6 research outputs found

    Kožna dekontaminacija živčanoga bojnog otrova sarina s apsorpcijskim pripravkom u uvjetima in vivo

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    Our Institute’s nuclear, biological, and chemical defense research team continuously investigates and develops preparations for skin decontamination against nerve agents. In this in vivo study, we evaluated skin decontamination efficacy against sarin by a synthetic preparation called Mineral Cationic Carrier (MCC®) with known ion exchange, absorption efficacy and bioactive potential. Mice were treated with increasing doses of sarin applied on their skin, and MCC® was administered immediately after contamination. The results showed that decontamination with MCC® could achieve therapeutic efficacy corresponding to 3 x LD50 of percutaneous sarin and call for further research.Istraživački tim NBKO (nuklearno-biološko-kemijske obrane) radi na pronalasku i razvoju pripravka za dekontaminaciju kože od živčanih bojnih otrova. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati dekontaminacijska svojstva (adsorpcijska i/ili kemisorpcijska) pripravka MCC® rabeći živčani bojni otrov sarin kao kožni kontaminant u uvjetima in vivo. MCC® je sintetski pripravak koji je biokemijski aktivan i ima ionskoizmjenjivačka i adsorpcijska svojstva. Istraživanje u uvjetima in vivo napravljeno je na miševima aplikacijom rastućih doza sarina na kožu životinje. Pripravak MCC® uporabljen je kao kožni dekontaminant neposredno nakon kožne kontaminacije sarinom. Istraživanja su pokazala da pripravak MCC® posjeduje adsorpcijska svojstva, ujedno važna za dekontaminaciju živčanih bojnih otrova. Eksperimenti u uvjetima in vivo na miševima (NOD-soj) pokazali su da se dekontaminacijom pripravkom MCC® može postići terapijski učinak od 3 LD50 (perkutano, sarin)

    Toxicological Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Noxious Agents in Modern Warfare and Terorrism

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    Oružja za masovno uništavanje najbolji su primjer uporabe civilizacijskih tehnoloških dostignuća u štetne svrhe i protiv ljudske civilizacije. Unatoč nastojanjima oko kontrole i smanjenja njihove količine, rizik zbog samoga postojanja pa čak i širenja zahtijeva da se o njihovoj uporabi i dalje vodi računa i da se povećaju obrambene mjere – nuklearno-biološko-kemijske obrane (NBKO). Osim suvremenog vojnika koji je u vojnim i mirovnim operacijama diljem svijeta izložen raznim noksama kemijskog, biološkog i radiološkog podrijetla, nezaštićeno i uglavnom slabo educirano civilno stanovništvo može biti izloženo terorističkim napadima. Oružja za masovno uništavanje i nokse kemijskog, biološkog i radiološkog podrijetla uzrokuju razne toksikološke posljedice, a bez obzira na njihovo podrijetlo, imaju zajednički nazivnik djelovanja – poremećaj fi ziološkog stanja u organizmu. Poremećaji proizašli nakon izlaganja tim noksama nerijetko se teško determiniraju, dijagnosticiraju i liječe. U ovome su radu s biomedicinskog aspekta obrađene važnije nokse kemijskog, biološkog i radiološkog podrijetla na temelju odabranih primjera iz terorizma i suvremenog ratovanja: polonij-210, osiromašeni uran, salmonela, bedrenica (antraks), genetički modifi cirane bakterije, polimerno predivo “paučina” i bojni otrovi sarin i iperit.Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) best portray the twisted use of technological achievements against the human species. Despite arm control efforts, WMD threat continues to exist and even proliferate. This in turn calls for improvement in defensive measures against this threat. The modern soldier is exposed to a number of chemical, biological, and radiological agents in military and peace operations, while civilians are mainly exposed to terrorist attacks. Regardless of origin or mode of action, WMDs and other noxious agents aim for the same – to make an organism dysfunctional. Because their effects are often delayed, these agents are hard to spot on time and treat. This review presents a biomedical aspect of agents used in warfare and terrorism, including polonium-210, depleted uranium, salmonella, anthrax, genetically modifi ed bacteria, cobweb-like polymer fi bre, sarin, and mustard gas

    Stability of core/shell quantum dots-role of pH and small organic ligands

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    The improvement of knowledge about the toxicity and even processability, and stability of quantum dots (QD) requires the understanding of the relationship between the QD binding head group, surface structure, and interligand interaction. The scanned stripping chronopotentiometry and absence of gradients and Nernstian equilibrium stripping techniques were used to determine the concentration of Cd dissolved from a polyacrylate-stabilized CdTe/CdS QD. The effects of various concentrations of small organic ligands such as citric acid, glycine, and histidine and the roles of pH (4.5–8.5) and exposure time (0–48 h) were evaluated. The highest QD dissolution was obtained at the more acidic pH in absence of the ligands (52 %) a result of the CdS shell solubility. At pH 8.5 the largest PAA ability to complex the dissolved Cd leads to a further QD solubility until the equilibrium is reached (24 % of dissolved Cd vs.4 % at pH 6.0). The citric acid presence resulted in greater QD dissolution, whereas glycine, an amino acid, acts against QD dissolution. Surprisingly, the presence of histidine, an amino acid with an imidazole functional group, leads to the formation of much strong Cd complexes over time, which may be non-labile, inducing variations in the local environment of the QD surface

    Dermatologist-like explainable AI enhances trust and confidence in diagnosing melanoma

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    Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have been shown to help dermatologists diagnose melanoma more accurately, however they lack transparency, hindering user acceptance. Explainable AI (XAI) methods can help to increase transparency, yet often lack precise, domain-specific explanations. Moreover, the impact of XAI methods on dermatologists’ decisions has not yet been evaluated. Building upon previous research, we introduce an XAI system that provides precise and domain-specific explanations alongside its differential diagnoses of melanomas and nevi. Through a three-phase study, we assess its impact on dermatologists’ diagnostic accuracy, diagnostic confidence, and trust in the XAI-support. Our results show strong alignment between XAI and dermatologist explanations. We also show that dermatologists’ confidence in their diagnoses, and their trust in the support system significantly increase with XAI compared to conventional AI. This study highlights dermatologists’ willingness to adopt such XAI systems, promoting future use in the clinic