1,241 research outputs found

    Concepciones de contabilidad en estudiantes de la instituci?n educactiva Manuel Murillo Toro jornada diurna grado once tres en la modalidad de administraci?n financiera

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    102 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn la actualidad se puede percibir que la mayor?a de estudiantes cultivan sentimientos negativos por el ?rea de las matem?ticas, y todo lo que implica el uso de los n?meros, entre ellas la contabilidad; lo cual impide conocer las diferentes concepciones que tienen los estudiantes sobre la misma lo que a su vez en muchos casos se debe a que tienen un concepto errado de la misma, o no tienen unos fundamentos s?lidos en Matem?ticas dificultando el aprendizaje y todo lo que se derive de ella. Todo esto puede deberse a diferentes factores pedag?gicos, did?cticos, motivacionales, personales, sociales entre otros. Pues en cualquier carrera t?cnica, tecn?loga o universitaria incluye en su pensum acad?mico las Matem?ticas o la Contabilidad; por consiguiente se espera que estos conocimientos le permitan desempe?arse de una forma calculada y mesurada en cuanto a su vida personal, y el manejo de su dinero. Lo anterior llev? al equipo investigativo a plantearse la siguiente pregunta problema: ?Cu?les son las concepciones de la contabilidad en los estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro, jornada diurna del grado 11-3 de la ciudad de Ibagu? (Tolima)? En vista de lo anterior el presente ejercicio investigativo tuvo como objetivo identificar, analizar, modificar y fortalecer, la concepci?n de Contabilidad en estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro del grado 11-3. Para lo anterior se us? la Metodolog?a de investigaci?n ? Acci?n, la cual permite intervenir directamente en la situaci?n probl?mica. Como primera medida se seleccion? la instituci?n Educativa, seg?n las modalidades de profundizaci?n se escogi? la instituci?n Inem Manuel Murillo Toro por su modalidad de Contabilidad, en el programa de Administraci?n Financiera en articulaci?n con la Universidad del Tolima y un convenio interinstitucional con la Uniminuto, y en especial se escogi? el grado 11-3 puesto que estos estudiantes desde el grado 9? han escogido esta modalidad y est?n en proceso de culminaci?n de su formaci?n escolar, lo cual permite tener una visi?n general del programa y en particular los conocimientos de la asignatura de Contabilidad. En conclusi?n est? investigaci?n busc? servir como referente y como documento de consulta sobre el ?rea de la Contabilidad, el papel relevante del docente en la formaci?n de esta ?rea, las posibles herramientas a implementar dentro del proceso y su papel decisivo en las concepciones de los estudiantes sobre la Contabilidad. En vista de lo anterior se resalta la importancia de investigar en el aula, partiendo del contexto en que se encuentran inmersos los estudiantes, con el fin de dar respuesta a al desconocimiento de las concepciones que se presentan en el aprendizaje de la Contabilidad y de esta manera contribuir y facilitar el aprendizaje de la mismas de tal forma que estos comprendan la transcendencia de esta ?rea en su cotidianidad.Currently, it can preceived that the majority of students cultivate negative feelings in the area of mathematics, and everything that involves the use of numbers, including accounting. These negavie feelings toward mathematics impede the students from understanding different mathematical concepts or have the wrong idea of the concept or they do not have a strong foundation in Mathematics, and thus it makes it very difficult to learn anything that arises from the mathematical concept. All of this is due to different factors such as: pedagogical, educational, motivational, personal, and social factors among others. In any University, as mathematics is included in the curriculum, technical career or technology. Therefore, this knowlege of mathematics will allow you to enhance your personal life as well, including how you manage money. This, therefore lead the investigative team to ask this problematic question: What accounting concepts do the students from the Inem Manuel Murillo Toro School grade11-3 in the city of Ibague, Tolima have? In view of the above, the present investigative exercise was intended to identify, analyze, modify, y strengthen the conception of accounting for the students in the Educational Institute Inem Manual Murillo Toro from grades 11-3. The technique of research was used for the above action, which allows you to intervene directly in the problematic situation. The first step was selecting the educational institution according to the deepening modalities the Institution of Inem Manuel Murillo Toro was chosen due to its model of accounting, financial management, in coordination with the University of Tolima, and an interinstitutional with Uniminuto, and in special we chose grades 11-3 given that these students have chosen this avenue and are in the process of completing high school, which therefore allows to have a general vision or overview of the program and in particular the accounting.In finding, this investigation sought to serve as a reference and consultation document in the area of accounting, the role of the teacher in the training in this area, and possible tools to be implemented within the process. In view of the above highlights, the importance of research in the classroom, on the basis of the context in which they are immersed students, in order to respond to the various problems which arise in when learning about accounting, and in this way contribute and facilitate the learning of the same so that they understand the significance of this area in their daily lives. Keywords: Accounting, Research-Action, Conceptio

