109 research outputs found


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    Çocuklar resim yoluyla bize duygularınıyansıtabilirler ve olaylar hakkındaki his ve düşüncelerini ifade edebilirler. Çocuğun yaptığıresimler onun iç dünyasının aynasıolarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu düşüncelerden yola çıkarak çocuk resmi konusunda pek çok araştırma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada; çocuk resminde aile kavramıdeğerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmaya Türkiye’den Konya İli Meram ve Selçuklu İlçelerinden ilköğretim okullarına devam eden 8-14 yaşarası66 öğrenci ve Almanya’nın Berlin Şehrinde 8-14 yaşarası58 öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 124 öğrenci alınmıştır. Öğrencilere zihinsel boyutu değerlendirmek amacıile Goodenough Harris Adam Çizme Testi uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca öğrencilerden aile kavramınıdeğerlendirmek amacıile birer aile resmi çizmeleri istenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda her iki ülkede yaşayan çocukların cinsiyetine göre resim çizme ve aileyi tanıma durumlarıarasında kızların erkeklerden daha başarılıolduklarıve yaşilerledikçe aileyi tanıma düzeyinin yükseldiği gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca kardeşsayısına göre aileyi tanıma puanlarıfarklılaşmaktadır, okul başarısıyüksek olan öğrencilerin goodenhough harris testinden aldılarıpuan daha yüksek bulunmuştur

    Multiple representational databases and navigation map design

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Bu da söz konusu uygulamalarda kullanılan verinin organizasyonunu güçleştirmekte ve veri yoğunluğu, çözülmesi gereken bir sorun olarak gündeme gelmektedir. Diğer taraftan uygulamalarda aynı yeryüzü fiziksel gerçekliğinin farklı amaç ve ölçeklerde modellenmek istenmesi de aşılması zor olan sorunları gündeme getirmektedir. Bu tür sorunların aşılması amacıyla yapılan çalışmalarda yeryüzü gerçekliğinin çoklu gösterimi ilkesini temel alan farklı bir veritabanı yaklaşımı ortaya atılmıştır. Çoklu Gösterim Veritabanları olarak adlandırılan bu yaklaşımda, uygulamaya yönelik farklı amaç ve ölçekteki ürünlerin, tek bir veritabanından otomatik genelleştirme ile türetilmesi ve daha sonra güncelleştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak, günümüzde kartografların önemli çalışma ve araştırma alanlarından biri olan genelleştirme konusunda genel bilgiler verilmiş ve sonrasında CBS uygulamalarının önemli bir sorunu olan veri organizasyonuna yeni bir yaklaşım getiren çoklu gösterim veritabanları, tüm bileşenleri ve sağlayacağı avantajları ile ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla yapılan çalışmada araç sürücülerinin bir sistem dahilinde yönlendirilmesini amaçlayan araç navigasyon sistemlerinde kullanılan yol haritalarının tasarımı, çoklu gösterim veritabanları perspektifinde incelenerek söz konusu veritabanı yapısı temel bileşenleri ile örneklendirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda yol ağlarının, algılanması en zor parçalarını oluşturan kavşak yapıları ele alınmış ve navigasyon haritaları için uygun tasarım modellerine yönelik bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, farklı ölçek ve çözünürlük seviyelerinde kullanılan kavşak ve yol ağı gösterimleri baz alınarak farklı gösterim seviyeleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma ile çoklu gösterim veritabanı yaklaşımının navigasyon uygulamalarında kullanılmasına yönelik temel altlık hazırlanmıştır.   Anahtar Kelimeler: Çoklu gösterim veritabanları, navigasyon, genelleştirme, CBS.  The invention of the computer is certainly one of the most important events affecting the everyday life in 20th Century. This event have triggered a new restructuring and renovation process in each sector therefore work habits and operating methods changed and developed for each disciplines. Geodesy and Photogrammetry engineering has been affected from this change as well as the other disciplines. As a result of stated change, classical map design and production methods are postponed by the use of the computer aided design technologies additionally new studies have been executed to achieve full automated generalization. On the other hand, since the amount of the data increased as a result of the use of these technologies, new studies have been conducted to develop new database and database management system approaches for managing the collected data. Finally, the effective use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has accelerated these developments lived in spatial data sector. Generalization is certainly one of the most important issues of the cartography which is the science and art of visualization of world reality on paper, screen or similar media. Geographic Information Systems are the most effective communication methods of world reality recently. Moreover GIS is the product of inter disciplinary solidarity and cooperation. As a result of GIS requirements for multiple aimed production and updating data regularly researches executed on automated generalization become effective. Furthermore representations with different aims, scale and capabilities have come out, because each user contributed to their work in GIS, to represent their expertise and specific information by using the rules and the methods. Besides researches on automated generalization, data base design for multiple representations with very huge amount of data became a current problem. Thus, multiple representations and multiple representational databases (MRDB) became significant component of GIS. Navigation is a fundamental human activity and an integral part of everyday life. People have navigated themselves with no maps; technological developments facilitated navigation by providing paper maps. Nowadays, advanced navigation systems have been developed, integrating positioning and communication techniques, digital mapping, computer and handheld device technologies. Navigation is specified according to its application area ? such as aircraft, marine, nautical, personal, and car navigation etc. Although these navigation types have significant differences because of their application dependent constraints and aims, the demand for wayfinding lies at the core of them all. Map design for navigation purposes should be considered in terms of two different approaches; base map which will be used as geometric layout and the map used as user interface. The map on which spatial analysis will be executed, geometric layout, needs high accuracy and less generalization while the other one is highly generalized in terms of application. Therefore while designing these maps particularly geometry of the road networks should be strictly preserved and other related and required objects should be generalized and symbolized for navigation. In this paper, multiple representational databases, which are a new approach for data organization problem of GIS, were examined with its all components and benefits. In this concept, this database structure was sampled with its main components in terms of map design for car navigation. In this scope, junctions, which are the most complex structure of the roads, were considered as a problem and different design models were examined for navigation maps. Key problem areas for navigation are those parts of the network where a change in topology occurs with a change in scale. A divided highway with a two-line representation will be represented by a single line at a sufficiently small scale and, with continued scale change, may even be completely eliminated. Such changes can be expected to produce many problems to the navigating user, and hence to the cartographer. Fundamentals of multiple representational databases are developed for the urban road data, where the significant transformations in junctions and roadways are identified and tracked. Tools for formalizing and handling multi-scale representations are presented. As a result, the fundamental infrastructure for the use of multiple representational databases in navigation map design applications was formed in this paper.   Keywords: Multiple Representational Database, navigation, generalization, GIS

