USM Indonesia E-journal (Universitas Sari Mutiara)
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    2586 research outputs found


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    The Arduino Uno Based Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer Rotational Speed ​​Design has been successfully carried out. The function is to stir and heat one solution with another solution which aims to make a homogeneous solution with the help of a Magnetic stir bar (Stir Bar). The purpose of this design is to know the design of the HotPlate Magnetic Stirrer with 400 Rpm Rotation Speed ​​Settings and to determine the accuracy of the Hotplate Magnetic Stirr rotation speed. The method used is the experimental method. The components in this design are Arduino uno and consist of DC Stepper motor components, motor drivers, 20x4 lcd. The working principle of the design of the hotplate magnetic stirrer based on Arduino Uno. The PLN AC 220V current enters the power supply which converts to a DC voltage of 12V 10A, then Arduino Uno receives a DC voltage of 12V to turn on circuits such as motor drivers that require 12V voltage directly from the power supply, 9V stepper motors, 5V buzzers. Furthermore, the stepper motor will run according to the command set on keyped. To compare the rotational speed settings, use the tachometer calibration tool. The test results show the Rotational Speed ​​of the Arduino Uno-Based Hotpate Magnetic Stirrer, the rpm rotation speed is in accordance with the settings and the results obtained are 10% tolerance. The results of measuring the voltage on the power supply


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    Centrifuge is a tool used to separate the liquid according to specific gravity, this tool is used in the laboratory to separate samples such as blood, urine, and others. The main component of Centrifuge is an DC motor that serves to rotate the sample with centrifugal force with the density and time specified. Centrifuge that the author made using microcontroller At Mega 328p and consists of DC motor components, motor drivers, 20x4 lcd, speed sensor, buzzer and keypad. Sensors used are optocoupler sensors that function to determine the speed of the motor, motor drivers are used to adjust the speed of the motor according to the wishes of the user, LCD function to display the speed of the motor and timer, buzzer will sound when the process of separation of the sample has been completed, keypad as input speed, timer and also check the temperature on the motor. Centrifuge is using blood samples, On the motor there are sensors used to determine the speed of the motor. When the speed has been reached, the motor driver will work to control the motor to stay in accordance with the desired speed

    Sosialisasi Terhadap Pemakaian Krim Pemutih Wajah Di SMK Negeri 6 Langsa Aceh Timur

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    Kosmetik adalah sediaan atau paduan bahan yang untuk digunakan pada bagian luar badan (kulit, rambut, kuku, bibir dan organ kelamin bagian luar), gigi dan rongga mulut untuk membersihkan, menambah daya tarik, mengubah penampakan, melindungi supaya tetap dalam keadaan baik, memperbaiki bau badan tetapi tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengobati atau menyembuhkan suatu penyakit. Di pasaran marak ditemukan Krim pemutih wajah berbahaya yang dimana di dalam kosmetik tersebut ditemukan zat kimia seperti hidrokuinon dan merkuri.. Dari hasil Penelitian  menggunakan metode cross sectional dengan subjek 77 responden yang diambil secara random sampling dan teknik pengumpulan sampel yaitu responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan pemakaian krim pemutih wajah termasuk dalam kategori baik (87,79%), tingkat sikap termasuk dalam kategori baik (83,86), dan tingkat tindakan dalam kategori baik (77,14) dengan demikian untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat  terutama para remaja maka perlu dilakukan sosialisas


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    Elderly individuals experience a variety of health issues that require quick and comprehensive management. The bodies of elderly people become less effective as they age, both physically and psychologically. This study aims to explore the relationship between aging characteristics and Activities of Daily Living (ADL) in Silantom Julu Village, Pangaribuan District, North Tapanuli Regency in 2023. This research is quantitative and employs a survey method with a cross-sectional research design. The research was conducted in March - May 2023. The study population consisted of 58 participants, all of whom were sampled using the total population technique. Data analysis was performed using the Chi-Square test. The results showed that the majority of the elderly individuals aged 60-74 accounted for 48 people (82.8%). Additionally, the majority of the elderly were male, totaling 32 people (55.2%). Furthermore, the majority of the elderly individuals were employed, amounting to 48 people (82.8%). About 35 people (60.3%) of the elderly lived with their families, and approximately 40 people (69.0%) were diagnosed with illnesses. The majority of respondents demonstrated issues with Activities of Daily Living. The statistical analysis results indicate that the respondents' age (p-value 0.000), occupation (p-value 0.003), and disease diagnosis (p-value 0.020) are correlated with Activities of Daily Living. However, gender (p-value 0.078) and residence status (p-value 0.462) showed no relationship with Activities of Daily Living. It is recommended that health agencies continue to implement 'posyandu' programs for the elderly, as they are effective in early disease detection

