138 research outputs found

    Genetics of obesity.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to review and update advances in genetics of obesity. DESIGN: Analysis and interpretation of recent investigations about regulating the energy balance as well as about gene-nutrient interactions and current nutri-genomic research methods. BACKGROUND AND MAIN STATEMENTS: Obesity results from a long-term positive energy balance. However, its rising prevalence in developed and developing societies must reflect lifestyle changes, since genetic susceptibility remains stable over many generations. Like most complex diseases, obesity derives from a failure of adequate homoeostasis within the physiological system controlling body weight. The identification of genes that are involved in syndromic, monogenic and polygenic obesity has seriously improved our knowledge of body weight regulation. This disorder may arise from a deregulation at the genetic level (e.g. gene transcription or altered protein function) or environmental exposure (e.g. diet, physical activity, etc.). CONCLUSIONS: In practice, obesity involves the interaction between genetic and environmental factors

    How hot can mitochondria be? Incubation at temperatures above 43 °C induces the degradation of respiratory complexes and supercomplexes in intact cells and isolated mitochondria

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    Mitochondrial function generates an important fraction of the heat that contributes to cellular and organismal temperature maintenance, but the actual values of this parameter reached in the organelles is a matter of debate. The studies addressing this issue have reported divergent results: from detecting in the organelles the same temperature as the cell average or the incubation temperature, to increasing differences of up to 10 degrees above the incubation value. Theoretical calculations based on physical laws exclude the possibility of relevant temperature gradients between mitochondria and their surroundings. These facts have given rise to a conundrum or paradox about hot mitochondria. We have examined by Blue-Native electrophoresis, both in intact cells and in isolated organelles, the stability of respiratory complexes and supercomplexes at different temperatures to obtain information about their tolerance to heat stress. We observe that, upon incubation at values above 43 °C and after relatively short periods, respiratory complexes, and especially complex I and its supercomplexes, are unstable even when the respiratory activity is inhibited. These results support the conclusion that high temperatures (>43 °C) cause damage to mitochondrial structure and function and question the proposal that these organelles can physiologically work at close to 50 °C

    All-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum measured by the HAWC experiment from 10 to 500 TeV

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    We report on the measurement of the all-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory in the energy range 10 to 500 TeV. HAWC is a ground based air-shower array deployed on the slopes of Volcan Sierra Negra in the state of Puebla, Mexico, and is sensitive to gamma rays and cosmic rays at TeV energies. The data used in this work were taken from 234 days between June 2016 to February 2017. The primary cosmic-ray energy is determined with a maximum likelihood approach using the particle density as a function of distance to the shower core. Introducing quality cuts to isolate events with shower cores landing on the array, the reconstructed energy distribution is unfolded iteratively. The measured all-particle spectrum is consistent with a broken power law with an index of 2.49±0.01-2.49\pm0.01 prior to a break at (45.7±0.1(45.7\pm0.1) TeV, followed by an index of 2.71±0.01-2.71\pm0.01. The spectrum also respresents a single measurement that spans the energy range between direct detection and ground based experiments. As a verification of the detector response, the energy scale and angular resolution are validated by observation of the cosmic ray Moon shadow's dependence on energy.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, submission to Physical Review

    Role of Mitochondrial Complex IV in Age-Dependent Obesity

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    Aging is associated with progressive white adipose tissue (WAT) enlargement initiated early in life, but the molecular mechanisms involved remain unknown. Here we show that mitochondrial complex IV (CIV) activity and assembly are already repressed in white adipocytes of middle-aged mice and involve a HIF1A-dependent decline of essential CIV components such as COX5B. At the molecular level, HIF1A binds to the Cox5b proximal promoter and represses its expression. Silencing of Cox5b decreased fatty acid oxidation and promoted intracellular lipid accumulation. Moreover, local in vivo Cox5b silencing in WAT of young mice increased the size of adipocytes, whereas restoration of COX5B expression in aging mice counteracted adipocyte enlargement. An age-dependent reduction in COX5B gene expression was also found in human visceral adipose tissue. Collectively, our findings establish a pivotal role for CIV dysfunction in progressive white adipocyte enlargement during aging, which can be restored to alleviate age-dependent WAT expansion

    The secreted triose phosphate isomerase of Brugia malayi is required to sustain microfilaria production in vivo

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    Human lymphatic filariasis is a major tropical disease transmitted through mosquito vectors which take up microfilarial larvae from the blood of infected subjects. Microfilariae are produced by long-lived adult parasites, which also release a suite of excretory-secretory products that have recently been subject to in-depth proteomic analysis. Surprisingly, the most abundant secreted protein of adult Brugia malayi is triose phosphate isomerase (TPI), a glycolytic enzyme usually associated with the cytosol. We now show that while TPI is a prominent target of the antibody response to infection, there is little antibody-mediated inhibition of catalytic activity by polyclonal sera. We generated a panel of twenty-three anti-TPI monoclonal antibodies and found only two were able to block TPI enzymatic activity. Immunisation of jirds with B. malayi TPI, or mice with the homologous protein from the rodent filaria Litomosoides sigmodontis, failed to induce neutralising antibodies or protective immunity. In contrast, passive transfer of neutralising monoclonal antibody to mice prior to implantation with adult B. malayi resulted in 60–70% reductions in microfilarial levels in vivo and both oocyte and microfilarial production by individual adult females. The loss of fecundity was accompanied by reduced IFNγ expression by CD4+ T cells and a higher proportion of macrophages at the site of infection. Thus, enzymatically active TPI plays an important role in the transmission cycle of B. malayi filarial parasites and is identified as a potential target for immunological and pharmacological intervention against filarial infections

