117 research outputs found

    Technical note: The libRadtran software package for radiative transfer calculations - description and examples of use

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    The libRadtran software package is a suite of tools for radiative transfer calculations in the Earth's atmosphere. Its main tool is the uvspec program. It may be used to compute radiances, irradiances and actinic fluxes in the solar and terrestrial part of the spectrum. The design of uvspec allows simple problems to be easily solved using defaults and included data, hence making it suitable for educational purposes. At the same time the flexibility in how and what input may be specified makes it a powerful and versatile tool for research tasks. The uvspec tool and additional tools included with libRadtran are described and realistic examples of their use are given. The libRadtran software package is available from http://www.libradtran.org

    A model sensitivity study of the impact of clouds on satellite detection and retrieval of volcanic ash

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    Volcanic ash is commonly observed by infrared detectors on board Earth-orbiting satellites. In the presence of ice and/or liquid-water clouds, the detected volcanic ash signature may be altered. In this paper the sensitivity of detection and retrieval of volcanic ash to the presence of ice and liquid-water clouds was quantified by simulating synthetic equivalents to satellite infrared images with a 3-D radiative transfer model. The sensitivity study was made for the two recent eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull (2010) and Grimsvotn (2011) using realistic water and ice clouds and volcanic ash clouds. The water and ice clouds were taken from European Centre for Medium-RangeWeather Forecast (ECMWF) analysis data and the volcanic ash cloud fields from simulations by the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART. The radiative transfer simulations were made both with and without ice and liquid-water clouds for the geometry and channels of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI). The synthetic SEVIRI images were used as input to standard reverse absorption ash detection and retrieval methods. Ice and liquid-water clouds were on average found to reduce the number of detected ash-affected pixels by 6-12 %. However, the effect was highly variable and for individual scenes up to 40% of pixels with mass loading > 0 : 2 gm 2 could not be detected due to the presence of water and ice clouds. For coincident pixels, i. e. pixels where ash was both present in the FLEXPART (hereafter referred to as "Flexpart") simulation and detected by the algorithm, the presence of clouds overall increased the retrieved mean mass loading for the Eyjafjallajokull (2010) eruption by about 13 %,while for the Grimsvotn (2011) eruption ash-mass loadings the effect was a 4% decrease of the retrieved ash-mass loading. However, larger differences were seen between scenes (standard deviations of +/- 30 and +/- 20% for Eyjafjallajokull and Grimsvotn, respectively) and even larger ones within scenes. The impact of ice and liquid-water clouds on the detection and retrieval of volcanic ash, implies that to fully appreciate the location and amount of ash, hyperspectral and spectral band measurements by satellite instruments should be combined with ash dispersion modelling

    Patterns in the spectral composition of sunlight and biologically meaningful spectral photon ratios as affected by atmospheric factors

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    Plants rely on spectral cues present in their surroundings, generated by the constantly changing light environment, to guide their growth and reproduction. Photoreceptors mediate the capture of information by plants from the light environment over a wide range of wavelengths, but despite extensive evidence that plants respond to various light cues, only fragmentary data have been published showing patterns of diurnal, seasonal and geographical variation in the spectral composition of daylight. To illustrate patterns in spectral photon ratios, we measured time series of irradiance spectra at two distinct geographical and climatological locations, Helsinki, Finland and Gual Pahari, India. We investigated the drivers behind variation of the spectral photon ratios measured at these two locations, based on the analysis of over 400 000 recorded spectra. Differences in spectral irradiance were explained by different atmospheric factors identified through multiple regression model analysis and comparison to spectral irradiance at ground level simulated with a radiative transfer model. Local seasonal and diurnal changes in spectral photon ratios were related to solar elevation angle, atmospheric water-vapour content and total ozone column thickness and deviated from their long-term averages to an extent likely to affect plant photobiology. We suggest that future studies should investigate possible effects of varying photon ratios on terrestrial plants. Solar elevation angle especially affects the patterns of B:G and B:R ratios. Water vapour has a large effect on the R:FR photon ratio and modelled climate scenarios predict that increasing global temperatures will result in increased atmospheric water vapour. The development of proxy models, utilising available data from weather and climate models, for relevant photon ratios as a function of solar elevation angle and atmospheric factors would facilitate the interpretation of results from past, present and future field studies of plants and vegetation.Peer reviewe

    Open fires in Greenland in summer 2017: transport, deposition and radiative effects of BC, OC and BrC emissions

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    Highly unusual open fires burned in western Greenland between 31 July and 21 August 2017, after a period of warm, dry and sunny weather. The fires burned on peatlands that became vulnerable to fires by permafrost thawing. We used several satellite data sets to estimate that the total area burned was about 2345&thinsp;ha. Based on assumptions of typical burn depths and emission factors for peat fires, we estimate that the fires consumed a fuel amount of about 117&thinsp;kt&thinsp;C and emitted about 23.5&thinsp;t of black carbon (BC) and 731&thinsp;t of organic carbon (OC), including 141&thinsp;t of brown carbon (BrC). We used a Lagrangian particle dispersion model to simulate the atmospheric transport and deposition of these species. We find that the smoke plumes were often pushed towards the Greenland ice sheet by westerly winds, and thus a large fraction of the emissions (30&thinsp;%) was deposited on snow- or ice-covered surfaces. The calculated deposition was small compared to the deposition from global sources, but not entirely negligible. Analysis of aerosol optical depth data from three sites in western Greenland in August 2017 showed strong influence of forest fire plumes from Canada, but little impact of the Greenland fires. Nevertheless, CALIOP (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization) lidar data showed that our model captured the presence and structure of the plume from the Greenland fires. The albedo changes and instantaneous surface radiative forcing in Greenland due to the fire emissions were estimated with the SNICAR model and the uvspec model from the libRadtran radiative transfer software package. We estimate that the maximum albedo change due to the BC and BrC deposition was about 0.007, too small to be measured. The average instantaneous surface radiative forcing over Greenland at noon on 31 August was 0.03–0.04&thinsp;W&thinsp;m−2, with locally occurring maxima of 0.63–0.77&thinsp;W&thinsp;m−2 (depending on the studied scenario). The average value is up to an order of magnitude smaller than the radiative forcing from other sources. Overall, the fires burning in Greenland in the summer of 2017 had little impact on the Greenland ice sheet, causing a small extra radiative forcing. This was due to the – in a global context – still rather small size of the fires. However, the very large fraction of the emissions deposited on the Greenland ice sheet from these fires could contribute to accelerated melting of the Greenland ice sheet if these fires become several orders of magnitude larger under future climate.</p

