94 research outputs found

    Pseudomonas putida KT2440 is naturally endowed to withstand industrial-scale stress conditions

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    Pseudomonas putida is recognized as a very promising strain for industrial application due to its high redox capacity and frequently observed tolerance towards organic solvents. In this research, we studied the metabolic and transcriptional response of P. putida KT2440 exposed to large-scale heterogeneous mixing conditions in the form of repeated glucose shortage. Cellular responses were mimicked in an experimental setup comprising a stirred tank reactor and a connected plug flow reactor. We deciphered that a stringent response-like transcriptional regulation programme is frequently induced, which seems to be linked to the intracellular pool of 3-hydroxyalkanoates (3-HA) that are known to serve as precursors for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). To be precise, P. putida is endowed with a survival strategy likely to access cellular PHA, amino acids and glycogen in few seconds under glucose starvation to obtain ATP from respiration, thereby replenishing the reduced ATP levels and the adenylate energy charge. Notably, cells only need 0.4% of glucose uptake to build those 3-HA-based energy buffers. Concomitantly, genes that are related to amino acid catabolism and β-oxidation are upregulated during the transient absence of glucose. Furthermore, we provide a detailed list of transcriptional short- and long-term responses that increase the cellular maintenance by about 17% under the industrial-like conditions tested.publishersversionpublishe

    The 3’-5’ exoribonuclease Dis3 regulates the expression of specific microRNAs in Drosophila wing imaginal discs

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    Dis3 is a highly conserved exoribonuclease which degrades RNAs in the 3'-5' direction. Mutations in Dis3 are associated with a number of human cancers including multiple myeloma and acute myeloid leukaemia. In this work, we have assessed the effect of a Dis3 knockdown on Drosophila imaginal disc development and on expression of mature microRNAs. We find that Dis3 knockdown severely disrupts the development of wing imaginal discs in that the flies have a "no wing" phenotype. Use of RNA-seq to quantify the effect of Dis3 knockdown on microRNA expression shows that Dis3 normally regulates a small subset of microRNAs, with only 11 (10.1%) increasing in level > 2-fold and 6 (5.5%) decreasing in level >2-fold. Of these microRNAs, miR-252-5p is increased 2.1-fold in Dis3-depleted cells compared to controls while the level of the miR-252 precursor is unchanged, suggesting that Dis3 can act in the cytoplasm to specifically degrade this mature miRNA. Furthermore, our experiments suggest that Dis3 normally interacts with the exosomal subunit Rrp40 in the cytoplasm to target miR-252-5p for degradation during normal wing development. Another microRNA, miR-982-5p, is expressed at lower levels in Dis3 knockdown cells, while the miR-982 precursor remains unchanged, indicating that Dis3 is involved in its processing. Our study therefore reveals an unexpected specificity for this ribonuclease towards microRNA regulation, which is likely to be conserved in other eukaryotes and may be relevant to understanding its role in human disease

    Experimental supporting data on DIS3L2 over nonsense-mediated mRNA decay targets in human cells

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    In this article, we present supportive data related to the research article “A role for DIS3L2 over natural nonsense-mediated mRNA decay targets in human cells” [1], where interpretation of the data presented here is available. Indeed, here we analyze the impact of the DIS3L2 exoribonuclease over nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD)-targets. Specifically, we present data on: a) the expression of various reporter human β-globin mRNAs, monitored by Northern blot and RT-qPCR, before and after altering DIS3L2 levels in HeLa cells, and b) the gene expression levels of deregulated transcripts generated by re-analyzing publicly available data from UPF1-depleted HeLa cells that were further cross-referenced with a dataset of transcripts upregulated in DIS3L2-depleted cells. These analyses revealed that DIS3L2 regulates the levels of a subset of NMD-targets. These data can be valuable for researchers interested in the NMD mechanism.This work was partially supported by Fundação para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) (PTFC/BIM-MEC/3749/2014 to LR and UID/MULTI/04046/2013 to BioISI). PJdC, HAS and JFG-M are recipients of a fellowship from BioSys PhD programme (SFRH/BD/52495/2014, SFRH/BD/52492/2014, and PD/BD/ 142898/2018, respectively) and JM is a postdoctoral fellow (SFRH/BPD/98360/2013) from FCT. Work at ITQB-NOVA was financially supported by: Project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660 funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by FCT funds: PTDC/BIA-MIC/1399/2014 to CMA and PTFC/BIM-MEC/3749/2014 to SCV. SCV was financed by program IF of FCT (IF/00217/2015). MS was financed by an FCT contract according to DL57/2016 [SFRH/BPD/109464/2015]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of the role of ribonucleases in Salmonella small RNA decay

