75 research outputs found

    ‘PRi special edition: The intersections between public relations and neoliberalism’ – The road to nowhere: Re-examining activists’ role in civil societies

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    The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1977) argued that the presence of critical counter-voices and powers is a fundamental element of any genuine democracy. However, in Australia these counter-voices are increasingly marginalized and threatened by controversial laws that would limit the legal standing of conservation groups and the use of overseas donations for advocacy purposes based on the argument that “systematic, well-funded” environmental campaigns are threatening the nation’s economic prosperity. Drawing on social movement theory and Bourdieu’s theory of practice, this case study details the final months of the Save Beeliar Wetlands campaign in the lead up to the 2017 West Australian state election. The author challenges three common assumptions in the extant PR activism literature: The existence of activists in opposition to organizations and governments, the presence of a ‘zone of compromise’ between activists and the organizations or governments whose actions they are opposing and the conceptualization of activists as homogenous entity. Evolving into a colorful collective of over 35 local groups, five local councils and thousands of individuals, Beeliar Wetland Defenders successfully created an alternative narrative to the State and Federal Governments’ neoliberal agenda. Activists thereby contributed significantly to a change in leadership and the termination of a $1.9billion infrastructure project. This paper argues that activist groups’ interventions in public debate perform a valuable societal voice as critical counter-voices in challenging established hierarchies and power relationships. However, in mounting and framing their arguments within the neoliberal framework, activist groups may also inadvertently reinforce this worldview

    A primary care database study of asthma among patients with and without opioid use disorders

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    Substance misuse is associated with poor asthma outcome and death. People with opioid use disorder (OUD) may be at particular risk, however, there have been no case-control studies of asthma care and outcomes in this patient group. A primary care database study of patients with asthma aged 16–65 years was conducted using a matched case-control methodology. The dataset comprised 275,151 adults with asthma, of whom 459 had a clinical code indicating a lifetime history of OUD. Cases with a history of OUD were matched to controls 1:3 by age, gender, smoking status and deprivation index decile. Attendance at annual review (30%) and for immunisation (25%) was poor amongst the overall matched study population (N = 1832). Compared to matched controls, cases were less likely to have attended for asthma review during the previous 12 months (OR = 0.60, 95% CI 0.45–0.80) but had similar immunisation rates. Higher rates of ICS (OR = 1.50, 1.13–1.98) and oral prednisolone use (OR = 1.71, 1.25–2.40) were seen amongst those with a history of OUD and 7.2% had a concurrent diagnosis of COPD (OR = 1.86, 1.12–2.40). We found that people with asthma and a history of OUD have worse outcomes on several commonly measured metrics of asthma care. Further research is required to identify reasons for these findings, the most effective strategies to help this vulnerable group access basic asthma care, and to better understand long-term respiratory outcomes

    Catalytic (de)hydrogenation promoted by non-precious metals – Co, Fe and Mn: recent advances in an emerging field

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    We describe the rate of incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) in hematologic and patients undergone stem cell transplant (HSCT) at HC-FMUSP, from January 2007 to June 2011, using two denominators 1,000 patient and 1,000 days of neutropenia and the risk factors associated with the severe form of the disease and death. The ELISA method (Ridascreen-Biopharm, Germany) for the detections of toxins A/B was used to identify C. difficile. A multivariate analysis was performed to evaluate potential factors associated with severe CDAD and death within 14 days after the diagnosis of CDAD, using multiple logistic regression. Sixty-six episodes were identified in 64 patients among 439 patients with diarrhea during the study period. CDA rate of incidence varied from 0.78 to 5.45 per 1,000 days of neutropenia and from 0.65 to 5.45 per 1,000 patient-days. The most common underlying disease was acute myeloid leukemia 30/64 (44%), 32/64 (46%) patients were neutropenic, 31/64 (45%) undergone allogeneic HSCT, 61/64 (88%) had previously used antibiotics and 9/64 (13%) have severe CDAD. Most of the patients (89%) received treatment with oral metronidazole and 19/64 (26%) died. The independent risk factors associated with death were the severe form of CDAD, and use of linezolid

    Infectious diseases in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: prevention and prophylaxis strategy guidelines 2016

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    The evaluation of bactericidal effects of chemical compounds is one of the primary duties of the Public health laboratories. To meet this, several compounds were tested against various strains of bacteria (Salmonella typhosa, Sh. flexneri type 2, E. Coli Pathogen serotype 0124B17, and Cholera vibrio-Eltor serotype Inaba) at Reference laboratories, Ministry of Health. It was found that Sodium p-toluensulfonchloramide, Benzalkonium chloride land Calcium hypochlorite at 1000 PPM concentration and in 10 minutes have a complete kil1ing effect on four bacteria and are successively the compound of choice. Sublimate soap and Potassium permanganate in 1/100 concentration have significant killing effects on all tested bacteria in 5 minutes exposure; but at this concentration, both compounds (particularly the second ,one) will deteriorate the exposed materials. Domestic detergents (in ordinary concentrations) and Sodium chloride (even in saturated concentration) have no significant bactericidal effects