380 research outputs found

    Does ict resources improve the sport teaching processes in handball?

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    La motivación (M) y la capacidad de percepción-análisis (PA) del juego, variables del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, fueron evaluadas tras utilizar diferentes recursos durante las explicaciones del entrenador. 71 jugadores(Sub-18) fueron divididos en dos grupos: G1 (n=35): recursos tradicionales; G2 (n=36): recursos multimedia. Se evaluó el nivel inicial (i) y final (f), tras 10 sesiones de entrenamiento. Ambas variables mejoraron significativamente en ambos grupos. Fueron mayores las mejoras del G2 en ambas variables (p<.001). Se hallaron únicamente diferencias intergrupales en la evaluación final en M y PA (p<.001), mostrando el Grupo 2 mejores resultados. Se concluye que la utilización de recursos multimedia posee un efecto positivo mayor que los recursos tradicionales sobre M y PA en jugadores de balonmano (Sub-18).Motivation (M) and game perception-analysis ability (PA), variables in the teaching-learning process, were evaluated after using different resources during the coach’s explanations. Seventy-one players (Under-18) were divided into 2 groups: G1 (n = 35) traditional resources; G2 (n = 36) multimedia resources. Initial (i) and final (f) levels of both variables were evaluated after 10 training sessions. Both variables showed a significant improvement in both groups. The improvements shown in G2 were greater in both variables (p<0.001). Intergroup differences were only found in the final evaluation in M and PA (p<0,001), where G2 obtained better results. It was concluded that using multimedia resources has a greater positive effect than traditional resources on M and PA in under-18 handball players

    Domain wall dynamics in expanding spaces

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    We study the effects on the dynamics of kinks due to expansions and contractions of the space. We show that the propagation velocity of the kink can be adiabatically tuned through slow expansions/contractions, while its width is given as a function of the velocity. We also analyze the case of fast expansions/contractions, where we are no longer on the adiabatic regime. In this case the kink moves more slowly after an expansion-contraction cycle as a consequence of loss of energy through radiation. All these effects are numerically studied in the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations (both for the sine-Gordon and for the phi^4 potential), and they are also studied within the framework of the collective coordinate evolution equations for the width and the center of mass of the kink. These collective coordinate evolution equations are obtained with a procedure that allows us to consider even the case of large expansions/contractions.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 2 figures, improved version to appear in Phys Rev

    Applications of infrared thermography in sports. A review

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    La termografía infrarroja (TI) registra el calor irradiado de un cuerpo, que es emitido en un rango del espectro electromagnético que la visión humana no es capaz de identificar. La respuesta térmica depende de una serie de ajustes fisiológicos específicos como la homeostasis corporal y salud del deportista, lo cual permite establecer interesantes aplicaciones en el deporte. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido revisar la literatura en torno a las aplicaciones de la TI en el ámbito del deporte, y proponer las características óptimas del registro en relación al evaluado, las condiciones ambientales y la cámara utilizada. Concluimos que la principal contribución de la TI en el ámbito del deporte es ayudar a identificar signos de lesión antes de que la lesión se produzca, permitiéndonos actuar de manera preventiva durante el proceso de entrenamientoInfrared thermography (IRT) records the radiant heat of a body, which is emitted in the range of the electromagnetic spectrum that human vision is not able to identify. The thermal response depends on a number of specific physiological adjustments as body homeostasis and athlete’s health, which allow us to establishing interesting applications in sport. The aim of this study was to review the literature on IRT applications in sports, and to propose the optimal characteristics of the register in terms of the subject, the environmental conditions and the camera used. We conclude that the main contribution of IRT in the field of sport is to help identify signs of injury before it occurs, allowing us to act proactively along the training proces

    Physical capacity in youth football players of a profesional club

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    Las características físicas del fútbol son muy diversas, aunque se reconocen como muy importantes la capacidad de realizar esfuerzos de alta intensidad y la de retrasar la fatiga en la mayor medida posible en esfuerzos intermitentes. Son diversos los trabajos que analizan dichas características en el fútbol profesional, aunque son menores los que analizan las categorías de formación. En el presente estudio se analiza la evolución por categorías de pruebas de salto, velocidad, agilidad y resistencia aeróbica específica, en jugadores de fútbol jóvenes de la cantera de un club profesional de la liga española. Se produjo un incremento de las marcas con la edad, aunque no se observaron diferencias significativas en grupos de edad cercanos, produciéndose una meseta en el rendimiento en la fuerza explosiva y velocidad de aceleración a partir de los 17 años y en la velocidad de desplazamiento y agilidad a los 15 añosPhysical characteristics of football are very different, but are recognized as very important the ability to perform high-intensity efforts and to delay fatigue as much as possible in intermittent efforts. There are several studies that analyze these characteristics in professional football but are less those who analyze the categories of training. In the present study analyzes the evolution of categories of jumping, speed, agility and specific endurance in young soccer players from a professional club of the Spanish league. There was an increase of the marks with age, although no significant differences in age groups encircle. Producing a plateau in performance in explosive strength and acceleration speed from 17 years and in speed and agility at age of 1

    Rabies in Endangered Ethiopian Wolves

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    With rabies emerging as a particular threat to wild canids, we report on a rabies outbreak in a subpopulation of endangered Ethiopian wolves in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia, in 2003 and 2004. Parenteral vaccination of wolves was used to manage the outbreak

    Experimental verification of extraordinary transmission without surface plasmons

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    This letter provides an experimental demonstration of extraordinary transmission in a closed waveguide system loaded with an electrically small diaphragm. This is a situation where the standard surface plasmon polariton (SPP) theory does not apply. The theoretical explanation is then based on the concept of impedance matching. This concept has previously been applied by some of the authors to account for enhanced transmission in situations where surface plasmon theory can be used: periodic arrays of small holes or slits in flat metal screens. The experiment in this letter supports the impedance matching model, valid for when SPPs are present or not.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2007-65376, CSD2008- 00066Junta de Andalucía TIC-25

    ¿Puede el principio de lateralidades múltiples mejorar el porcentaje de acierto en el tiro a canasta?

