1,236 research outputs found

    Physical activity and clustered cardiovascular disease risk factors in young children: a cross-sectional study (the IDEFICS study)

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    <p>Background The relevance of physical activity (PA) for combating cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in children has been highlighted, but to date there has been no large-scale study analyzing that association in children aged ≤9 years of age. This study sought to evaluate the associations between objectively-measured PA and clustered CVD risk factors in a large sample of European children, and to provide evidence for gender-specific recommendations of PA.</p> <p>Methods Cross-sectional data from a longitudinal study in 16,224 children aged 2 to 9 were collected. Of these, 3,120 (1,016 between 2 to 6 years, 2,104 between 6 to 9 years) had sufficient data for inclusion in the current analyses. Two different age-specific and gender-specific clustered CVD risk scores associated with PA were determined. First, a CVD risk factor (CRF) continuous score was computed using the following variables: systolic blood pressure (SBP), total triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC)/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) ratio, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), and sum of two skinfolds (score CRFs). Secondly, another CVD risk score was obtained for older children containing the score CRFs + the cardiorespiratory fitness variable (termed score CRFs + fit). Data used in the current analysis were derived from the IDEFICS (‘Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS’) study.</p> <p>Results In boys <6 years, the odds ratios (OR) for CVD risk were elevated in the least active quintile of PA (OR: 2.58) compared with the most active quintile as well as the second quintile for vigorous PA (OR: 2.91). Compared with the most active quintile, older children in the first, second and third quintiles had OR for CVD risk score CRFs + fit ranging from OR 2.69 to 5.40 in boys, and from OR 2.85 to 7.05 in girls.</p> <p>Conclusions PA is important to protect against clustering of CVD risk factors in young children, being more consistent in those older than 6 years. Healthcare professionals should recommend around 60 and 85 min/day of moderate-to-vigorous PA, including 20 min/day of vigorous PA.</p&gt

    Labour productivity statistics: a reality check for the Norwegian construction industry

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    Construction is one of the largest sectors that drive the global economy, yet it has failed to receive the necessary attention from the policymakers and investors. The existing construction statistics report the declining state of labour productivity. However, existing statistics often fail to reflect the true scope and economic impact of construction. They mainly account for on-site construction activities, but overlook the manufacturing of construction products and services in construction labour productivity statistics. The aim of this research is to investigate macro-economic labour productivity and identify the methodological problems inhibiting the effective measurement of construction labour productivity. The paper opted for academic literature review and a case study strategy for data collection. The findings reveal that many productive construction activities related to construction products and services are excluded from the construction labour productivity statistics. The results suggest that Norwegian construction labour productivity is not declining and is actually a productive industry in terms of value added per working hour. Although special reference has been made to the Norwegian construction industry, the same approach holds validity at the international arena of construction statistics. The study offers insights and lessons to construction industries of other countries facing similar productivity related issues

    High (but Not Low) Urinary Iodine Excretion Is Predicted by Iodine Excretion Levels from Five Years Ago

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    Background: It has not been investigated whether there are associations between urinary iodine (UI) excretion measurements some years apart, nor whether such an association remains after adjustment for nutritional habits. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relation between iodine-creatinine ratio (ICR) at two measuring points 5 years apart. Methods: Data from 2,659 individuals from the Study of Health in Pomerania were analyzed. Analysis of covariance and Poisson regressions were used to associate baseline with follow-up ICR. Results: Baseline ICR was associated with follow-up ICR. Particularly, baseline ICR >300 mu g/g was related to an ICR >300 mu g/g at follow-up (relative risk, RR: 2.20; p < 0.001). The association was stronger in males (RR: 2.64; p < 0.001) than in females (RR: 1.64; p = 0.007). In contrast, baseline ICR <100 mu g/g was only associated with an ICR <100 mu g/g at follow-up in males when considering unadjusted ICR. Conclusions: We detected only a weak correlation with respect to low ICR. Studies assessing iodine status in a population should take into account that an individual with a low UI excretion in one measurement is not necessarily permanently iodine deficient. On the other hand, current high ICR could have been predicted by high ICR 5 years ago. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Xenoestrogenic activity in blood of European and Inuit populations.

