171 research outputs found

    Lidská tělesnost ve filosofii George Berkeleyho

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    George Berkeley is an immaterialist. He conceives the material substance as an unnecessary and internally contradictory concept. Therefore, he posits monism of the spiritual substance. Nevertheless, he does not deny that the physical world, and the human body with it, is in some sense real and existing. It is not a mere illusion. This thesis attempts to show two things. First, that Berkeley believes the human body is real and that it is an idea or, more precisely, a collection of ideas which is, with its existence, dependent on the activity of spiritual substances. Secondly, that Berkeley differentiates this body from other ideas and objects in the physical world by connecting it more intimately to the human nature, which is primarily constituted by the finite spiritual substantiality. This thesis, however, also reveals that the topic of the human corporeality, especially in regard to his spiritual monism, is insufficiently thought through by Berkeley. Keywords: George Berkeley, immaterialism, human corporeality, human body, limited spiritual substancesGeorge Berkeley je immaterialista. Materiální substanci považuje za zbytečný a vnitřně rozporný koncept, a postuluje proto monismus duchovní substance. Přitom ale nepopírá, že fyzický svět a také lidské tělo jsou, alespoň v nějakém slova smyslu, reálné a existující. Nejsou pouhými přeludy. Tato práce se snaží ukázat dvě věci. Za prvé, že Berkeley považuje lidské tělo za něco, co je reálné, totiž za ideu či spíše konglomerát idejí, jehož existence je zcela závislá na aktivitě duchovních substancí. Za druhé, že toto tělo odlišuje od ostatních idejí a předmětů ve fyzickém světě tím, že jej těsněji váže na lidskou přirozenost, která je konstituována konečnou duchovní substancialitou. Práce se však také snaží ukázat, v jakém ohledu není téma lidské tělesnosti v kontextu Berkeleyho duchovního monismu dostatečně domyšleno. Klíčová slova: George Berkeley, imaterialismus, lidská tělesnost, lidské tělo, konečné duchovní substanceÚstav filosofie a religionistikyInstitute of Philosophy and Religious StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Study stays abroad for students with special needs

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    (in English): Going to a foreign university is very difficult for a number of students with specific needs, according to the available data, only 0.15% of students with specific needs are among all Erasmus+ program participants, while at universities they make up a group of 10-20 % of all students (Evropská Komise, 2014). That is why I focused my research on the question of what are the biggest barriers for students with specific needs when arranging and implementing a scholarship programm. And whether they generally consider the stay experience to be beneficial for their subsequent life and career. I chose motivation as an additional variable, because it is necessary on the way to the decision to go. Since my goal was to obtain the most faithful description of events and experiences, I chose a qualitative study carried out in the form of semi-structured interviews. These were held with students with specific needs who had already participated in the stay. During the analysis, I looked at the results obtained through the lens of the concept of equal opportunities. I conclude that equality of opportunity is achieved because there are mechanisms by which students with specific needs can be adequately integrated into the study abroad programms, but due to a flaw in the system and communication within...(česky) Výjezd na zahraniční univerzitu je pro řadu studentů se specifickými potřebami velmi obtížný, podle dostupných dat je mezi všemi účastníky programu Erasmus+ pouze 0,15 % studentů se specifickými potřebami, přičemž na univerzitách tvoří skupinu 10-20 % ze všech studentů (Evropská Komise, 2022). Proto jsem se s mém výzkumu zaměřila na otázku, jaké jsou největší bariéry pro studenty se specifickými potřebami při zařizování a realizaci stipendijního výjezdu v zahraničí. A zda celkově považují zkušenost s pobytem jako přínosnou pro jejich následující život a kariéru. Jako doplňkovou proměnnou jsem si zvolila motivaci, protože ta je nezbytná na cestě k rozhodnutí vyjet. Protože mým cílem bylo získat co nejvěrnější popis událostí a zážitků, zvolila jsem kvalitativní studii realizovanou formou polostrukturovaných rozhovorů. Ty byly konány se studenty se specifickými potřebami, kteří se již pobytu zúčastnili. Při analýze jsem na zjištěné výsledky nahlížela optikou konceptu rovných příležitostí. Docházím k závěru, že je dosaženo rovnosti příležitostí, protože existují mechanismy, jakými lze studenty se specifickými potřebami adekvátně integrovat do výjezdů, ale díky chybě v systému a komunikaci v něm není dosaženo rovnosti podmínek, a díky tomu ani rovnosti výsledků, v mém případě hlavně těch...Department of SociologyKatedra sociologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Negative play contagion in calves

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    Integrated Single Crystal Detector for Simultaneous Detection of Cathodoluminescence and Backscattered Electrons in Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    The design of the majority of the available high efficiency cathodoluminescence (CL) detection systems allows the secondary electron (SE) and backscattered electron (BSE) image modes to be detected simultaneously to a limited degree only. The described CL-BSE detector is based on the single crystal YAG scintillator shaped as a spherical mirror which reflects photons emitted from the CL specimen and focuses them on to the entrance surface of a fibre optic light guide connected to the photomultiplier tube (PMT I). The backscattered electrons emitted from the CL specimen move through the reflecting layer of the mirror into the YAG scintillator where they are transformed into photons and guided using a fixed light guide to the PMT II. This allows the simultaneous recording of CL and BSE image modes without changing the specimen position. The detector design does not obstruct the simultaneous detection of SEs by the conventional SE detector. The examples of the simultaneous CL, SE and BSE detection given demonstrate deeper understanding of the specimens properties in different fields of science