    The Influence of Lecturer Interpersonal Communication on the Academic Achievement of Students of the 2019 Stambuk Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, UIN North Sumatra, Medan

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    Interpersonal communication is a process of communication or interaction that exchanges ideas, either language or symbols that can be understood by others through spoken, written and non-verbal channels. This interpersonal communication has the goal of obtaining a good relationship between lecturers and students in terms of academic achievement, obtaining learning information and influencing behavior patterns and attitudes of communication between lecturers and students. The academic community, including lecturers, education staff and students, must improve interpersonal communication in supporting learning activities, research and community service. The measure of the success of a student is influenced by the lecturer as a teacher who continues to provide direction, communicate and exchange information. This study aims to see how influential interpersonal communication carried out by lecturers is on student academic achievement in the 2019 Stambuk Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, UIN North Sumatra Medan. With a sample of 39 students from a total population of 155 people. The method used in this study is to use quantitative methods and use simple regression tests to manage data. Based on the results of research on the Effect of Lecturer Interpersonal Communication on Student Academic Achievement in the Stambuk 2019 Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Uin Sumatera Utara, Medan, found results. The Effect of Lecturer Interpersonal Communication Variables on Student Academic Achievement of the 2019 Stambuk Communication Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, UIN North Sumatra. Based on the results of the test for the coefficient of determination in the simple regression test using the SPSS program, an RSquare value of 0.489 was obtained, which means that the independent variable is able to explain the dependent variable by 49% and the remaining 55% is explained by other variables that cannot be explained in this study


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    Research on dissolution determination of Ketoprofen compounds by Spectrophotometry. Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug compound (NSAID) that works as an anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory here is a group of drugs used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. The dissolution test is a method used to determine the content of active compounds that dissolve in drugs, where the time, temperature and media are set according to the human stomach and intestines, and can find out how much the content of active compounds dissolves in the human intestines and stomach. This dissolution test, then the ketoprofen drug is read by spectrophotometry. Test the dissolution by spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 260 nm using HCl 0.1 N and buffer pH 7.4. The results of the determination of the dissolution test of the active substance on ketoprofen at the acid stage obtained an average of 0.009% and at the pH 7.4 buffer stage obtained an average content of 86.4155%. It can be concluded that the determination of the ketoprofen dissolution test in the sample meets the requirements (MS), in accordance with the specifications of the Internal Standard of PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories, namely at the acid stage not more than 10% of ketoprofen dissolved in 2 hours, and at the pH 7.4 buffer stage it has a requirement of 75%. ketoprofen dissolved in 45 minutes. In the dissolution of acidic media, 0.1 N HCl is used because its condition resembles that of the stomach

    Implementasi Fungsi Kontrol dan Perekat Sosial RRI Pro 1 Bengkulu dalam Menjaga Eksistensi NKRI

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    This research aims to determine the implementation of the control and social glue functions of RRI Pro 1 Bengkulu in maintaining the existence of the Republic of Indonesia. RRI Bengkulu, as part of RRI as well as a broadcasting institution, also helps realize Indonesia's national ideals because its broadcasts must be educational, ensuring the diversity and plurality of Indonesian society so that its integrity and existence are maintained within the Republic of Indonesia. Due to the low number of audiences, it is necessary to maximize the function of control and social glue so that audiences remain popular and reconcile them so that the existence of the Republic of Indonesia can be maintained. The research method uses a qualitative-descriptive approach with data collection techniques through interviews, documentation and literature studies. Research data is divided into two sources, namely primary and secondary data. The primary data for this research was obtained from interviews with informants as well as indirect secondary data. It aims to complement and support the primary data so that it is relevant to the research focus. The research results show that RRI Pro 1 Bengkulu carries out and implements social control and glue functions optimally through news and broadcast programs, including dialogue programs using social media like Instagram and YouTube. RRI Pro 1 Bengkulu has succeeded in implementing its control function by presenting accurate, balanced and critical information on various issues relevant to the existence of the Republic of Indonesia. Apart from that, the social glue role of RRI Pro 1 Bengkulu is reflected in various programs that promote culture, diversity and national values. In this context, RRI Pro 1 Bengkulu not only functions as a transmitter of information but also as an agent of social change that contributes positively to the formation of national identity and maintains unity amidst the dynamics of society. The implications of these findings provide new insights for the mass media and related stakeholders to continue to optimize their role in supporting the existence of the Republic of Indonesia. People get information or insight, and then various perspectives emerge. This diversity is tolerated, therefore the situation in society is conducive; it can be interpreted that society as a unified whole is maintained, and the existence of the Republic of Indonesia remains. The right decision is that RRI Bengkulu and its programs and RRI in the Republic of Indonesia region continue to carry out their broadcast programs in a sustainable manner by paying attention to aspects of adaptation to current changes, such as digitalization