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    In pathogenic bacteria, a large number of sRNAs coordinate adaptation to stress and expression of virulence genes. To better understand the turnover of regulatory sRNAs in the model pathogen, Salmonella typhimurium, we have constructed mutants for several ribonucleases (RNase E, RNase G, RNase III, PNPase) and Poly(A) Polymerase I. The expression profiles of four sRNAs conserved among many enterobacteria, CsrB, CsrC, MicA and SraL, were analysed and the processing and stability of these sRNAs was studied in the constructed strains. The degradosome was a common feature involved in the turnover of these four sRNAs. PAPI-mediated polyadenylation was the major factor governing SraL degradation. RNase III was revealed to strongly affect MicA decay. PNPase was shown to be important in the decay of these four sRNAs. The stability of CsrB and CsrC seemed to be independent of the RNA chaperone, Hfq, whereas the decay of SraL and MicA was Hfq-dependent. Taken together, the results of this study provide initial insight into the mechanisms of sRNA decay in Salmonella, and indicate specific contributions of the RNA decay machinery components to the turnover of individual sRNAs

    Dis3L2 regulates cell proliferation and tissue growth though a conserved mechanism

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    Dis3L2 is a highly conserved 3’-5’ exoribonuclease which is mutated in the human overgrowth disorders Perlman syndrome and Wilms’ tumour of the kidney. Using Drosophila melanogaster as a model system, we have generated a new dis3L2 null mutant together with wild-type and nuclease-dead genetic lines in Drosophila to demonstrate that the catalytic activity of Dis3L2 is required to control cell proliferation. To understand the cellular pathways regulated by Dis3L2 to control proliferation, we used RNA-seq on dis3L2 mutant wing discs to show that the imaginal disc growth factor Idgf2 is responsible for driving the wing overgrowth. IDGFs are conserved proteins homologous to human chitinase-like proteins such as CHI3L1/YKL-40 which are implicated in tissue regeneration as well as cancers including colon cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. We also demonstrate that loss of DIS3L2 in human kidney HEK-293T cells results in cell proliferation, illustrating the conservation of this important cell proliferation pathway. Using these human cells, we show that loss of DIS3L2 results in an increase in the PI3-Kinase/AKT signalling pathway, which we subsequently show to contribute towards the proliferation phenotype in Drosophila. Our work therefore provides the first mechanistic explanation for DIS3L2-induced overgrowth in humans and flies and identifies an ancient proliferation pathway controlled by Dis3L2 to regulate cell proliferation and tissue growth

    Base Pairing Interaction between 5'- and 3'-UTRs Controls icaR mRNA Translation in Staphylococcus aureus.

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    The presence of regulatory sequences in the 3' untranslated region (3'-UTR) of eukaryotic mRNAs controlling RNA stability and translation efficiency is widely recognized. In contrast, the relevance of 3'-UTRs in bacterial mRNA functionality has been disregarded. Here, we report evidences showing that around one-third of the mapped mRNAs of the major human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus carry 3'-UTRs longer than 100-nt and thus, potential regulatory functions. We selected the long 3'-UTR of icaR, which codes for the repressor of the main exopolysaccharidic compound of the S. aureus biofilm matrix, to evaluate the role that 3'-UTRs may play in controlling mRNA expression. We showed that base pairing between the 3'-UTR and the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) region of icaR mRNA interferes with the translation initiation complex and generates a double-stranded substrate for RNase III. Deletion or substitution of the motif (UCCCCUG) within icaR 3'-UTR was sufficient to abolish this interaction and resulted in the accumulation of IcaR repressor and inhibition of biofilm development. Our findings provide a singular example of a new potential post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism to modulate bacterial gene expression through the interaction of a 3'-UTR with the 5'-UTR of the same mRNA

    Regulation of the small regulatory RNA MicA by ribonuclease III: a target-dependent pathway

