4,875 research outputs found

    Paving the Way for a Real-Time Context-Aware Predictive Architecture

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    Internet of Things society generates and needs to consume huge amounts of data in a demanding context-aware scenario. Such exponentially growing data sources require the use of novel processing methodologies, technologies and tools to facilitate data processing in order to detect and prevent situations of interest for the users in their particular context. To solve this issue, we propose an architecture which making use of emerging technologies and cloud platforms can process huge amounts of heterogeneous data and promptly alert users of relevant situations for a particular domain according to their context. Last, but not least, we will provide a graphical tool for domain experts to easily model, automatically generate code and deploy the situations to be detected and the actions to be taken in consequence. The proposal will be evaluated through a real case study related to air quality monitoring and lung diseases in collaboration with a doctor specialist on lung diseases of a public hospital

    Managing Uncertain Complex Events in Web of Things Applications

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    A critical issue in the Web of Things (WoT) is the need to process and analyze the interactions of Web-interconnected real-world objects. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a powerful technology for analyzing streams of information about real-time distributed events, coming from different sources, and for extracting conclusions from them. However, in many situations these events are not free from uncertainty, due to either unreliable data sources and networks, measurement uncertainty, or to the inability to determine whether an event has actually happened or not. This short research paper discusses how CEP systems can incorporate different kinds of uncertainty, both in the events and in the rules. A case study is used to validate the proposal, and we discuss the benefits and limitations of this CEP extension.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Inhibitor of cysteine protease and mortality of Diaphorina citri.

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    The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is considered an important pest of citrus by its ability to transmit the HLB disease. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of protease inhibitors for the control of this insect. The tests were performed with Murraya paniculata plants. The following aqueous solutions were applied: (1) distilled water (control), (2) Triton X-100 (0.1 m L-1) and (3) cysteine proteinase inhibitor E-64 (0.05 mg mL-1) and Triton X -100 (0.1 mL L-1). Four treatments were performed: solutions (1), (2) and (3) were applied four days before the release of the insects on the plants and for the last treatment, solution (3) was applied immediately before the insects release. The solutions were applied to the stem of the plant, 20 mL per plant. Were used five plants per treatment. Ten adults of D. citri were released on each plant after four hours of starvation. Each plant was maintained in a cage and mortality was observed for five days. The data was analyzed by Tukey test (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in mortality of insects among the treatments. Enzymatic analysis showed that there is enzymatic activity of cysteine p roteases in the D. citri midgut, thus, the low mortality after ingestion of this compound may indicate the need to adapt the bioassay method

    Convergent adaptation of multiple herbicide resistance to auxin mimics and ALS- and EPSPS-inhibitors in Brassica rapa from North and South America

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    Herbicide-resistant weeds have been identified and recorded on every continent where croplands are available. Despite the diversity of weed communities, it is of interest how selection has led to the same consequences in distant regions. Brassica rapa is a widespread naturalized weed that is found throughout temperate North and South America, and it is a frequent weed among winter cereal crops in Argentina and in Mexico. Broadleaf weed control is based on glyphosate that is used prior to sowing and sulfonylureas or mimic auxin herbicides that are used once the weeds have already emerged. This study was aimed at determining whether a convergent phenotypic adaptation to multiple herbicides had occurred in B. rapa populations from Mexico and Argentina by comparing the herbicide sensitivity to inhibitors of the acetolactate synthase (ALS), 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSPS), and auxin mimics. Five B. rapa populations were analyzed from seeds collected in wheat fields in Argentina (Ar1 and Ar2) and barley fields in Mexico (Mx1, Mx2 and MxS). Mx1, Mx2, and Ar1 populations presented multiple resistance to ALS- and EPSPS-inhibitors and to auxin mimics (2,4-D, MCPA, and fluroxypyr), while the Ar2 population showed resistance only to ALS-inhibitors and glyphosate. Resistance factors ranged from 947 to 4069 for tribenuron-methyl, from 1.5 to 9.4 for 2,4-D, and from 2.7 to 42 for glyphosate. These were consistent with ALS activity, ethylene production, and shikimate accumulation analyses in response to tribenuron-methyl, 2,4-D, and glyphosate, respectively. These results fully support the evolution of the multiple- and cross-herbicide resistance to glyphosate, ALS-inhibitors, and auxinic herbicides in B. rapa populations from Mexico and Argentina

    Current overview and potential applications of the soil ecosystem services approach in Brazil.

