital, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang tepat dan objektif. Data citra yang diambil yaitu sampel batu boulder (batu gajah) menggunakan kamera hp 8 MP. Algoritma yang digunakan adalah alogaritma contrast stretching untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra, serta untuk klasifikasi batu boulder (batu gajah) menggunakan komposisi nilai dari kalibrasi jumlah RGB citra batu boulder (batu gajah) tersebut. Hasil akhir penelitian adalah output klasifikasi batu boulder (batu gajah) berdasarkan kualitas sample citra batu yang kita input. Sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam menentukan kualitas batu yang dihasilkan dari lokasi tambang

    Sosialisasi Dan Simulasi Sistem Nurse Call Terhadap Kegagalan Infuse Pump Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega8535

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    Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dilatar belakangi yaitu penggunaan alat Infant warmer sangat tinggi di Rumah sakit, dan mampu untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan kehangatan pada bayi yang baru dilahirkan agar merasakan suhu seperti didalam rahim ibu. Infant warmer berfungsi untuk memberikan kenyamanan dan kehangatan pada bayi. Oleh karena itu, program PkM bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan melatih user (pengguna alat) melakukan pemeliharaan preventif alat Infant warmer. Metode yang digunakan ialah sosialisasi dan pelatihan. Khalayak sasaran yang dilibatkan ialah user,mahasiswa/I dan teknisi di rumah sakit Beberapa hasil yang dapat disimpulkan dari pelaksanaan program PkM ini ialah khalayak sasaran dapat memahami hal-hal berupa pentingnya pengetahuan dan sangat antusias dalam mengikuti sosialiasai dan pelatihan pemeliharaan preventif alat Infant warmer, mulai dari Pengecekan alat dan aksesoris, penyusunan standart operasional prosedur alat (SOP), pengoperasian, kalibrasi dan pemeliharaan. kesimpulan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan literasi digital khalayak sasaran dapat dikatakan meningkat. Adapun kesimpulan yaitu Alat dalam keadaan bagus dan layak pakai dan user mampu dalam melakukan pemeliharaan preventif

    Implication on Firm Value in Indonesian Banking

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    The level of investor prosperity is reflected in the stock price. Financial statement ratio analysis is used to determine the value of a company. Because banking is the focal point of the country’s economic activity, it attracts investors. The goal of this research is to look into the impact of profitability, growth opportunity, dividend policy, and firm age on the firm value of Indonesian commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2015 and 2021. Purposive sampling was used in this study, and 59 data points were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that profitability has a significant impact on firm value. Meanwhile, growth prospects, dividend policy, and firm age have no effect on firm value. Investors are drawn in by the size of the company’s profit. Due to a lack of understanding of the company’s internal and external conditions, bank growth does not always reflect abundant assets. Capital gains are preferred by many investors because they produce quick profits. The vulnerability of a company to new competitors grows with age

    Analisis Implementasi Sistem Elektronik Kinerja (e-kinerja) Pemerintah Provinsi Bengkulu

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    This purpose of this study are to determine the implementation of the electronic performance system (e- performance) of the Bengkulu Provincial Government, and also to find out what are the supporting and hindering factors. This research was classified as a descriptive research that aims to describe the events in an objective way. The research instruments were questionnaires and conducting interviews with key informants. Furthermore, data from the e- performance application and data from other competent sources are also used. The results of the study reveals the facts that: (1) the implementation of the e-kinerja of the Bengkulu Provincial Government has not been in line with the objectives of e- kinerja itself and (2) the supporting factors for the implementation of e-kinerja include: socialization has been carried out on e-kinerja, there are the employees who already have the ability to develop applications, the Bengkulu Provincial government's e-kinerja has received a security certificate from the BSrE-BSSN; and the inhibiting factors are the lack of competent employees in the field of information technology, there is also, moreover, no specific regulation including Standard Operating Procedure on e-kinerja, there is no special implementation team and supervisor for the implementation. e-kinerja, and to add on, the evaluation of the implementation of e-kinerja has not been carried out regularly.

