152 research outputs found

    Electroweak Sudakov Corrections and the Top Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry

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    The Standard Model (SM) prediction of the top quark forward backward asymmetry is shown to be slightly enhanced by a correction factor of 1.05 due to electroweak Sudakov (EWS) logarithms of the form (\alpha/sin^2 \theta_W)^n log^{m< 2n} (s/M_{W,Z}^2). The EWS effect on the dijet and t \bar{t} invariant mass spectra is significant, reducing the SM prediction by ~20, 10 % respectively for the highest invariant masses measured at the LHC, and changing the shape of the high-mass tail of the spectrum. These corrections significantly affect measurements of the top quark invariant mass spectrum and the search for an excess of events related to the top quark forward-backward asymmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Explaining the t tbar forward-backward asymmetry without dijet or flavor anomalies

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    We consider new physics explanations of the anomaly in the top quark forward-backward asymmetry measured at the Tevatron, in the context of flavor conserving models. The recently measured LHC dijet distributions strongly constrain many otherwise viable models. A new scalar particle in the antitriplet representation of flavor and color can fit the t tbar asymmetry and cross section data at the Tevatron and avoid both low- and high-energy bounds from flavor physics and the LHC. An s-channel resonance in uc to uc scattering at the LHC is predicted to be not far from the current sensitivity. This model also predicts rich top quark physics for the early LHC from decays of the new scalar particles. Single production gives t tbar j signatures with high transverse momentum jet, pair production leads to t tbar j j and 4 jet final states.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; v2: notation clarified, references adde

    Probing natural SUSY from stop pair production at the LHC

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    We consider the natural supersymmetry scenario in the framework of the R-parity conserving minimal supersymmetric standard model (called natural MSSM) and examine the observability of stop pair production at the LHC. We first scan the parameters of this scenario under various experimental constraints, including the SM-like Higgs boson mass, the indirect limits from precision electroweak data and B-decays. Then in the allowed parameter space we study the stop pair production at the LHC followed by the stop decay into a top quark plus a lightest neutralino or into a bottom quark plus a chargino. From detailed Monte Carlo simulations of the signals and backgrounds, we find the two decay modes are complementary to each other in probing the stop pair production, and the LHC with s=14\sqrt{s}= 14 TeV and 100 fb1fb^{-1} luminosity is capable of discovering the stop predicted in natural MSSM up to 450 GeV. If no excess events were observed at the LHC, the 95% C.L. exclusion limits of the stop masses can reach around 537 GeV.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, version accepted by JHE

    Linear Collider Test of a Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Mechanism in left-right Symmetric Theories

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    There are various diagrams leading to neutrinoless double beta decay in left-right symmetric theories based on the gauge group SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R. All can in principle be tested at a linear collider running in electron-electron mode. We argue that the so-called lambda-diagram is the most promising one. Taking the current limit on this diagram from double beta decay experiments, we evaluate the relevant cross section e e to W_L W_R, where W_L is the Standard Model W-boson and W_R the one from SU(2)_R. It is observable if the life-time of double beta decay and the mass of the W_R are close to current limits. Beam polarization effects and the high-energy behaviour of the cross section are also analyzed.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. v2: minor changes, references added, to be published in EPJ

    Structure of Fat Jets at the Tevatron and Beyond

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    Boosted resonances is a highly probable and enthusiastic scenario in any process probing the electroweak scale. Such objects when decaying into jets can easily blend with the cornucopia of jets from hard relative light QCD states. We review jet observables and algorithms that can contribute to the identification of highly boosted heavy jets and the possible searches that can make use of such substructure information. We also review previous studies by CDF on boosted jets and its measurements on specific jet shapes.Comment: invited review for a special "Top and flavour physics in the LHC era" issue of The European Physical Journal C, we invite comments regarding contents of the review; v2 added references and institutional preprint number

    Gaugino production in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV

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    Motivated by hints for a light Standard Model-like Higgs boson and a shift in experimental attention towards electroweak supersymmetry particle production at the CERN LHC, we update in this paper our precision predictions at next-to-leading order of perturbative QCD matched to resummation at the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy for direct gaugino pair production in proton-proton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. Tables of total cross sections are presented together with the corresponding scale and parton density uncertainties for benchmark points adopted recently by the experimental collaborations, and figures are presented for up-to-date model lines attached to them. Since the experimental analyses are currently obtained with parton showers matched to multi-parton matrix elements, we also analyze the precision of this procedure by comparing invariant-mass and transverse-momentum distributions obtained in this way to those obtained with threshold and transverse-momentum resummation.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, 9 tables; version to appear in JHE

    Threshold resummation for gaugino pair production at hadron colliders

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    We present a complete analysis of threshold resummation effects on direct light and heavy gaugino pair production at the Tevatron and the LHC. Based on a new perturbative calculation at next-to-leading order of SUSY-QCD, which includes also squark mixing effects, we resum soft gluon radiation in the threshold region at leading and next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, retaining at the same time the full SUSY-QCD corrections in the finite coefficient function. This allows us to correctly match the resummed to the perturbative cross section. Universal subleading logarithms are resummed in full matrix form. We find that threshold resummation slightly increases and considerably stabilizes the invariant mass spectra and total cross sections with respect to the next-to-leading order calculation. For future reference, we present total cross sections and their theoretical errors in tabular form for several commonly used SUSY benchmark points, gaugino pairs, and hadron collider energies.Comment: 28 pages, 5 tables, 17 figure

    Scalar-mediated ttˉt\bar t forward-backward asymmetry

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    A large forward-backward asymmetry in ttˉt\bar t production, for large invariant mass of the ttˉt\bar t system, has been recently observed by the CDF collaboration. Among the scalar mediated mechanisms that can explain such a large asymmetry, only the t-channel exchange of a color-singlet weak-doublet scalar is consistent with both differential and integrated ttˉt\bar t cross section measurements. Constraints from flavor changing processes dictate a very specific structure for the Yukawa couplings of such a new scalar. No sizable deviation in the differential or integrated ttˉt\bar t production cross section is expected at the LHC.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure and 2 tables. v2: Corrected Eqs.(50,51,74), adapted Fig.1, Tab.1 and relevant discussions. Extended discussion of top decay and single to

    Dark Matter and Fundamental Physics with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a project for a next-generation observatory for very high energy (GeV-TeV) ground-based gamma-ray astronomy, currently in its design phase, and foreseen to be operative a few years from now. Several tens of telescopes of 2-3 different sizes, distributed over a large area, will allow for a sensitivity about a factor 10 better than current instruments such as H.E.S.S, MAGIC and VERITAS, an energy coverage from a few tens of GeV to several tens of TeV, and a field of view of up to 10 deg. In the following study, we investigate the prospects for CTA to study several science questions that influence our current knowledge of fundamental physics. Based on conservative assumptions for the performance of the different CTA telescope configurations, we employ a Monte Carlo based approach to evaluate the prospects for detection. First, we discuss CTA prospects for cold dark matter searches, following different observational strategies: in dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, in the region close to the Galactic Centre, and in clusters of galaxies. The possible search for spatial signatures, facilitated by the larger field of view of CTA, is also discussed. Next we consider searches for axion-like particles which, besides being possible candidates for dark matter may also explain the unexpectedly low absorption by extragalactic background light of gamma rays from very distant blazars. Simulated light-curves of flaring sources are also used to determine the sensitivity to violations of Lorentz Invariance by detection of the possible delay between the arrival times of photons at different energies. Finally, we mention searches for other exotic physics with CTA.Comment: (31 pages, Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics

    RG-improved single-particle inclusive cross sections and forward-backward asymmetry in ttˉt\bar t production at hadron colliders

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    We use techniques from soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) to derive renormalization-group improved predictions for single-particle inclusive (1PI) observables in top-quark pair production at hadron colliders. In particular, we study the top-quark transverse-momentum and rapidity distributions, the forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron, and the total cross section at NLO+NNLL order in resummed perturbation theory and at approximate NNLO in fixed order. We also perform a detailed analysis of power corrections to the leading terms in the threshold expansion of the partonic hard-scattering kernels. We conclude that, although the threshold expansion in 1PI kinematics is susceptible to numerically significant power corrections, its predictions for the total cross section are in good agreement with those obtained by integrating the top-pair invariant-mass distribution in pair invariant-mass kinematics, as long as a certain set of subleading terms appearing naturally within the SCET formalism is included.Comment: 55 pages, 14 figures, 6 table