    General Principles for the Welfare of Animals in Production Systems: The Underlying Science and Its Application

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    In 2012, the World Organisation for Animal Health adopted 10 ‘General Principles for the Welfare of Animals in Livestock Production Systems’ to guide the development of animal welfare standards. The General Principles draw on half a century of scientific research relevant to animal welfare: (1) how genetic selection affects animal health, behaviour and temperament; (2) how the environment influences injuries and the transmission of diseases and parasites; (3) how the environment affects resting, movement and the performance of natural behaviour; (4) the management of groups to minimize conflict and allow positive social contact; (5) the effects of air quality, temperature and humidity on animal health and comfort; (6) ensuring access to feed and water suited to the animals’ needs and adaptations; (7) prevention and control of diseases and parasites, with humane euthanasia if treatment is not feasible or recovery is unlikely; (8) prevention and management of pain; (9) creation of positive human–animal relationships; and (10) ensuring adequate skill and knowledge among animal handlers. Research directed at animal welfare, drawing on animal behaviour, stress physiology, veterinary epidemiology and other fields, complements more established fields of animal and veterinary science and helps to create a more comprehensive scientific basis for animal care and management

    Measuring individual identity information in animal signals: Overview and performance of available identity metrics

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    Identity signals have been studied for over 50 years but, and somewhat remarkably, there is no consensus as to how to quantify individuality in animal signals. While there is a variety of different metrics to quantify individuality, these methods remain un‐validated and the relationships between them unclear. We contrasted three univariate and four multivariate identity metrics (and their different computational variants) and evaluated their performance on simulated and empirical datasets. Of the metrics examined, Beecher's information statistic (HS) performed closest to theoretical expectations and requirements for an ideal identity metric. It could be also easily and reliably converted into the commonly used discrimination score (and vice versa). Although Beecher's information statistic is not entirely independent of study sampling, this problem can be considerably lessened by reducing the number of parameters or by increasing the number of individuals in the analysis. Because it is easily calculated, has superior performance, can be used to quantify identity information in single variable or in a complete signal and because it indicates the number of individuals who can be discriminated given a set of measurements, we recommend that individuality should be quantified using Beecher's information statistic in future studies. Consistent use of Beecher's information statistic could enable meaningful comparisons and integration of results across different studies of individual identity signals.Grant NCN 2015/19/P/NZ8/0250

    Classification of pig calls produced from birth to slaughter according to their emotional valence and context of production

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    Vocal expression of emotions has been observed across species and could provide a non-invasive and reliable means to assess animal emotions. We investigated if pig vocal indicators of emotions revealed in previous studies are valid across call types and contexts, and could potentially be used to develop an automated emotion monitoring tool. We performed an analysis of an extensive and unique dataset of low (LF) and high frequency (HF) calls emitted by pigs across numerous commercial contexts from birth to slaughter (7414 calls from 411 pigs). Our results revealed that the valence attributed to the contexts of production (positive versus negative) affected all investigated parameters in both LF and HF. Similarly, the context category affected all parameters. We then tested two different automated methods for call classification; a neural network revealed much higher classification accuracy compared to a permuted discriminant function analysis (pDFA), both for the valence (neural network: 91.5%; pDFA analysis weighted average across LF and HF (cross-classified): 61.7% with a chance level at 50.5%) and context (neural network: 81.5%; pDFA analysis weighted average across LF and HF (cross-classified): 19.4% with a chance level at 14.3%). These results suggest that an automated recognition system can be developed to monitor pig welfare on-farm.publishedVersio

    Welfare-aligned Sentience: Enhanced Capacities to Experience, Interact, Anticipate, Choose and Survive

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    The focus of this opinion is on the key features of sentience in animals which can experience different states of welfare encapsulated by the new term ‘welfare-aligned sentience’. This term is intended to exclude potential forms of sentience that do not enable animals in some taxa to have the subjective experiences which underlie different welfare states. As the scientific understanding of key features of sentience has increased markedly during the last 10 to 15 years, a major purpose here is to provide up-to-date information regarding those features. Eleven interconnected statements about sentience-associated body functions and behaviour are therefore presented and explained briefly. These statements are sequenced to provide progressively more information about key scientifically-supported attributes of welfare-aligned sentience, leading, in their entirety, to a more comprehensive understanding of those attributes. They are as follows: (1) Internal structure–function interactions and integration are the foundations of sentience; (2) animals possess a capacity to respond behaviourally to a range of sensory inputs; (3) the more sophisticated nervous systems can generate subjective experiences, that is, affects; (4) sentience means that animals perceive or experience different affects consciously; (5) within a species, the stage of neurobiological development is significant; (6) during development the onset of cortically-based consciousness is accompanied by cognitively-enhanced capacities to respond behaviourally to unpredictable postnatal environments; (7) sentience includes capacities to communicate with others and to interact with the environment; (8) sentience incorporates experiences of negative and positive affects; (9) negative and positive affective experiences ‘matter’ to animals for various reasons; (10) acknowledged obstacles inherent in anthropomorphism are largely circumvented by new scientific knowledge, but caution is still required; and (11) there is increasing evidence for sentience among a wider range of invertebrates. The science-based explanations of these statements provide the foundation for a brief definition of ‘welfare-aligned sentience’, which is offered for consideration. Finally, it is recommended that when assessing key features of sentience, the same emphasis should be given to positive and negative affective experiences in the context of their roles in, or potential impacts on animal welfare