313 research outputs found

    Clay mineralogy, chemistry, and diagenesis of late devonian K-bentonite occurrences in northwestern Turkey

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    Thin beds of tephra (K-bentonites) formed by the diagenesis of volcanic ash are exposed within the limestone-dolomitic limestone successions of the Yilanli formation at Zonguldak and Bartin in northwestern Turkey. They were deposited on the Middle Devonian-Lower Carboniferous shallow carbonate platform of the Zonguldak terrane. In this study, K-bentonite samples collected from Gavurpinari and Yilanli Burnu limestone quarries are investigated in order to reveal their mineralogical and geochemical characteristics and diagenetic evolution. Illite is the major clay mineral in the studied K-bentonites. Additionally, kaolinite and mixed-layer illite-smectite are identified in some samples. The nonclay minerals calcite, dolomite, quartz, gypsum, feldspar, pyrite, and zircon are also found. Crystal-chemical characteristics (Kiibler index, d060 values, and polytypes of illites) from two different sampling locations do not show significant variations. Kiibler index values for the Yilanli Burnu and Gavurpinari sampling locations, 0.47-0.93 (average: 0.71 A°29) and 0.69-0.77 (average: 0.72 A°29), respectively, indicate that illites were affected by high-grade diagenetic conditions. The swelling (or smectite) component (~5%), crystallite size (N = 10-20 nm), and polytype (2M1 > 1Md) data of illites support the same conditions. Illite d060 values of 1.491-1.503 A correspond to a range of octahedral Mg+Fe values of 0.27-0.51 atoms per formula, indicating a composition between end-member muscovite and phengite unit. Trace and rare earth element-based chemical classification of the K-bentonite samples revealed that composition of original volcanic ash is basaltic. Illitization took place by fixation of K from volcanic minerals and ash, and diffusion of elements (Mg+Fe) into and out of the beds during diagenesis. Mineralogical-chemical data point out that these K-bentonites evolved in high-grade diagenetic conditions (approximately 100-150 °C) from the products of volcanic eruptions of disputed sources and distances during the Late Devonian time. © 2015 TÜBİTAK

    On renormalizability of the massless Thirring model

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    We discuss the renormalizability of the massless Thirring model in terms of the causal fermion Green functions and correlation functions of left-right fermion densities. We obtain the most general expressions for the causal two-point Green function and correlation function of left-right fermion densities with dynamical dimensions of fermion fields, parameterised by two parameters. The region of variation of these parameters is constrained by the positive definiteness of the norms of the wave functions of the states related to components of the fermion vector current. We show that the dynamical dimensions of fermion fields calculated for causal Green functions and correlation functions of left-right fermion densities can be made equal. This implies the renormalizability of the massless Thirring model in the sense that the ultra-violet cut-off dependence, appearing in the causal fermion Green functions and correlation functions of left-right fermion densities, can be removed by renormalization of the wave function of the massless Thirring fermion fields only.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, the contribution of fermions with opposite chirality is added,the parameterisation of fermion determinant by two parameters is confirmed,it is shown that dynamical dimensions of fermion fields calculated from different correlation functions can be made equal.This allows to remove the dependence on the ultra-violet cut-off by the renormalization of the wave function of Thirring fermion fields onl

    Illite occurrences related to volcanic-hosted hydrothermal mineralization in the biga peninsula, NW Turkey: Implications for the age and origin of fluids

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    A different approach to investigate the origin of fluids, temperature conditions, age of hydrothermal activity of mineralization in the Biga Peninsula, (Koru, Tesbihdere and Kumarlar) employed mineralogical (illite Kübler index, b cell dimension, polytype) and geochemical (major, trace/REE, O-H stable isotope and Rb/Sr dating) methods. The Kübler Index (KI) values of illites indicate different temperature conditions, such as low temperature (high-grade diagenesis) for Koru deposit, and high temperature (anchizone) for the Tesbihdere and Kumarlar deposits. The textural, mineralogical and geochemical data from illites show that these have potential for estimating the age of hydrothermal activity and fluid characteristics. Both mineralogical (high grade diagenetic to anchizonal KI, 1 M polytype, low d060 values) and geochemical (similar major and trace element composition to host-rocks, low octahedral Mg + Fe contents, oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition) data are compatible with commonly known hydrothermal illites. Stable isotope data of illites are well matched to similar data from fluid inclusions, which indicate mainly magmatic fluids. The Rb/Sr age (22.4 ± 2.3 Ma: latest Oligocene and lowest Miocene) of the illites coincides with plutonic intrusions that are the main instigators of hydrothermal activities related to the extensional tectonic regime in the Biga Peninsula. The mineralogical and geochemical data of illites have some important advantages with respect to the use of fluid inclusions in determining δD of hydrothermal fluids thereby leading to better understanding ore-forming hydrothermal condition