    Road generalization for car navigation map design

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    Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) uygulamalarında, fiziksel yeryüzünün farklı amaç ve ölçeklerdeki haritaların oluşturulması aşamasında veri yoğunluğundan kaynaklanan problemler çıkmaktadır. Bunların en önemlileri sonuç haritaların tasarımı sırasında görülen sunulacak olan verinin içerik optimizasyonu ve amaca uygun olarak görselleştirilmesidir. Fiziksel yeryüzünün farklı amaç ve ölçeklerde modellenmesi konusu CBS uygulamalarında ölçek seviyelerinin tanımlanması yöntemiyle çözülmektedir. Bu kapsamda her bir ölçek seviyesi için farklı içerikte haritalar oluşturulmaktadır. Çoklu gösterimler olarak da adlandırılan bu haritalar günümüzde tek bir olgunun ya da varlığın tek bir sistem içerisinde farklı boyutlarda (çözünürlük, ölçek, doğruluk, zaman vb.) bir çok defa modellenmesi, gösterilmesi ve kullanılmasını amaçlayan Çoklu Gösterim Veritabanları (ÇGVT) yaklaşımı ile modellenmektedir. ÇGVT yaklaşımının geliştirilmesiyle birlikte harita üretimi ve güncellenmesi sürecinin otomasyonu açısından da önemli sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Araç navigasyonu uygulaması da farklı ölçek ve çözünürlükteki haritaları bilgi iletişim aracı olarak kullandıkları için ÇGVT uygulaması olarak kabul edilir. Günümüzde ticari olarak kullanılan sistemlerde farklı ölçeklerdeki navigasyon haritası tasarımı için gerekli olan genelleştirme işlemi, CBS uygulamalarına benzer bir şekilde, ölçek seviyelerinin ve her bir seviyenin içeriğinin önceden belirlenerek sisteme tanıtılması yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu yolla elde edilen haritalar bir çok ihtiyacı karşılamakla birlikte içerik, sunum ve üretim yöntemleri açısından geliştirilmelidir. Bu çalışmada araç navigasyon sistemleri için harita tasarımı konusunda ÇGVT yaklaşımını da göz önünde bulundurularak bir tasarım yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda sistemin en detaylı bilgiyi içeren kullanım seviyesi için genelleştirme yöntemleri önerilerek bu yöntemlerin uygulaması yapılmıştır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Çoklu gösterim veritabanları, navigasyon, genelleştirme.Geographical Information System (GIS) is a multi disciplinary work so various users with various requirements use these systems. This situation complicates the organization of the data and increasing density of the data appears as a problem that is needed to be solved. Optimization of the map data and its visualization depending on the aim of the application are the other important issues related with data organization. Modeling the physical reality as multiple representations is provided by the use of zoom levels in GIS applications. Maps with different levels of detail are created for each zoom level. These maps are entitled as multiple representations and currently modeled based on Multiple Representational Databases (MRDB) approach, which is used to store the same real world phenomena at different levels of accuracy and resolution. The use of MRDB also provides the automation of the generalization and updating processes of the maps. Navigation, which aims at wayfinding especially in the foreign environment, is a fundamental human activity and an integral part of everyday life. Advanced navigation systems integrate positioning and communication techniques, digital mapping, computer and handheld device technologies to cover the aim of navigation application. In addition to the accuracy of the data used in these systems, efficient communication of the system based information with the user is also important for the success of the system. Maps are used for the communication of the information together with the use of multi media technologies supported by the system. Since navigation maps are the basic visual tools for information communication in car navigation systems, they should be designed depending on the aim of the application for increasing the efficiency of the implemented system. Map design for navigation purposes should be considered in terms of small display cartography, since navigation systems use small display devices as hardware. Small display map design requires additional constraints in comparison with traditional map design. The common aim of these maps is to communicate the optimal data on a small display media. This task requires a special map design process including the intensive use of the generalization methods. Additionally databases used to