Jurnal Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM)
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    1194 research outputs found

    Grammatical Errors on Students’ Abstracts as Result of Translation From Indonesian into English

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    Translation study is crucial for the students who want to translate their academic journal into English because they often feel difficulty and confuse about how to write an appropriate translation. This research aimed to describe the grammatical errors made by the students in translating the thesis abstract from Indonesian into English. Two objectives are formulated: 1. to identify the grammatical errors on the students’ abstract as results of translation 2. to know what kind of grammatical errors mostly appear made by the students. This study accustomed descriptive qualitative as the approach of the research. The data source or document manipulated 2 abstracts that consist of 24 sentences. This study revealed that the student still produces a number of grammarical errors. There were about 72 errors found. The kinds of grammatical errors that mostly appear were in the error of ordering and then was followed by omission, selection, and addition. The other errors found to consist of a cultural word and intralingual. The writer concludes that the translation has been shifted by the student whose background is not English Department indicates that the students’ ability in translation still needs improvement and they need to study about translation, grammar, and grammatical error

    Efektivitas Tanaman Bintaro (Cerbera manghas) dalam Menekan Serangan Penyakit Moler pada Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) di Lahan Gambut

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    Shallots are one of the important vegetable commodities that have been intensively cultivated by farmers for a long time, including in the non-substituted spices group which functions as food flavoring seasonings and ingredients for traditional medicine. In the production process, various constraint were found, one of which is the attack of pathogens that cause moler disease. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Bintaro solution on the intensity of Moler disease attacks on shallot plants on peatlands. The study was conducted at the Phytopathology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru and in Tegal Arum Village, Landasan Ulin District, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan, from June to October 2022. The study used a completely randomized design consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment tested was the application of old b intaro fruit, young bintaro fruit, bintaro leaves plus 1 control treatment. The application of vegetable pesticides was carried out by pouring the solution onto the surface of each shallot plant as much as 5 ml per plant, which was carried out 7 times with an interval of 1 week. Parameters observed were the intensity of the attack of moler disease, fresh weight of the bulbs, the number of bulbs and the diameter of the shallot bulbs. The results showed that the incubation period for the pathogen causing moler disease was 14 days. The application of bintaro plant solution was unable to suppress the attack of moler disease on shallots on peatlands and was unable to increase the number of shallot bulbs, but the application of old bintaro fruit was able to increase tuber wet weight by 41kg/ha and tuber diameter by 2%.Bawang merah yang sejak lama dibudidayakan secara intensif oleh petani dan merupakan bagian dari kategori Bumbu Nonsubstitusi yang digunakan untuk penyedap rasa bahan makanan maupun obat tradisional Ini adalah salah satu komoditas sayuran utama. Dalam proses produksinya ditemukan berbagai gangguan, diantaranya yaitu serangan patogen penyebab penyakit moler. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji efektivitas larutan tanaman bintaro dalam menurunkan intensitas serangan penyakit Moler pada tanaman bawang merah di lahan gambut. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Fitopatologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarbaru dan di Desa Tegal Arum, Kecamatan Landasan Ulin, Kota Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan, pada bulan Juni hingga Oktober 2022.Rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Perlakuan yang diuji yaitu aplikasi buah bintaro tua, buah bintaro muda, daun bintaro ditambah 1 perlakuan kontrol. Aplikasi pestisida nabati dilakukan dengan mengocorkan larutan ke permukaan tanah tiap-tiap tanaman bawang merah sebanyak 5 ml per tanaman yang dilakukan sebanyak 7 kali dengan interval pemberian selama 1 minggu. Parameter yang diamati adalah intensitas serangan penyakit moler, jumlah umbi, berat basah umbi dan diameter umbi bawang merah. Hasil dari penelitian telah menunnjukkan bahwa masa inkubasi patogen penyebab penyakit moler adalah 14 hari. Aplikasi larutan tanaman bintaro tidak mampu menekan kejadian penyakit moler  bawang merah di lahan gambut dan tidak mampu meningkatkan jumlah umbi bawang merah, akan tetapi aplikasi buah bintaro tua, mampu meningkatkan bobot basah umbi sebesar 41kg/ha dan diameter umbi sebesar 2%