    Thoracopagus Conjoined Twins: A Case Report

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    Objective. Conjoined twin is a rarely seen congenital anomaly together with severe mortality and morbidity. The more common types of conjoined twins include the thoracopagus type, where the fusion is anterior, at the chest, and involves the heart. We are reporting one case of conjoined thoracopagus twins diagnosed by ultrasonography at 11 weeks. Case Report. In a multigravid pregnant woman who has been admitted to our clinic with a diagnosis of conjoined twins, thoracopagus, by ultrasonography at an 11-week gestation, termination of the pregnancy was performed. Conclusion. Making an early diagnosis with ultrasonographic examination gives the parents a chance to elect pregnancy termination

    On "full" twisted Poincare' symmetry and QFT on Moyal-Weyl spaces

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    We explore some general consequences of a proper, full enforcement of the "twisted Poincare'" covariance of Chaichian et al. [14], Wess [50], Koch et al. [34], Oeckl [41] upon many-particle quantum mechanics and field quantization on a Moyal-Weyl noncommutative space(time). This entails the associated braided tensor product with an involutive braiding (or \star-tensor product in the parlance of Aschieri et al. [3,4]) prescription for any coordinates pair of x,yx,y generating two different copies of the space(time); the associated nontrivial commutation relations between them imply that xyx-y is central and its Poincar\'e transformation properties remain undeformed. As a consequence, in QFT (even with space-time noncommutativity) one can reproduce notions (like space-like separation, time- and normal-ordering, Wightman or Green's functions, etc), impose constraints (Wightman axioms), and construct free or interacting theories which essentially coincide with the undeformed ones, since the only observable quantities involve coordinate differences. In other words, one may thus well realize QM and QFT's where the effect of space(time) noncommutativity amounts to a practically unobservable common noncommutative translation of all reference frames.Comment: Latex file, 24 pages. Final version to appear in PR

    Mutations in Influenza A Virus (H5N1) and Possible Limited Spread, Turkey, 2006

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    We report mutations in influenza A virus (H5N1) strains associated with 2 outbreaks in Turkey. Four novel amino acid changes (Q447L, N556K, and R46K in RNA polymerase and S133A in hemagglutinin) were detected in virus isolates from 2 siblings who died

    Genome-Wide Transcriptional Reorganization Associated with Senescence-to-Immortality Switch during Human Hepatocellular Carcinogenesis

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Senescence is a permanent proliferation arrest in response to cell stress such as DNA damage. It contributes strongly to tissue aging and serves as a major barrier against tumor development. Most tumor cells are believed to bypass the senescence barrier (become "immortal") by inactivating growth control genes such as TP53 and CDKN2A. They also reactivate telomerase reverse transcriptase. Senescence-to-immortality transition is accompanied by major phenotypic and biochemical changes mediated by genome-wide transcriptional modifications. This appears to happen during hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development in patients with liver cirrhosis, however, the accompanying transcriptional changes are virtually unknown. We investigated genome-wide transcriptional changes related to the senescence-to-immortality switch during hepatocellular carcinogenesis. Initially, we performed transcriptome analysis of senescent and immortal clones of Huh7 HCC cell line, and identified genes with significant differential expression to establish a senescence-related gene list. Through the analysis of senescence-related gene expression in different liver tissues we showed that cirrhosis and HCC display expression patterns compatible with senescent and immortal phenotypes, respectively; dysplasia being a transitional state. Gene set enrichment analysis revealed that cirrhosis/senescence-associated genes were preferentially expressed in non-tumor tissues, less malignant tumors, and differentiated or senescent cells. In contrast, HCC/immortality genes were up-regulated in tumor tissues, or more malignant tumors and progenitor cells. In HCC tumors and immortal cells genes involved in DNA repair, cell cycle, telomere extension and branched chain amino acid metabolism were up-regulated, whereas genes involved in cell signaling, as well as in drug, lipid, retinoid and glycolytic metabolism were down-regulated. Based on these distinctive gene expression features we developed a 15-gene hepatocellular immortality signature test that discriminated HCC from cirrhosis with high accuracy. Our findings demonstrate that senescence bypass plays a central role in hepatocellular carcinogenesis engendering systematic changes in the transcription of genes regulating DNA repair, proliferation, differentiation and metabolism

    Phase Structure and Compactness

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    In order to study the influence of compactness on low-energy properties, we compare the phase structures of the compact and non-compact two-dimensional multi-frequency sine-Gordon models. It is shown that the high-energy scaling of the compact and non-compact models coincides, but their low-energy behaviors differ. The critical frequency β2=8π\beta^2 = 8\pi at which the sine-Gordon model undergoes a topological phase transition is found to be unaffected by the compactness of the field since it is determined by high-energy scaling laws. However, the compact two-frequency sine-Gordon model has first and second order phase transitions determined by the low-energy scaling: we show that these are absent in the non-compact model.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, final version, accepted for publication in JHE