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    MicA is a trans-encoded small non-coding RNA, which downregulates porin-expression in stationary-phase. In this work, we focus on the role of endoribonucleases III and E on Salmonella typhimurium sRNA MicA regulation. RNase III is shown to regulate MicA in a target-coupled way, while RNase E is responsible for the control of free MicA levels in the cell. We purified both Salmonella enzymes and demonstrated that in vitro RNase III is only active over MicA when in complex with its targets (whether ompA or lamB mRNAs). In vivo, MicA is demonstrated to be cleaved by RNase III in a coupled way with ompA mRNA. On the other hand, RNase E is able to cleave unpaired MicA and does not show a marked dependence on its 5′ phosphorylation state. The main conclusion of this work is the existence of two independent pathways for MicA turnover. Each pathway involves a distinct endoribonuclease, having a different role in the context of the fine-tuned regulation of porin levels. Cleavage of MicA by RNase III in a target-dependent fashion, with the concomitant decay of the mRNA target, strongly resembles the eukaryotic RNAi system, where RNase III-like enzymes play a pivotal role

    The first small-molecule inhibitors of members of the ribonuclease E family

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    The Escherichia coli endoribonuclease RNase E is central to the processing and degradation of all types of RNA and as such is a pleotropic regulator of gene expression. It is essential for growth and was one of the first examples of an endonuclease that can recognise the 5′-monophosphorylated ends of RNA thereby increasing the efficiency of many cleavages. Homologues of RNase E can be found in many bacterial families including important pathogens, but no homologues have been identified in humans or animals. RNase E represents a potential target for the development of new antibiotics to combat the growing number of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics in use currently. Potent small molecule inhibitors that bind the active site of essential enzymes are proving to be a source of potential drug leads and tools to dissect function through chemical genetics. Here we report the use of virtual high-throughput screening to obtain small molecules predicted to bind at sites in the N-terminal catalytic half of RNase E. We show that these compounds are able to bind with specificity and inhibit catalysis of Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNase E and also inhibit the activity of RNase G, a paralogue of RNase E

    New broad-spectrum resistance to septoria tritici blotch derived from synthetic hexaploid wheat

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    Septoria tritici blotch (STB), caused by the ascomycete Mycosphaerella graminicola, is one of the most devastating foliar diseases of wheat. We screened five synthetic hexaploid wheats (SHs), 13 wheat varieties that represent the differential set of cultivars and two susceptible checks with a global set of 20 isolates and discovered exceptionally broad STB resistance in SHs. Subsequent development and analyses of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between the SH M3 and the highly susceptible bread wheat cv. Kulm revealed two novel resistance loci on chromosomes 3D and 5A. The 3D resistance was expressed in the seedling and adult plant stages, and it controlled necrosis (N) and pycnidia (P) development as well as the latency periods of these parameters. This locus, which is closely linked to the microsatellite marker Xgwm494, was tentatively designated Stb16q and explained from 41 to 71% of the phenotypic variation at seedling stage and 28–31% in mature plants. The resistance locus on chromosome 5A was specifically expressed in the adult plant stage, associated with SSR marker Xhbg247, explained 12–32% of the variation in disease, was designated Stb17, and is the first unambiguously identified and named QTL for adult plant resistance to M. graminicola. Our results confirm that common wheat progenitors might be a rich source of new Stb resistance genes/QTLs that can be deployed in commercial breeding programs

    Identification of a DNA-binding site for the transcription factor Haa1, required for Saccharomyces cerevisiae response to acetic acid stress

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    The transcription factor Haa1 is the main player in reprogramming yeast genomic expression in response to acetic acid stress. Mapping of the promoter region of one of the Haa1-activated genes, TPO3, allowed the identification of an acetic acid responsive element (ACRE) to which Haa1 binds in vivo. The in silico analysis of the promoter regions of the genes of the Haa1-regulon led to the identification of an Haa1-responsive element (HRE) 5′-GNN(G/C)(A/C)(A/G)G(A/G/C)G-3′. Using surface plasmon resonance experiments and electrophoretic mobility shift assays it is demonstrated that Haa1 interacts with high affinity (KD of 2 nM) with the HRE motif present in the ACRE region of TPO3 promoter. No significant interaction was found between Haa1 and HRE motifs having adenine nucleotides at positions 6 and 8 (KD of 396 and 6780 nM, respectively) suggesting that Haa1p does not recognize these motifs in vivo. A lower affinity of Haa1 toward HRE motifs having mutations in the guanine nucleotides at position 7 and 9 (KD of 21 and 119 nM, respectively) was also observed. Altogether, the results obtained indicate that the minimal functional binding site of Haa1 is 5′-(G/C)(A/C)GG(G/C)G-3′. The Haa1-dependent transcriptional regulatory network active in yeast response to acetic acid stress is proposed