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    El propósito del presente estudio es determinar si una mecánica de tiro alternativa basada en la lateralidad óculo-manual del sujeto podría incrementar significativamente el porcentaje de acierto en el tiro a canasta en jugadores homogéneos – aquellos cuya lateralidad ocular y manual están en el mismo hemicuerpo lateral –. Para esto, 34 jugadores de baloncesto (24chicos y 10 chicas) en categoría infantil, inscritos todos ellos en categoría Preferente masculino y femenino Federado, realizaron un total de 4600 lanzamientos a canasta desde cinco posiciones diferentes de corta y media distancia - 2300 con cada una de las dos mecánicas propuestas (mecánica tradicional y tiro con rotación de 45º) -. Tras el análisis de datos se hallaron porcentajes de acierto significativamente mayores desde el tiro libre (t(23) =2,917; p = 0,008), los lanzamientos desde el lado izquierdo de la zona (t(23) = 3,621; p = 0,001) y el global de los lanzamientos a canasta (t(23) = 3,980; p = 0,001) con la mecánica de tiro teóricamente idónea. Los resultados obtenidos sustentan que una mecánica de tiro alternativa basada en la lateralidad óculo manual del jugador podría ayudar a los jugadores de baloncesto homogéneos a obtener porcentajes de acierto significativamente superiores

    Rotated balance in humans due to repetitive rotational movement

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    We show how asymmetries in the movement patterns during the process of regaining balance after perturbation from quiet stance can be modeled by a set of coupled vector fields for the derivative with respect to time of the angles between the resultant ground reaction forces and the vertical in the anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. In our model, which is an adaption of the model of Stirling and Zakynthinaki (2004), the critical curve, defining the set of maximum angles one can lean to and still correct to regain balance, can be rotated and skewed so as to model the effects of a repetitive training of a rotational movement pattern. For the purposes of our study a rotation and a skew matrix is applied to the critical curve of the model. We present here a linear stability analysis of the modified model, as well as a fit of the model to experimental data of two characteristic “asymmetric” elite athletes and to a “symmetric” elite athlete for comparison. The new adapted model has many uses not just in sport but also in rehabilitation, as many work place injuries are caused by excessive repetition of unaligned and rotational movement patterns

    Thermographic imaging in sports and exercise medicine: A Delphi study and consensus statement on the measurement of human skin temperature

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Elsevier in Journal of Thermal Biology on 18/07/2017, available online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2017.07.006 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.© 2017 Elsevier Ltd The importance of using infrared thermography (IRT) to assess skin temperature (tsk) is increasing in clinical settings. Recently, its use has been increasing in sports and exercise medicine; however, no consensus guideline exists to address the methods for collecting data in such situations. The aim of this study was to develop a checklist for the collection of tsk using IRT in sports and exercise medicine. We carried out a Delphi study to set a checklist based on consensus agreement from leading experts in the field. Panelists (n  =  24) representing the areas of sport science (n = 8; 33%), physiology (n = 7; 29%), physiotherapy (n = 3; 13%) and medicine (n = 6; 25%), from 13 different countries completed the Delphi process. An initial list of 16 points was proposed which was rated and commented on by panelists in three rounds of anonymous surveys following a standard Delphi procedure. The panel reached consensus on 15 items which encompassed the participants’ demographic information, camera/room or environment setup and recording/analysis of tsk using IRT. The results of the Delphi produced the checklist entitled “Thermographic Imaging in Sports and Exercise Medicine (TISEM)” which is a proposal to standardize the collection and analysis of tsk data using IRT. It is intended that the TISEM can also be applied to evaluate bias in thermographic studies and to guide practitioners in the use of this technique.Published versio

    Developing fencing policies in dryland ecosystems

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    The daily energy requirements of animals are determined by a combination of physical and physiological factors, but food availability may challenge the capacity to meet nutritional needs. Western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) are an interesting model for investigating this topic because they are folivore-frugivores that adjust their diet and activities to seasonal variation in fruit availability. Observations of one habituated group of western gorillas in Bai-Hokou, Central African Republic (December 2004-December 2005) were used to examine seasonal variation in diet quality and nutritional intake. We tested if during the high fruit season the food consumed by western gorillas was higher in quality (higher in energy, sugar, fat but lower in fibre and antifeedants) than during the low fruit season. Food consumed during the high fruit season was higher in digestible energy, but not any other macronutrients. Second, we investigated whether the gorillas increased their daily intake of carbohydrates, metabolizable energy (KCal/g OM), or other nutrients during the high fruit season. Intake of dry matter, fibers, fat, protein and the majority of minerals and phenols decreased with increased frugivory and there was some indication of seasonal variation in intake of energy (KCal/g OM), tannins, protein/fiber ratio, and iron. Intake of non-structural carbohydrates and sugars was not influenced by fruit availability. Gorillas are probably able to extract large quantities of energy via fermentation since they rely on proteinaceous leaves during the low fruit season. Macronutrients and micronutrients, but not digestible energy, may be limited for them during times of low fruit availability because they are hind-gut fermenters. We discuss the advantages of seasonal frugivores having large dietary breath and flexibility, significant characteristics to consider in the conservation strategies of endangered species