    An Analysis Of Activities in English Textbook “When English Rings A Bell” for The Seventh Grade of Junior High School Based on Cognitive Level of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

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    Textbook has an important role as one of the source materials that can help both teacher and students in teaching and learning process. Considering the importance of textbook, the researcher attempted to analyze a textbook entitled “When English Rings a Bell” for grade seven published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia by using cognitive level of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. This research implemented qualitative descriptive design based on content analysis with the aim to describe the cognitive level and the level of thinking of the activities in the textbook. The researcher played a role as human instrument and made a checklist to record the data. The data of this study is 144 activities in the textbook. From the result, the researcher found out that Remembering level was the most dominant cognitive level used. It was followed by Applying, Understanding, Analyzing, Creating and Evaluating. Therefore, the researcher concluded that the activities in the textbook emphasized more on LOTS than HOTS. The researcher suggested teachers to consider analyzing textbook before choosing to use it as the media to help in developing students’ competency. And for future research with similar study, it is suggested to have more than one analyst to reduce the possibility of subjectivity in analyzing


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    Sports are very necessary for everyone's sports needs, including the blind. Blind people have limitations in their activities which is a problem in this writing. A special building was created for blind people to exercise in the PERTUNI Banjarbaru complex area using methods that can facilitate independence, comfort and safety when exercising. A design with the concept of orientation and mobility was chosen because this concept can prioritize comfort, comfort and safety for blind people. With this concept, it is hoped to produce a plan that suits the needs of blind people in carrying out sports activities.Olahraga sangat diperlukan untuk kebutuhan jasmani bagi setiap orang termasuk penyandang tunanetra. Penyandang tunanetra memiliki keterbatasan dalam beraktivitas yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penulisan ini. Dibuatlah gedung khusus bagi penyandang tunanetra untuk berolahraga pada kawasan komplek PERTUNI Banjarbaru dengan menggunakan metode yang dapat memudahkan dalam hal kemandirian, kenyamanan dan keamanan saat berolahraga. Desain dengan konsep orientasi dan mobilitas yang dipilih karena konsep ini dapat mengutamakan kemandirian, kenyamanan dan keamanan penyandang tunanetra. Dengan konsep ini diharapkan menghasilkan rancangan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan penyandang tunanetra dalam melakukan aktivitas olahraga


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    Nature tourism park is a designation for landscapes that are protected through long-term planning, sustainable use and agriculture. These precious landscapes are preserved in their current state and promoted for tourism purposes. In the Bakut Island Nature Park, there are several groups of proboscis monkeys spread across the island, which are known as their natural habitat. Currently, the proboscis monkey, which is endemic to the island of Kalimantan, has received an endangered status after experiencing a population decline caused by the loss of the proboscis monkey's natural habitat. Currently, Bakut Island is one of the natural proboscis monkey conservation locations, but there is a natural tourism park that openly shows human activity at that location. This can affect the activity of proboscis monkeys in their survival. Responding to this, it is felt necessary to redesign the TWA which uses a concept that creates a relationship between humans and proboscis monkeys without directly involving the proboscis monkeys with the concept of Camouflage Architecture which hides human activity from the proboscis monkey's view and Biophilic Architecture in efforts to heal nature.Taman wisata alam adalah sebutan untuk lanskap yang dilindungi melalui perencanaan jangka panjang, pemanfaatan berkelanjutan dan pertanian. Lanskap yang berharga ini dilestarikan dalam keadaan mereka saat ini dan dipromosikan untuk tujuan pariwisata.  Pada Taman Wisata Alam Pulau Bakut terdapat beberapa kelompok bekantan yang tersebar di pulau, yang diketahui sebagai habitat alaminya. Saat ini bekantan yang merupakan hewan endemik pulau kalimantan mendapat status endangered setelah mengalami penurunan populasi yang diakibatkan hilangnya habitat alami bekantan itu sendiri. Saat ini pulau bakut menjadi salah satu lokasi pelestarian bekantan secara alami namun terdapat taman wisata alam yang bersifat secara terang terangan menunjukan aktivitas manusia pada lokasi tersebut. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi aktivitas bekantan dalam kelangsungan hidupnya. Menanggapi hal tersebut dirasa perlu adanya Redesain pada TWA yang menggunakan konsep yang menciptakan hubungan antara manusia dengan bekantan tanpa melibatkan bekantannya secara langsung dengan konsep  Arsitektur Kamuflase yang menyembunyikan aktivitas manusia dari pandangan bekantan dan Arsitektur Biofilik pada upaya penyembuhan alam

