9 research outputs found

    Heat stroke: a study of the effects of heat and altitude on the inhabitants of Utrecht, Natal

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    The underground atmospheric working environment of the Rand mines is hot and humid, and in some cases associated with stagnation of air. Hard manual labour in such conditions may produce pathological reactions, namely, Heat-collapse and Heat-stroke.Heat-collapse is due to cardiac embarrassment brought about by the inability of the heart to cope with the increased physiological demands made upon it by the work and the environment. The symptoms and signs are those of a fatigued heart, namely, headache, dizziness, general feeling of weakness or collapse. The discomfort that these symptoms produce prevents further muscular work and therefore saves the already overworked heart from still further effort. Heat-collapse is therefore in a sense protective.It is only natural that workers who are debilitated as the result of disease are more prone to heat -collapse than normal healthy subjects. Further, the abnormal strain put on the heart, as the result of work in bad underground environment, 7hich normally produces symptoms of heat-collapse, may in diseased subjects be sufficient to bring about a complete breakdown of the heart's action with subsequent death.Heat-stroke is a condition of acute mental excitement with delirium, convulsions, muscular twitchings or tremors and is always associated with a high body temperature. The actual causative agent in the body which precipitates this condition has not yet been established. Hyperpyrexia is merely an accompaniment of the general bodily derangement and is not the causative agent. The invariable absence of diagnosable disease in cases of heat - stroke on admission to hospital, and the subsequent similar findings by Macro- and micro- pathological examination in cases that terminate fatally, is consistent with the fact that co-existing disease does not play a role in precipitating heat-stroke. Unlike heat-collapse, heat-stroke only occurs in unacclimatised subjects. Owing to the acute onset and course of the affliction, treatment directed at anticipating an attack is impossible.Heat-stroke is preventable. Adequate control of the cooling power of the working environment together with a suitable form of underground acclimatisation will eliminate it

    Anemia in Women of Reproductive Age

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    Anemia is a common condition in women of childbearing age which is associated with wide spread hyperplastic processes in the uterus (leiomyomas, etc.) and abnormal and/or abundant uterine bleeding (AUB). Our study has considered the main causes of bleeding and the therapy aimed on limiting the amount of blood loss, as well as preoperative treatment of iron deficiency in women with uterine leiomyomas, planning for pregnancy. The combination of anemia with other abnormalities in the woman’s health status is associated with complications during pregnancy such as premature births, the birth of small children and failure of the formation of neural tube in iron deficiency and hypoxia. During the treatment of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) with saline iron, we noted severity and pain in the stomach in 11.9% of patients, nausea in 13.1%, constipation in 21.4%, and diarrhea in 7.1% of women. Such complications did not occur while treating with ferric iron. The use of drugs Iron III hydroxide polymaltozate in women after the end of lactation resulted in normalization of the blood hemoglobin within 30 days and the number of erythrocytes and of serum ferritin by the 90th day

    Preterm labour - a medical and social problem

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    Preterm labour is one of the most important issues of protection of maternal and child health, since it determines the level of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Despite the variety of tocolytic therapy, during its using polypragmasy is observed. To prevent or to stop preterm labor is not easy, and perhaps it is possible to prolong the pregnancy for only 2-7 days, and rarely to the calendar date. One of the most controversial issues is the method of delivery before 28 weeks of gestation. On the one hand the survival of these children is low (≈13%), on another - cesarean section is more sparing method of delivery for preterm infants. The most important parameter for evaluating the effectiveness of the obstetric care is evaluating of the long-term outcomes of the development of children

    Analysis of emerging technologies for improving social inclusion of people with disabilities

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    Project: Innovative Solutions based on Emerging Technologies for Improving Social Inclusion of People with DisabilitiesTechnologies in general and their assistive capabilities in particular, play a significant role for people with disabilities and their social inclusion. It is expected that emerging technologies will contribute to assistive technologies by reducing or removing the constraints that characterize existing solutions, as well as opening up entirely new ones [1]–[6]. This report aims to explore such opportunities by investigating the potential of emerging technologies for the sake of improving social inclusion of people with disabilities. The presented research is carried out within the ERASMUS+ project entitled Innovative Solutions based on Emerging Technologies for Improving Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities (INNOSID). The INNOSID project is based on the 10-year-long operation of the ICT-AAC Competence network in Croatia1 whose members cooperate in education, research, development and innovation with the aim of developing an inclusive society. The ICT-AAC Competence network’s activities are expanded with this project through the internationalization and use of emerging technologies. The project’s consortium consists of six higher education institutions and one non-governmental organization from the domain of persons with disabilities from five European countries: Croatia, France, Hungary, Portugal and Spain. More about the INNOSID consortium partners can be found in the Appendix A of the report. The report, in whose activities all INNOSID partner countries participated, provides an analysis of emerging technologies for improving social inclusion of people with disabilities. The focus of this chapter is to introduce the topics of interest by explaining the key theoretical concepts from both technical and societal aspects. Keywords, such as people with disabilities, social inclusion and emerging technologies, are defined and introduced from a broader perspective in order to understand the connection between them. In addition, the end of this chapter will outline its significance for interested readers. As the reader of the report will be able to see, the report is designed to provide, in addition to text, numerous examples related to different statistics, infographics, various visual representations of the described, as well as examples of good practice and case studies, mostly related to partner countries. Purpose of that is to enable the reader to better understand the topics that are extremely important and should not be neglected, especially because they concern each person and because each of us can play an important role in change for the better.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cohort profile. the ESC-EORP chronic ischemic cardiovascular disease long-term (CICD LT) registry

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    The European Society of cardiology (ESC) EURObservational Research Programme (EORP) Chronic Ischemic Cardiovascular Disease registry Long Term (CICD) aims to study the clinical profile, treatment modalities and outcomes of patients diagnosed with CICD in a contemporary environment in order to assess whether these patients at high cardiovascular risk are treated according to ESC guidelines on prevention or on stable coronary disease and to determine mid and long term outcomes and their determinants in this population

    C. Literaturwissenschaft.

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