    A two-parameter wind speed algorithm for Ku-band altimeters

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    Globally distributed crossovers of altimeter and scatterometer observations clearly demonstrate that ocean altimeter backscatter correlates with both the near-surface wind speed and the sea state. Satellite data from TOPEX/Poseidon and NSCAT are used to develop an empirical altimeter wind speed model that attenuates the sea-state signature and improves upon the present operational altimeter wind model. The inversion is defined using a multilayer perceptron neural network with altimeter-derived backscatter and significant wave height as inputs. Comparisons between this new model and past single input routines indicates that the rms wind error is reduced by 10%–15% in tandem with the lowering of wind error residuals dependent on the sea state. Both model intercomparison and validation of the new routine are detailed, including the use of large independent data compilations that include the SeaWinds and ERS scatterometers, ECMWF wind fields, and buoy measurements. The model provides consistent improvement against these varied sources with a wind-independent bias below 0.3 m s?1. The continuous form of the defined function, along with the global data used in its derivation, suggest an algorithm suitable for operational application to Ku-band altimeters. Further model improvement through wave height inclusion is limited due to an inherent multivaluedness between any single realization of the altimeter measurement pair [?o, HS] and observed near-surface winds. This ambiguity indicates that HS is a limited proxy for variable gravity wave properties that impact upon altimeter backscatter

    Spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere: measurement and 1-D simulations for cloudless, broken cloud and overcast situations

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    In September 2002, the first INSPECTRO campaign to study the influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere was carried out in East Anglia, England. Measurements of the actinic flux, the irradiance and aerosol and cloud properties were made from four ground stations and by aircraft. The radiation measurements were modelled using the uvspec model and ancillary data. For cloudless conditions, the measurements of the actinic flux were reproduced by 1-D radiative transfer modelling within the measurement and model uncertainties of about &plusmn;10%. For overcast days, the ground-based and aircraft radiation measurements and the cloud microphysical property measurements are consistent within the framework of 1-D radiative transfer and within experimental uncertainties. Furthermore, the actinic flux is increased by between 60-100% above the cloud when compared to a cloudless sky, with the largest increase for the optically thickest cloud. Correspondingly, the below cloud actinic flux is decreased by about 55-65%. Just below the cloud top, the downwelling actinic flux has a maximum that is seen in both the measurements and the model results. For broken clouds the traditional cloud fraction approximation is not able to simultaneously reproduce the measured above-cloud enhancement and below-cloud reduction in the actinic flux

    Spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere: measurement and 1-D simulations for cloudless, broken cloud and overcast situations

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    In September 2002, the first INSPECTRO campaign to study the influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere was carried out in East Anglia, England. Measurements of the actinic flux, the irradiance and aerosol and cloud properties were made from four ground stations and by aircraft. The radiation measurements were modelled using the uvspec model and ancillary data. For cloudless conditions, the measurements of the actinic flux were reproduced by 1-D radiative transfer modelling within the measurement and model uncertainties of about &plusmn;10%. For overcast days, the ground-based and aircraft radiation measurements and the cloud microphysical property measurements are consistent within the framework of 1-D radiative transfer and within experimental uncertainties. Furthermore, the actinic flux is increased by between 60-100% above the cloud when compared to a cloudless sky, with the largest increase for the optically thickest cloud. Correspondingly, the below cloud actinic flux is decreased by about 55-65%. Just below the cloud top, the downwelling actinic flux has a maximum that is seen in both the measurements and the model results. For broken clouds the traditional cloud fraction approximation is not able to simultaneously reproduce the measured above-cloud enhancement and below-cloud reduction in the actinic flux

    An introduction to the SCOUT-AMMA stratospheric aircraft, balloons and sondes campaign in West Africa, August 2006: rationale and roadmap

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    A multi-platform field measurement campaign involving aircraft and balloons took place over West Africa between 26 July and 25 August 2006, in the frame of the concomitant AMMA Special Observing Period and SCOUT-O3 African tropical activities. Specifically aiming at sampling the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, the high-altitude research aircraft M55 Geophysica was deployed in Ouagadougou (12.3° N, 1.7° W), Burkina Faso, in conjunction with the German D-20 Falcon, while a series of stratospheric balloon and sonde flights were conducted from Niamey (13.5° N, 2.0° E), Niger. The stratospheric aircraft and balloon flights intended to gather experimental evidence for a better understanding of large scale transport, assessing the effect of lightning on NOx production, and studying the impact of intense mesoscale convective systems on water, aerosol, dust and chemical species in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. The M55 Geophysica carried out five local and four transfer flights between southern Europe and the Sahel and back, while eight stratospheric balloons and twenty-nine sondes were flown from Niamey. These experiments allowed a characterization of the tropopause and lower stratosphere of the region. We provide here an overview of the campaign activities together with a description of the general meteorological situation during the flights and a summary of the observations accomplished