    Optimalisasi fitur slide master dan hyperlink Ms. PowerPoint dalam pembuatan media presentasi bagi siswa

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    Ms. PowerPoint merupakan aplikasi pengolah presentasi yang banyak digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan ajar bagi guru maupun sebagai tugas presentasi bagi siswa. Saat ini Ms. PowerPoint termasuk dalam materi komputer dasar yang tidak diajarkan sebagai mata pelajaran wajib pada kurikulum SMK jurusan RPL, melainkan terintegrasi dengan mata pelajaran lain. Siswa dianggap telah mahir mengoptimalkan fitur-fitur Ms. PowerPoint seperti slide master dan hyperlink. Kendati demikian, anggapan ini tidak sesuai dengan hasil pre test yang dilakukan. Data hasil pre test menunjukkan 89% siswa menggunakan Ms. Power Point sebagai aplikasi pengolah presentasi, namun hanya 36% siswa yang memiliki pengetahuan pemanfaatan fitur-fitur Ms. PowerPoint. Menyikapi hal tersebut tim pelaksana Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) STMIK Muhammadiyah Paguyangan Brebes melakukan kegiatan pelatihan dengan tujuan melatih siswa membuat media presentasi dengan mengoptimalkan fitur slide master dan hyperlink. Hasil ketercapaian kegiatan pelatihan berdasarkan analisis pre test dan post test menggunakan metode Gain Scores membuktikan bahwa sebanyak 75% siswa mengalami peningkatan kemampuan dengan kriteria tinggi dan 25% siswa dengan kriteria sedang

    Tanggung Jawab Penjual terhadap Kecacatan Produk Kosmetik yang Belum Kadaluarsa: Tinjauan Hukum Perlindungan Konsumen

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    Produk kosmetik yang mengalami kecacatan terjadi akibat bahan baku buruk maupun proses produksi. Kecacatan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kualitas serta kegunaannya, meskipun belum melewati tanggal kadaluarsa.[1] Masih banyak para penjual yang kurang memperhatikan produk kosmetik yang akan dijual. Sehingga, banyak para konsumen yang terkena dampaknya. Hal itu menyebabkan keresahan terhadap konsumen yang ingin membeli produk tersebut.[2] Kecacatan kosmetik yang belum kadaluarsa dapat menyebabkan iritasi bahkan kerusakan pada kulit. Konsumen mendapatkan dampak yang buruk terhadap kecacatan produk yang belum kadaluarsa. [3]Para konsumen bisa melaporkan ke penjual apabila mendapatkan kecacatan pada produk. Maka dari itu, para penjual harus bertanggung jawab dalam mengatasi kasus tersebu

    The cholesterol-lowering activity of Averrhoa bilimbi L. leaves ethyl acetate fraction in hypercholesterolemic model

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    Averrhoa bilimbi L. is used widely as spices and traditional medicine, which contained several chemical compounds such as alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, and tannin. The aim of this study is to discover the best dose of ethyl acetate fraction from A.bilimbi leaves, which have pharmacology activity on total cholesterol and triglycerides in the hypercholesterolemic model. Thirty adult male white mice were divided into six groups; each group was containing five animals. Five groups were given high-fat diet foods and PTU induced the animals to obtain hypercholesterolemia with a frequency of 1 time a day orally for 14 days, while the normal group was given vehicle (Na CMC 5%) and standard feed. On the 15th day the normal group was given vehicle (Na CMC 5%), negative control group was given high-fat feed, positive control group was given atorvastatin dose 0.26 mg/kg BW, and another group was given ethyl acetate fraction of A.bilimbi leaves dose 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg BW orally. All animal were treated until the 28th day. On day 29, the bloods were taken to determine the total cholesterol and trygliceride levels using clinical photometer 5010 v5+. The data was statistically analyzed using a one-way ANOVA followed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test.. This study indicates that administration of ethyl acetate fraction from A.bilimbi leaves can affect the total cholesterol levels and triglycerides in hypercholesterolemic mice (P<0.05). Ethyl acetate fraction dose 200 mg/kg BW shows the best activity in decreasing total cholesterol levels and triglycerides on mice hypercholesterolemic model (P<0.05)