    Band Renormalization of Blue Phosphorus on Au 111

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    Most recently, theoretical calculations predicted the stability of a novel two dimensional phosphorus honeycomb lattice named blue phosphorus. Here, we report on the growth of blue phosphorus on Au 111 and unravel its structural details using diffraction, microscopy and theoretical calculations. Most importantly, by utilizing angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy we identify its momentum resolved electronic structure. We find that Au 111 breaks the sublattice symmetry of blue phosphorus leading to an orbital dependent band renormalization upon the formation of a 4 4 superstructure. Notably, the semiconducting two dimensional phosphorus realizes its valence band maximum at 0.9 eV binding energy, however, shifted in momentum space due to the substrate induced band renormalizatio

    Implementaci?n de estrategias l?dicas y pedag?gicas para fortalecer los valores en el desarrollo integral de los ni?os y ni?as en nivel de preescolar

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    80 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa educaci?n en valores suscita un gran inter?s social y educativo hasta el punto de estar presente como un contenido espec?fico en los curr?culos escolares de todos los niveles educativos. En el presente proyecto, se analiza c?mo influye la no practica de valores y principios en el desarrollo integral y la convivencia escolar de los ni?os y ni?as del preescolar los cuales se rigen por las diferentes posturas ideol?gicas que se han adoptado sobre la selecci?n de los valores, las estrategias y t?cnicas de ense?anza que se han utilizado para su transmisi?n y desarrollo y las condiciones b?sicas que se han de dar en el aula para una educaci?n en valores. En la instituci?n T?cnica Educativa Francisco de Paula Santander, cede Villa ? Mar?n se resalta la necesidad de formar en principios y valores desde los niveles de preescolar para la adecuada preparaci?n de los menores al ser expuestos y enfrentados a una sociedad rodeada de antivalores sociales y morales; para lo cual es necesario trabajar desde el interior de la escuela en esta formaci?n y as? poder lograr que ellos definan un car?cter positivo al estar en contacto con la sociedad actual cambiante en dichos valores. Asumir una actitud de responsabilidad en esta formaci?n integral los mantendr? a salvo y protegidos ante las diferentes situaciones, circunstancias y decisiones que los ni?os tendr?n que afrontar al salir de las instalaciones educativas y rodearse aun desde su mismo entorno familiar el cual se ha podido notar est? perdiendo el sentido correcto de la educaci?n, se puede analizar esta realidad desde el cuestionamiento, investigaci?n e interrogatorio hecho a los menores en la instituci?n de pr?ctica. Palabras claves: Educaci?n en principios y valores, formaci?n, sociedad.The education in values provokes a great social and educative interest to the point of being present as a specific content in the school curricula of all the educational levels. In the present project, it is analyzed how the non-practice of values and principles in the integral development and the school coexistence of the children of the pre-school who are governed by the different ideological positions that have been adopted on the selection of the values, the strategies and techniques of teaching that have been used for their transmission and development and the basic conditions that must be given in the classroom for an education in values. At the institution of the Educational Technician Francisco de Paula Santander, Villa - Marin emphasizes the need to train in principles and values from pre - school levels for the adequate preparation of children when exposed and facing a society surrounded by social and moral ; For which it is necessary to work from the inside of the school in this formation and thus to be able to achieve that they define a positive character when being in contact with the present changing society in those values. Assuming an attitude of responsibility in this integral formation will keep them safe and protected in the different situations, circumstances and decisions that children will have to face when leaving the educational facilities and surrounded even from the same family environment which has been noted Losing the right sense of education, you can analyze this reality from the questioning, investigation and interrogation done to the minors in the institution of practice. Keywords: Education in principles and values, education, society


