
Does ict resources improve the sport teaching processes in handball?


La motivación (M) y la capacidad de percepción-análisis (PA) del juego, variables del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, fueron evaluadas tras utilizar diferentes recursos durante las explicaciones del entrenador. 71 jugadores(Sub-18) fueron divididos en dos grupos: G1 (n=35): recursos tradicionales; G2 (n=36): recursos multimedia. Se evaluó el nivel inicial (i) y final (f), tras 10 sesiones de entrenamiento. Ambas variables mejoraron significativamente en ambos grupos. Fueron mayores las mejoras del G2 en ambas variables (p<.001). Se hallaron únicamente diferencias intergrupales en la evaluación final en M y PA (p<.001), mostrando el Grupo 2 mejores resultados. Se concluye que la utilización de recursos multimedia posee un efecto positivo mayor que los recursos tradicionales sobre M y PA en jugadores de balonmano (Sub-18).Motivation (M) and game perception-analysis ability (PA), variables in the teaching-learning process, were evaluated after using different resources during the coach’s explanations. Seventy-one players (Under-18) were divided into 2 groups: G1 (n = 35) traditional resources; G2 (n = 36) multimedia resources. Initial (i) and final (f) levels of both variables were evaluated after 10 training sessions. Both variables showed a significant improvement in both groups. The improvements shown in G2 were greater in both variables (p<0.001). Intergroup differences were only found in the final evaluation in M and PA (p<0,001), where G2 obtained better results. It was concluded that using multimedia resources has a greater positive effect than traditional resources on M and PA in under-18 handball players

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