323 research outputs found

    Pre-registration of CT pulmonary volumetric image data

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    Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá predregistráciou pľúcnych objemových CT obrazových dát. Predregistrácia je riešená metódou fázovej korelácie pri rozklade 3D obrazu na 2D rezy usporiadané za sebou. Práca ďalej popisuje geometrické transformácie, interpolácie, výpočet podobnostných kritérií, optimalizáciu registrácie obrazu a proces samotnej registrácie obrazu. Predregistračný softvér je navrhnutý v programovom prostredí MATLAB^®, kde prebieha predregistrácia 3D reálnych CT obrazových dát s dôrazom na rýchlosť procesu.This bachelor thesis is dealing with pre-registration of CT pulmonary volumetric image data. Pre-registration is solved by phase correlation method, which decomposes 3D images into 2D slices arranged in a row. It further describes the geometric transformations, interpolation, calculations of similarity criteria, optimization of registration of images and the image registration process itself. The pre-registration software runs in MATLAB^®, which works with 3D images of real CT image data with an emphasis on process speed.

    Spectral Decomposition of Regulatory Thresholds for Climate-Driven Fluctuations in Hydro- and Wind Power Availability

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    Abstract Climate-driven fluctuations in the runoff and potential energy of surface water are generally large in comparison to the capacity of hydropower regulation, particularly when hydropower is used to balance the electricity production from covarying renewable energy sources such as wind power. To define the bounds of reservoir storage capacity, we introduce a dedicated reservoir volume that aggregates the storage capacity of several reservoirs to handle runoff from specific watersheds. We show how the storage bounds can be related to a spectrum of the climate-driven modes of variability in water availability and to the covariation between water and wind availability. A regional case study of the entire hydropower system in Sweden indicates that the longest regulation period possible to consider spans from a few days of individual subwatersheds up to several years, with an average limit of a couple of months. Watershed damping of the runoff substantially increases the longest considered regulation period and capacity. The high covariance found between the potential energy of the surface water and wind energy significantly reduces the longest considered regulation period when hydropower is used to balance the fluctuating wind power