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    Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is ubiquitous and found in all individuals. Studies have documented endocrine disrupting effects and impact on reproduction. The aim of the present study was to compare the level of xenoestrogenic activity in serum of groups with varying POP exposure, and to evaluate correlations to the POP biomarkers, 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)-ethylene (p,p'-DDE). No strong consistent association between xenoestrogenic net activity and the two POP markers was found. The results showed that the selected POP markers alone can not predict the integrated xenoestrogenic serum activity. Correlations to the POP markers were found at the extreme edge; the Inuit's and Warsaw study groups eliciting high frequency of samples with ER antagonistic and agonistic activity, respectively. We suggest that the variation in xenoestrogenic serum activity reflects differences in POP exposure mixture, genetic factors and/or life style factors

    Atypical audiovisual speech integration in infants at risk for autism

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    The language difficulties often seen in individuals with autism might stem from an inability to integrate audiovisual information, a skill important for language development. We investigated whether 9-month-old siblings of older children with autism, who are at an increased risk of developing autism, are able to integrate audiovisual speech cues. We used an eye-tracker to record where infants looked when shown a screen displaying two faces of the same model, where one face is articulating/ba/and the other/ga/, with one face congruent with the syllable sound being presented simultaneously, the other face incongruent. This method was successful in showing that infants at low risk can integrate audiovisual speech: they looked for the same amount of time at the mouths in both the fusible visual/ga/− audio/ba/and the congruent visual/ba/− audio/ba/displays, indicating that the auditory and visual streams fuse into a McGurk-type of syllabic percept in the incongruent condition. It also showed that low-risk infants could perceive a mismatch between auditory and visual cues: they looked longer at the mouth in the mismatched, non-fusible visual/ba/− audio/ga/display compared with the congruent visual/ga/− audio/ga/display, demonstrating that they perceive an uncommon, and therefore interesting, speech-like percept when looking at the incongruent mouth (repeated ANOVA: displays x fusion/mismatch conditions interaction: F(1,16) = 17.153, p = 0.001). The looking behaviour of high-risk infants did not differ according to the type of display, suggesting difficulties in matching auditory and visual information (repeated ANOVA, displays x conditions interaction: F(1,25) = 0.09, p = 0.767), in contrast to low-risk infants (repeated ANOVA: displays x conditions x low/high-risk groups interaction: F(1,41) = 4.466, p = 0.041). In some cases this reduced ability might lead to the poor communication skills characteristic of autism