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    A pressão humana sobre os serviços ecossistêmicos tem resultado em impactos indesejáveis sobre o bem-estar humano. Com o Projeto Millennium, várias pesquisas interdisciplinares têm sido desenvolvidas em todo o mundo com o objetivo de entender esses impactos sobre os fluxos e os processos dos ecossistemas e internalizar os custos e os benefícios dos serviços ecossistêmicos para a produção. O solo fornece muitos serviços ecossistêmicos, uma vez que sua multifuncionalidade é a base para a produção de alimentos, filtração de água, ciclagem de nutrientes e outros bens essenciais à vida. Este artigo apresenta os principais conceitos e classificações dos serviços ecossistêmicos do solo e de suas funções; os indicadores e os métodos de avaliação, modelagem e valoração dos serviços ecossistêmicos; algumas aplicações recentes para avaliar impactos de práticas de manejo agrícola sobre os serviços ecossistêmicos do solo; bem como os desafios e as oportunidades para a pesquisa e para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas relacionadas à sustentabilidade agroambiental no Brasil. Apesar de o papel do solo para prestação de serviços ecossistêmicos ainda ser subestimado, os cientistas têm gradualmente reconhecido os processos e as funções do solo como fundamentais para avaliar os serviços ecossistêmicos e os efeitos do uso e manejo da terra sobre eles. Abordagens interdisciplinares que integrem ciência e políticas públicas são necessárias para construir uma governança com base em serviços ecossistêmico

    Análisis de programas de mejora continua. Un estudio longitudinal en una empresa industrial

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    Las empresas han utilizado diversas herramientas que permiten que los operarios contribuyan al proceso de mejora continua. Entre las herramientas más usadas podemos destacar los sistemas de sugerencias tanto individuales como en grupo. En esta comunicación haremos un repaso de las principales características de ambos sistemas y los modos habituales de implantación. Nuestra ponencia pretende intentar responder a estas preguntas de investigación. ¿Qué resultados se derivan de la implantación de sistemas de sugerencias individuales o en grupo? ¿Cuál de los dos sistemas es más beneficioso para la empresa? ¿Qué problemas surgen durante el funcionamiento de estos programas? Para ello, analizaremos los datos de un caso de empresa industrial donde hemos recogido los datos históricos de 5 años de aplicación de un programa de mejora continua. Ambos programas han demostrado ser provechosos para la empresa, aunque las posibilidades de los sistemas de grupo parecen ser significativamente mayores

    Calibration of the Logarithmic-Periodic Dipole Antenna (LPDA) Radio Stations at the Pierre Auger Observatory using an Octocopter