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    50 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste trabajo de grado expone una serie de retratos con car?cter rememorativo, en donde se ve plasmada la preocupaci?n por retener en la memoria la imagen del rostro de un ser querido que falleci?. Una manera simb?lica de expresar la relaci?n existente entre imagen y memoria, unida al deseo de preservar metaf?ricamente el recuerdo, tras el da?o que deja el paso del tiempo. Por medio de una foto se hace un proceso de experimentaci?n pict?rica de la imagen, en donde se pinta y se transfiere repetidamente la misma a manera de h?bito contra el desvanecimiento o la p?rdida de la imagen, que conecta la ausencia del ser con la existencia propia. Use la t?cnica enc?ustica que utiliza la cera de abejas y resinas de ?rboles para su preparaci?n. En este proyecto la utilizo como agente protector de la imagen contra los da?os externos, implementada como un ritual relacionado con la protecci?n del difunto en su viaje a lo desconocido. En medio de la b?squeda pict?rica me voy desprendiendo de la imagen veritativa del rostro, reencontr?ndome con la p?rdida y enfrent?ndola con el h?bito de pintar.This degree paper exposes a series of portraits with a reminiscent character, in which is expressed the concern to retain in memory the image of the face of a loved one who died. A symbolic way of expressing the relationship between image and memory, coupled with the desire to preserve metaphorically the memory, after the damage that leaves the passage of time. By means of a photo, a process of pictorial experimentation of the image is done, where it is repeatedly painted and transferred as a habit against the fading or loss of the image, which connects the absence of the being with the existence itself . Use the encaustic technique that uses beeswax and tree resins for preparation. In this project I use it as a protective agent of the image against external damages, implemented as a ritual related to the protection of the deceased in his journey to the unknown. In the middle of the pictorial search, I detach myself from the veritative image of the face, rediscovering myself with loss and confronting it with the habit of painting. Keywords: Memory. Preservation. Paw print. Portrait. Repetition. Habit. Image. Reiteration. Duel. Oblivion

    Nutritional quality of Vidal grass (Bothriochloa saccharoides) under dry tropical conditions

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    P?ginas 51-55Recurso Electr?nicoEste articulo contiene informaci?n acerca del pasto Vidal (Botriochloa saccharoides), gram?nea poco estudiada y que posee grandes cualidades a nivel nutricional y productivo tanto en monocultivo como en asociaci?n con especies arb?reas. Durante el desarrollo de esta investigaci?n se evaluaron las caracter?sticas de calidad nutricional del pasto Vidal durante sus diferentes etapas fenol?gicas (germinaci?n, vegetativa, reproductiva y senescencia). Para ello se estableci? una parcela en la granja ?CURDN? (Centro Universitario Regional del Norte del Tolima) ubicada en el municipio de Armero Guayabal. El ensayo fue desarrollado con el objetivo de determinar las caracter?sticas nutricionales m?s relevantes durante el desarrollo del ciclo del pasto Vidal. Seg?n los resultados obtenidos el pasto Botriochloa saccharoides present? un ciclo fenol?gico de 137 d?as, tiempo en el cual se observaron las fases de germinaci?n, prefloraci?n, floraci?n y senescencia a los 37, 91, 114 y 128 d?as respectivamente. El tiempo ideal para el primer pastoreo es aproximadamente a los 91 d?as etapa en la cual el pasto est? en estado de prefloraci?n con una PC de 5,24%; DIVMS 54,21%; 45,8% de FDA y 8,3% de lignina.ABSTRACT. This article contains information about Vidal grass (Botriochloa saccharoides) , which has been little studied although it has good nutritional and productive qualities as much in single-crop farming as in association with arboreal species. Throughout this project, the Characteristics of nutritional quality of Vidal grass were evaluated during their different stages of development (germination, vegetative, reproductive and senescence,). Then, an experimental plot was sown in the ?CURDN? farm (Centro Universitario Regional del Norte del Tolima), located in the municipality of Armero - Guayabal. According to the results obtained, the Botriochloa saccharoides grass presented a cycle of 137 days. The germination, vegetative, reproductive and senescence phases could be observed at the 37th , 91st , 114th and 128th days, respectively. The ideal time for the first harvest is immediately after the first stage is over (91 days), stage in which the grass has a CP of 5,24%; DMIVD 54,21%; 72,1% of ADF and 8,3% lignin