    Impacto científico y temático de la Rev. Cuerpo Méd. HNAAA: un análisis bibliométrico, 2011-2020

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    Introduction: Peru has several journals about biomedical areas, but a few serial publications are visible and indexing in different global indexing media. Objective: To analyze the main publication characteristics from Revista del Cuerpo Médico Hospital Nacional Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo (Chiclayo) based on bibliometric methods. Methods: Descriptive study that analyzes 587 articles published by the journal from 2011 to 2020, based on bibliometric methods and indicators: citations, scientific impact and co-word analysis. Results: Original articles were the highest types of document published (60%; X̅=66). Published research articles on general medicine received more impact in previous years than the recents. Most frequent terms analyzed were studies about patients from hospitals in Chiclayo city (Lambayeque) with covid-19 clinical cases.  Conclusion: Revista del Cuerpo Médico HNAAA is emerging as an important scholarly publication to do visible local, national, and international production due to health subject coverage into medical specialties.Introducción: El Perú posee un gran número revistas de áreas biomédicas, pero solo algunas han logrado visibilizar e indizar sus publicaciones en diferentes medios de indización de alcance global. Objetivo: Analizar las características de publicación de la Revista del Cuerpo Médico Hospital Nacional Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo (Chiclayo) a partir de indicadores bibliométricos. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo que analiza 587 registros bibliográficos de los artículos publicados en la revista durante 2011-2020, a partir de indicadores de impacto científico y análisis de términos. Resultados: La mayor producción de artículos corresponde a originales (60%; X̅=66). Los artículos publicados sobre medicina general obtuvieron más impacto en años anteriores. Los temas más frecuentes fueron estudios sobre pacientes de hospitales de Chiclayo, Lambayeque con casos de covid-19. Conclusiones: La Revista del Cuerpo Médico HNAAA se perfila como una publicación seriada de importancia para visibilizar la producción nacional y local por la cobertura temática en especialidades médicas de relevancia regional que publica

    Remission of obesity and insulin resistance is not sufficient to restore mitochondrial homeostasis in visceral adipose tissue

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    Metabolic plasticity is the ability of a biological system to adapt its metabolic phenotype to different environmental stressors. We used a whole-body and tissue-specific phenotypic, functional, proteomic, metabolomic and transcriptomic approach to systematically assess metabolic plasticity in diet-induced obese mice after a combined nutritional and exercise intervention. Although most obesity and overnutrition-related pathological features were successfully reverted, we observed a high degree of metabolic dysfunction in visceral white adipose tissue, characterized by abnormal mitochondrial morphology and functionality. Despite two sequential therapeutic interventions and an apparent global healthy phenotype, obesity triggered a cascade of events in visceral adipose tissue progressing from mitochondrial metabolic and proteostatic alterations to widespread cellular stress, which compromises its biosynthetic and recycling capacity. In humans, weight loss after bariatric surgery showed a transcriptional signature in visceral adipose tissue similar to our mouse model of obesity reversion. Overall, our data indicate that obesity prompts a lasting metabolic fingerprint that leads to a progressive breakdown of metabolic plasticity in visceral adipose tissue

    Cooperation among cancer cells: applying game theory to cancer

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    Cell cooperation promotes many of the hallmarks of cancer via the secretion of diffusible factors that can affect cancer cells or stromal cells in the tumour microenvironment. This cooperation cannot be explained simply as the collective action of cells for the benefit of the tumour because non-cooperative subclones can constantly invade and free-ride on the diffusible factors produced by the cooperative cells. A full understanding of cooperation among the cells of a tumour requires methods and concepts from evolutionary game theory, which has been used successfully in other areas of biology to understand similar problems but has been underutilized in cancer research. Game theory can provide insights into the stability of cooperation among cells in a tumour and into the design of potentially evolution-proof therapies that disrupt this cooperation

    Metabolic alterations during the growth of tumour spheroids

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    Solid tumours undergo considerable alterations in their metabolism of nutrients in order to generate sufficient energy and biomass for sustained growth and proliferation. During growth, the tumour microenvironment exerts a number of influences (e.g. hypoxia and acidity) that affect cellular biology and the flux or utilisation of fuels including glucose. The tumour spheroid model was used to characterise the utilisation of glucose and describe alterations to the activity and expression of key glycolytic enzymes during the tissue growth curve. Glucose was avidly consumed and associated with the production of lactate and an acidified medium, confirming the reliance on glycolytic pathways and a diminution of oxidative phosphorylation. The expression levels and activities of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase-1, pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in the glycolytic pathway were measured to assess glycolytic capacity. Similar measurements were made for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the entry point and regulatory step of the pentose-phosphate pathway (PPP) and for cytosolic malate dehydrogenase, a key link to TCA cycle intermediates. The parameters for these key enzymes were shown to undergo considerable variation during the growth curve of tumour spheroids. In addition, they revealed that the dynamic alterations were influenced by both transcriptional and posttranslational mechanisms