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    An in-situ calibration of a logarithmic periodic dipole antenna with a frequency coverage of 30 MHz to 80 MHz is performed. Such antennas are part of a radio station system used for detection of cosmic ray induced air showers at the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory, the so-called Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA). The directional and frequency characteristics of the broadband antenna are investigated using a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) carrying a small transmitting antenna. The antenna sensitivity is described by the vector effective length relating the measured voltage with the electric-field components perpendicular to the incoming signal direction. The horizontal and meridional components are determined with an overall uncertainty of 7.4^{+0.9}_{-0.3} % and 10.3^{+2.8}_{-1.7} % respectively. The measurement is used to correct a simulated response of the frequency and directional response of the antenna. In addition, the influence of the ground conductivity and permittivity on the antenna response is simulated. Both have a negligible influence given the ground conditions measured at the detector site. The overall uncertainties of the vector effective length components result in an uncertainty of 8.8^{+2.1}_{-1.3} % in the square root of the energy fluence for incoming signal directions with zenith angles smaller than 60{\deg}.Comment: Published version. Updated online abstract only. Manuscript is unchanged with respect to v2. 39 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Multi-resolution anisotropy studies of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    We report a multi-resolution search for anisotropies in the arrival directions of cosmic rays detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory with local zenith angles up to 8080^\circ and energies in excess of 4 EeV (4×10184 \times 10^{18} eV). This search is conducted by measuring the angular power spectrum and performing a needlet wavelet analysis in two independent energy ranges. Both analyses are complementary since the angular power spectrum achieves a better performance in identifying large-scale patterns while the needlet wavelet analysis, considering the parameters used in this work, presents a higher efficiency in detecting smaller-scale anisotropies, potentially providing directional information on any observed anisotropies. No deviation from isotropy is observed on any angular scale in the energy range between 4 and 8 EeV. Above 8 EeV, an indication for a dipole moment is captured; while no other deviation from isotropy is observed for moments beyond the dipole one. The corresponding pp-values obtained after accounting for searches blindly performed at several angular scales, are 1.3×1051.3 \times 10^{-5} in the case of the angular power spectrum, and 2.5×1032.5 \times 10^{-3} in the case of the needlet analysis. While these results are consistent with previous reports making use of the same data set, they provide extensions of the previous works through the thorough scans of the angular scales.Comment: Published version. Added journal reference and DOI. Added Report Numbe

    Ultrahigh-energy neutrino follow-up of Gravitational Wave events GW150914 and GW151226 with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    On September 14, 2015 the Advanced LIGO detectors observed their first gravitational-wave (GW) transient GW150914. This was followed by a second GW event observed on December 26, 2015. Both events were inferred to have arisen from the merger of black holes in binary systems. Such a system may emit neutrinos if there are magnetic fields and disk debris remaining from the formation of the two black holes. With the surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory we can search for neutrinos with energy above 100 PeV from point-like sources across the sky with equatorial declination from about -65 deg. to +60 deg., and in particular from a fraction of the 90% confidence-level (CL) inferred positions in the sky of GW150914 and GW151226. A targeted search for highly-inclined extensive air showers, produced either by interactions of downward-going neutrinos of all flavors in the atmosphere or by the decays of tau leptons originating from tau-neutrino interactions in the Earth's crust (Earth-skimming neutrinos), yielded no candidates in the Auger data collected within ±500\pm 500 s around or 1 day after the coordinated universal time (UTC) of GW150914 and GW151226, as well as in the same search periods relative to the UTC time of the GW candidate event LVT151012. From the non-observation we constrain the amount of energy radiated in ultrahigh-energy neutrinos from such remarkable events.Comment: Published version. Added journal reference and DOI. Added Report Numbe

    Azimuthal asymmetry in the risetime of the surface detector signals of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The azimuthal asymmetry in the risetime of signals in Auger surface detector stations is a source of information on shower development. The azimuthal asymmetry is due to a combination of the longitudinal evolution of the shower and geometrical effects related to the angles of incidence of the particles into the detectors. The magnitude of the effect depends upon the zenith angle and state of development of the shower and thus provides a novel observable, (secθ)max(\sec \theta)_\mathrm{max}, sensitive to the mass composition of cosmic rays above 3×10183 \times 10^{18} eV. By comparing measurements with predictions from shower simulations, we find for both of our adopted models of hadronic physics (QGSJETII-04 and EPOS-LHC) an indication that the mean cosmic-ray mass increases slowly with energy, as has been inferred from other studies. However, the mass estimates are dependent on the shower model and on the range of distance from the shower core selected. Thus the method has uncovered further deficiencies in our understanding of shower modelling that must be resolved before the mass composition can be inferred from (secθ)max(\sec \theta)_\mathrm{max}.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO