21 research outputs found

    Piezo-Tribo Dual Effect Hybrid Nanogenerators for Health Monitoring

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    Over the years, nanogenerators for health monitoring have become more and more attractive as they provide a cost-effective and continuous way to successfully measure vital signs, physiological status, and environmental changes in/around a person. Using such sensors can positively affect the way healthcare workers diagnose and prevent life-threatening conditions. Recently, the dual piezo-tribological effect of hybrid nanogenerators (HBNGs) have become a subject of investigation, as they can provide a substantial amount of data, which is significant for healthcare. However, real-life exploitation of these HBNGs in health monitoring is still marginal. This review covers piezo-tribo dual-effect HBNGs that are used as sensors to measure the different movements and changes in the human body such as blood circulation, respiration, and muscle contractions. Piezo-Tribo dual-effect HBNGs are applicable within various healthcare settings as a means of powering noninvasive sensors, providing the capability of constant patient monitoring without interfering with the range of motion or comfort of the user. This review also intends to suggest future improvements in HBNGs. These include incorporating surface modification techniques, utilizing nanowires, nanoparticle technologies, and other means of chemical surface modifications. These improvements can contribute significantly in terms of the electrical output of the HBNGs and can enhance their prospects of applications in the field of health monitoring, as well as various in vitro/in vivo biomedical applications. While a promising option, improved HBNGs are still lacking. This review also discusses the technical issue which has prevented so far, the real use of these sensors

    Variation in Serripes groenlandicus (Bivalvia) growth in a Norwegian high-Arctic fjord : evidence for local- and large-scale climatic forcing

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    Author Posting. © Blackwell, 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Blackwell for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Change Biology 12 (2006): 1595-1607, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01181.x.We examined the growth rate of the circumpolar Greenland Cockle (Serripes groenlandicus) over a period of 20 years (1983-2002) from Rijpfjord, a high-Arctic fjord in northeast Svalbard (80º10´N, 22°15´E). This period encompassed different phases of large-scale climatic oscillations with accompanying variations in local physical variables (temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, sea ice cover), allowing us to analyze the linkage between growth rate, climatic oscillations, and their local physical and biological manifestations. Standard Growth Index (SGI), an ontogenetically-adjusted measure of annual growth, ranged from a low of 0.27 in 2002 up to 2.46 in 1996. Interannual variation in growth corresponded to the Arctic Climate Regime Index (ACRI), with high growth rates during the positive ACRI phase characterized by cyclonic ocean circulation and a warmer and wetter climate. Growth rates were influenced by local manifestations of the ACRI: positively correlated with precipitation and to a lesser extent negatively correlated with atmospheric pressure. A multiple regression model explains 65% of the variability in growth rate by the ACRI and precipitation at the nearest meteorological station. There were, however, complexities in the relationship between growth and physical variables, including an apparent 1-year lag between physical forcing changes and biological response. Also, when the last 4 years of poor growth are excluded, there is a very strong negative correlation with ice cover on a pan-arctic scale. Our results suggest that bivalves, as sentinels of climate change on multi-decadal scales, are sensitive to environmental variations associated with large-scale changes in climate, but that the effects will be determined by changes in environmental parameters regulating marine production and food availability on a local scale.This research was supported in part by the Norwegian Research Council, NORDKLIMA Program (150356-S30 and 151815-S30 to MLC), the U.S. National Science Foundation Offices of Polar Programs (OPP-0138596, OPP-0222423 to WGA) and Ocean Sciences (OCE-0215905 to SRT), the BBVA Foundation in Madrid (to MG), and with funds from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through Bates College


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    Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan mengenai Penerapan Karakteristik Pekerjaan di Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan Karimunjawa dapat disimpulkan bahwa 5 teori yang diterapkan pada perusahaan adalah : a. Skill variety: Variasi ketrampilan yang harus dimiliki karyawan untuk menjalankan pekerjaannya. b. Task identity: Kemampuan karyawan untuk mengidentifikasi pekerjaan dengan jelas dan benar. c. Task significance: Manfaat dari suatu pekerjaan yang berhasil dilakukan oleh karyawan bagi perusahaan. d. Autonomy: Kebebasan yang dimiliki oleh karyawan untuk menentukan cara kerjanya sendiri. e. Feedback: Informasi balik yang diterima oleh karyawan mengenai seberapa efektif dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan. Tetapi menurut pembahasan di BAB 2 tidak semua karyawan di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Karimunjawa menerapkan salah satu teori karakteristik yang sudah di uraikan di atas contohnya teori autonomy masih ada karyawan yang lalai melaksanakan tugas nya dan sering meninggalkan kantor sehingga pada saat ada tamu yang datang mereka harus menunggu dengan waktu yang cukup lama sehingga karyawan tersebut harus di gantikan dengan karyawan yang lain dan akan mengganggu pekerjaan karyawan tersebu