    Amygdaloid Kindling and the GABA System

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    The effect of increased brain GABA levels on fully kindled amygdala seizures was investigated in Long-Evans rats. The newly synthesized GABA-transaminase inhibitor, -Γ-acetylenic GABA (GAG) administered on four consecutive days (100 mg/kg, followed by 50 mg/kg, i.p.) was found to either significantly reduce, or eliminate entirely, the behavioral seizures normally produced by amygdala stimulation. The effect is seen after the first injection of GAG although its magnitude was greater on subsequent days. Behavioral seizures reappeared 2 to 3 days after termination of GAG treatment. The duration of electrographic seizures (self-sustained amygdala after-discharge) was either unchanged or greater on the first day of GAG treatment, but was briefer on subsequent days. The duration of afterdischarges returned to normal levels 1 to 2 days earlier than the behavioral seizures after the termination of GAG. Picrotoxin (1.5-2 mg/kg, i.p.) did not antagonize either electrographic or behavioral effects of inhibition produced with GAG. Electrical stimulation of amygdala delivered during the initial sedation stage induced by picrotoxin resulted in further regression of kindled seizures in the majority of animals. Although in doses employed, GAG alleviates amygdaloid-kindled seizures its use requires caution in view of its ability to reduce arousal level. RÉSUMÉ L'effet de l'ÉlÉvation des taux cÉrÉbraux de GABA sur les crises amygdaliennes par effet d'embrasement complet a ÉtÉÉtudiÉ chez des rats Long-Evans. l'injection pendant 4 jours consÉcutifs de 100 mg/kg suivis de 50 mg/kg i.p. d'un inhibiteur de la GABA. Transaminase nouvellement synthÉtisÉ (Γ-acetylenic GABA ou GAG) a significativement rÉduit ou mÊme supprimÉ les crises normalement provoquÉes par la stimulation amygdalienne. l'effet est observÉ aprÈs la premiere injection de GAG, mais son importance s'accroit les jours suivants. Les crises rÉapparaissent 2 ou 3 jours aprÈs la fin du traitement au GAG. Du point de vue Électrographique, la durÉe de la postdÉcharge amygdalienne autoentretenue est inchingÉe ou accrue le premier jour du traitement, mais elle diminue les jours suivants pour retourner À la normale un ou deux jours avant que les crises ne rÉapparaissent aprÈs la fin de ('administration du GAG. l'injection de picrotoxine (1.5-2 mg/kg i.p.) ne s'oppose pas aux effets inhibiteurs du GAG sur les crises ou leur accompagnement EEG. La stimulation Électrique de l'amygdala pendant l'Étape sÉdative initiate induite par la picrotoxine provoque une rÉgression supplÉmentaire des crises d'embrasement chez la majoritÉ des animaux. Bien que, aux doses utilisÉes, le GAG attÉnue les crises amyg-daliennes d'embrasement, son utilisation nÉcessite des prÉcautions compte tenu de sa tendance À rÉduire le niveau d'Éveil. RESUMEN En ratas Long-Evans se ha investigado el efecto del aumento de los niveles cerebrales de GABA, sobre los ataques originados en la amÍgdala totalmente condicionada, (Kindling). El recientemente sintetizado in-hibidor de la GABA transaminasa, Γ-acetilÉnico GABA (GAG), redujo significativamente o eliminÓ totalmente las crisis de comportamiento que habitualmente se producen con la estimulaciÓn de la amÍgdala. El efecto se observa despuÉs de la primera in-yecciÓn de GAG pero su magnitud aumentÓ en dias subsiguientes. Las crisis de comportamiento reaparecieron a los 2–3 dÍas de la interrupciÓn del tratamiento con GAG. La duraciÓn de los ataques electrogrÁficos (perservaciÓn de la post-descarga de la amigdala) no se modificÓ, o incluso aumentÓ, en el primer dia de la administraciÓn de GAG pero se redujo en los dias siguientes. La duraciÓn de las post-descargas volviÓ a sus niveles normales 1 o 2 dias antes que la reapariciÓn de las crisis de comportamiento una vez terminado el tratamiento con GAG. La picrotoxina (1.5-2 mg/kg, i.p.) no antagonizÓ los efectos inhibitorios producidos por el GAG sobre el electroencefalograma o las crisis de comportamiento. La estimulaciÓn elÉctrica sobre la amÍgdala, aplicada durante la fase de sedaciÓn inicial inducida por la picrotoxina, condujo a una regresiÓn aÚn mÁs intensa de las crisis condicionadas, en la mayorÍa de los animales. A pesar de que, con las dosis utilizadas, el GAG alivia las crisis de la amÍgdala previamente condicionada, se requiere gran precauciÓn en su utilizaciÓn en vista de su propiedad de reducir el nivel del despertar. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Wirkung erhÖhter GABA-Spiegel des Gehirns auf AmygdalonkrÄmpfe nach Kindling wurden bei Long-Evans-Ratten untersucht. Der neuerdings synthetisierte GABA-TYansaminasen-Inhibitor, Gamma-Acetylen-GABA (GAG) wurde an 4 aufeinander-folgenden Tagen in einer Dosis von 100 mg/kg und anschlieliend 50 mg/kg i.p. verabfolgt. Er reduzierte entweder signifikant oder eliminierte vÖllig die anfalls-weisen VerhaltensÄnderungen, die normalerweise durch Stimulation des Amygdalon produziert wurden. Die Wirkung ist nach der Erstinjektion des GAG zu beobachten, obgleich ihr Ausmaß an folgenden Tagen grÖßer war. Die VerhaltensanfÄlle kamen 2 bis 3 Tagen nach Beendigung der GAG-Behandlung wieder. Die Dauer der elektrographischen AnfÄlle (sich selbst un-terhaltende Amydalonnachentladungen) blieben entweder gleich oder sie wurden grÖßer am 1. Tag der GAG-Behandlung, wurden aber kÜrzer an folgenden Tagen. Die Dauer der Nachentladungen nor-malisierte sich 1 bis 2 Tage frÜher als die VerhaltensanfÄlle nach Beendigung des GAG verschwanden. Picrotoxin (1.5 bis 2 mg/kg i.p.) wirken nicht als Antagonist gegenÜber der durch GAG produzierten Hemmung der elektrographischen-oder Verhalten-seffekte. Die elektrische Stimulierung des Amygdalon wÄhrend der initialen Sedierung nach Picrotoxin ver-ursachte bei der Mehrzahl der Tiere einen weiteren RÜckgang der durch Kindling entstandenen AnfÄlle. Obgleich das GAG in den verwandten Dosen, die durch Kindling des Amygdalon erzeugten KrÄmpfe leichter ablaufen lUßt, erfordert seine Anwendung Vorsicht hinsichtlich seiner FÄhigkeit, das Erreg-barkeitsniveau zu senken.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66112/1/j.1528-1157.1980.tb04058.x.pd