design navigation maps need systematic updates in the case of changes in road geometries or attributes. All requirements of navigation map design process coincide with the context of the MRDB. Generalization is certainly one of the most important issues of the cartography which is the science and art of visualization of world reality on paper, screen or similar media. Particularly researches on automated generalization, data base design for multiple representations with very huge amount of data currently became a research base of Cartography. Similar to GIS applications, current car navigation systems use predefined zoom level and selection strategy to generalize the map content for the use of different levels of representations. Although this method covers several needs of car navigation, its static structure on data derivation and visualization issues should be improved for the use of 3 dimensional and real-time navigation applications. These applications are the new trends of current navigation technology. In this study, current commercial car navigation products were examined depending on the methods that they used for map design. Design problems, which are related with generalization issues, of navigation maps were determined for large and small scale representations. Optimization of the road network was one of the main design problems for any kind of navigation maps currently in use. In this study, this problem was examined for large scaled maps of MRDB designed for navigation purposes. A route dependant generalization approach that will be used for optimizing road network data was proposed. This approach based on the idea of classifying the road segments of a road network in three classes depending on their geometrical relations with calculated navigation route. Therefore this approach is applied whenever a navigation route calculated and it gives different results for each application. After classifying the road segments, they are selected for representation depending on their determined classes. This approach, which enables the cartographer to generalize the road network depending on their geometries in addition to their attributes, is also implemented and a sample result were presented in this study. Keywords: Multiple Representational Database,  navigation, generalization, GIS

    What Is the Important Point Related to Follow-Up Sonographic Evaluation for the Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip?

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    Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is an important cause of childhood disability. Subluxation or dislocation can be diagnosed through pediatric physical examination; nevertheless, the ultrasonographic examination is necessary in diagnosing certain borderline cases. It has been evaluated routine sonographic examination of 2,444 hips of 1,222 babies to determine differences in both, developmental dysplasia and types of hips, and evaluated their development on the 3-month follow-up. Evaluating the pathologic alpha angles under 59, there was no statistically significant differences between girls and boys in both right (55.57 +/- 3.73) (56.20 +/- 4.01), (p = 0.480), and left (55.79 +/- 3.96) (57.00 +/- 3.84), (p = 0.160) hips on the 45th day of life. Routine sonographic examinations on the 45th day of life revealed that 51 of (66.2%) 77 type 2a right hips were girls and 26 (33.8%) were boys. The number of the right hips that develop into type 1 was 38 (74.5%) for girls and 26 (100%) for boys on the 90th day of life (p = 0.005). A total of 87 type 2a left hips included 64 girls (73.6%) and 23 boys (26.4%). In the 90th day control, 49 right hip of girls (76.6%) and 21 right hip of boys (91.3%) developed into type 1 (p = 0.126). In the assessment of both left and right hips, girls showed a significantly higher frequency in latency and boys showed significantly higher development in the control sonography. A total of 31 girls (2.5%) and 11 boys (0.9%) accounted for a total of 42 (3.4%) cases who showed bilateral type 2a hips in 1,222 infants. On the 90th day control, 26 girls (83.9%) and all 11 boys (100%) developed into type 1 (p = 0.156). The study emphasizes the importance of the sonographic examination on the 90th day of life. Results of the investigation include the data of sonographic screening of DDH on the 45th day, and also stress the importance of the 90th-day control sonography after a close follow-up with physical examination between 45th and 90th days of life

    AA-statistical convergence for a class of positive linear operators

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    In this paper we introduce a sequence of positive linear operators defined on the space C[0,a]C[0,a] (0<a<1)(0<a<1) and provide an approximation theorem for these operators via the concept of AA-statistical convergence. We also compute the rates of convergence of these approximation operators by means of the first and second order modulus of continuity and the elements of the Lipschitz class. Furthermore, by defining the generalization of rr-th order of these operators we show that the similar approximation properties are preserved on \(C[0,a].\

    The chromospherically--active binary CF Tuc revisited

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    New high-resolution spectra, of the chromospherically active binary system CF Tuc, taken at the Mt. John University Observatory in 2007, were analyzed using two methods: cross-correlation and Fourier--based disentangling. As a result, new radial velocity curves of both components were obtained. The resulting orbital elements of CF Tuc are: a1sinia_{1}{\sin}i=0.0254±0.00010.0254\pm0.0001 AU, a2sinia_{2}{\sin}i=0.0228±0.00010.0228\pm0.0001 AU, M1siniM_{1}{\sin}i=0.902±0.0050.902\pm0.005 MM_{\odot}, and M2siniM_{2}{\sin}i=1.008±0.0061.008\pm0.006 MM_{\odot}. The cooler component of the system shows Hα\alpha and CaII H & K emissions. Our spectroscopic data and recent BVBV light curves were solved simultaneously using the Wilson-Devinney code. A dark spot on the surface of the cooler component was assumed to explain large asymmetries observed in the light curves. The following absolute parameters of the components were determined: M1M_{1}=1.11±0.011.11\pm0.01 MM_{\odot}, M2M_{2}=1.23±0.011.23\pm0.01 MM_{\odot}, R1R_{1}=1.63±0.021.63\pm0.02 RR_{\odot}, R2R_{2}=3.60±0.023.60\pm0.02 RR_{\odot}, L1L_{1}=3.32±0.513.32\pm0.51 LL_{\odot} and L2L_{2}=3.91±0.843.91\pm0.84 LL_{\odot}. The orbital period of the system was studied using the O-C analysis. The O-C diagram could be interpreted in terms of either two abrupt changes or a quasi-sinusoidal form superimposed on a downward parabola. These variations are discussed by reference to the combined effect of mass transfer and mass loss, the Applegate mechanism and also a light-time effect due to the existence of a massive third body (possibly a black hole) in the system. The distance to CF Tuc was calculated to be 89±689\pm6 pc from the dynamic parallax, neglecting interstellar absorption, in agreement with the Hipparcos value.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The effect of 8-week different-intensity walking exercises on serum hepcidin, IL-6, and iron metabolism in pre-menopausal women

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    Objective Hepcidin may be an important mediator in exercise-induced iron deficiency. Despite the studies investigating acute exercise effects on hepcidin and markers of iron metabolism, we found no studies examining the chronic effects of walking exercises (WE) on hepcidin and markers of iron metabolism in premenopausal women. The chronic effects of two 8-week different-intensity WE on hepcidin, interleukin 6 (IL-6), and markers of iron metabolism in pre-menopausal women were examined. Methods Exercise groups (EG) [moderate tempo walking group (MTWG), n = 11; brisk walking group (BWG), n = 11] walked 3 days/week, starting from 30 to 51 min. Control group (CG; n = 8) did not perform any exercises. BWG walked at ∼70%–75%; MTWG at ∼50%–55% of HRRmax. VO2max, hepcidin, IL-6, and iron metabolism markers were determined before and after the intervention. Results VO2max increased in both EGs, favoring the BWG. Hepcidin increased in the BWG (p  Conclusion Both WE types may be useful to prevent inflammation. However, brisk walking is advisable due to the positive changes in VO2max and some iron metabolism parameters, which may contribute to prevent iron deficiency. The increase in hepcidin levels remains unclear and necessitates further studies

    A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars (third edition)

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    Chromospherically Active Binaries (CAB) catalogue have been revised and updated. With 203 new identifications, the number of CAB stars is increased to 409. Catalogue is available in electronic format where each system has various number of lines (sub-orders) with a unique order number. Columns contain data of limited number of selected cross references, comments to explain peculiarities and position of the binarity in case it belongs to a multiple system, classical identifications (RS CVn, BY Dra), brightness and colours, photometric and spectroscopic data, description of emission features (Ca II H&K, HαH_{\alpha}, UV, IR), X-Ray luminosity, radio flux, physical quantities and orbital information, where each basic entry are referenced so users can go original sources.Comment: 5 pages, including 2 figures and 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA