60 research outputs found

    Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous rtPA in Ischemic Strokes Due to Small-Vessel Occlusion: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (iv-rtPA) has been routinely used to treat ischemic stroke for 25Ā years, following large clinical trials. However, there are few prospective studies on the efficacy and safety of this therapy in strokes attributed to cerebral small vessel disease (SVD). We evaluated functional outcome (modified Rankin scale, mRS) and symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) using all available data on the effects of iv-rtPA in SVD-related ischemic stroke (defined either using neuroimaging, clinical features, or both). Using fixed-effect and random-effects models, we calculated the pooled effect estimates with regard to excellent and favorable outcomes (mRS=0-1 and 0-2 respectively, at 3Ā months), and the rate of sICH. Twenty-three studies fulfilled the eligibility criteria, 11 of which were comparative, and there were only 3 randomized clinical trials. In adjusted analyses, there was an increased odds of excellent outcome (adjusted OR=1.53, 95%Ā CI:Ā 1.29-1.82, I2:Ā 0%) or favorable outcome (adjusted OR=1.68, 95%Ā CI:Ā 1.31-2.15,I2:Ā 0%) in patients who received iv-rtPA compared with placebo. Across the six studies which reported it, the incidence of sICH was higher in the treatment group (M-H RRā€‰=ā€‰8.83, 95% CI:Ā 2.76-28.27). The pooled rate of sICH in patients with SVD administered iv-rtPA was only 0.72% (95%Ā CI:Ā 0.12%-1.64%). We conclude that when ischemic stroke attributed to SVD is considered separately, available data on the effects of iv-rtPA therapy are insufficient for the highest level of recommendation, but it seems to be safe. Although further therapeutic trials in SVD-related ischemic stroke appear to be justified, our findings should not prevent its continued use for this group of patients in clinical practice

    RrmA regulates the stability of specific transcripts in response to both nitrogen source and oxidative stress

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    Differential regulation of transcript stability is an effective means by which an organism can modulate gene expression. A well-characterized example is glutamine signalled degradation of specific transcripts in Aspergillus nidulans. In the case of areA, which encodes a wide-domain transcription factor mediating nitrogen metabolite repression, the signal is mediated through a highly conserved region of the 3ā€² UTR. Utilizing this RNA sequence we isolated RrmA, an RNA recognition motif protein. Disruption of the respective gene led to loss of both glutamine signalled transcript degradation as well as nitrate signalled stabilization of niaD mRNA. However, nitrogen starvation was shown to act independently of RrmA in stabilizing certain transcripts. RrmA was also implicated in the regulation of arginine catabolism gene expression and the oxidative stress responses at the level of mRNA stability. Ī”rrmA mutants are hypersensitive to oxidative stress. This phenotype correlates with destabilization of eifE and dhsA mRNA. eifE encodes eIF5A, a translation factor within which a conserved lysine is post-translationally modified to hypusine, a process requiring DhsA. Intriguingly, for specific transcripts RrmA mediates both stabilization and destabilization and the specificity of the signals transduced is transcript dependent, suggesting it acts in consort with other factors which differ between transcripts

    European Stakeholder Round Table on Citizen and DIY Science and Responsible Research and Innovation

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    Gƶbel, C., Agnello, G., BaĆÆz, I., Berditchevskaia, A., Evers, L., GarcĆ­a, D., Pritchard, H., Luna, S., Ramanauskaite, E. M., Serrano, F., Boheemen, P. v., Vƶlker, T., Wyszomirski, P., Vohland, K. (2017): European Stakeholder Round Table on Citizen and DIY Science and Responsible Research and Innovation. Doing-it-Together Science Report. URI: http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1563626 / The report is the result of an event on 8th November 2016 in Berlin. The round table has been organized by ECSA as part of the Doing-it-Together Science project (DITOs) and realized in the framework of the Berlin Science Week

    Assessing anti-rabies baiting ā€“ what happens on the ground?

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    BACKGROUND: Rabies is one of the most hazardous zoonoses in the world. Oral mass vaccination has developed into the most effective management method to control fox rabies. The future need to control the disease in large countries (i.e. Eastern Europe and the Americas) forces cost-benefit discussions. The 'Increase bait density' option refers to the usual management assumption that more baits per km(2 )could compensate for high fox abundance and override the imperfect supply of bait pieces to the individual fox. METHODS: We use a spatial simulation, which combines explicitly fox space use (tessellation polygons) and aeroplane flight lines (straight lines). The number of baits actually falling into each polygon is measured. The manager's strategic options are converted into changes of the resulting bait distribution on the ground. The comparison enables the rating of the options with respect to the management aim (i.e. accessibility of baits). RESULTS: Above 5% (approx. 10%) of all fox groups without any bait (at most 5 baits) relate to the baiting strategy applied in the field (1 km spaced parallel flight lines, 20 baits per km(2 )distributed) under habitat conditions comparable to middle and western Europe (fox group home-range 1 km(2), 2.5 adults; reference strategy). Increasing the bait density on the same flight-line pattern neither reduces the number of under-baited fox group home-ranges, nor improves the management outcome and hence wastes resources. However, reducing the flight line distance provides a more even bait distribution and thus compensates for missed fox groups or extra high fox density. The reference strategy's bait density can be reduced when accounting for the missed fox groups. The management result with the proper strategy is likely the same but with reduced costs. CONCLUSION: There is no overall optimal strategy for the bait distribution in large areas. For major parts of the landscape, the reference strategy will be more competitive. In situations where set backs are attributed to non-homogeneous bait accessibility the distribution scheme has to be refined zone-based (i.e. increase of the flight line length per unit area). However, increase in bait density above the reference strategy appears inappropriate at least for non-urban abundance conditions of the red fox

    Highlights of the DNA cutters:a short history of the restriction enzymes

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    In the early 1950ā€™s, ā€˜host-controlled variation in bacterial virusesā€™ was reported as a non-hereditary phenomenon: one cycle of viral growth on certain bacterial hosts affected the ability of progeny virus to grow on other hosts by either restricting or enlarging their host range. Unlike mutation, this change was reversible, and one cycle of growth in the previous host returned the virus to its original form. These simple observations heralded the discovery of the endonuclease and methyltransferase activities of what are now termed Type I, II, III and IV DNA restriction-modification systems. The Type II restriction enzymes (e.g. EcoRI) gave rise to recombinant DNA technology that has transformed molecular biology and medicine. This review traces the discovery of restriction enzymes and their continuing impact on molecular biology and medicine

    Techniki public relations w administracji publicznej

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    The aim of the author is to show how local authorities and municipalities apply the tools of public relations to shape the image and reputation in local communities.Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, w jaki sposĆ³b jednostki samorządu terytorialnego wykorzystują narzędzia public relations w kreowaniu wizerunku i reputacji w środowiskach lokalnych

    Marketing strategy of Public Transport Authority in Gdynia

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    Zarząd Komunikacji Miejskiej w Gdyni, jako organizator usług miejskiego transportu zbiorowego, stosuje w swojej działalności koncepcję zarządzania marketingowego, ktĆ³rego podstawę stanowi opracowana we własnym zakresie strategia marketingowa.W strategii marketingowej ZKM w Gdyni określono następujące elementy: misję jednostki, marketingową sytuację jednostki (pozycję rynkową ZKM w Gdyni, analizę SWOT), cel strategiczny oraz cele kierunkowe i ogĆ³lne jednostki, rynek docelowy, sposĆ³b postępowania na rynku, działania w zakresie kształtowania usług, cen, dystrybucji i promocji, działania w zakresie zarządzania personelem oraz kontrolę i audyt marketingowy. Misja ZKM jest ukierunkowana na zaspokajanie potrzeb i postulatĆ³w przewozowych mieszkańcĆ³w Gdyni i gmin sąsiednich. Określając pozycję rynkową ZKM w Gdyni, zidentyfikowano jako gÅ‚Ć³wnych konkurentĆ³w: samochody osobowe oraz przewoÅŗnikĆ³w autobusowych, midibusowych i minibusowych funkcjonujących poza systemem i świadczących usługi, na obszarze obsługiwanym przez ZKM w Gdyni. Celem strategicznym w aktualnej strategii marketingowej ZKM w Gdyni jest zahamowanie spadku udziału transportu zbiorowego w przewozach. Rynek docelowy ZKM w Gdyni zdefiniowano w trzech wymiarach: przedmiotowym, podmiotowym i przestrzennym. SposĆ³b działania ZKM na tym rynku można uznać za ofensywny. SpośrĆ³d instrumentĆ³w marketingowych w działalności ZKM najwięcej uwagi poświęca się kształtowaniu usług. W zarządzaniu personelem kluczowe znaczenie ma system motywacyjny oparty w znacznym zakresie na wynagradzaniu uznaniowym. Realizacja strategii marketingowej wymaga kontroli i audytu. W tym celu ZKM w Gdyni przeprowadza okresową ocenę stopnia realizacji zadań oraz bieżących wynikĆ³w marketingowych.The Public Transport Authority in Gdynia as the entity organising transport services in the market of public transport in Gdynia operates using the concept of marketing management, which is based on self-designed marketing strategy.Marketing strategy of the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia includes the following elements: the mission of the entity, marketing situation of the entity (market position of the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia, SWOT analysis), strategic objective as well as directional and general objectives, the target market, proceedings on the market, activities in shaping services, prices, distribution and promotion, activities in the field of staff management, control and marketing audit. The mission of the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia is to meet needs and transport demands of inhabitants of Gdynia and neighboring municipalities. While determining the market position of the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia, the main competitors have been identified as: cars and bus operators operating outside the transport system and providing services within the area served by the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia. The strategic objective of the current marketing strategy of the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia is to stop the decrease of public transport share in city journeys. The target market of the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia was defined in objective, subjective and spatial dimension. The proceedings of the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia in the market can be considered as offensive. Among marketing instruments the highest attention is paid to shaping of services. The crucial in staff management is motivation system based on discretionary wage. Implementation of the marketing strategy requires control and audit. For this reason, the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia carries out the periodic assessment of taskā€™ implementation and current marketing results

    Hydraulische Kupplungen

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