    Rimas infantiles: Producci?n textual a partir de la lectura del contexto escolar

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    95 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa investigaci?n Rimas Infantiles, se enmarca dentro del macro-proyecto Redescubrir la Escuela del grupo de investigaci?n Argonautas y hace parte de la versi?n ?Cartografiar el territorio para comprender la escuela? del semillero de investigaci?n Lenguaje y Territorio Escolar. Rimas Infantiles parte de los siguientes conceptos: El territorio espacio f?sico, social y cultural que encierra a toda una poblaci?n y la hace diferente a otras; la cartograf?a social asumida como la representaci?n de la realidad a partir de mapas; el lenguaje se refiere al medio para expresar experiencias mediante s?mbolos, se?ales o sonidos; pr?cticas pedag?gicas para evidenciar los saberes y proyectar el conocimiento. El trabajo Rimas infantiles, parte de la siguiente pregunta: ?C?mo fomentar h?bitos de lectura y escritura para la creaci?n de rimas infantiles a partir del contexto escolar, con los estudiantes del grado segundo de b?sica primaria? La investigaci?n facilita vincular la cartograf?a con la formaci?n del Licenciado en Lengua Castellana para la comprensi?n de la realidad para fortalecer procesos pedag?gicos pertinentes. El territorio de observaci?n es la escuela Puerto Montero de la Instituci?n educativa Nuevo Horizonte del municipio de Girardot con los estudiantes del grado segundo. Colombia, A?o 2015-2016.The nursery rhymes Project is based into macro project ?Rediscovering the School by the Research Group Argonauts and it is part of the versi?n ?To map the territory for understanding the school? by the Research seed language and school territory?. Nursery rhymesbegins from the following concepts: the territory as a physical, social and cultural space which encloses a population and it makes different from others; The social mapping assumed like the representation of the reality from maps; the language refers the mean for expressing by mean of symbols, signs or sounds; pedagogycal practices for evidencing and to Project the knowledge. The nursery rhymes Project, begins from the next question: How to promote Reading and Writing habitsfor the creation of nursery rhymes base don the school context, with students from the second grade in primary school? The Research facilitate to link the mapping with teaching and learning process in Castillian Language for understanding the reality to improve the pedagogical processes. The place which the Project is based is the educative institution named NUEVO HORIZONTE in the city of Girardot with the students from second grade. Colombia, year 2015-2016. Keywords: social mapping school territory, pedagogical practices, rhymes

    Cancer Cell Internalization of Gold Nanostars Impacts Their Photothermal Efficiency In Vitro and In Vivo: Toward a Plasmonic Thermal Fingerprint in Tumoral Environment

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    Gold nanoparticles are prime candidates for cancer thermotherapy. However, while the ultimate target for nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy is the cancer cell, heating performance has not previously been evaluated in the tumoral environment. A systematic investigation of gold nanostar heat-generating efficiency in situ is presented: not only in cancer cells in vitro but also after intratumoral injection in vivo. It is demonstrated that (i) in aqueous dispersion, heat generation is governed by particle size and exciting laser wavelength; (ii) in cancer cells in vitro, heat generation is still very efficient, but irrespective of both particle size and laser wavelength; and (iii) heat generation by nanostars injected into tumors in vivo evolves with time, as the nanostars are trafficked from the extracellular matrix into endosomes. The plasmonic heating response thus serves as a signature of nanoparticle internalization in cells, bringing the ultimate goal of nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy a step closer. ¸ 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    An?lisis de la libertad econ?mica en el contexto del comercio formal peruano