    Pra Perancangan Pabrik Etilen Glikol dari Etilen Oksida dengan Kapasitas 55.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Perkembangan industri kimia di Indonesia semakin mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Salah satunya adalah pabrik etilen glikol yang banyak dibutuhkan namun produksinya semakin turun dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Pabrik etilen glikol dengan bahan baku berupa etilen oksida dan air dirancang dengan kapasitas 55.000 ton/tahun dengan waktu operasi selama 330 hari/tahun. Bahan utama yang dibutuhkan adalah etilen oksida sebanyak 5.651,7992 kg/jam yang menghasilkan yield sebesar 60%. Secara garis besar, proses produksi terbagi menjadi 4 tahap yaitu proses pencampuran, reaksi di dalam reaktor, evaporasi, dan distilasi. Proses reaksi di dalam reaktor terjadi pada suhu 190℃ dan tekanan 18 atm. Hasil pemurnian berupa produk utama berupa etilen glikol (EG) dan produk samping berupa dietilen glikol (DEG) dan trietilen glikol (TEG). Hasil pemisahan, diperoleh kemurnian EG sebesar 99,9%, DEG 99,9%, dan TEG 99,7%. Pabrik etilen glikol memiliki bentuk perusahaan berupa Perseroan Terbatas (PT). Dari hasil evaluasi ekonomi, nilai Annual Cash Flow (ACF) yang diperoleh pabrik ini sebesar US$15.969.484,85. (89,68 %) dengan laju pengembalian modal atau Pay Out Time (POT) selama 1,39 Tahun dan memiliki nilai Break Event Point (BEP) sebesar 43,2 %. Dari evaluasi ekonomi dapat dinyatakan bahwa pabrik Etilen Glikol layak untuk didirikan di Indonesia

    Item Analysis Of English Final Test Of Junior High School

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    This study aimed to examine the quality of the English final test items of seventh grade in a public school located in Banjarmasin. The research used the descriptive method with a quantitative approach because it tries to describe the test items’ quality. It was analyzed by using ITEMAN 3.0. The sample of this research was the English final test for seventh-grade students at SMPN 24 Banjarmasin. The research findings show that: (1) based on the content validity, all items are in harmony with the learning objective in the syllabus. Moreover, based on item validity, there are 41 items (82%) considered valid items; (2) the reliability of the English final test is categorized as high reliability with Cronbach alpha 0.800; (3) there were 16% of items considered as difficult items, 44% items were considered as moderate items, and 40% items were considered as easy items; (4) 2% of the items have very poor discrimination power, 16% of the items have poor discrimination power, 22% of the items have satisfactory discrimination power, 50% of the items have good discrimination power, and 10% of the items have very good discrimination power; (5) 9% of the items have very bad distractor efficiency, 16% of the items have bad distractor efficiency, 24% of the items have good distractor efficiency, and 54% of the items have very good distractor efficiency; (6) based on the quality of the item, 64% of the items need to be revised or discarded. In conclusion, the test still needs some revisions and improvements