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Pencegahan Penyakit Tuberkulosis (TB) Balita Pada Ibu-Ibu di Posyandu

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    Tuberkulosis dapat menyerang siapa saja terutama usia produktif  dan balita. Tuberkulosis dapat menyebabkan kematian apabila tidak diobati dan 50% dari pasien tuberkulosis akan meninggal setelah lima tahun. Ibu-ibu membawa balitanya ke posyandu secara rutin diharapkan mendapatkan juga peningkatan pengetahuan tentang pencegahan penyakit yang terjadi pada balita khususnya penyakit tuberkulosis. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu Posyandu memberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang penyakit tuberkulosis, gejala dan pencegahannya pada balita. Metode kegiatan ini adalah ceramah secara kelompok dan diskusi. Informasi tentang penyakit tuberkulosis, gejala dan pencegahannya pada balita disajikan dalam bentuk leaflet. Setelah memberikan informasi tentang tentang penyakit tuberkulosis, gejala dan pencegahannya pada balita maka selanjutnya ibu-ibu diajak berdikusi. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakn di posyandu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bendahara. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli tahun  2023. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah ibu yang mengunjugi posyandu dan memiliki balita sebanyak 58 orang. Peserta kegiatan menyampaikan sangat senang telah mendapat informasi tentang penyakit tuberkulosis gejala dan pencegahannya pada balita. Pendidikan kesehatan tentang penyakit-penyakit yang dapat terjadi pada balita sebaiknya dilakukan lebih terencana dan rutin di Posyandu

    Antenatal Care Dalam Mempersiapkan Ibu Bersalin Normal

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    Perilaku hidup sehat merupakan  sebuah tindakan,sikap, dan pengetahuan yang dapat mencegah terjadinya resiko akibat dari sebuah penyakit, serta mampu melindungi dari ancaman yang menimpa dan menerapkannya terhadap masyarakat. Antenatal care ini merupakan pelayanan kesehatan yang disusun dalam melakukan pengawasan secara rutin terhadap wanita hamil dalam membantu mendeteksi masalah atau komplikasi yang dapat mengancam jiwa, mempersiapkan kelahiran serta memberikan pendidikan kesehatan bagi ibu hamil. Cakupan kunjungan antenatal care (ANC) adanya peningkatan dari tahun 2013 sekitar 70% hingga tahun 2019 menjadi 74,1% (Kemenkes RI,2021,dan Riskesdas,2019). Kesiapan menghadapi persalinan merupakan tindakan yang diperlukan untuk kehamilan dan persalinan. Dalam mempersiapkan persalinan selama hamil ibu perlu mempersiapkan diri sedini mungkin dengan melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan. Dimana pemeriksaan ibu hamil atau antenatal care (ANC) dilakukan minimal sebanyak 6 kali selama 9 bulan sebagai bentuk komitmen untuk penyediaan layanane sensial bagi Ibu hamil. Dalam pelayanan ANC ibu dapat melakukan pemeriksaan di fasilitas kesehatan terdekat seperti klinik bersalin, Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas maupun di klinik bidan mandiri


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    Kecemasan berlebih pada kehamilan dapat memicu kejadian aborsi, kelahiran prematur, berat bayi lahir rendah, cacat janin, retardasi pertumbuhan janin, serta depresi  postpartum . Tiga dari lima ibu hamil trimester III yang ditemui mengalami kecemasan mendekati persalinan yaitu dengan adanya gangguan tidur. Pada ibu hamil Trimester III kecemasan semakin serius dan intensif seiring dengan mendekatnya proses kelahiran. Perasaan cemas dapat mengakibatkan ketegangan pada pikiran, fisik, otot panggul dan otot segmen bawah Rahim, ketegangan ini nantinya akan dapat menganggu pada saat proses persalinan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efektivitas yoga dengan kecemasan ibu  hamil trimester III mengahadapi persalinan. Metode Penelitian ini mengunakan desain Cross Sectional. Populasi dan Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester III dengan sebanyak 40 Orang.Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebelum mengikuti yoga ditemukan sekitar 68.8 % tidak mengalami kecemasan, 25.0% mengalami kecemasan ringan,sedangkan kecemasan sedang 7.0%dan  kecemasan berat 0 % . Setelah dilakukannya yoga pada ibu hamil menunjukkan pada responden setelah dilakukannya yoga ditemukan sekitar 88% tidak mengalami kecemasan, 12% mengalami kecemasan ringan, sedangkan kecemasan sedang dan  kecemasan berat 0 %. Kesimpulan Terdapat perbedaan kecemasan antara sesudah mengikuti yoga dengan sebelum mengikuti yoga dan Ada Efektifitas Yoga terhadap menurunnya kecemasan ibu hamil trimester III di di Klinik Mitra Keluarga


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