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    Kegiatan atau proses berpikir yang dilakukan untuk membuat seseorang berhasil memecahkan suatu permasalahan matematika yang memiliki hubungan dengan kemampuan mengingat, mengenali keterkaitan antara konsep matematika, sehingga bisa mengemukakan ide baru untuk membuat suatu kesimpulan dengan tepat. Karena itu, proses berpikir reflektif adalah kemampuan untuk mengaitkan ilmu baru yang telah ia dapatkan dengan ilmu lamanya, sehingga ada kesimpulan untuk pemecahan masalah yang baru. Masalah non rutin adalah masalah yang jarang dimunculkan dalam pertanyaan didalam soal matematika. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir reflektif siswa dalam memecahkan masalah non rutin. Adapun penelitian ini melalui pendekatan kualitatif jenis penelitian deskriptif dikarenakan data yang dihasilkan akan disajikan berbentuk kalimat deskripsi. Subjek pada penelitian ini yakni siswa kelas VIII-3 semester ganjil SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh. Instrumen yang akan digunakan adalah soal tes berupa 3 soal pertanyaan berbentuk uraian dan pedoman wawancara. Dari 26 siswa kelas VIII-3 yang mengikuti tes ada 4 siswa yang mengikuti wawancara. Keempat subjek adalah siswa yang memenuhi indikator berpikir reflektif dan karakteristik berpikir reflektif. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa dari 4 siswa ada 3 dari 4 siswa ada 3 subjek reflektif dalam proses berpikir reflektif dalam menyelesaikan masalah non rutin matematika dan satu subjek cukup reflektif dalam proses berpikir reflektif dalam menyelesaikan masalah non rutin.Kata kunci: Proses Berpikir Reflektif, Penyelesaian Masalah, Non RutinBanda Ace

    Calidad de vida del paciente adulto en hemodiálisis del Centro Especializado de Enfermedades Renales

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la calidad de vida del paciente adulto con hemodiálisis del Centro Especializado de Enfermedades Renales – 2013. Material y Método. El estudio es de nivel aplicativo tipo cuantitativo, método descriptivo de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 30 pacientes. La técnica fue la encuesta y el instrumento un cuestionario SF-36 modificado, aplicado previo consentimiento informado. Resultados. Del 100% (30), 57% (17) poco saludable, 23% (07) saludable y 20% (06) no saludable. Según la dimensión física 50% (15) poco saludable, 27%(08) no saludable y 23% (07) saludable, en la dimensión psicológica 47% (14) es poco saludable, 30% (09) no saludable y 23% (07) saludable y en la dimensión social 70% (21) poco saludable, 17% (05) saludable y 13% (04) no saludable. Conclusiones. La calidad de vida de los pacientes adultos con hemodiálisis del Centro Especializado de Enfermedades Renales, la mayoría expresa que es de poco saludable a no saludable, referido al impacto de la enfermedad en su salud física, el estado psicológico y las relaciones sociales que afectan la percepción de su bienestar en su calidad de vida.Trabajo académic

    «Grande revolução mundial» : uma tradução do Sartor Resartus, de Thomas Carlyle

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    Esta tese propõe uma tradução do Sartor Resartus, de Thomas Carlyle, e uma leitura desta obra assente na própria ideia de tradução — o romance enquanto tradução para inglês de um original alemão que não existe; e enquanto reflexão sobre a tradução. Situando a escrita da obra no culminar do período em que Carlyle se dedicou a ler, traduzir e recensear autores de língua alemã (com destaque para Novalis, Friedrich Schlegel e Goethe), sugere-se que o Sartor Resartus ganha em ser visto como uma derivação do primeiro romantismo alemão na sua ambição de produzir uma obra de arte capaz de abarcar narração e reflexão, ficção e a sua própria crítica. A tradução, esta tradução e a tradução em geral, surge então como um prolongamento do infinito jogo de espelhos performativo e crítico de que o original é apenas mais uma refração. Com base nos conceitos de imitação e hábito, que Carlyle invoca em vários momentos desta e de outras obras, explora-se o que é o ato de traduzir à luz da imagem de fundo do Sartor Resartus — um mudar de roupa, uma recostura permanente.This thesis proposes a translation of Thomas Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus, as well as a reading of this work based upon the very idea of translation: the novel as the English translation of a non-existent German original and as a reflection on translation. By placing its writing at the height of the period when Carlyle was avidly reading, translating and reviewing Germanlanguage authors (namely, Novalis, Friedrich Schlegel and Goethe), it is suggested that Sartor Resartus gains from being read as a late offshoot of Jena Romanticism in its attempt to combine through art narration and reflection, fiction and its very own criticism. Translation — this translation in particular and translation in general — becomes thus yet another step in the endless (performative as well critical) hall of mirrors which the original is ultimately but another refraction of. Drawing on the concepts of imitation and habit, which Carlyle variously invokes in this and other works, the act of translating is then explored in connection with the image that lies at the heart of Sartor Resartus — a changing of clothes, a permanent retailoring


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    Trabajo AcadémicoObjetivo: Sistematizar las evidencias disponibles respecto a la Efectividad del uso de diarios como estrategia para reducir los síntomas del trastorno de estrés post traumático en pacientes y sus familiares post cuidados intensivos. Materiales y Métodos: La revisión sistemática de los 10 artículos científicos encontrados sobre la Efectividad del uso de diarios como estrategia para reducir los síntomas del trastorno de estrés postraumático en pacientes y sus familiares post cuidados intensivos, fueron hallados en la siguiente base de datos Cochrane, Lilacs, Scielo, Pubmed, Epistemonikos, Bvs y analizados según la escala Grade para precisar su fuerza y calidad de evidencia. Resultados: Del total de los 10 artículos revisados, el 70% de estos, son de alta calidad, el 30% corresponde a moderada evidencia científica, los autores sugieren realizar más estudios de investigación. Conclusiones: El 70% (7/10) de las revisiones realizadas evidencia que el uso de diarios fue una medida efectiva, el 20% (2/10) mínima evidencia y el 10% (1/10) no hay evidencia que el uso de los diarios favorece la disminución de los síntomas del TEPT en los pacientes y/o familiares post cuidados intensivos. Se evidencia el uso de diarios fue intervención 50%(5/10) más efectiva en familiares de los pacientes críticos, donde las enfermeras realizan la redacción de los diarios