    Fundamental oxidation processes in the remote marine atmosphere investigated using the NO–NO₂–O₃ photostationary state

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    The photostationary state (PSS) equilibrium between NO and NO₂ is reached within minutes in the atmosphere and can be described by the PSS parameter, φ. Deviations from expected values of φ have previously been used to infer missing oxidants in diverse locations, from highly polluted regions to the extremely clean conditions observed in the remote marine boundary layer (MBL), and have been interpreted as missing understanding of fundamental photochemistry. Here, contrary to these previous observations, we observe good agreement between PSS-derived NO₂ ([NO₂]PSS ext.), calculated from measured NO, O₃, and jNO₂ and photochemical box model predictions of peroxy radicals (RO₂ and Hv), and observed NO₂ ([NO₂]Obs.) in extremely clean air containing low levels of CO ( 100 ppbV), we observed higher levels of NO₂ than inferred from the PSS, with [NO₂]Obs.  [NO₂]PSS ext. of 1.12–1.68 (25th–75th percentile), implying underestimation of RO₂ radicals by 18.5–104 pptV. Potential NO₂measurement artefacts have to be carefully considered when comparing PSS-derived NO₂ to observed NO₂, but we show that the NO₂ artefact required to explain the deviation would have to be ∌ 4 times greater than the maximum calculated from known interferences. If the additional RO2 radicals inferred from the PSS convert NO to NO₂ with a reaction rate equivalent to that of methyl peroxy radicals (CH₃O₂), then the calculated net ozone production rate (NOPR, ppbV hÂŻÂč) including these additional oxidants is similar to the average change in O₃ observed, within estimated uncertainties, once halogen oxide chemistry is accounted for. This implies that such additional peroxy radicals cannot be excluded as a missing oxidant in clean marine air containing aged pollution and that modelled RO₂ concentrations are significantly underestimated under these conditions

    Inequitable access to substance abuse treatment services in Cape Town, South Africa

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    BACKGROUND:Despite high levels of substance use disorders in Cape Town, substance abuse treatment utilization is low among people from disadvantaged communities in Cape Town, South Africa. To improve substance abuse treatment utilization, it is important to identify any potential barriers to treatment initiation so that interventions to reduce these barriers can be implemented. To date, substance abuse research has not examined the factors associated with substance abuse treatment utilization within developing countries. Using the Behavioural Model of Health Services Utilization as an analytic framework, this study aimed to redress this gap by examining whether access to substance abuse treatment is equitable and the profile of variables associated with treatment utilization for people from poor communities in Cape Town, South Africa. METHODS: This study used a case-control design to compare 434 individuals with substance use disorders from disadvantaged communities who had accessed treatment with 555 controls who had not accessed treatment on a range of predisposing, treatment need and enabling/restricting variables thought to be associated with treatment utilization. A hierarchical logistic regression was conducted to assess the unique contribution that the need for treatment, predisposing and enabling/restricting variable blocks made on substance abuse treatment utilization. RESULTS: Findings revealed that non-need enabling/restricting variables accounted for almost equal proportions of the variance in service utilization as the need for treatment variables. These enabling/restricting variables also attenuated the influence of the treatment need and predisposing variables domains on chances of treatment utilization. Several enabling/restricting variables emerged as powerful partial predictors of utilization including competing financial priorities, geographic access barriers and awareness of treatment services. Perceived severity of drug use, a need for treatment variable) was also a partial predictor of utilization. CONCLUSIONS: Findings point to inequitable access to substance abuse treatment services among people from poor South African communities, with non-need factors being significant determinants of treatment utilization. In these communities, treatment utilization can be enhanced by (i) expanding the existing repertoire of services to include low threshold services that target individuals with less severe problems; (ii) providing food and transport vouchers as part of contingency management efforts, thereby reducing some of the financial and geographic access barriers; (iii) introducing community-based mobile outpatient treatment services that are geographically accessible; and (iv) employing community-based outreach workers that focus on improving awareness of where, when and how to access existing treatment services