    Language Learning Strategies Of The Eleventh Grade Students At SMAN 1 Kotabaru

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    Learning has been characterized as changes in behaviour caused by encounters. Language learning strategies are characterized as activities, behaviours, steps, or methods that are regularly utilized by understudies to make strides in their capacities in creating L2 abilities (Ghani, 2003). This inquiry about is additionally required to discover the dialect learning procedures of the eleventh review understudies in learning English at SMAN 1 Kotabaru. Language learning strategies are contemplations carried out by cognizant behaviour that contain cognitive, metacognitive, emotional and social techniques for understudies to progress their dialect aptitudes (Chamot, 1987 and Oxford, 1990). The investigation utilized a descriptive method and quantitative approach. The comes about of answers to the surveys from understudies at SMAN 1 showed that understudies utilized compensation strategy and social strategy. Within the findings, the understudies keep their issues in English learning and attempt to discover the reply to their issue by themselves. Based on the meet over, it appeared that the answers to the questions of these understudies led to things within the strategies that were more prevailing in this ponder, such as things compensation strategies and social strategies. The finding appeared that two procedures were more prevailing utilized by understudies, specifically compensation strategy and social strategy


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui variasi kualitas fisik telur dengan berat telur,indeks bentuk telur, volume telur, berat jenis telur dan tebal kerabang pada usia produksi berbedaantara umur produksi 6, 9, dan 12 bulan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmetode observasi kuantitatif melalui pengukuran berat telur, indeks bentuk telur, volume telur,berat jenis telur, tebal kerabang. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis menggunakan analisis aritmatiktiap parameter. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan maka dapat ditarikkesimpulan bahwa dari hasil penelitian ini nilai berat telur dan berat jenis telur pada produksiberbeda antara umur produksi 6, 9, dan 12 bulan mengalami kenaikan seiring denganmeningkatnya umur induk itik. Sedangkan pada nilai indeks bentuk telur mengalami peningkatanpada umur 6-9 bulan setelah itu mengalami penurunan kualitas pada umur 12 bulan. Sedangkannilai pada volume telur dan tebal kerabang pada telur mengalami penurunan pada umur produksi6-9 bulan setelah itu mengalami peningkatan kualitas pada umur produksi 12 bulan

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Bintaro (Cerbera odollam gaertn.) Untuk Pengendalian Hama Utama Pada Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum annum Linn.)

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    The use of botanical pesticides from natural ingredients that can be utilized is the bintaro plant (Cerbera odollam Gaertn.). This research aims to determine the effectiveness of bintaro leaf extract with water and ethanol as a solvent in controlling the main pests on chili plants. This research was conducted using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method. The results of the research showed that the application of the botanical pesticide Bintaro leaves was able to reduce pest damage to chilies, the lowest intensity of leaf damage was seen in the PD treatment (5.99%), then the lowest percentage of fruit damage was observed in the KC treatment (11.37%) and the PC (14.94%). Apart from that, the application of the botanical pesticide Bintaro PA leaves produced the number of fruit (47,146 fruit/ha), the second largest after chemical control (49,923 fruit/ha).Penggunaan pestisida nabati dari bahan alami yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah tanaman bintaro (Cerbera odollam Gaertn.). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak daun bintaro dengan pelarut air dan etanol terhadap pengendalian hama utama pada tanaman cabai. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian pestisida nabati daun bintaro mampu menekan kerusakan serangan hama pada cabai, intensitas kerusakan daun terendah terlihat pada perlakuan PD (5,99%), selanjutnya pada pengamatan persentase kerusakan buah terendah pada pemberian perlakuan KC (11,37%) dan perlakuan PC (14,94%). Selain itu pemberian pestisida nabati daun bintaro PA menghasilkan jumlah buah (47.146 buah/ha), terbanyak kedua setelah kontrol kimia (49.923 buah/ha)


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