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    La b?squeda e implementaci?n de pol?ticas y programas que signifiquen alcanzar la prosperidad y mayores niveles de calidad de vida de los individuos, es constante; sin embargo, las medidas que se han planteado en el Per? a nivel estatal que permitan crear riqueza; como podr?a ser la promoci?n o impulso del emprendimiento formal, han sido, infructuosas a corto y a largo plazo. Una clara muestra se evidencia en la mantenci?n del alto ?ndice de informalidad de las empresas en nuestro pa?s; siendo que, de acuerdo a la C?mara de Comercio de Lima, aproximadamente el 75% de empresas dedicadas al sector comercio son informales. Frente a la evidente superioridad del n?mero de unidades productivas informales que operan al margen de la ley, sin los beneficios de la misma; como es la protecci?n jur?dica, acceso al financiamiento y participaci?n para prestar incluso, servicios al estado, se muestra que las pol?ticas, normas o instituciones jur?dicas vigentes, pueden no funcionar; resulta de suma urgencia cuestionar, si los motivos que han llevado hasta la actualidad a la daci?n de dichas normas, son adecuados o no

    Increased urinary markers of kidney damage in the institutionalized frail elderly due to recurrent urinary tract infections.

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    Objective: To characterize the impact on kidney injury of recurrent urinary tract infections (RUTI) in the frail elderly. Methods: Prospective observational study in 200 frail elderly subjects for 1 year. Groups: GA (n = 100): subjects without RUTI, GB (n = 100): subjects with RUTI. Variables: age, concomitant diseases, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) at the beginning (NGAL-1) and end (NGAL-2) of the study, urine N-acetyl glucosaminidase (NAG) at the beginning (NAG-1) and the end (NAG-2) of the study, urine transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGFbeta-1). Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney test, Chi-squared test, Fisher's exact test, and multivariate analysis were used. Results: Mean age was 84.33 (65-99) years old, with no difference between GA and GB. Mean NGAL-1 was 1.29 ng/ml (0.04-8). There was lower in GA than in GB. Mean NGAL-2 was 1.41 ng/ml (0.02-9.22). NGAL-2 was lower in GA than in GB. Mean NAG-1 was 0.38 UU.II/ml (0.01-2.63. NAG-1 in GA was lower than in GB. Mean NAG-2 was 0.44 UU.II/ml (0-3.41). NAG-2 was lower in GA compared with GB. Mean TGFbeta-1 was 23.43 pg/ml (0.02-103.76). TGFbeta-1 was lower in GA than GB. There were no differences in the presence of secondary diagnoses between GA and GB. NAG-2 and NGAL-1 were the most determining factors of renal function; in GA it was NGAL-2, followed by NAG-1; in GB it was NGAL-1, followed by NAG-2. Conclusion: Frail elderly with RUTI have higher urinary levels of renal injury markers, specifically NGAL, NAG, and TGFbeta-1, chronically in periods between urinary tract infection (UTI). Urinary markers of renal injury, specifically NGAL, NAG, and TGFbeta-1, identify early deterioration of renal function, compared with serum creatinine, or albuminuria, in frail elderly with recurrent urinary infections

    Morphological Transformations of Galaxies in the A901/02 Supercluster from STAGES

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    We present a study of galaxies in the Abell 901/902 Supercluster at z~0.165, based on HST ACS F606W, COMBO-17, Spitzer 24um, XMM-Newton X-ray, and gravitational lensing maps, as part of the STAGES survey. We characterize galaxies with strong externally-triggered morphological distortions and normal relatively undisturbed galaxies, using visual classification and quantitative CAS parameters. We compare normal and distorted galaxies in terms of their frequency, distribution within the cluster, star formation properties, and relationship to dark matter (DM) or surface mass density, and intra-cluster medium (ICM) density. We revisit the morphology density relation, which postulates a higher fraction of early type galaxies in dense environments, by considering separately galaxies with a low bulge-to-disk (B/D) ratio and a low gas content as these two parameters may not be correlated in clusters. We report here on our preliminary analysis.Comment: To appear in the ASP conference proceedings of the "Frank N. Bash Symposium 2007: New Horizons in Astronomy", Eds. A. Frebel, J. Maund, J. Shen, M. Siegel. 4 pages, 4 figure